Already, Trump destroying info, intel and healthcare

No, it's not hard at all. I figured it out right away. You are a liar. See how easy that was?

Your posts prove you to be a liar. Not just in this thread but in other threads as well.

Sure thing... coming from a person that stated in this thread that people dying off from pre-existing conditions would solve the health care problem, and now states they didn't say it. :rolleyes:

Your reading comprehension handicap makes discussion with you very difficult.

I took a screen shot of your posts so you can't change it. You SAID IT. Now either own it and how big of an asshole you are, or say you were just being a douche and admit how big of a douche you are.


Thank you for posting proof that I am right. Look at the post and conversation carefully. Get someone to read it to you if you have to.

Apology accepted in advance.

You're an asshole and you proved it with your post, end of story.

You can't understand what you read no matter how many times I post it and even when you post it. You are functionally illiterate and i'm wasting my time trying to have a discussion with you. Shame about your handicap. Good luck with it. Dismissed.
Sure thing... coming from a person that stated in this thread that people dying off from pre-existing conditions would solve the health care problem, and now states they didn't say it. :rolleyes:

Your reading comprehension handicap makes discussion with you very difficult.

I took a screen shot of your posts so you can't change it. You SAID IT. Now either own it and how big of an asshole you are, or say you were just being a douche and admit how big of a douche you are.


Thank you for posting proof that I am right. Look at the post and conversation carefully. Get someone to read it to you if you have to.

Apology accepted in advance.

You're an asshole and you proved it with your post, end of story.

You can't understand what you read no matter how many times I post it and even when you post it. You are functionally illiterate and i'm wasting my time trying to have a discussion with you. Shame about your handicap. Good luck with it. Dismissed.

Yes it is so hard to see that I made the statement that getting rid of the pre-existing condition waiver will KILL people, and you said it would solve the problem... by them dying. Keep trying to say to yourself that isn't what you said... it won't change that.
We are ending your death panel....

You reap what you sow... remember that. And with the shit you bring to this forum and that you defend a guy that brags about people dying as a solution to the health care problem, you have some serious shit coming your way, and you deserve every bit of it.

Typical liberal idiot. You just make shit up don't you? I never bragged about anything and I never posed it as a solution. Had I said anything at all about it I would have said that there never was a healthcare problem until Obamacare came along. Fact.

I said people would die with the current pre-existing condition waiver being taken out, and you said that would solve the problem. You most certainly said it. Now you are back peddling after my post about karma... how pathetic of you.
Health Insurance does prevent death.

People with pre-existing conditions won't get to have health insurance any longer... and it will KILL them. Jesus Christ no wonder nothing gets done in government, fucking Republicans act like you fucks and want to argue about things that are plain in sight instead of doing something about the problems.
Problem with people like you is you haven't been paying attention. Trump said yesterday he's already got a plan to replace Obamacare. One that it less expensive and gives us better coverage. The current program is useless. People can't afford the premiums and the deductables are so high it's like not having insurance at all, yet you have to buy the crap or pay a fine. What it is, is a tax. Nothing more.
No. Pat Tillman did not die to protect some communist asshat's right to scream at the president in a world-televised live presser. THAT is not the definition of "freedom of the press".

And freedom of the press does not compel interviewees to respond to every ridiculous allegation that corrupt propagandists throw at them.

If the press wants to enjoy their FREEDOM, then they should act ethically. If they claim to be journalists, they must act like journalists..or risk losing their credentials.

Ultimately, the interviewees grant the press access to them. They provide the press passes. Just anybody can't screech "gimme a badge I'm the PRESS!" and get in. So if you are *press* and you behave in a manner that is not ethical and is, in fact, disruptive..particularly if you are not serving any journalistic function in your are going to lose the privilege of attending those pressers.

Then you can enjoy your freedom of speech from the area on the other side of the cordoned off sidewalk.

CNN did nothing unethicial, unlike Donald Trump who invited the former head of the Russian KGB to hack Hillary Clinton, conned students of Trump U, used his foundation to bribe the attorney general of Florida, and was fined by the IRS for it, whose own Foundation was shut down for illegal fundraising, and who has been convicted of racism, and who regularly stiffs his subtrades.

The Constitution protects freedom of the press, because the press has an obligation to investigate and report to the people what is really going on in government. Trump doesn't want them to report what he does, they want him to report what he says, which is often false. The press has an obligation to point out Trumps lies, and false statements. TrumpleThinSkin just can't handle it so he attempts to bully, deflect and belittle. It won't work. The press is on to them, and calling CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times "fake news" wont fly except with brain dead morons like you.

As for fake news: Hillary has Parkinsons, the Clinton Foundation is pay for play (an allegation which has been proven false, over and over), the Clintons are involved in child trafficking, Bill Clinton is a rapist.
Last edited:
No. Pat Tillman did not die to protect some communist asshat's right to scream at the president in a world-televised live presser. THAT is not the definition of "freedom of the press".

And freedom of the press does not compel interviewees to respond to every ridiculous allegation that corrupt propagandists throw at them.

If the press wants to enjoy their FREEDOM, then they should act ethically. If they claim to be journalists, they must act like journalists..or risk losing their credentials.

Ultimately, the interviewees grant the press access to them. They provide the press passes. Just anybody can't screech "gimme a badge I'm the PRESS!" and get in. So if you are *press* and you behave in a manner that is not ethical and is, in fact, disruptive..particularly if you are not serving any journalistic function in your are going to lose the privilege of attending those pressers.

Then you can enjoy your freedom of speech from the area on the other side of the cordoned off sidewalk.

CNN did nothing unethicial, unlike Donald Trump who invited the the former head of the Russian KGB to hack Hillary Clinton, conned students of Trump U, used his foundation to bribe the attorney general of Florida, and was fined by the IRS for it, whose own Foundation was shut down for illegal fundraising, and who has been convicted of racism, and who regularly stiffs his subtrades.

The Constitution protects freedom of the press, because the press has an obligation to investigate and report to the people what is really going on in government. Trump doesn't want them to report what he does, they want him to report what he says, which is often false. The press has an obligation to point out Trumps lies, and false statements. TrumpleThinSkin just can't handle it so he attempts to bully, deflect and belittle. It won't work. The press is on to them, and calling CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times "fake news" wont fly except with brain dead morons like you.

As for fake news: Hillary has Parkinsons, the Clinton Foundation is pay for play (an allegation which has been proven false, over and over), the Clintons are involved in child trafficking, Bill Clinton is a rapist.

Yes, it's unethical to demand the president of the united states respond to questions about disgusting and irrelevant lies spread via unsourced propaganda sites. It isn't ethical to demand that the president of the united states respond to questions about whether or not he yells racist epithets while he's crapping, or whether he enjoys a good golden shower.

That is not journalism, and it is not ethical, and it has no place in the White House or anywhere except maybe in Playboy letters to the editor.
No. Pat Tillman did not die to protect some communist asshat's right to scream at the president in a world-televised live presser. THAT is not the definition of "freedom of the press".

And freedom of the press does not compel interviewees to respond to every ridiculous allegation that corrupt propagandists throw at them.

If the press wants to enjoy their FREEDOM, then they should act ethically. If they claim to be journalists, they must act like journalists..or risk losing their credentials.

Ultimately, the interviewees grant the press access to them. They provide the press passes. Just anybody can't screech "gimme a badge I'm the PRESS!" and get in. So if you are *press* and you behave in a manner that is not ethical and is, in fact, disruptive..particularly if you are not serving any journalistic function in your are going to lose the privilege of attending those pressers.

Then you can enjoy your freedom of speech from the area on the other side of the cordoned off sidewalk.

CNN did nothing unethicial, unlike Donald Trump who invited the the former head of the Russian KGB to hack Hillary Clinton, conned students of Trump U, used his foundation to bribe the attorney general of Florida, and was fined by the IRS for it, whose own Foundation was shut down for illegal fundraising, and who has been convicted of racism, and who regularly stiffs his subtrades.

The Constitution protects freedom of the press, because the press has an obligation to investigate and report to the people what is really going on in government. Trump doesn't want them to report what he does, they want him to report what he says, which is often false. The press has an obligation to point out Trumps lies, and false statements. TrumpleThinSkin just can't handle it so he attempts to bully, deflect and belittle. It won't work. The press is on to them, and calling CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times "fake news" wont fly except with brain dead morons like you.

As for fake news: Hillary has Parkinsons, the Clinton Foundation is pay for play (an allegation which has been proven false, over and over), the Clintons are involved in child trafficking, Bill Clinton is a rapist.

If you want people to read your posts, you shouldn't begin them with a bold-faced lie.

You reap what you sow... remember that. And with the shit you bring to this forum and that you defend a guy that brags about people dying as a solution to the health care problem, you have some serious shit coming your way, and you deserve every bit of it.

Typical liberal idiot. You just make shit up don't you? I never bragged about anything and I never posed it as a solution. Had I said anything at all about it I would have said that there never was a healthcare problem until Obamacare came along. Fact.

I said people would die with the current pre-existing condition waiver being taken out, and you said that would solve the problem. You most certainly said it. Now you are back peddling after my post about karma... how pathetic of you.
Health Insurance does prevent death.

People with pre-existing conditions won't get to have health insurance any longer... and it will KILL them. Jesus Christ no wonder nothing gets done in government, fucking Republicans act like you fucks and want to argue about things that are plain in sight instead of doing something about the problems.
Problem with people like you is you haven't been paying attention. Trump said yesterday he's already got a plan to replace Obamacare. One that it less expensive and gives us better coverage. The current program is useless. People can't afford the premiums and the deductables are so high it's like not having insurance at all, yet you have to buy the crap or pay a fine. What it is, is a tax. Nothing more.

Trump says? Trump isn't the one making the replacement right now, the Senate is. Trump has said lots of things, with zero details. He's said Mexico would pay for the wall... and now he is saying we will pay for the wall and then work on trying to get the money back from Mexico...
Problem with people like you is you haven't been paying attention. Trump said yesterday he's already got a plan to replace Obamacare. One that it less expensive and gives us better coverage. The current program is useless. People can't afford the premiums and the deductables are so high it's like not having insurance at all, yet you have to buy the crap or pay a fine. What it is, is a tax. Nothing more.

He didn't say that at all. He says he's going to repeal and replace and it will happen "very soon", but the Republicans don't have a plan. And if the repeal, it affects Medicare/Medicaid payments to the states, and Medicare/Medicaid lower fees paid to care providers, all of which were negoatiated as part of the ACA.

One Republican lawmaker said in 2012 that if the ACA wasn't repealed prior to 2013, the US would be stuck with it because of the systemic changes being made to Medicare/Medicaid, and the infrastructure changes that were involved would be impossible to get rid of.

So good luck with that.
Problem with people like you is you haven't been paying attention. Trump said yesterday he's already got a plan to replace Obamacare. One that it less expensive and gives us better coverage. The current program is useless. People can't afford the premiums and the deductables are so high it's like not having insurance at all, yet you have to buy the crap or pay a fine. What it is, is a tax. Nothing more.

He didn't say that at all. He says he's going to repeal and replace and it will happen "very soon", but the Republicans don't have a plan. And if the repeal, it affects Medicare/Medicaid payments to the states, and Medicare/Medicaid lower fees paid to care providers, all of which were negoatiated as part of the ACA.

One Republican lawmaker said in 2012 that if the ACA wasn't repealed prior to 2013, the US would be stuck with it because of the systemic changes being made to Medicare/Medicaid, and the infrastructure changes that were involved would be impossible to get rid of.

So good luck with that.
:haha:I heard what he said. I didn't listen to a snippet on CNN taken out of context.
You reap what you sow... remember that. And with the shit you bring to this forum and that you defend a guy that brags about people dying as a solution to the health care problem, you have some serious shit coming your way, and you deserve every bit of it.

Typical liberal idiot. You just make shit up don't you? I never bragged about anything and I never posed it as a solution. Had I said anything at all about it I would have said that there never was a healthcare problem until Obamacare came along. Fact.

I said people would die with the current pre-existing condition waiver being taken out, and you said that would solve the problem. You most certainly said it. Now you are back peddling after my post about karma... how pathetic of you.
Health Insurance does prevent death.

People with pre-existing conditions won't get to have health insurance any longer... and it will KILL them. Jesus Christ no wonder nothing gets done in government, fucking Republicans act like you fucks and want to argue about things that are plain in sight instead of doing something about the problems.
Problem with people like you is you haven't been paying attention. Trump said yesterday he's already got a plan to replace Obamacare. One that it less expensive and gives us better coverage. The current program is useless. People can't afford the premiums and the deductables are so high it's like not having insurance at all, yet you have to buy the crap or pay a fine. What it is, is a tax. Nothing more.

They're brainwashed. These are the useful idiots that would have been killed by the hitlery regime had her coup been successful.

They dispatch them even more expeditiously than they dispatch people like you and me. Cuz you and me would be dispatching right back ;)
Trump fears a free press

He realizes they will bring down his Presidency. By declaring war on the press even before he assumes office, Trump is laying the groundwork for a "The press is out to get me" defense
It is the press that has gone to war with Trump, the fact that they haven't declared it makes it no less obvious.

No it is TrumpleThinSkin who attacks, bullies and belittles anyone who criticizes him, disagrees with him, or calls him on his incessant lying.

He has declared war on SNL, Meryl Streep, the US Intelligence community, CNN, the Washington Post, and the list goes on and on. Everyone is a loser, overrated, and going nowhere. Everyone but Drumpf. As a wise person once said, it's really hard to get ahead when you spend all of your time trying to get even.

The Republican Party never wanted him. They tried every way they could to block his nomination. He lost the popular vote and only squeaked in because the Russian propaganda dumps of false allegations against the Clinton Foundation, fake news reports of Hillary's health, and Comey's totally illegal letter on the eve of the election undermined the Clinton campaign and the undecideds tipped to Trump. He is the least popular president-elect in history and a lot of people have buyer's remorse.

I fully expect the Republican Party to Dump Trump at the first reasonable opportunity and replace him with Mike Pence (which in some ways would actually be worse, but they can at least manage Pence). Trump is certainly giving them opportunities, but if they can prove his ties to Russia, he's history. He's also refusing to divest himself of his overseas property, and turning over management to his sons still violates will not be allowed. Hiring his son-in-law violates the Nepotism Act passed after JFK made Bobby his AG.

Trump continues to act as if the laws and the rules don't apply to him. As a public servant, they now apply to him MORE than to anyone else in government. Becoming President makes Trump an employee of the people and the people have the right to get answers to their questions. The press are obligated by the Constitution to hold politicians feet to the fire, to question, to criticize, and as your employee, Trump has an obligation to answer their questions.

Elections have consequences. When you apply for a job, and you get it, you don't tell your employer how you're going to work, you follow their rules or you're gone. Trump has been hired to run the USA. He is now your employee, and he better start adhering the rules attached to the job he asked for.
Perhaps at a kkk rally, or a Trump support group, but 3 million more votes proves you are not in the majority.

304-227 say we're not.

I see. You don't understand how the EC works. That or you don't have a working understanding of the definition of "majority".

I know exactly how the EC works, I also understand that the only majority that counts are within State lines. It's you regressives that don't understand our form of government and give credence to irrelevant shit.


Are you aware of the origins of the electoral college? It's a compromise with slaveholding states that was instituted along with the three-fifths compromise. If anything's "regressive" it's the EC. No industrialized nation on earth aside form ours elects a president in such a way. It's undemocratic and it's a relic of a time when Virginia plantation owners wanted to increase their representation in national elections using their unwilling slaves as quota points.

Enjoy clinging to THAT legacy as your legitimacy for Trump's presidency.

Garydog explains how the shit-hole state of Ca. should dictate how the country is run. Really, the largest cities in Ca. After all, Ca. is doing so well. You can see that by the zombie apocalypse on the streets, the filth, the chaos, the debt and tax on taxes.

He also explains how candidates should chase the popular vote when it doesn't matter. That and if the rules were changed, they'd chase the EC instead, just cuz.

Way to go Clinton. Congrats.

Close your eyes and wish really hard, and California might just disappear........Keep wishing...........Keep your eyes closed..............Wish a little more.

OK. Now open them.
Is California still there?

Damn, I guess we can't wish it away, so we just have to accept the fact that it exists, and get over it.
304-227 say we're not.

I see. You don't understand how the EC works. That or you don't have a working understanding of the definition of "majority".

I know exactly how the EC works, I also understand that the only majority that counts are within State lines. It's you regressives that don't understand our form of government and give credence to irrelevant shit.


Are you aware of the origins of the electoral college? It's a compromise with slaveholding states that was instituted along with the three-fifths compromise. If anything's "regressive" it's the EC. No industrialized nation on earth aside form ours elects a president in such a way. It's undemocratic and it's a relic of a time when Virginia plantation owners wanted to increase their representation in national elections using their unwilling slaves as quota points.

Enjoy clinging to THAT legacy as your legitimacy for Trump's presidency.

Poor little child, you had no problem with it being what made every other presidents election legitimate, but hey, if you don't like the way our country works, feel free to employ Article 5, or even a simpler solution, just leave for one of those other industrialized nations you seem to prefer. Of course I think they guy you're using as your avatar would bitch slap the hell out of you for your fucked up attitude.
Pat Tillman would body slam this little Snowflake.

You mean the Pat Tillman who was killed by friendly fire, but shrub lied about that to cover up his stupidity. That Pat Tillman?
Labeling CNN "fake news", Trump is trying to create his own "Nazi style" propaganda machine.

Trying to discredit the CIA, without even taking their classified daily reports, pretending to know more than they do.

And dismantling the ACA along with the cons, saying he'll replace it "almost" simultaneously is just his next big lie. It's horrifying that the republicans hate Obama so much, that they are willing to throw 30 million sick Americans out in the street.

For someone that thinks he so smart, he doesn't have a clue about karma. This narcissist will be the death of this country.

Trump fears a free press

He realizes they will bring down his Presidency. By declaring war on the press even before he assumes office, Trump is laying the groundwork for a "The press is out to get me" defense
The press declared war on Trump during the elections, why shouldn't he defend himself? Ewe dew believe in free speech dew ewe knot?
The job of the president is not to defend himself but to defend the nation. When a president starts retaliating for personal attacks and uses the office of the president to do so, he is misusing the power of the office.

When Trump's opponents said that he does not have the temperament for the office, this is exactly what they were talking about. Trump can not resist the urge to escalate every incident into a battle.

When he was running for president he was the outsider, lacking in power or prestige. Within days he will become the most powerful man in the country and possibly the world, no longer an outsider, but Mister Insider whose successful will depend on how wisely he uses that power and prestige.

He's already the most powerful man in the world.

And he is right to refuse to pander to fake news outlets, or waste time answering retarded questions about his sexual proclivities and bathroom habits.
Putting down a reporter in a news conference does not help Trump's image as the most powerful man in world, just that of a bully with a sensitive ego that doesn't know how to handle the media.

Trump has been battling CNN since he started his campaign. He's using this incident as an attempt to label CNN reporting as false news. However, anyone that read the CNN story will see that they did not release the 35 page report and they labeled the information as being alleged and being investigated by the FBI.

If Trump can silence CNN, then he will have silenced the strongest voice opposing him. What apparently Trump does not understand, you can not silence the media by bullying them; that only draws more criticism.

The only people who think that way are the people who never voted for him in the first place. Ever since he first announced his run, people have been saying things like that about him. It didn't stop him. Why? Because people are finally seeing a leader with a spine and they like it.
It doesn't take courage to be a bully, when you have more power at your fingertips than anyone on earth.

Our society is increasingly mistaking aggression for strength, and bullying for leadership. Donald Trump’s bombastic, aggressive, and wildly popular Presidential campaign is proof of this. The allure of the bully is seductive yet is ultimately disappointing because bullies make for terrible leaders.

Real strength comes from a quiet determination to do what is right, make the difficult decisions, and serve the interests of the nation. The individuals who make the best leaders aren’t aggressive. Instead, their quiet confidence speaks louder than any blustering.
I see. You don't understand how the EC works. That or you don't have a working understanding of the definition of "majority".

I know exactly how the EC works, I also understand that the only majority that counts are within State lines. It's you regressives that don't understand our form of government and give credence to irrelevant shit.


Are you aware of the origins of the electoral college? It's a compromise with slaveholding states that was instituted along with the three-fifths compromise. If anything's "regressive" it's the EC. No industrialized nation on earth aside form ours elects a president in such a way. It's undemocratic and it's a relic of a time when Virginia plantation owners wanted to increase their representation in national elections using their unwilling slaves as quota points.

Enjoy clinging to THAT legacy as your legitimacy for Trump's presidency.

Poor little child, you had no problem with it being what made every other presidents election legitimate, but hey, if you don't like the way our country works, feel free to employ Article 5, or even a simpler solution, just leave for one of those other industrialized nations you seem to prefer. Of course I think they guy you're using as your avatar would bitch slap the hell out of you for your fucked up attitude.
Pat Tillman would body slam this little Snowflake.

You mean the Pat Tillman who was killed by friendly fire, but shrub lied about that to cover up his stupidity. That Pat Tillman?

Damn, I didn't realize the shrub was there.
Labeling CNN "fake news", Trump is trying to create his own "Nazi style" propaganda machine.

Trying to discredit the CIA, without even taking their classified daily reports, pretending to know more than they do.

And dismantling the ACA along with the cons, saying he'll replace it "almost" simultaneously is just his next big lie. It's horrifying that the republicans hate Obama so much, that they are willing to throw 30 million sick Americans out in the street.

For someone that thinks he so smart, he doesn't have a clue about karma. This narcissist will be the death of this country.
The press declared war on Trump during the elections, why shouldn't he defend himself? Ewe dew believe in free speech dew ewe knot?
The job of the president is not to defend himself but to defend the nation. When a president starts retaliating for personal attacks and uses the office of the president to do so, he is misusing the power of the office.

When Trump's opponents said that he does not have the temperament for the office, this is exactly what they were talking about. Trump can not resist the urge to escalate every incident into a battle.

When he was running for president he was the outsider, lacking in power or prestige. Within days he will become the most powerful man in the country and possibly the world, no longer an outsider, but Mister Insider whose successful will depend on how wisely he uses that power and prestige.

He's already the most powerful man in the world.

And he is right to refuse to pander to fake news outlets, or waste time answering retarded questions about his sexual proclivities and bathroom habits.
Putting down a reporter in a news conference does not help Trump's image as the most powerful man in world, just that of a bully with a sensitive ego that doesn't know how to handle the media.

Trump has been battling CNN since he started his campaign. He's using this incident as an attempt to label CNN reporting as false news. However, anyone that read the CNN story will see that they did not release the 35 page report and they labeled the information as being alleged and being investigated by the FBI.

If Trump can silence CNN, then he will have silenced the strongest voice opposing him. What apparently Trump does not understand, you can not silence the media by bullying them; that only draws more criticism.

The only people who think that way are the people who never voted for him in the first place. Ever since he first announced his run, people have been saying things like that about him. It didn't stop him. Why? Because people are finally seeing a leader with a spine and they like it.
It doesn't take courage to be a bully, when you have more power at your fingertips than anyone on earth.

Our society is increasingly mistaking aggression for strength, and bullying for leadership. Donald Trump’s bombastic, aggressive, and wildly popular Presidential campaign is proof of this. The allure of the bully is seductive yet is ultimately disappointing because bullies make for terrible leaders.

Real strength comes from a quiet determination to do what is right, make the difficult decisions, and serve the interests of the nation. The individuals who make the best leaders aren’t aggressive. Instead, their quiet confidence speaks louder than any blustering.
If there are any bullies in this election it was the mainstream media who attacked Trump relentlessly. Now they cry like little babies when they get what's coming to them.

It's time for all you douche bags to suck it up. You're going to be crying for the next 8 years, and I will enjoy every single tear.
Trump fears a free press

He realizes they will bring down his Presidency. By declaring war on the press even before he assumes office, Trump is laying the groundwork for a "The press is out to get me" defense

The press already declared war on him, asshole. No they're all crying when they get what they deserve. We feel so sorry for them!

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