Already, Trump destroying info, intel and healthcare

Trump fears a free press

He realizes they will bring down his Presidency. By declaring war on the press even before he assumes office, Trump is laying the groundwork for a "The press is out to get me" defense
The press declared war on Trump during the elections, why shouldn't he defend himself? Ewe dew believe in free speech dew ewe knot?
The job of the president is not to defend himself but to defend the nation. When a president starts retaliating for personal attacks and uses the office of the president to do so, he is misusing the power of the office.

When Trump's opponents said that he does not have the temperament for the office, this is exactly what they were talking about. Trump can not resist the urge to escalate every incident into a battle.

When he was running for president he was the outsider, lacking in power or prestige. Within days he will become the most powerful man in the country and possibly the world, no longer an outsider, but Mister Insider whose successful will depend on how wisely he uses that power and prestige.

He's already the most powerful man in the world.

And he is right to refuse to pander to fake news outlets, or waste time answering retarded questions about his sexual proclivities and bathroom habits.
Putting down a reporter in a news conference does not help Trump's image as the most powerful man in world, just that of a bully with a sensitive ego that doesn't know how to handle the media.

Trump has been battling CNN since he started his campaign. He's using this incident as an attempt to label CNN reporting as false news. However, anyone that read the CNN story will see that they did not release the 35 page report and they labeled the information as being alleged and being investigated by the FBI.

If Trump can silence CNN, then he will have silenced the strongest voice opposing him. What apparently Trump does not understand, you can not silence the media by bullying them; that only draws more criticism.

The only people who think that way are the people who never voted for him in the first place. Ever since he first announced his run, people have been saying things like that about him. It didn't stop him. Why? Because people are finally seeing a leader with a spine and they like it.
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Trying to discredit the CIA, without even taking their classified daily reports

Yes. If he starts making decisions in accordance with the false notion that his ignorance is just as good as his IC's knowledge, he's going to get himself impeached and convicted for being unfit to serve as president.

If he doesn't divest his international investments, he's in violation of conflict of interest laws. Hiring his son-in-law violates the nepotism laws, so he's already acting like rules don't apply to him.

He's trying to undermine and discredit the press but it won't work. They're onto him. And they will work together to keep Americans informed with actual facts.

Trump declared war on the press and he's too stupid to realize that they can and will bring him down.

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Go have him arrested. Meanwhile, enjoy the next 8 years snowflake!
Trying to discredit the CIA, without even taking their classified daily reports

Yes. If he starts making decisions in accordance with the false notion that his ignorance is just as good as his IC's knowledge, he's going to get himself impeached and convicted for being unfit to serve as president.

If he doesn't divest his international investments, he's in violation of conflict of interest laws. Hiring his son-in-law violates the nepotism laws, so he's already acting like rules don't apply to him.

He's trying to undermine and discredit the press but it won't work. They're onto him. And they will work together to keep Americans informed with actual facts.

Trump declared war on the press and he's too stupid to realize that they can and will bring him down.

Sent from my iPhone using

“This fiasco is exactly why the media’s ratings are in the toilet. It’s exactly why Donald Trump said the election was rigged and it’s also why Donald Trump hasn’t done many press conferences,” said Brent Bozell, founder of the Media Research Center, a conservative press watchdog.

"He advises news organizations who dabble in fake news to seriously revisit the craft of journalism. He also says the rest of the news media community should condemn the practice of using unverified or faked accounts in their own reporting.

“And President-elect Trump shouldn’t conduct any more press conferences unless and until the news media start treating him fairly,” Mr. Bozell said."

Day of reckoning for the propagandists who have been feeding our more retarded citizens garbage for decades.
Brent Bozell: Fake news fiasco has plunged media ratings ‘in the toilet’
Trump and the Republicans idea of replacing the ACA is like taking a house and replacing it with a card board box... and saying, "There. See you're covered! We kept our word."

What should happen is the GOP should take Obamacare away and tell those parasites to pay for their own insurance.

You really just don't get it do you? Getting rid of the pre-existing conditions waiver and bringing back life time caps will KILL people. Not over-exaggerating. It will literally KILL people. If someone has cancer or some kind of other illness that gives insurance companies the ability to turn them down for coverage, they will DIE.

Then the problem goes away doesn't it..

Congrats, you have been added to the list of people on here that I hope you get a terrible disease like MS or ALS and have to suffer for several years before you die a horrible death. Karma is a bitch and if it exist you are a prime candidate for it.
Trump and the Republicans idea of replacing the ACA is like taking a house and replacing it with a card board box... and saying, "There. See you're covered! We kept our word."

What should happen is the GOP should take Obamacare away and tell those parasites to pay for their own insurance.

You really just don't get it do you? Getting rid of the pre-existing conditions waiver and bringing back life time caps will KILL people. Not over-exaggerating. It will literally KILL people. If someone has cancer or some kind of other illness that gives insurance companies the ability to turn them down for coverage, they will DIE.

Then the problem goes away doesn't it..

Congrats, you have been added to the list of people on here that I hope you get a terrible disease like MS or ALS and have to suffer for several years before you die a horrible death. Karma is a bitch and if it exist you are a prime candidate for it.
What an evil fucking liberal you are....
Trump and the Republicans idea of replacing the ACA is like taking a house and replacing it with a card board box... and saying, "There. See you're covered! We kept our word."

What should happen is the GOP should take Obamacare away and tell those parasites to pay for their own insurance.

You really just don't get it do you? Getting rid of the pre-existing conditions waiver and bringing back life time caps will KILL people. Not over-exaggerating. It will literally KILL people. If someone has cancer or some kind of other illness that gives insurance companies the ability to turn them down for coverage, they will DIE.

Then the problem goes away doesn't it..

Congrats, you have been added to the list of people on here that I hope you get a terrible disease like MS or ALS and have to suffer for several years before you die a horrible death. Karma is a bitch and if it exist you are a prime candidate for it.
What an evil fucking liberal you are....
They are all evil.
Trump and the Republicans idea of replacing the ACA is like taking a house and replacing it with a card board box... and saying, "There. See you're covered! We kept our word."

What should happen is the GOP should take Obamacare away and tell those parasites to pay for their own insurance.

You really just don't get it do you? Getting rid of the pre-existing conditions waiver and bringing back life time caps will KILL people. Not over-exaggerating. It will literally KILL people. If someone has cancer or some kind of other illness that gives insurance companies the ability to turn them down for coverage, they will DIE.

Then the problem goes away doesn't it..

Congrats, you have been added to the list of people on here that I hope you get a terrible disease like MS or ALS and have to suffer for several years before you die a horrible death. Karma is a bitch and if it exist you are a prime candidate for it.
What an evil fucking liberal you are....

No, when someone says that sick people should be allowed to be turned down for health care, and that them dying off solves the issue... they deserve what they get. The fact you took the time to chide me for what I said, and ignored what he said... says a lot about yourself. Your a piece of shit as well.
I was surprised Schumer said it in public, but he said what everybody has known in DC since forever; don't fuck with the spooks. Especially with a personal, business, and financial background like Trump's.
Fraternity Drunks and Academic Robots

Shoo-mare is hoping Trump will believe his scare story and continue 70 years of listening to failed Intelligence directives.
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What should happen is the GOP should take Obamacare away and tell those parasites to pay for their own insurance.

You really just don't get it do you? Getting rid of the pre-existing conditions waiver and bringing back life time caps will KILL people. Not over-exaggerating. It will literally KILL people. If someone has cancer or some kind of other illness that gives insurance companies the ability to turn them down for coverage, they will DIE.

Then the problem goes away doesn't it..

Congrats, you have been added to the list of people on here that I hope you get a terrible disease like MS or ALS and have to suffer for several years before you die a horrible death. Karma is a bitch and if it exist you are a prime candidate for it.
What an evil fucking liberal you are....

No, when someone says that sick people should be allowed to be turned down for health care, and that them dying off solves the issue... they deserve what they get. The fact you took the time to chide me for what I said, and ignored what he said... says a lot about yourself. Your a piece of shit as well.
We are ending your death panel....
You really just don't get it do you? Getting rid of the pre-existing conditions waiver and bringing back life time caps will KILL people. Not over-exaggerating. It will literally KILL people. If someone has cancer or some kind of other illness that gives insurance companies the ability to turn them down for coverage, they will DIE.

Then the problem goes away doesn't it..

Congrats, you have been added to the list of people on here that I hope you get a terrible disease like MS or ALS and have to suffer for several years before you die a horrible death. Karma is a bitch and if it exist you are a prime candidate for it.
What an evil fucking liberal you are....

No, when someone says that sick people should be allowed to be turned down for health care, and that them dying off solves the issue... they deserve what they get. The fact you took the time to chide me for what I said, and ignored what he said... says a lot about yourself. Your a piece of shit as well.
We are ending your death panel....

You reap what you sow... remember that. And with the shit you bring to this forum and that you defend a guy that brags about people dying as a solution to the health care problem, you have some serious shit coming your way, and you deserve every bit of it.
Then the problem goes away doesn't it..

Congrats, you have been added to the list of people on here that I hope you get a terrible disease like MS or ALS and have to suffer for several years before you die a horrible death. Karma is a bitch and if it exist you are a prime candidate for it.
What an evil fucking liberal you are....

No, when someone says that sick people should be allowed to be turned down for health care, and that them dying off solves the issue... they deserve what they get. The fact you took the time to chide me for what I said, and ignored what he said... says a lot about yourself. Your a piece of shit as well.
We are ending your death panel....

You reap what you sow... remember that. And with the shit you bring to this forum and that you defend a guy that brags about people dying as a solution to the health care problem, you have some serious shit coming your way, and you deserve every bit of it.
You're an evil liberal joke....
Congrats, you have been added to the list of people on here that I hope you get a terrible disease like MS or ALS and have to suffer for several years before you die a horrible death. Karma is a bitch and if it exist you are a prime candidate for it.
What an evil fucking liberal you are....

No, when someone says that sick people should be allowed to be turned down for health care, and that them dying off solves the issue... they deserve what they get. The fact you took the time to chide me for what I said, and ignored what he said... says a lot about yourself. Your a piece of shit as well.
We are ending your death panel....

You reap what you sow... remember that. And with the shit you bring to this forum and that you defend a guy that brags about people dying as a solution to the health care problem, you have some serious shit coming your way, and you deserve every bit of it.
You're an evil liberal joke....

I'm not a liberal... but you ae an evil person that deserves all the bad karma you get. You confirm that.
This site is the perfect example of what happens when you tap in to hysteria of the uneducated masses. Trump is preying on people who are frankly not that smart and haven't done much with their lives. He feeds them BS and they eat it up, all while not realizing that he will never do a thing he promises.....and they don't care. They're just not smart enough to realize they've been duped, even when he flat out tells them he lied.

This is all you pinheads and loons have left.

The Heartland Rubes are too stupid to know whats good for them.

But, it is the Democratic Party which has as its base and core the poorest educated people in the country. The Blacks.

Don't bother with the Race Card. The Blacks say this...they complain about it all the time...particularly the core of your core--Rotting City Blacks...who can barely get an education at all....after half a century of control by the Democratic Party.

Blacks are probably 40% of your Democratic Party.

Hispanics who don't even speak the language are another large part. And how smart are your legions of dead voters?

Fancy that. Us Heartland Rustics are the educated ones least compared to you Bolshevik Dumb-Asses.

What an evil fucking liberal you are....

No, when someone says that sick people should be allowed to be turned down for health care, and that them dying off solves the issue... they deserve what they get. The fact you took the time to chide me for what I said, and ignored what he said... says a lot about yourself. Your a piece of shit as well.
We are ending your death panel....

You reap what you sow... remember that. And with the shit you bring to this forum and that you defend a guy that brags about people dying as a solution to the health care problem, you have some serious shit coming your way, and you deserve every bit of it.
You're an evil liberal joke....

I'm not a liberal... but you ae an evil person that deserves all the bad karma you get. You confirm that.

You know, WISHING for bad Karma for someone will EARN you bad karma...I'm jus sayin man.
No, when someone says that sick people should be allowed to be turned down for health care, and that them dying off solves the issue... they deserve what they get. The fact you took the time to chide me for what I said, and ignored what he said... says a lot about yourself. Your a piece of shit as well.
We are ending your death panel....

You reap what you sow... remember that. And with the shit you bring to this forum and that you defend a guy that brags about people dying as a solution to the health care problem, you have some serious shit coming your way, and you deserve every bit of it.
You're an evil liberal joke....

I'm not a liberal... but you ae an evil person that deserves all the bad karma you get. You confirm that.

You know, WISHING for bad Karma for someone will EARN you bad karma...I'm jus sayin man.

Wishing for Karma to work it's magic and pointing out someone's bad intentions... is not the same as just wishing bad on someone.
Trump fears a free press

He realizes they will bring down his Presidency. By declaring war on the press even before he assumes office, Trump is laying the groundwork for a "The press is out to get me" defense
The press declared war on Trump during the elections, why shouldn't he defend himself? Ewe dew believe in free speech dew ewe knot?
The job of the president is not to defend himself but to defend the nation. When a president starts retaliating for personal attacks and uses the office of the president to do so, he is misusing the power of the office.

When Trump's opponents said that he does not have the temperament for the office, this is exactly what they were talking about. Trump can not resist the urge to escalate every incident into a battle.

When he was running for president he was the outsider, lacking in power or prestige. Within days he will become the most powerful man in the country and possibly the world, no longer an outsider, but Mister Insider whose successful will depend on how wisely he uses that power and prestige.

He's already the most powerful man in the world.

And he is right to refuse to pander to fake news outlets, or waste time answering retarded questions about his sexual proclivities and bathroom habits.
Putting down a reporter in a news conference does not help Trump's image as the most powerful man in world, just that of a bully with a sensitive ego that doesn't know how to handle the media.

Trump has been battling CNN since he started his campaign. He's using this incident as an attempt to label CNN reporting as false news. However, anyone that read the CNN story will see that they did not release the 35 page report and they labeled the information as being alleged and being investigated by the FBI.

If Trump can silence CNN, then he will have silenced the strongest voice opposing him. What apparently Trump does not understand, you can not silence the media by bullying them; that only draws more criticism.
Jourinalism Degrees

The media bully our minds. Anyone truly educated has nothing but contempt for their grammar, logic, and knowledge of history. These ambitious imbeciles jump out of the shallow end of the talent pool and think they have become lifeguards. Instead of informed opinion, they give us uniform opinions from their smug and isolated echo chamber.
We are ending your death panel....

You reap what you sow... remember that. And with the shit you bring to this forum and that you defend a guy that brags about people dying as a solution to the health care problem, you have some serious shit coming your way, and you deserve every bit of it.
You're an evil liberal joke....

I'm not a liberal... but you ae an evil person that deserves all the bad karma you get. You confirm that.

You know, WISHING for bad Karma for someone will EARN you bad karma...I'm jus sayin man.

Wishing for Karma to work it's magic and pointing out someone's bad intentions... is not the same as just wishing bad on someone.

You keep telling yourself that.
Trump and the Republicans idea of replacing the ACA is like taking a house and replacing it with a card board box... and saying, "There. See you're covered! We kept our word."

What should happen is the GOP should take Obamacare away and tell those parasites to pay for their own insurance.

You really just don't get it do you? Getting rid of the pre-existing conditions waiver and bringing back life time caps will KILL people. Not over-exaggerating. It will literally KILL people. If someone has cancer or some kind of other illness that gives insurance companies the ability to turn them down for coverage, they will DIE.

Then the problem goes away doesn't it..

Congrats, you have been added to the list of people on here that I hope you get a terrible disease like MS or ALS and have to suffer for several years before you die a horrible death. Karma is a bitch and if it exist you are a prime candidate for it.

I have excellent insurance that I pay for with my own money because I'm not a parasite. Karma isn't a real thing moron.
Then the problem goes away doesn't it..

Congrats, you have been added to the list of people on here that I hope you get a terrible disease like MS or ALS and have to suffer for several years before you die a horrible death. Karma is a bitch and if it exist you are a prime candidate for it.
What an evil fucking liberal you are....

No, when someone says that sick people should be allowed to be turned down for health care, and that them dying off solves the issue... they deserve what they get. The fact you took the time to chide me for what I said, and ignored what he said... says a lot about yourself. Your a piece of shit as well.
We are ending your death panel....

You reap what you sow... remember that. And with the shit you bring to this forum and that you defend a guy that brags about people dying as a solution to the health care problem, you have some serious shit coming your way, and you deserve every bit of it.

Typical liberal idiot. You just make shit up don't you? I never bragged about anything and I never posed it as a solution. Had I said anything at all about it I would have said that there never was a healthcare problem until Obamacare came along. Fact.
What an evil fucking liberal you are....

No, when someone says that sick people should be allowed to be turned down for health care, and that them dying off solves the issue... they deserve what they get. The fact you took the time to chide me for what I said, and ignored what he said... says a lot about yourself. Your a piece of shit as well.
We are ending your death panel....

You reap what you sow... remember that. And with the shit you bring to this forum and that you defend a guy that brags about people dying as a solution to the health care problem, you have some serious shit coming your way, and you deserve every bit of it.
You're an evil liberal joke....

I'm not a liberal... but you ae an evil person that deserves all the bad karma you get. You confirm that.

And you are a liar. You are as liberal as it gets.

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