Already, Trump destroying info, intel and healthcare

Trump fears a free press

He realizes they will bring down his Presidency. By declaring war on the press even before he assumes office, Trump is laying the groundwork for a "The press is out to get me" defense
The press declared war on Trump during the elections, why shouldn't he defend himself? Ewe dew believe in free speech dew ewe knot?
The job of the president is not to defend himself but to defend the nation. When a president starts retaliating for personal attacks and uses the office of the president to do so, he is misusing the power of the office.

When Trump's opponents said that he does not have the temperament for the office, this is exactly what they were talking about. Trump can not resist the urge to escalate every incident into a battle.

When he was running for president he was the outsider, lacking in power or prestige. Within days he will become the most powerful man in the country and possibly the world, no longer an outsider, but Mister Insider whose successful will depend on how wisely he uses that power and prestige.

He's already the most powerful man in the world.

And he is right to refuse to pander to fake news outlets, or waste time answering retarded questions about his sexual proclivities and bathroom habits.
Putting down a reporter in a news conference does not help Trump's image as the most powerful man in world, just that of a bully with a sensitive ego that doesn't know how to handle the media.

Trump has been battling CNN since he started his campaign. He's using this incident as an attempt to label CNN reporting as false news. However, anyone that read the CNN story will see that they did not release the 35 page report and they labeled the information as being alleged and being investigated by the FBI.

If Trump can silence CNN, then he will have silenced the strongest voice opposing him. What apparently Trump does not understand, you can not silence the media by bullying them; that only draws more criticism.
That reporter acted like one of those Code Pink jagoffs.

He doesnt have the right to be heard.

He has to wait his turn like everyone else.

Trump doesn't have a list of names of reporters when he walks up there like Obama.

Trump takes questions from everybody, but CNN already asked a question.

CNN wanted to fix their damaged reputation at Trump's expense.

Too bad.

CNN got caught. Screw em.
Trump fears a free press

He realizes they will bring down his Presidency. By declaring war on the press even before he assumes office, Trump is laying the groundwork for a "The press is out to get me" defense
The press declared war on Trump during the elections, why shouldn't he defend himself? Ewe dew believe in free speech dew ewe knot?
The job of the president is not to defend himself but to defend the nation. When a president starts retaliating for personal attacks and uses the office of the president to do so, he is misusing the power of the office.

When Trump's opponents said that he does not have the temperament for the office, this is exactly what they were talking about. Trump can not resist the urge to escalate every incident into a battle.

When he was running for president he was the outsider, lacking in power or prestige. Within days he will become the most powerful man in the country and possibly the world, no longer an outsider, but Mister Insider whose successful will depend on how wisely he uses that power and prestige.

He's already the most powerful man in the world.

And he is right to refuse to pander to fake news outlets, or waste time answering retarded questions about his sexual proclivities and bathroom habits.
Putting down a reporter in a news conference does not help Trump's image as the most powerful man in world, just that of a bully with a sensitive ego that doesn't know how to handle the media.

Trump has been battling CNN since he started his campaign. He's using this incident as an attempt to label CNN reporting as false news. However, anyone that read the CNN story will see that they did not release the 35 page report and they labeled the information as being alleged and being investigated by the FBI.

If Trump can silence CNN, then he will have silenced the strongest voice opposing him. What apparently Trump does not understand, you can not silence the media by bullying them; that only draws more criticism.
Commie propagandist Acosta is lucky he wasn't dragged out of the room. Maybe next time. As the CNN/BuzzFeed Story Falls Apart, Team Trump Declares Open War on MSM
Perhaps at a kkk rally, or a Trump support group, but 3 million more votes proves you are not in the majority.

304-227 say we're not.

I see. You don't understand how the EC works. That or you don't have a working understanding of the definition of "majority".

I know exactly how the EC works, I also understand that the only majority that counts are within State lines. It's you regressives that don't understand our form of government and give credence to irrelevant shit.


Are you aware of the origins of the electoral college? It's a compromise with slaveholding states that was instituted along with the three-fifths compromise. If anything's "regressive" it's the EC. No industrialized nation on earth aside form ours elects a president in such a way. It's undemocratic and it's a relic of a time when Virginia plantation owners wanted to increase their representation in national elections using their unwilling slaves as quota points.

Enjoy clinging to THAT legacy as your legitimacy for Trump's presidency.

Poor little child, you had no problem with it being what made every other presidents election legitimate, but hey, if you don't like the way our country works, feel free to employ Article 5, or even a simpler solution, just leave for one of those other industrialized nations you seem to prefer. Of course I think they guy you're using as your avatar would bitch slap the hell out of you for your fucked up attitude.
Pat Tillman would body slam this little Snowflake.
304-227 say we're not.

I see. You don't understand how the EC works. That or you don't have a working understanding of the definition of "majority".

I know exactly how the EC works, I also understand that the only majority that counts are within State lines. It's you regressives that don't understand our form of government and give credence to irrelevant shit.


Are you aware of the origins of the electoral college? It's a compromise with slaveholding states that was instituted along with the three-fifths compromise. If anything's "regressive" it's the EC. No industrialized nation on earth aside form ours elects a president in such a way. It's undemocratic and it's a relic of a time when Virginia plantation owners wanted to increase their representation in national elections using their unwilling slaves as quota points.

Enjoy clinging to THAT legacy as your legitimacy for Trump's presidency.

Poor little child, you had no problem with it being what made every other presidents election legitimate, but hey, if you don't like the way our country works, feel free to employ Article 5, or even a simpler solution, just leave for one of those other industrialized nations you seem to prefer. Of course I think they guy you're using as your avatar would bitch slap the hell out of you for your fucked up attitude.
Pat Tillman would body slam this little Snowflake.

Yep, the little puke dishonors him with every post.
Trump fears a free press

He realizes they will bring down his Presidency. By declaring war on the press even before he assumes office, Trump is laying the groundwork for a "The press is out to get me" defense
The press declared war on Trump during the elections, why shouldn't he defend himself? Ewe dew believe in free speech dew ewe knot?
The job of the president is not to defend himself but to defend the nation. When a president starts retaliating for personal attacks and uses the office of the president to do so, he is misusing the power of the office.

When Trump's opponents said that he does not have the temperament for the office, this is exactly what they were talking about. Trump can not resist the urge to escalate every incident into a battle.

When he was running for president he was the outsider, lacking in power or prestige. Within days he will become the most powerful man in the country and possibly the world, no longer an outsider, but Mister Insider whose successful will depend on how wisely he uses that power and prestige.

Every president has the right to defend himself from his critics. Especially when they lie about in this case.

He has all the rights of every American.

What you (and he) seem to ignore are his responsibilities.
His responsibilities don't include taking shit from a dishonest press.
No, but his
Trump fears a free press

He realizes they will bring down his Presidency. By declaring war on the press even before he assumes office, Trump is laying the groundwork for a "The press is out to get me" defense
The press declared war on Trump during the elections, why shouldn't he defend himself? Ewe dew believe in free speech dew ewe knot?
The job of the president is not to defend himself but to defend the nation. When a president starts retaliating for personal attacks and uses the office of the president to do so, he is misusing the power of the office.

When Trump's opponents said that he does not have the temperament for the office, this is exactly what they were talking about. Trump can not resist the urge to escalate every incident into a battle.

When he was running for president he was the outsider, lacking in power or prestige. Within days he will become the most powerful man in the country and possibly the world, no longer an outsider, but Mister Insider whose successful will depend on how wisely he uses that power and prestige.

Every president has the right to defend himself from his critics. Especially when they lie about in this case.
Having the right, and taking action is quite different. Frankly, I hope he does lash out against every critic, and brings the full force of his office down upon them. Silencing the opposition in the media seems to be very important to him, but that will not happen. Nixon made that mistake and we all know where that led.
He could always scream "RACISM" every time somebody is critical of him like the left, but he's not black. He doesn't have a ready made crutch to silence his critics. So all he has is the truth.
He can always claim to be an outsider and attack the incompetent the government he leads is.
304-227 say we're not.

I see. You don't understand how the EC works. That or you don't have a working understanding of the definition of "majority".

I know exactly how the EC works, I also understand that the only majority that counts are within State lines. It's you regressives that don't understand our form of government and give credence to irrelevant shit.


Are you aware of the origins of the electoral college? It's a compromise with slaveholding states that was instituted along with the three-fifths compromise. If anything's "regressive" it's the EC. No industrialized nation on earth aside form ours elects a president in such a way. It's undemocratic and it's a relic of a time when Virginia plantation owners wanted to increase their representation in national elections using their unwilling slaves as quota points.

Enjoy clinging to THAT legacy as your legitimacy for Trump's presidency.

Poor little child, you had no problem with it being what made every other presidents election legitimate, but hey, if you don't like the way our country works, feel free to employ Article 5, or even a simpler solution, just leave for one of those other industrialized nations you seem to prefer. Of course I think they guy you're using as your avatar would bitch slap the hell out of you for your fucked up attitude.
Pat Tillman would body slam this little Snowflake.

Wrong, Pat Tillman gave his life so people like him could voice his opinion.
I see. You don't understand how the EC works. That or you don't have a working understanding of the definition of "majority".

I know exactly how the EC works, I also understand that the only majority that counts are within State lines. It's you regressives that don't understand our form of government and give credence to irrelevant shit.


Are you aware of the origins of the electoral college? It's a compromise with slaveholding states that was instituted along with the three-fifths compromise. If anything's "regressive" it's the EC. No industrialized nation on earth aside form ours elects a president in such a way. It's undemocratic and it's a relic of a time when Virginia plantation owners wanted to increase their representation in national elections using their unwilling slaves as quota points.

Enjoy clinging to THAT legacy as your legitimacy for Trump's presidency.

Poor little child, you had no problem with it being what made every other presidents election legitimate, but hey, if you don't like the way our country works, feel free to employ Article 5, or even a simpler solution, just leave for one of those other industrialized nations you seem to prefer. Of course I think they guy you're using as your avatar would bitch slap the hell out of you for your fucked up attitude.
Pat Tillman would body slam this little Snowflake.

Wrong, Pat Tillman gave his life so people like him could voice his opinion.

He doesn't have a right to voice anything in a white house presser. He has the right to ask relevant questions and be respectful, or get the fuck out.

Then he can say whatever he wants from his safe space. THAT is his right.
I know exactly how the EC works, I also understand that the only majority that counts are within State lines. It's you regressives that don't understand our form of government and give credence to irrelevant shit.


Are you aware of the origins of the electoral college? It's a compromise with slaveholding states that was instituted along with the three-fifths compromise. If anything's "regressive" it's the EC. No industrialized nation on earth aside form ours elects a president in such a way. It's undemocratic and it's a relic of a time when Virginia plantation owners wanted to increase their representation in national elections using their unwilling slaves as quota points.

Enjoy clinging to THAT legacy as your legitimacy for Trump's presidency.

Poor little child, you had no problem with it being what made every other presidents election legitimate, but hey, if you don't like the way our country works, feel free to employ Article 5, or even a simpler solution, just leave for one of those other industrialized nations you seem to prefer. Of course I think they guy you're using as your avatar would bitch slap the hell out of you for your fucked up attitude.
Pat Tillman would body slam this little Snowflake.

Wrong, Pat Tillman gave his life so people like him could voice his opinion.

He doesn't have a right to voice anything in a white house presser. He has the right to ask relevant questions and be respectful, or get the fuck out.

Then he can say whatever he wants from his safe space. THAT is his right.

There is a right to a free press. It's in the Constitution. That's what Pat Tillman died to protect. Sorry that defeats your narrative, but it is what it is.
I know exactly how the EC works, I also understand that the only majority that counts are within State lines. It's you regressives that don't understand our form of government and give credence to irrelevant shit.


Are you aware of the origins of the electoral college? It's a compromise with slaveholding states that was instituted along with the three-fifths compromise. If anything's "regressive" it's the EC. No industrialized nation on earth aside form ours elects a president in such a way. It's undemocratic and it's a relic of a time when Virginia plantation owners wanted to increase their representation in national elections using their unwilling slaves as quota points.

Enjoy clinging to THAT legacy as your legitimacy for Trump's presidency.

Poor little child, you had no problem with it being what made every other presidents election legitimate, but hey, if you don't like the way our country works, feel free to employ Article 5, or even a simpler solution, just leave for one of those other industrialized nations you seem to prefer. Of course I think they guy you're using as your avatar would bitch slap the hell out of you for your fucked up attitude.
Pat Tillman would body slam this little Snowflake.

Wrong, Pat Tillman gave his life so people like him could voice his opinion.

He doesn't have a right to voice anything in a white house presser. He has the right to ask relevant questions and be respectful, or get the fuck out.

Then he can say whatever he wants from his safe space. THAT is his right.

You might want to read the string before making a comment.

Are you aware of the origins of the electoral college? It's a compromise with slaveholding states that was instituted along with the three-fifths compromise. If anything's "regressive" it's the EC. No industrialized nation on earth aside form ours elects a president in such a way. It's undemocratic and it's a relic of a time when Virginia plantation owners wanted to increase their representation in national elections using their unwilling slaves as quota points.

Enjoy clinging to THAT legacy as your legitimacy for Trump's presidency.

Poor little child, you had no problem with it being what made every other presidents election legitimate, but hey, if you don't like the way our country works, feel free to employ Article 5, or even a simpler solution, just leave for one of those other industrialized nations you seem to prefer. Of course I think they guy you're using as your avatar would bitch slap the hell out of you for your fucked up attitude.
Pat Tillman would body slam this little Snowflake.

Wrong, Pat Tillman gave his life so people like him could voice his opinion.

He doesn't have a right to voice anything in a white house presser. He has the right to ask relevant questions and be respectful, or get the fuck out.

Then he can say whatever he wants from his safe space. THAT is his right.

You might want to read the string before making a comment.

Probably. But mostly, it doesn't matter.
Labeling CNN "fake news", Trump is trying to create his own "Nazi style" propaganda machine.

Trying to discredit the CIA, without even taking their classified daily reports, pretending to know more than they do.

And dismantling the ACA along with the cons, saying he'll replace it "almost" simultaneously is just his next big lie. It's horrifying that the republicans hate Obama so much, that they are willing to throw 30 million sick Americans out in the street.

For someone that thinks he so smart, he doesn't have a clue about karma. This narcissist will be the death of this country.
Trying to discredit the CIA, without even taking their classified daily reports

Yes. If he starts making decisions in accordance with the false notion that his ignorance is just as good as his IC's knowledge, he's going to get himself impeached and convicted for being unfit to serve as president.

If he doesn't divest his international investments, he's in violation of conflict of interest laws. Hiring his son-in-law violates the nepotism laws, so he's already acting like rules don't apply to him.

He's trying to undermine and discredit the press but it won't work. They're onto him. And they will work together to keep Americans informed with actual facts.

Trump declared war on the press and he's too stupid to realize that they can and will bring him down.

Sent from my iPhone using

Are you aware of the origins of the electoral college? It's a compromise with slaveholding states that was instituted along with the three-fifths compromise. If anything's "regressive" it's the EC. No industrialized nation on earth aside form ours elects a president in such a way. It's undemocratic and it's a relic of a time when Virginia plantation owners wanted to increase their representation in national elections using their unwilling slaves as quota points.

Enjoy clinging to THAT legacy as your legitimacy for Trump's presidency.

Poor little child, you had no problem with it being what made every other presidents election legitimate, but hey, if you don't like the way our country works, feel free to employ Article 5, or even a simpler solution, just leave for one of those other industrialized nations you seem to prefer. Of course I think they guy you're using as your avatar would bitch slap the hell out of you for your fucked up attitude.
Pat Tillman would body slam this little Snowflake.

Wrong, Pat Tillman gave his life so people like him could voice his opinion.

He doesn't have a right to voice anything in a white house presser. He has the right to ask relevant questions and be respectful, or get the fuck out.

Then he can say whatever he wants from his safe space. THAT is his right.

There is a right to a free press. It's in the Constitution. That's what Pat Tillman died to protect. Sorry that defeats your narrative, but it is what it is.

No. Pat Tillman did not die to protect some communist asshat's right to scream at the president in a world-televised live presser. THAT is not the definition of "freedom of the press".

And freedom of the press does not compel interviewees to respond to every ridiculous allegation that corrupt propagandists throw at them.

If the press wants to enjoy their FREEDOM, then they should act ethically. If they claim to be journalists, they must act like journalists..or risk losing their credentials.

Ultimately, the interviewees grant the press access to them. They provide the press passes. Just anybody can't screech "gimme a badge I'm the PRESS!" and get in. So if you are *press* and you behave in a manner that is not ethical and is, in fact, disruptive..particularly if you are not serving any journalistic function in your are going to lose the privilege of attending those pressers.

Then you can enjoy your freedom of speech from the area on the other side of the cordoned off sidewalk.
I see. You don't understand how the EC works. That or you don't have a working understanding of the definition of "majority".

I know exactly how the EC works, I also understand that the only majority that counts are within State lines. It's you regressives that don't understand our form of government and give credence to irrelevant shit.


Are you aware of the origins of the electoral college? It's a compromise with slaveholding states that was instituted along with the three-fifths compromise. If anything's "regressive" it's the EC. No industrialized nation on earth aside form ours elects a president in such a way. It's undemocratic and it's a relic of a time when Virginia plantation owners wanted to increase their representation in national elections using their unwilling slaves as quota points.

Enjoy clinging to THAT legacy as your legitimacy for Trump's presidency.

Poor little child, you had no problem with it being what made every other presidents election legitimate, but hey, if you don't like the way our country works, feel free to employ Article 5, or even a simpler solution, just leave for one of those other industrialized nations you seem to prefer. Of course I think they guy you're using as your avatar would bitch slap the hell out of you for your fucked up attitude.
Pat Tillman would body slam this little Snowflake.

Wrong, Pat Tillman gave his life so people like him could voice his opinion.
Gen. George S. Patton once said no bastard ever won a war by giving his life for his country. Wars are won by making the other dumb bastard give his life for his country.

Keeping that in mind.....

Pat Tillman didn't give his life. He was trying to provide support to members of his unit that mistook him for enemy units. He was killed in an attempt to save the lives of those who killed him. It was a terrible accident.
Trying to discredit the CIA, without even taking their classified daily reports

Yes. If he starts making decisions in accordance with the false notion that his ignorance is just as good as his IC's knowledge, he's going to get himself impeached and convicted for being unfit to serve as president.

If he doesn't divest his international investments, he's in violation of conflict of interest laws. Hiring his son-in-law violates the nepotism laws, so he's already acting like rules don't apply to him.

He's trying to undermine and discredit the press but it won't work. They're onto him. And they will work together to keep Americans informed with actual facts.

Trump declared war on the press and he's too stupid to realize that they can and will bring him down.

Sent from my iPhone using

You wouldn't know an "actual fact" if it bit you in the butt.
Trying to discredit the CIA, without even taking their classified daily reports

Yes. If he starts making decisions in accordance with the false notion that his ignorance is just as good as his IC's knowledge, he's going to get himself impeached and convicted for being unfit to serve as president.

If he doesn't divest his international investments, he's in violation of conflict of interest laws. Hiring his son-in-law violates the nepotism laws, so he's already acting like rules don't apply to him.

He's trying to undermine and discredit the press but it won't work. They're onto him. And they will work together to keep Americans informed with actual facts.

Trump declared war on the press and he's too stupid to realize that they can and will bring him down.

Sent from my iPhone using

He has been spanking the press for years.

He did declare war on the propagandists posing as journalists. They should be extremely worried because if they don't clear out and make way for real journalists, they will find themselves in prison.
I know exactly how the EC works, I also understand that the only majority that counts are within State lines. It's you regressives that don't understand our form of government and give credence to irrelevant shit.


Are you aware of the origins of the electoral college? It's a compromise with slaveholding states that was instituted along with the three-fifths compromise. If anything's "regressive" it's the EC. No industrialized nation on earth aside form ours elects a president in such a way. It's undemocratic and it's a relic of a time when Virginia plantation owners wanted to increase their representation in national elections using their unwilling slaves as quota points.

Enjoy clinging to THAT legacy as your legitimacy for Trump's presidency.

Poor little child, you had no problem with it being what made every other presidents election legitimate, but hey, if you don't like the way our country works, feel free to employ Article 5, or even a simpler solution, just leave for one of those other industrialized nations you seem to prefer. Of course I think they guy you're using as your avatar would bitch slap the hell out of you for your fucked up attitude.
Pat Tillman would body slam this little Snowflake.

Wrong, Pat Tillman gave his life so people like him could voice his opinion.
Gen. George S. Patton once said no bastard ever won a war by giving his life for his country. Wars are won by making the other dumb bastard give his life for his country.

Taking that in mind.....

Pat Tillman didn't give his life. He was trying to provide support to members of his unit that mistook him for enemy units. He was killed in an attempt to save the lives of those who killed him. It was a terrible accident.

Pat Tillman turned a multi-million dollar NFL contract to enter the military and serve with his brother after 9/11 to preserve the rights and freedoms of the United States. He lost his life doing so.
Trump and the Republicans idea of replacing the ACA is like taking a house and replacing it with a card board box... and saying, "There. See you're covered! We kept our word."

What should happen is the GOP should take Obamacare away and tell those parasites to pay for their own insurance.

You really just don't get it do you? Getting rid of the pre-existing conditions waiver and bringing back life time caps will KILL people. Not over-exaggerating. It will literally KILL people. If someone has cancer or some kind of other illness that gives insurance companies the ability to turn them down for coverage, they will DIE.

Then the problem goes away doesn't it..

Are you aware of the origins of the electoral college? It's a compromise with slaveholding states that was instituted along with the three-fifths compromise. If anything's "regressive" it's the EC. No industrialized nation on earth aside form ours elects a president in such a way. It's undemocratic and it's a relic of a time when Virginia plantation owners wanted to increase their representation in national elections using their unwilling slaves as quota points.

Enjoy clinging to THAT legacy as your legitimacy for Trump's presidency.

Poor little child, you had no problem with it being what made every other presidents election legitimate, but hey, if you don't like the way our country works, feel free to employ Article 5, or even a simpler solution, just leave for one of those other industrialized nations you seem to prefer. Of course I think they guy you're using as your avatar would bitch slap the hell out of you for your fucked up attitude.
Pat Tillman would body slam this little Snowflake.

Wrong, Pat Tillman gave his life so people like him could voice his opinion.
Gen. George S. Patton once said no bastard ever won a war by giving his life for his country. Wars are won by making the other dumb bastard give his life for his country.

Taking that in mind.....

Pat Tillman didn't give his life. He was trying to provide support to members of his unit that mistook him for enemy units. He was killed in an attempt to save the lives of those who killed him. It was a terrible accident.

Pat Tillman turned a multi-million dollar NFL contract to enter the military and serve with his brother after 9/11 to preserve the rights and freedoms of the United States. He lost his life doing so.

Indeed he did, however if that man did that at my presser I'd just have him escorted out. A free press does not include them having the right to be obnoxious and disruptive.

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