Alt left


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
I feel a need to rant.

I used to think that Obama refused to say the words, "Islamic terrorist" in order to not flame the fire of hate around the world. But then it hit me, the Alt left had no problem by lying that Muslims had been banned from coming to the US instead of correctly saying it was only certain countries that are the highest concern in the world because they export the most terrorism. No, no, they flamed the flames in the US and around the world by trying to convince everyone that Donald Trump had declared war on Islam. Never mind that both Hillary and Obama were also part of temporary immigration bands in the past as well.

So why did Obama refuse to call Islamic terrorists Islamic terrorists when he was in office since he obviously has no issue fanning the flames of violence? I think it is because the Alt left views them as freedom fighters, not terrorists. In the minds of radical sick twisted leftists, the Islamic terrorists are fighting white racist capitalists who are exploiting the Middle East.

From here on out, I will refer to them as the Alt left who would rather torch a university than have a conservative speak there. They have become the most radical and dangerous group in US history.
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Here is more of what I'm talking about.

Dallas cop files lawsuit against Black Lives Matter, Obama

A black police officer in Texas is filing a law suit against Black Lives Matter and Obama and others within the DNC. They are doing this because they are being charged with inciting violence against law enforcement by encouraging them to think that they are under attack and oppressed and should not respect law enforcement or court ruling that let "whitey" walk after a court case where a police officer has shot a black person.

Obama only fanned the flames during the riots in Ferguson by questioning the racism within the police force and the court system and not standing by the court outcome.

Politically he was in a tight spot. It was his job to continue the narrative of Blacks being oppressed hoping to feed into the anger and hate for more votes, but it was at the price of police officers being shot around the country. I reckon he thought that it was worth it. Any price should be paid to try and win more votes.
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So I reckon the left does not care that the "conservative" they rioted against was gay?

So let me get this "straight", I can't refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple if I'm a bakery but I can refuse to refuse a gay conservative to speak at a University?

How exactly does that work?

Trump wanted to defund Berkley on the basis of discrimination.

Can Trump cut funds to UC Berkeley? Experts say not really

But according to the article, he does not have the power.

"There is nothing in current legislation that would allow President Trump to do that," said Don Heller, a provost at the University of San Francisco and an expert in public education financing.

UC Berkeley receives between $400 million and $450 million annually in federal funding for research, and about $216 million for student financial aid, officials said.

Some of that can be withheld but only in very specific circumstances, such as the publication of fraudulent research or the refusal of a university to comply with the Title IX law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs

So why can they cut funds based upon discrimination of ones sex but not discrimination of ones political orientation?

Seems hypocritical to me.
Milo Yiannopoulos was stopped from speaking at the University, but it certainly is not the first time.

In October 2015, Milo Yiannopoulos and feminist Julie Bindel were scheduled to participate in the University of Manchester Free Speech and Secular Society's debate ′From liberation to censorship: does modern feminism have a problem with free speech?′, but the Students' Union banned Bindel, then later also Yiannopoulos. The Union cited Bindel's comments on transgender women and Yiannopoulos' opinions on rape culture, which they stated were both in breach of the Union's safe space policy.

In November 2015, Milo Yiannopoulos was scheduled to give a talk at Bristol University. After protesters attempted to have Yiannopoulos banned from the university, the event was turned into a debate between Yiannopoulos and The Daily Telegraph blogger and feminist Rebecca Reid.
So what is up with the Universities? I thought Universities were a place of opposing ideas and debate and critical thinking?

When did they become a safe erogenous zone as a Progressive echo chamber laced with brown shirt violence and intolerance?

Traditionally, book burners or people who forbid freedom of speech or people who destroy historical relics do so because they know deep down that the truth would otherwise destroy them.

But then, it is only a matter of time.
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Take heart though, TRUMP can get the Dept of education to pull the university's Accreditation, and make their degrees worthless. That will Kill them and reduce their Students to HS grads.
They have banned other people too, i.e. Ben Shapiro.
It's a total disgrace and anathema to what universities are supposed to be about. But that's the Left for you, and they are fake libs.

I think I've figured it out. Politicians allow Universities to drive up tuition rates by taking over the student loan business. That way Universities don't have to lower their tuition. No, instead the state keeps lowering interest rates so that students will better able to afford the outrageous sums of money kids around the country are paying the, which is essentially mortgaging their future in many cases.

In return, those universities churn out brain washed students to vote for these same big government demagogues.

It's a symbiotic relationship.

But it is a bubble. Eventually even lowering interest rates on loans will not be enough. About that time some idiot like Bernie Sanders will then offer "free" college. In other words, the Universities will continue to rob the tax payers blind as Universities keep churning out brain dead partisan hacks.
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Take heart though, TRUMP can get the Dept of education to pull the university's Accreditation, and make their degrees worthless. That will Kill them and reduce their Students to HS grads.

Trump should go speak at Berkley.
Take heart though, TRUMP can get the Dept of education to pull the university's Accreditation, and make their degrees worthless. That will Kill them and reduce their Students to HS grads.

Of course. We have known all along that the right hates education. Now we have a president who loves ignorance just as much as the rest of the right. Aren't we lucky.
They protested because the guess speaker is on the staff of a right wing blog supported by the atl right which promotes racism.
Here's a fun fact: statistically, toddlers have killed more people than American Muslims have.
Considering that the feds just tried to withhold public education funding over transgender bathrooms (and pronouns if I'm not mistaken) why couldn't they withhold over free speech? Where's some of our legal yappers?
They protested because the guess speaker is on the staff of a right wing blog supported by the atl right which promotes racism.
No...the speaker was a gay immigrant....that's why they protested, democrats hate gays and immigrants.....
Here's a fun fact: statistically, toddlers have killed more people than American Muslims have.

You are into fun facts, eh?

Take a look at which countries lead the world in terrorism. That's right, the whole damn list are covered with Muslims countries.

In the US, the Muslim population is only around 1%. Of that 1%, you had shooters in California take out a group of people and in Florida as well of late.

The issue is world wide Islamic terrorism. It dominates terrorism in the world today and those that run things use mentally disturbed people and children to carry out their violent acts for them, for which there is a never ending supply.

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