Alt-right protestor loses job after being outed

You can still get sued.

It would get thrown out.
Depends on the circumstances. But that's irrelevant to the issue of this guy at the protest. He could sue. He'd probably win. As long as he wasn't wearing company clothes, doing it on company property, or disemminating these views on company time; he has the right to assemble, and the right to free speech. And he also has freedom of religion, which could certainly be brought to bear against his employer. Civil rights protect this guy against being discriminated against for his beliefs, and legally excersizing his rights.
And no states right to work laws will shelter a company from a civil rights suit.

You can fire him without telling him the reason and no lawsuit.
Sure, but it sounds like they made the reason quite clear.
And if the employer can be quoted as saying as much... He might as well start writing the check now...
Which is ridiculous, and will give us an opportunity to revisit our previous stupidity.
It would get thrown out.
Depends on the circumstances. But that's irrelevant to the issue of this guy at the protest. He could sue. He'd probably win. As long as he wasn't wearing company clothes, doing it on company property, or disemminating these views on company time; he has the right to assemble, and the right to free speech. And he also has freedom of religion, which could certainly be brought to bear against his employer. Civil rights protect this guy against being discriminated against for his beliefs, and legally excersizing his rights.
And no states right to work laws will shelter a company from a civil rights suit.

You can fire him without telling him the reason and no lawsuit.
Sure, but it sounds like they made the reason quite clear.
And if the employer can be quoted as saying as much... He might as well start writing the check now...
Which is ridiculous, and will give us an opportunity to revisit our previous stupidity.
The Bill of Rights protects us from government censure. It doesn't mean everyone else has to play along.
The Bill of Rights protects us from government censure. It doesn't mean everyone else has to play along.
It does when you operate a business and hire employees. Especially where civil rights are concerned. Just ask those bakers.
Charlottesville white nationalist demonstrator loses job at libertarian hot dog shop

After being “inundated with inquiries,” his former employer, Top Dog, in downtown Berkeley, posted a sign on its door that reads: “Effective Saturday 12th August, Cole White no longer works at Top Dog. The actions of those in Charlottesville are not supported by Top Dog. We believe in individual freedom and voluntary association for everyone,” multiple news outlets reported. The shop has a political bent of its own, as it’s well-known in Berkeley for the libertarian stickers and articles posted on its walls, and website.

Sign on the door of Top Dog on Durant Ave confirms Cole White is no longer employed by the chain

I have mixed feelings about this. I believe public shaming is an effective way to deal with hate-mongers and those associated with Alt-right and white pride/nationalists.

However, I also see them like sick alcoholics. These people need help--intervention and treatment. They are sick-minded deluded people, members of a cult which teaches hate, fuels resentment. Cult members often need some form of deprogramming to get them healthy.

You work somewhere and you do something stupid, you can lose your job. Just the way it is. An employer doesn't need the outside distractions. If they create them.
The Bill of Rights protects us from government censure. It doesn't mean everyone else has to play along.
It does when you operate a business and hire employees. Especially where civil rights are concerned. Just ask those bakers.
Another person who needs to actually learn what PA laws protect and don't protect.

Well, this isn't a case of PA, but it is based on the same bullshit. Lots to learn here for sure.
So what you're all saying is that if ISIS had a permit to march in Charlottesville, they'd have a right to match through the streets and to use their freedom of speech to say hateful things and if anyone started a fight with them it would be on the protesters.

ISIS isn't eligible for a permit as they are foreigners on foreign soil. Just about the worst we have are skinheads (birthed in our prisons). If skinheads get a permit to protest (bearing ugly tattoos, playing loud deathmetal over bullhorns, carrying signs proclaiming, "We hope you all die for diluting our pure blood!"), then yes, assaulting them for being suck is illegal and WRONG. You don't get to punch people you disagree with in America. There is no right to NOT be offended. There is a right to free speech, so govt cannot shut it down. Legally, the one who throws the first blow has committed a crime against another. Mean words are not a crime.

Many a man has smacked his woman for offending him. Not cool. Illegal. Wrong. Many a man has punched an opposing team's fan for offending him. Not cool. Illegal. Wrong. Assaulting someone for what they say is wrong and illegal. Sometimes it's worth it. If someone calls me a disgusting name, hubby would likely shove or hit him. Not cool. Illegal. Wrong. Worth it. I can certainly understand the "worth it" aspect of punching a skinhead, but one doesn't get to cry victim or don a halo for doing so because it is illegal and WRONG.

Speech we like is easy to protect. If you cherish your freedom, you protect it even when it's hard, even swallowing back bile, because that's the only way to keep that freedom.

It's not that we agree with Nazis and it's not that we support them. We aren't interested in protecting them. It's freedom of speech we are protecting. We just want them to go away. We wonder why y'all don't want your extremists to go away.

"Freedom is speech" is an illusion. Harassment and intimidation is illegal.

You should read the piece written by members of the Charlottesville Jewish Synagogue who were at Shabbat on Friday night during the torch light parade. The marchers passed by the Synagogue shouting nastiness at the worshippers. They didn't feel very free hearing that. They were terrorized.

I find genitalia hats very offensive, and am frightened by mobs chanting, "Pigs in a blanket, fry'em like bacon." Blocking entrances and exits is specified as harassment in the law. I'm perfectly fine with equal application of the law to ALL.

Protests have never been classified as terrorism or harassment, not in the 60's when violence abounded and not today. I do not want to lose my freedoms, so I protect them. You don't get to choose who gets free speech or not. Antifa, behind their masks and body armor, certainly intimidate and frighten people. I would hope you want them prohibited from assembling in large, loud, masked, armed groups. They are much more terrifying.

My best guess is that if you are not chanting anti-jewish slogans, waving a swastika, or wearing white supremacy symbols, they won't bother you at all..
They don't have the right to bother anyone period. They don't get a free pass to harass, assault, and commit crimes against a certain group just because you don't like them either.

When you refer to a liberal group protesting Nazi's as "bothering" someone, that means, in your dictionary, "harassing, assaulting, or committing crimes"? You must be a delicate little snowflake!
So what you're all saying is that if ISIS had a permit to march in Charlottesville, they'd have a right to match through the streets and to use their freedom of speech to say hateful things and if anyone started a fight with them it would be on the protesters.

ISIS isn't eligible for a permit as they are foreigners on foreign soil. Just about the worst we have are skinheads (birthed in our prisons). If skinheads get a permit to protest (bearing ugly tattoos, playing loud deathmetal over bullhorns, carrying signs proclaiming, "We hope you all die for diluting our pure blood!"), then yes, assaulting them for being suck is illegal and WRONG. You don't get to punch people you disagree with in America. There is no right to NOT be offended. There is a right to free speech, so govt cannot shut it down. Legally, the one who throws the first blow has committed a crime against another. Mean words are not a crime.

Many a man has smacked his woman for offending him. Not cool. Illegal. Wrong. Many a man has punched an opposing team's fan for offending him. Not cool. Illegal. Wrong. Assaulting someone for what they say is wrong and illegal. Sometimes it's worth it. If someone calls me a disgusting name, hubby would likely shove or hit him. Not cool. Illegal. Wrong. Worth it. I can certainly understand the "worth it" aspect of punching a skinhead, but one doesn't get to cry victim or don a halo for doing so because it is illegal and WRONG.

Speech we like is easy to protect. If you cherish your freedom, you protect it even when it's hard, even swallowing back bile, because that's the only way to keep that freedom.

It's not that we agree with Nazis and it's not that we support them. We aren't interested in protecting them. It's freedom of speech we are protecting. We just want them to go away. We wonder why y'all don't want your extremists to go away.

"Freedom is speech" is an illusion. Harassment and intimidation is illegal.

You should read the piece written by members of the Charlottesville Jewish Synagogue who were at Shabbat on Friday night during the torch light parade. The marchers passed by the Synagogue shouting nastiness at the worshippers. They didn't feel very free hearing that. They were terrorized.

I find genitalia hats very offensive, and am frightened by mobs chanting, "Pigs in a blanket, fry'em like bacon." Blocking entrances and exits is specified as harassment in the law. I'm perfectly fine with equal application of the law to ALL.

Protests have never been classified as terrorism or harassment, not in the 60's when violence abounded and not today. I do not want to lose my freedoms, so I protect them. You don't get to choose who gets free speech or not. Antifa, behind their masks and body armor, certainly intimidate and frighten people. I would hope you want them prohibited from assembling in large, loud, masked, armed groups. They are much more terrifying.

My best guess is that if you are not chanting anti-jewish slogans, waving a swastika, or wearing white supremacy symbols, they won't bother you at all..

You'd be wrong. They even attack reporters

ANTIFA on Assaulting Local CBS Reporter At Richmond Rally: He Was Out Of Line

Jake Tapper: Antifa protesters have attacked several journalists - Hot Air

and the cops protecting their free speech rights

Portland Police Chief Says Antifa Protesters Used Slingshot to Launch Urine and Feces-Filled Balloons at Riot Cops

and this is certainly intimidating, offensive hate speech directed at random guy wearing a USA hat (not MAGA or Trump, simply USA

These people aren't wearing swasticas, and are flying the US flag. Do you not consider this intimidation or harassment?

Portland Showdown in Photos

Antifa doubles down on hate speech and violence against anyone who disagrees with them. No Confederate flags required. They admit it openly and say the victims deserve it. You can pretend they are good guys but video after video after video proves they are a violent, militant hate group. We are not blind. We have NOT always been at war with Eastasia! No matter how many times you repeat the lie, it's still a lie.

Well, if you are frightened, I am sure that you can find a gentle, caring NAZI to protect you....unless you are a Jew, that is.
You are comparing people who protested against a war and people who protested to achieve equality to Nazi, racist, white supremist? You are as clueless as your, so called, president.

The people who drove to Charlottesville from Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, and other states did so to bring violence to that City.

They did? Then why no violence until the leftists showed up (as always)?

They came there to protest a removal of history. What did ANTIFA and BLM come there for if not trouble?

You see, they could have applied for a permit to have their won protest just like the supremacists, but they didn't. Then they could have held their own protest ten miles away, five miles away, a half mile away to avoid trouble, but they didn't.

They only came there for one reason with bats and bottles. And it wasn't to play baseball and make sure they didn't get dehydrated.

You can't simply absolve them and blame the leftists. It was the RIGHTISTS that deliberately aimed a car into a crowd. Not the leftists.

And the violence clearly came from both sides.

No, it was one kook that ran over people in a car. Nobody on the right excused or supported him.

The leftist groups came there for a confrontation and nothing more. If you go to a large group of adversaries with bats and bottles, you aren't there to look for a political dialog.

Without them, more than likely the crowd would have vented, went home, and left without any violence at all. But leftists can't stand to miss an opportunity to cause problems, just like with the Trump rallies.

These Nazis were marching through the streets terrorizing Jews and others with their Nazi chants and racist rhetoric. Their words actions are an affront to everyone who fought in WWII.

They should be violently opposed.

Terrorizing them? Did they attack anybody? Did they destroy any property?

Violent opposition is what happens in an uncivilized country. We are a civilized country that unfortunately has uncivilized Democrats and liberals.

Oh gee. I keep forgetting. It's just the Democrats and liberals that are uncivilized. Silly me. I always thought deliberately ramming your car into a crowd of people was "uncivilized".
AS much as I hate NAZIs and racists, they do have a right to march and speak without being assaulted, but they are abhorrent, and should only be allowed to do that if the police can properly control the event. I give them the same status as the Westboro baptist church picketing funerals. I will never assault them. I just hope that god strikes them all dead with lightning. And, if Trump wants to paint them with the same brush as the counter protesters, I feel pretty much the same way about him.

The important question is whether an identified terrorist organization have a right to march and speak.

Neo-Nazi groups, white supremacist groups, and the Westboro baptist church ARE, by definition, terrorist organizations.

Terrorist: a person or organization who uses unlawful violence and/or intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

Actually, The supreme court has held otherwise, and back in the 1980's the NAZI's won the right to march in illinois. In fact, it was portrayed in the movie, "The Blues Brothers":

The important question is whether an identified terrorist organization have a right to march and speak.

That's an important question, but off topic. The issue here is the employer's right to fire someone they don't like.
The important question is whether an identified terrorist organization have a right to march and speak.

That's an important question, but off topic. The issue here is the employer's right to fire someone they don't like.

I have been fired by a boss that did not like me. In fact, he actually came right out and told me so, in those words.

But, 20 years later, he was going downhill in the industry, and flew halfway across the country to our company to apply for a job. Immagine his face, when he walked into my office in Las Vegas, and found out that he had to pass an interview with me! It was one of the most satisfying moments of my life. The interview lasted about 60 seconds. I told him to have a good flight home, and gave him a voucher for a free airline meal......
These Nazis were marching through the streets terrorizing Jews and others with their Nazi chants and racist rhetoric. Their words actions are an affront to everyone who fought in WWII.

They should be violently opposed.

Assault is never the correct response to any speech. My brother called me horrible names, copycatted every word I said for an hour straight. "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." We teach this to our children. We do so for a reason. It is flat out wrong to assault someone because of their words.

So what you're all saying is that if ISIS had a permit to march in Charlottesville, they'd have a right to match through the streets and to use their freedom of speech to say hateful things and if anyone started a fight with them it would be on the protesters.

ISIS isn't eligible for a permit as they are foreigners on foreign soil. Just about the worst we have are skinheads (birthed in our prisons). If skinheads get a permit to protest (bearing ugly tattoos, playing loud deathmetal over bullhorns, carrying signs proclaiming, "We hope you all die for diluting our pure blood!"), then yes, assaulting them for being suck is illegal and WRONG. You don't get to punch people you disagree with in America. There is no right to NOT be offended. There is a right to free speech, so govt cannot shut it down. Legally, the one who throws the first blow has committed a crime against another. Mean words are not a crime.

Many a man has smacked his woman for offending him. Not cool. Illegal. Wrong. Many a man has punched an opposing team's fan for offending him. Not cool. Illegal. Wrong. Assaulting someone for what they say is wrong and illegal. Sometimes it's worth it. If someone calls me a disgusting name, hubby would likely shove or hit him. Not cool. Illegal. Wrong. Worth it. I can certainly understand the "worth it" aspect of punching a skinhead, but one doesn't get to cry victim or don a halo for doing so because it is illegal and WRONG.

Speech we like is easy to protect. If you cherish your freedom, you protect it even when it's hard, even swallowing back bile, because that's the only way to keep that freedom.

It's not that we agree with Nazis and it's not that we support them. We aren't interested in protecting them. It's freedom of speech we are protecting. We just want them to go away. We wonder why y'all don't want your extremists to go away.

"Freedom is speech" is an illusion. Harassment and intimidation is illegal.

You should read the piece written by members of the Charlottesville Jewish Synagogue who were at Shabbat on Friday night during the torch light parade. The marchers passed by the Synagogue shouting nastiness at the worshippers. They didn't feel very free hearing that. They were terrorized.

I find genitalia hats very offensive, and am frightened by mobs chanting, "Pigs in a blanket, fry'em like bacon." Blocking entrances and exits is specified as harassment in the law. I'm perfectly fine with equal application of the law to ALL.

Protests have never been classified as terrorism or harassment, not in the 60's when violence abounded and not today. I do not want to lose my freedoms, so I protect them. You don't get to choose who gets free speech or not. Antifa, behind their masks and body armor, certainly intimidate and frighten people. I would hope you want them prohibited from assembling in large, loud, masked, armed groups. They are much more terrifying.

Yes. They do. As do White Supremacists in their jackboots, carrying assault weapons and torches. I don't think Antifa is any more or less terrifying or intimidating t
I guess that's why Republicans are busy writing laws which deprive minorities and poor people of the right to vote, and raised gerrymandering to an art form to preserve their safe seats.

What laws deprive any one of the right to vote? Be specific.

And as far as gerrymandering goes, I realize you are a complete left wing whacko but you don't have to be a hypocrite as well claiming only R's genrrymander.

So what is one of the worst examples of gerrymandering in the country? What is the example that the national media uses when talking about gerrymandering? Illinois' congressional district 4, including parts of Chicago, represented by congressman Luis Gutierrez. Check out the map below and tell me if you don't think this is the most ridiculous political game ever.

Apparently they had to run the district through the middle of Interstate 294 so that they could maintain a contiguous area of homogenous constituents.


Illinois Congressional District 4: Worst Example Of Gerrymandering
Laws don't have to be specific in order to deny a person's right to vote. All they have to is create the conditions that end up creating substantial enough obstacles.

Like NYC's handgun permit process?

There it takes 3-6 months and $600 or so in fees just to keep revolver legally in your own home.
Can you keep a rifle?

Rifles need to registered and take less time to get, but I know where your going here and that isn't a valid reason. the whole "well you can get A gun" doesn't float because for home defense I would prefer a handgun with hollow points so I don't have a rifle FMJ round blast through 3-4 apartment walls in my building.

I'm sure my fellow tenants would as well.

It doesn't matter what you "prefer" - you still have the right to have arms. No one has taken that from you. Just like people have the right to vote...but that doesn't mean they can expect home delivery of their ballot. They still got to get out there and vote.
ISIS isn't eligible for a permit as they are foreigners on foreign soil. Just about the worst we have are skinheads (birthed in our prisons). If skinheads get a permit to protest (bearing ugly tattoos, playing loud deathmetal over bullhorns, carrying signs proclaiming, "We hope you all die for diluting our pure blood!"), then yes, assaulting them for being suck is illegal and WRONG. You don't get to punch people you disagree with in America. There is no right to NOT be offended. There is a right to free speech, so govt cannot shut it down. Legally, the one who throws the first blow has committed a crime against another. Mean words are not a crime.

Many a man has smacked his woman for offending him. Not cool. Illegal. Wrong. Many a man has punched an opposing team's fan for offending him. Not cool. Illegal. Wrong. Assaulting someone for what they say is wrong and illegal. Sometimes it's worth it. If someone calls me a disgusting name, hubby would likely shove or hit him. Not cool. Illegal. Wrong. Worth it. I can certainly understand the "worth it" aspect of punching a skinhead, but one doesn't get to cry victim or don a halo for doing so because it is illegal and WRONG.

Speech we like is easy to protect. If you cherish your freedom, you protect it even when it's hard, even swallowing back bile, because that's the only way to keep that freedom.

It's not that we agree with Nazis and it's not that we support them. We aren't interested in protecting them. It's freedom of speech we are protecting. We just want them to go away. We wonder why y'all don't want your extremists to go away.

"Freedom is speech" is an illusion. Harassment and intimidation is illegal.

You should read the piece written by members of the Charlottesville Jewish Synagogue who were at Shabbat on Friday night during the torch light parade. The marchers passed by the Synagogue shouting nastiness at the worshippers. They didn't feel very free hearing that. They were terrorized.

I find genitalia hats very offensive, and am frightened by mobs chanting, "Pigs in a blanket, fry'em like bacon." Blocking entrances and exits is specified as harassment in the law. I'm perfectly fine with equal application of the law to ALL.

Protests have never been classified as terrorism or harassment, not in the 60's when violence abounded and not today. I do not want to lose my freedoms, so I protect them. You don't get to choose who gets free speech or not. Antifa, behind their masks and body armor, certainly intimidate and frighten people. I would hope you want them prohibited from assembling in large, loud, masked, armed groups. They are much more terrifying.

My best guess is that if you are not chanting anti-jewish slogans, waving a swastika, or wearing white supremacy symbols, they won't bother you at all..

You'd be wrong. They even attack reporters

ANTIFA on Assaulting Local CBS Reporter At Richmond Rally: He Was Out Of Line

Jake Tapper: Antifa protesters have attacked several journalists - Hot Air

and the cops protecting their free speech rights

Portland Police Chief Says Antifa Protesters Used Slingshot to Launch Urine and Feces-Filled Balloons at Riot Cops

and this is certainly intimidating, offensive hate speech directed at random guy wearing a USA hat (not MAGA or Trump, simply USA

These people aren't wearing swasticas, and are flying the US flag. Do you not consider this intimidation or harassment?

Portland Showdown in Photos

Antifa doubles down on hate speech and violence against anyone who disagrees with them. No Confederate flags required. They admit it openly and say the victims deserve it. You can pretend they are good guys but video after video after video proves they are a violent, militant hate group. We are not blind. We have NOT always been at war with Eastasia! No matter how many times you repeat the lie, it's still a lie.

Well, if you are frightened, I am sure that you can find a gentle, caring NAZI to protect you....unless you are a Jew, that is.

I'm on the Nazi's shitlist, twice: mixed blood and Roman Catholic. Still, I defend our freedoms ... even when it's difficult.

Why no comment on the filth of Antifa, who you defend, assaulting reporters, cops and normal people? Take the plank out of your eye. It distorts your vision.

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