Alt-right protestor loses job after being outed

Assault is never the correct response to any speech. My brother called me horrible names, copycatted every word I said for an hour straight. "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." We teach this to our children. We do so for a reason. It is flat out wrong to assault someone because of their words.

So what you're all saying is that if ISIS had a permit to march in Charlottesville, they'd have a right to match through the streets and to use their freedom of speech to say hateful things and if anyone started a fight with them it would be on the protesters.

ISIS isn't eligible for a permit as they are foreigners on foreign soil. Just about the worst we have are skinheads (birthed in our prisons). If skinheads get a permit to protest (bearing ugly tattoos, playing loud deathmetal over bullhorns, carrying signs proclaiming, "We hope you all die for diluting our pure blood!"), then yes, assaulting them for being suck is illegal and WRONG. You don't get to punch people you disagree with in America. There is no right to NOT be offended. There is a right to free speech, so govt cannot shut it down. Legally, the one who throws the first blow has committed a crime against another. Mean words are not a crime.

Many a man has smacked his woman for offending him. Not cool. Illegal. Wrong. Many a man has punched an opposing team's fan for offending him. Not cool. Illegal. Wrong. Assaulting someone for what they say is wrong and illegal. Sometimes it's worth it. If someone calls me a disgusting name, hubby would likely shove or hit him. Not cool. Illegal. Wrong. Worth it. I can certainly understand the "worth it" aspect of punching a skinhead, but one doesn't get to cry victim or don a halo for doing so because it is illegal and WRONG.

Speech we like is easy to protect. If you cherish your freedom, you protect it even when it's hard, even swallowing back bile, because that's the only way to keep that freedom.

It's not that we agree with Nazis and it's not that we support them. We aren't interested in protecting them. It's freedom of speech we are protecting. We just want them to go away. We wonder why y'all don't want your extremists to go away.

"Freedom is speech" is an illusion. Harassment and intimidation is illegal.

You should read the piece written by members of the Charlottesville Jewish Synagogue who were at Shabbat on Friday night during the torch light parade. The marchers passed by the Synagogue shouting nastiness at the worshippers. They didn't feel very free hearing that. They were terrorized.

I find genitalia hats very offensive, and am frightened by mobs chanting, "Pigs in a blanket, fry'em like bacon." Blocking entrances and exits is specified as harassment in the law. I'm perfectly fine with equal application of the law to ALL.

Protests have never been classified as terrorism or harassment, not in the 60's when violence abounded and not today. I do not want to lose my freedoms, so I protect them. You don't get to choose who gets free speech or not. Antifa, behind their masks and body armor, certainly intimidate and frighten people. I would hope you want them prohibited from assembling in large, loud, masked, armed groups. They are much more terrifying.

Yes. They do. As do White Supremacists in their jackboots, carrying assault weapons and torches. I don't think Antifa is any more or less terrifying or intimidating t
What laws deprive any one of the right to vote? Be specific.

And as far as gerrymandering goes, I realize you are a complete left wing whacko but you don't have to be a hypocrite as well claiming only R's genrrymander.

So what is one of the worst examples of gerrymandering in the country? What is the example that the national media uses when talking about gerrymandering? Illinois' congressional district 4, including parts of Chicago, represented by congressman Luis Gutierrez. Check out the map below and tell me if you don't think this is the most ridiculous political game ever.

Apparently they had to run the district through the middle of Interstate 294 so that they could maintain a contiguous area of homogenous constituents.


Illinois Congressional District 4: Worst Example Of Gerrymandering
Laws don't have to be specific in order to deny a person's right to vote. All they have to is create the conditions that end up creating substantial enough obstacles.

Like NYC's handgun permit process?

There it takes 3-6 months and $600 or so in fees just to keep revolver legally in your own home.
Can you keep a rifle?

Rifles need to registered and take less time to get, but I know where your going here and that isn't a valid reason. the whole "well you can get A gun" doesn't float because for home defense I would prefer a handgun with hollow points so I don't have a rifle FMJ round blast through 3-4 apartment walls in my building.

I'm sure my fellow tenants would as well.

It doesn't matter what you "prefer" - you still have the right to have arms. No one has taken that from you. Just like people have the right to vote...but that doesn't mean they can expect home delivery of their ballot. They still got to get out there and vote.

They are no different IMO, both using intimidation and violence when it suits their purpose. Both unapologetic. Both vile.
I have mixed feelings about this. I believe public shaming is an effective way to deal with hate-mongers and those associated with Alt-right and white pride/nationalists.

However, I also see them like sick alcoholics. These people need help--intervention and treatment. They are sick-minded deluded people, members of a cult which teaches hate, fuels resentment. Cult members often need some form of deprogramming to get them healthy.

Do you believe the same about the hate mongers of Antifa, Alt-left, BLM, George Soros, the New Black Panthers and other far left groups? Are they sick too?

Good people on both sides?????

Yes, unless you claim that black racists are somehow better than white racists.

The pathetic white supremacists who were demonstrating are part of a small percentage of white citizens. Are all white people to blame?
You should read the piece written by members of the Charlottesville Jewish Synagogue who were at Shabbat on Friday night during the torch light parade. The marchers passed by the Synagogue shouting nastiness at the worshippers. They didn't feel very free hearing that. They were terrorized.

Where were the police?
They don't have the right to bother anyone period. They don't get a free pass to harass, assault, and commit crimes against a certain group just because you don't like them either.

What about....

'Black Brunch' demonstrators storm New York and California restaurants as part of plan to 'target white spaces' in protest over 'police violence'
  • Demonstrators today stormed 'white spaces' in New York and California
  • Declared: 'Every 28 hours, a black person in America is killed by police'
  • Asked diners to raise their fists in air 'for black lives' - which many did
  • However, some mocked it, while others deemed it 'pathetic' and 'stupid'
By Sophie Jane Evans For

PUBLISHED: 22:25 EDT, 4 January 2015 | UPDATED: 15:50 EDT, 6 January 2015

Read more: 'Black Brunch' demonstrators storm restaurants and target white diners over 'police violence' | Daily Mail Online
Depends on the circumstances. But that's irrelevant to the issue of this guy at the protest. He could sue. He'd probably win. As long as he wasn't wearing company clothes, doing it on company property, or disemminating these views on company time; he has the right to assemble, and the right to free speech. And he also has freedom of religion, which could certainly be brought to bear against his employer. Civil rights protect this guy against being discriminated against for his beliefs, and legally excersizing his rights.
And no states right to work laws will shelter a company from a civil rights suit.

An employer has a right to protect their brand. If an employees actions damage the reputation of the business, you too would dismiss that employee. That's your livelihood as well as the employees.
Let me know when they start outing the thugs on the other side.

I believe in fairness.

People who oppose white supremacists and Nazis aren't "thugs". The white supremacists and the Nazis are "thugs" and should be opposed until there isn't a single one left.

The purpose of WWII was to rid the world of Nazis and white supremacist scum. We shouldn't even have to discuss it.
The Dildo in the White House might disagree with you (and me).

trump seems to have an affinity for right wing thugs and misfits. Hell, Bannon was one of his favorite people and his views are toxic. Plus the KKK and David Duke are some of the Orange Dipshit's most adoring fans. trump loves them because he's just like them.
Let me know when they start outing the thugs on the other side.

I believe in fairness.

People who oppose white supremacists and Nazis aren't "thugs". The white supremacists and the Nazis are "thugs" and should be opposed until there isn't a single one left.

The purpose of WWII was to rid the world of Nazis and white supremacist scum. We shouldn't even have to discuss it.
The Dildo in the White House might disagree with you (and me).

trump seems to have an affinity for right wing thugs and misfits. Hell, Bannon was one of his favorite people and his views are toxic. Plus the KKK and David Duke are some of the Orange Dipshit's most adoring fans. trump loves them because he's just like them.

A lot of the radical Rights in the Torch parade were wearing red, "Make America Great Again" hats. That is equivalent to a "get out of jail free" card, as far as Trump is concerned.

And, he will soon be here in AZ to speak at one of his "Praise Trump" evangelical meetings, where he will pardon Sheriff Joe for racial profiling.
Let me know when they start outing the thugs on the other side.

I believe in fairness.

People who oppose white supremacists and Nazis aren't "thugs". The white supremacists and the Nazis are "thugs" and should be opposed until there isn't a single one left.

The purpose of WWII was to rid the world of Nazis and white supremacist scum. We shouldn't even have to discuss it.
The Dildo in the White House might disagree with you (and me).

trump seems to have an affinity for right wing thugs and misfits. Hell, Bannon was one of his favorite people and his views are toxic. Plus the KKK and David Duke are some of the Orange Dipshit's most adoring fans. trump loves them because he's just like them.

A lot of the radical Rights in the Torch parade were wearing red, "Make America Great Again" hats. That is equivalent to a "get out of jail free" card, as far as Trump is concerned.

And, he will soon be here in AZ to speak at one of his "Praise Trump" evangelical meetings, where he will pardon Sheriff Joe for racial profiling.
If trump pardons that asshole joe arpaio loads of people in AZ will be pissed. He and the cops working under him, have profiled hispanics for years. This fool should be tossed in jail and made to wear the pink undies he made other inmates wear. The sheriff was/is a shitstain on law enforcement.
Let me know when they start outing the thugs on the other side.

I believe in fairness.

People who oppose white supremacists and Nazis aren't "thugs". The white supremacists and the Nazis are "thugs" and should be opposed until there isn't a single one left.

The purpose of WWII was to rid the world of Nazis and white supremacist scum. We shouldn't even have to discuss it.
The Dildo in the White House might disagree with you (and me).

trump seems to have an affinity for right wing thugs and misfits. Hell, Bannon was one of his favorite people and his views are toxic. Plus the KKK and David Duke are some of the Orange Dipshit's most adoring fans. trump loves them because he's just like them.

A lot of the radical Rights in the Torch parade were wearing red, "Make America Great Again" hats. That is equivalent to a "get out of jail free" card, as far as Trump is concerned.

And, he will soon be here in AZ to speak at one of his "Praise Trump" evangelical meetings, where he will pardon Sheriff Joe for racial profiling.
If trump pardons that asshole joe arpaio loads of people in AZ will be pissed. He and the cops working under him, have profiled hispanics for years. This fool should be tossed in jail and made to wear the pink undies he made other inmates wear. The sheriff was/is a shitstain on law enforcement.

Yep. his county finally voted him out, having gotten tired of paying Joe's fines, which was levied against the county, and paid with tax money.
arre yuo crazzy? the guy was legally excersizing his rrights, yo! he is entitled!

Free speech does NOT mean free of consequences.

It's amazing how such a simple thing is so wildly misconstrued.

The racists, misogynists and white supremacists have been emboldened by the election of Donald Trump, and they slithered out from under their rocks in droves to vote for him. They are the lowlife bottom feeders of his base. But they have grossly miscalculated the response they'd receive.

More importantly, the Republican Party can no longer pretend that Trump isn't sympathetic to their white supremacist agenda. More and more Republicans are realizing the danger a Trump Presidency poses to the republic.

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