alt right

Trump just won a primary where main stream republicans said they would vote for trump even if he was convicted of a felony. That's batshit crazy and extremist.
No you stupid fucktard, it is a LOGICAL and TIMELY response to the Stalinist democommies.

Grow the fuck up.
It is a negative. Biden didn't do that. Trump and his cult did. Americans who attempt an insurrection are a threat to America.
Stupid brainless libtard, when the righties want an insurrection you'll know about it.
It's logical to vote for a convicted felon, and rapist?


So now you're moving from panic to praying, what stage of grief is that again, vermin? Fun fact, it's not going to help, Trump's inauguration is coming to a Country near you September, 2025
there is an alt left and a new left and several other flavors, many are greens if you are looking for them. progressives are fragmented into the economic branch (bernie sanders or maybe liz warren) and the culture war crazies you guys love to bash (aoc and the squad)

and many others, for a party accused of "lock step." (a luxury of multi party systems, we will pretty much take anyone who can reach a voting machine. ) dems are quite diverse.

there is an alt left

Yep, and every dem is a part of it.
Not really. You need dig deeper and see past the "every day". Most Republicans really are this gullible and pliant. I see this is my own immediate family and friends.
They may seem normal to you, but they aren't. They really believe this stuff.

I'm sorry, there are no "both sides" here. The extreme, falls primarily on the right. ^Shrug^.

No, the extreme falls on both sides. And from where I stand, I see MUCH more extremism on the left. But that’s only one point of view.

You need dig deeper and see past the "every day"

Perhaps YOU need to stop digging deeper, you know, the old adage, if you are trying to find something, eventually you’ll find it. You want these things to be true, so you’ll believe anything that confirms that bias.
There is no such thing as "alt-left". It's a kneejerk term used by members of the right to justify..."see, see, see, alt-left".
Manchin and Sinema are Republicans. They just don't have the courage...or the state support to declare it. :)
There is no such thing as "alt-left"
Rampart disagrees with you.

Post in thread 'alt right'
alt right

There’s as much of an alt left as there is an alt right. I know I know, “the left never does anything wrong, we’re pure as the driven snow!” You think that, don’t you? That no evil exists in the left…. You actually subscribe to that idea…
Trump just won a primary where main stream republicans said they would vote for trump even if he was convicted of a felony. That's batshit crazy and extremist.

Tell me if Biden and trump end up becoming the nominees and it was discovered that Biden committed a felony, that the left wouldn’t vote for him..knowing that it could hand the election to trump. Please, tell me you think that wouldnt happen..

You and I both know it wouldn’t. The left would vote for Biden regardless of anything he did.

You act like the right are some kind of evil because of that, but the left are equally as entrenched with Biden.
And here we have an example of what I just said. The left wants to lump everyone together, which is what I was making a point of.

And Cheney and kinsinger didn’t become rinos because the right moved away from them, they became rinos because they chose to turn their back on their party and try to hurt the party by joining the dems, something the left would certainly never do. Does this mean the right should call you all “alt-left”?

It’s kinda like how the left dismissed manchin and sinema when they started doing things the left didn’t like.
They became RINOS because they refused to swear fealty to Trump over the Constitution. Their hardcore conservative political principles remained the same.

The party changed, not them.
They became RINOS because they refused to swear fealty to Trump over the Constitution. Their hardcore conservative political principles remained the same.

The party changed, not them.
They were RINOs long before Trump.
Our fucking leftards are all so shallow, they can’t distinguish between conservative and Nazi.

So how can we expect them to distinguish between “right” and something called “alt-right?”
They became RINOS because they refused to swear fealty to Trump over the Constitution. Their hardcore conservative political principles remained the same.

The party changed, not them.
The Democrat Party is unrecognizable from the days I belonged to it. It changed….not me.

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