Alterations of the bible through history

His teachings prove he did. Many on earth claim to serve Jesus yet do not even know what he actually taught. Its hard to obey when one doesnt know his teachings. Like this super important one found at Matthew 6:33-- Therefore, keep on seeking first the kingdom and his (YHWH) Jehovah) righteousness and all these other things will be added( sustenance, covering, spirituality)-- Very important teaching if Jesus said -FIRST.
Once one knows this fact of his teaching. They know the one where he warns all about the god they are serving right before he tells all who the true God is at John 4:22-24= The Father. This is where trinity religions are failing all.
It was the Father who made the name Jesus above other names. Like this-Acts2:22--Gods power goes through Jesus. God did all of it Through Jesus. That is what made him look divine or godlike.

You have your own scriptures.

Bible translation, the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.
You have your own scriptures.

Bible translation, the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.
Yes my teachers did search for truth, searched facts of history and corrected many translating errors translated in by the religion that came out of Rome. Not only do the teachings of Jesus back them in every translation on earth, but the facts of history as well. Few know the facts.
Gods personal name was in the Ot in nearly 6800 places, wicked men removed it, they had no right, Every spot-GOD or LORD all capitols is was YHWH(Jehovah)-- every translation with his name removed are altered right there. The ones keeping the name out condemned my teachers for putting it back.
From Moses on up until this very day, while serving the true God, the Israelite religion ( that was Gods chosen) teach, serve and worship-a single being God-YHWH(Jehovah)--This same God was taught to Jesus while he attended those places of Worship, taught to every bible writer as well.
The early christians served that God as well. In the 2nd century a man named Terrillion was considering God to be a trinity ,Thus means a single being God was being served. At the religion that came out of Romes first council of Nicea, in the year 325, No trinity was taught. It was added at another council. These are 100% fact.

Now wouldnt one think since God put his name in the nearly 6800 spots-He wants it there. The wicked keep it out, Then turn and condemn the ones who put it back. in 2015, the divine name kjv put it back.
Yes my teachers did search for truth, searched facts of history and corrected many translating errors translated in by the religion that came out of Rome. Not only do the teachings of Jesus back them in every translation on earth, but the facts of history as well. Few know the facts.
Gods personal name was in the Ot in nearly 6800 places, wicked men removed it, they had no right, Every spot-GOD or LORD all capitols is was YHWH(Jehovah)-- every translation with his name removed are altered right there. The ones keeping the name out condemned my teachers for putting it back.
From Moses on up until this very day, while serving the true God, the Israelite religion ( that was Gods chosen) teach, serve and worship-a single being God-YHWH(Jehovah)--This same God was taught to Jesus while he attended those places of Worship, taught to every bible writer as well.
The early christians served that God as well. In the 2nd century a man named Terrillion was considering God to be a trinity ,Thus means a single being God was being served. At the religion that came out of Romes first council of Nicea, in the year 325, No trinity was taught. It was added at another council. These are 100% fact.

Now wouldnt one think since God put his name in the nearly 6800 spots-He wants it there. The wicked keep it out, Then turn and condemn the ones who put it back. in 2015, the divine name kjv put it back.

You do know that different languages have different words for God.
You do know that different languages have different words for God.

Well of course. Like in the greek Lexicon--The only word for God or god in Greek is Theos. Thus a differential had to be used. Like at John 1:1--Ho Theos was in the second line, plain Theos in the last line. Ho theos = The true living God, Plain Theos = was divine or has godlike qualities. It did not call the Logos( word) The true living God in the last line. Billions have been deceived by that translating error. They serve a non existent trinity god, that makes those to break Gods #1 commandment daily. making them a worker of iniquity, and at Matthew 7:22-23( judgement scenario) Jesus will say to those-Get away from me you that work iniquity, i must confess, i never even knew you. Many Jaws will drop.
The teaching of a trinity contradicts the teachings of Jesus and the Facts of true God worship history prior to the rise of the religion that came out of Rome.
The israelite religion serves the single being God-just not the way God wants. The JW,s do as well. There are a few other religions claiming to be christian that do not serve a trinity as well 4 or 5 i think.
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In the OT-- The tetragrammoton appeared in Hebrew scripture nearly 7000 x. This was the 4 constenants of Gods personal name--YHWH--( Jehovah)- After God inspired his writers to put his name in those places, wicked men with no right to do so, removed it and replaced it with-GOD or LORD( all capitols)-- Which caused much confusion on earth. God put his name there because he wants it there. The wicked keep it out and condemn to the core the bible translators who put it back--figure that one out. Their scholars know 100% it belongs there. It altered ones reading.

Trinity translation-Greek lexicon.-- At John 1:1 in the second line-The Logos was with HO Theos, ( 3rd) and the Logos was Theos.-- The true living God called-Ho Theos in the NT. Jesus( Logos) was not called HO Theos in the last line--just plain Theos--he was not being called The God. a god( small g) is 100% correct.--Other translations in history did not call Jesus God capitol G in their translations, but trinity scholars reject those translations because it exposes them as blind guides.

God worship history undeniable Facts= From Moses on up until this very day--The Israelite religion-teach, serve and worship-YHWH(Jehovah) a single being God. The same God that was taught to Jesus and every bible writer while they attended those places of worship.
A man called-Terrillion was considering God being a trinity in the 2nd century while the true God -a single being God was being served by all claiming to follow Jesus.
Then the religion that came out of Rome held councils, At the first council of Nicea-NO trinity was being taught. It was added at another council. In their own encyclopedia it states--The assimilation of a trinity in a christians life happened near the end of the 4th century.
The religion that came out of Rome--Would not let anyone but upper clergy read the written word of God until about the 1500,s. It was kept in latin until then. Once men were allowed to read Gods written word, they clearly saw something wrong in that religion, for centuries have been trying to make corrections to the errors allowed in but failed because the translations were altered, now we have 34,000 different trinity based religions= a mass of confusion. Gods word clearly teaches--Unity of thought-no division.( 1Cor 1:10)= a single religion on earth has the real Jesus.
Do you know these facts?

The bible is deliberately changed every version to suit the religious climate. I'll bet in the future it will make references to the internet and mobile phones.
Surely then you will realise what a loading shit it is.
The bible is deliberately changed every version to suit the religious climate. I'll bet in the future it will make references to the internet and mobile phones.
Surely then you will realise what a loading shit it is.
Actually babylon the great is about to fall( worldwide false religions) This begins the tribulation( the closing of the ark door perse) The 7 headed beast with 10 horns does it, It says-God puts it into their hearts to do this. The nations hand power over to them for 1 hour( short period of time. The nations cannot do it, the people would revolt.
The bible has been corrected-The New world translation.
Actually babylon the great is about to fall( worldwide false religions) This begins the tribulation( the closing of the ark door perse) The 7 headed beast with 10 horns does it, It says-God puts it into their hearts to do this. The nations hand power over to them for 1 hour( short period of time. The nations cannot do it, the people would revolt.
The bible has been corrected-The New world translation.

Futurism is false. its a money maker for charlatans.
In the OT-- The tetragrammoton appeared in Hebrew scripture nearly 7000 x. This was the 4 constenants of Gods personal name--YHWH--( Jehovah)- After God inspired his writers to put his name in those places, wicked men with no right to do so, removed it and replaced it with-GOD or LORD( all capitols)-- Which caused much confusion on earth. God put his name there because he wants it there. The wicked keep it out and condemn to the core the bible translators who put it back--figure that one out. Their scholars know 100% it belongs there. It altered ones reading.

Trinity translation-Greek lexicon.-- At John 1:1 in the second line-The Logos was with HO Theos, ( 3rd) and the Logos was Theos.-- The true living God called-Ho Theos in the NT. Jesus( Logos) was not called HO Theos in the last line--just plain Theos--he was not being called The God. a god( small g) is 100% correct.--Other translations in history did not call Jesus God capitol G in their translations, but trinity scholars reject those translations because it exposes them as blind guides.

God worship history undeniable Facts= From Moses on up until this very day--The Israelite religion-teach, serve and worship-YHWH(Jehovah) a single being God. The same God that was taught to Jesus and every bible writer while they attended those places of worship.
A man called-Terrillion was considering God being a trinity in the 2nd century while the true God -a single being God was being served by all claiming to follow Jesus.
Then the religion that came out of Rome held councils, At the first council of Nicea-NO trinity was being taught. It was added at another council. In their own encyclopedia it states--The assimilation of a trinity in a christians life happened near the end of the 4th century.
The religion that came out of Rome--Would not let anyone but upper clergy read the written word of God until about the 1500,s. It was kept in latin until then. Once men were allowed to read Gods written word, they clearly saw something wrong in that religion, for centuries have been trying to make corrections to the errors allowed in but failed because the translations were altered, now we have 34,000 different trinity based religions= a mass of confusion. Gods word clearly teaches--Unity of thought-no division.( 1Cor 1:10)= a single religion on earth has the real Jesus.
Do you know these facts?
I believe the Bible as it is translated correctly. Since that has been done many times and continues to be done by some of the newer religions like the JW's, I'm so glad we have the Book of Mormon that was translated only once. As a companion with the Bible, we now have the fullness of the Gospel and true understanding. So, keep up your arguing. The truth is actually now settled. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true Church of Jesus Christ (Jehovah) with the only true doctrine and ordinances.
I believe the Bible as it is translated correctly. Since that has been done many times and continues to be done by some of the newer religions like the JW's, I'm so glad we have the Book of Mormon that was translated only once. As a companion with the Bible, we now have the fullness of the Gospel and true understanding. So, keep up your arguing. The truth is actually now settled. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true Church of Jesus Christ (Jehovah) with the only true doctrine and ordinances.

You also have another book written by a man. And you still have a trinity god. The God of Abraham-the Abrahamic God is a single being God.
You also have another book written by a man. And you still have a trinity god. The God of Abraham-the Abrahamic God is a single being God.
Have you ever seen this single personage? No. So, how do you know? I know because I can read. I have a second witness that you reject. So, as Jesus said, by two or three shall we know the truth in Jesus. Ezekiel also wrote that there would be two testaments. One of Judah (The Bible) and one of Joseph through Ephraim (The Book of Mormon). With this, I know that God did not lie when he said of Adam, "he know is as one of us knowing good and evil." "Us." More than one. But, still one Godhead. Three personages with one goal together to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. The Father (Elohim), The Son (Jesus - Jehovah), The Holy Ghost. All separate and distinct personages. "God" is plural. It's better to use "Godhead."
Have you ever seen this single personage? No. So, how do you know? I know because I can read. I have a second witness that you reject. So, as Jesus said, by two or three shall we know the truth in Jesus. Ezekiel also wrote that there would be two testaments. One of Judah (The Bible) and one of Joseph through Ephraim (The Book of Mormon). With this, I know that God did not lie when he said of Adam, "he know is as one of us knowing good and evil." "Us." More than one. But, still one Godhead. Three personages with one goal together to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. The Father (Elohim), The Son (Jesus - Jehovah), The Holy Ghost. All separate and distinct personages. "God" is plural. It's better to use "Godhead."
Jesus is not YHWH. The Israelite God is a single being God-always was and always will be.
Jesus is not YHWH. The Israelite God is a single being God-always was and always will be.
Says who? Current day Jews and Christians? Jesus = I AM; YHWH = I AM, Through the transitive postulate, Jesus = YHWH. Thus, logically and scripturally, you are wrong. I'm right. :5_1_12024:
Says who? Current day Jews and Christians? Jesus = I AM; YHWH = I AM, Through the transitive postulate, Jesus = YHWH. Thus, logically and scripturally, you are wrong. I'm right. :5_1_12024:
There is no i am in the Hebrew scriptures. Its a mistranslation. Look it up.
There is no i am in the Hebrew scriptures. Its a mistranslation. Look it up.
I've looked it up and your JW scholars mistranslate. By the way, the Bible is correct as far as it is translated correctly. So, as is stated in 2Peter 1:20, " Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation." You are trying to corner the interpretation which is not possible. So, just read the words and try to understand them through the Holy Ghost. Verse 21 says, "For the prophecy came NOT in old time by the will of men: but by Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." It's why I take scholars with a grain of salt. I know by the manifestation and gift of the Holy Ghost, Moses said the name of the Lord he was speaking with is "I AM." And, Jesus said he was that very same "I AM." This may be above your paygrade to understand because you probably also reject the Holy Ghost as well as a member of the Godhead of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I'll end with this in the New Testament, Matthew 28:18-20 on who Jesus Christ is, "And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world, Amen." Sounds just like the Lord who spoke to Moses.
I've looked it up and your JW scholars mistranslate. By the way, the Bible is correct as far as it is translated correctly. So, as is stated in 2Peter 1:20, " Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation." You are trying to corner the interpretation which is not possible. So, just read the words and try to understand them through the Holy Ghost. Verse 21 says, "For the prophecy came NOT in old time by the will of men: but by Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." It's why I take scholars with a grain of salt. I know by the manifestation and gift of the Holy Ghost, Moses said the name of the Lord he was speaking with is "I AM." And, Jesus said he was that very same "I AM." This may be above your paygrade to understand because you probably also reject the Holy Ghost as well as a member of the Godhead of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I'll end with this in the New Testament, Matthew 28:18-20 on who Jesus Christ is, "And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world, Amen." Sounds just like the Lord who spoke to Moses.

Thats funny when The Jw teachers were allowed in the catholic archives they came out with proof-The spirit water and blood are the 3 that bear witness. With that proof other bibles changed it from their error. I am telling you catholicism translated in many errors to fit false council teachings. The Jw,s checked into facts and fixed them. I am that i am is one of those errors. The Jw,s dont have Hebrew scholars-The Jewish religion does.
There is no i am in the Hebrew scriptures. Its a mistranslation. Look it up.
THVH is not translatable simply because we don't know what the word is. There are many ways to pronounce it and nobody knows the correct way. When read in Hebrew, it is simply pronounced "Adonai".
Since it lacks context, it cannot be translated.
THVH is not translatable simply because we don't know what the word is. There are many ways to pronounce it and nobody knows the correct way. When read in Hebrew, it is simply pronounced "Adonai".
Since it lacks context, it cannot be translated.

LORD is Adonai--YHWH = Jehovah.
Such little faith in God that he couldnt make his name known. Jesus promised to keep on making it known-John 17:26
Not how Torah is read in Hebrew.
The word LORD all capitols doesnt belong in the OT. The tetragramoton was in every spot-GOD or LORD all capitols is in the OT. Men removed Gods name they had no right to do so. YHWH belongs in every one of those spots nearly 6800 spots.
The word LORD all capitols doesnt belong in the OT. The tetragramoton was in every spot-GOD or LORD all capitols is in the OT. Men removed Gods name they had no right to do so. YHWH belongs in every one of those spots nearly 6800 spots.

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