Alternative Voting System

At this point I am willing to use the Afghani system of voting. You show up, prove who you are, dip your finger in some ink that can't be washed off, you vote, you go away, and anyone who is caught trying to illegally vote is shot on the spot. (Ok, so I threw that last bit in, but I think it's a great idea. :p )
I also believe every ballot for elected office should have a None of the Above option.

If None of the Above wins, all the candidates on the ballot are trashed and not allowed to run again. Then we hold a new election.
That is why I am going to change my name to none of the above and you will be hearing on the news "President Above signed...."
How did I misuse the term republic?
Implying it had anything to do with this:
the problem besetting Washington could be solved by a more representative and more highly competitive elections.
So now it's you implying the founders were not afraid of acting stupidly.
And where the fuck do you get the idea the founders were afraid of too much democracy? Public ed? Too much democracy is stupid, it's two lions and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.
They were afraid of acting stupidly because they formed a republic? Does. Not. Compute.
Forming a republic didn't protect the 'negroes' in America.
Somebody give this boy a cookie.
Some folks like to narrow down the term Republic for political reasons. I think its mostly elitists who like the corrupt status quo. The founding generation equated Republics and Democracies, which is basically confirmed in a recent Supreme Court Case Arizona vs Arizona. Most of the pics in my gallery deal with this issue.

Most of the problems in politics I think come from to much influence of special interest money.

Some of that could be alleviated by a better voting system. Proportional representation for legislatures I think and preference voting such as outlined in OP for executive positions like Mayor or president.

But we also need a better representation to citizen ratio, closer to that at the time of the founding.

And a national initiative option to keep all these "representatives" in line.
It's called English. Learn to use it. A republic means the citizens elect representatives, we do not vote directly on issues, except some states have ballot measures. It is not complicated.

People are not typically very well informed, don't care or want to learn the details and operate in their own best interests. Having more uninformed people making decisions is a big step backwards.

so-called "uninformed" could hardly do worse than the corporate sell-out "representatives" we have now.

The very existence of ballot measures shows your definition of Republic to be wrong. Republics thru the ages had direct citizen lawmaking.
Wrong. Ballot measures isn't how we run the national government. We wouldn't need representatives if you were right. LOL.

you are wrong...see the Supreme Court case I referenced
Rather than pissing into the wind, back up your statement. Show us where they say we aren't a republic. This should be good!

Show us where it's determined that a republic cannot be a democracy.
Some folks like to narrow down the term Republic for political reasons. I think its mostly elitists who like the corrupt status quo. The founding generation equated Republics and Democracies, which is basically confirmed in a recent Supreme Court Case Arizona vs Arizona. Most of the pics in my gallery deal with this issue.

Most of the problems in politics I think come from to much influence of special interest money.

Some of that could be alleviated by a better voting system. Proportional representation for legislatures I think and preference voting such as outlined in OP for executive positions like Mayor or president.

But we also need a better representation to citizen ratio, closer to that at the time of the founding.

And a national initiative option to keep all these "representatives" in line.
It's called English. Learn to use it. A republic means the citizens elect representatives, we do not vote directly on issues, except some states have ballot measures. It is not complicated.

People are not typically very well informed, don't care or want to learn the details and operate in their own best interests. Having more uninformed people making decisions is a big step backwards.

so-called "uninformed" could hardly do worse than the corporate sell-out "representatives" we have now.

The very existence of ballot measures shows your definition of Republic to be wrong. Republics thru the ages had direct citizen lawmaking.
Wrong. Ballot measures isn't how we run the national government. We wouldn't need representatives if you were right. LOL.

Democracies have representatives.
You obviously have no clue why we have the electoral college system or what the word "republic" means.
You have the electoral college system because the founders were frightened of too much democracy. And I think it you who does not know the meaning of republic:

Definition of “republic” | Collins English Dictionary
  1. a form of government in which the people or their elected representatives possess the supreme power
  2. a political or national unit possessing such a form of government
  3. a constitutional form in which the head of state is an elected or nominated president
I think you are an idiot. How did I misuse the term republic? And where the fuck do you get the idea the founders were afraid of too much democracy? Public ed? Too much democracy is stupid, it's two lions and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.
And what system protects the lamb?
A republic. Like I said.

What if the republic decides to enslave lambs, or decides that lambs have no rights?
I originally didn't like the idea. But the more I looked into it, the more sense it made. It doesn't really have a significant downside. And it makes elected officials more representative of the actual electorate.
Move to Europe. Problem solved!

Or....we could just use the system here and enjoy its benefits: a more representative government.
It's called English. Learn to use it. A republic means the citizens elect representatives, we do not vote directly on issues, except some states have ballot measures. It is not complicated.

People are not typically very well informed, don't care or want to learn the details and operate in their own best interests. Having more uninformed people making decisions is a big step backwards.

so-called "uninformed" could hardly do worse than the corporate sell-out "representatives" we have now.

The very existence of ballot measures shows your definition of Republic to be wrong. Republics thru the ages had direct citizen lawmaking.
Wrong. Ballot measures isn't how we run the national government. We wouldn't need representatives if you were right. LOL.

you are wrong...see the Supreme Court case I referenced
Rather than pissing into the wind, back up your statement. Show us where they say we aren't a republic. This should be good!
Show us where it's determined that a republic cannot be a democracy.
Fuck dude. Go find a grownup to explain what words mean.
I would like to see a change in voting.

I think if you could vote against someone, more people would go.

example; Trump vs Hillary vs 3rd party

Trump is a gasbag that's more into himself than anything else and I won't vote for him.
Hillary is an evil twunt with no place among the living, so I wouldn't vote for her.
3rd party is some milktoast libertarian

so now I have little reason to take my time and vote, but if I could vote against Hillary, I would take the time to do so. This gives a 3rd party a better shot as who is going to be interested in voting against them.

That would be interesting.

If you were still allowed only one vote, but could use it to vote for someone, or use it to vote against someone, that would be awesome.

If you voted against someone, your vote would subtract from their score.

Right now, the only way you can vote against a candidate is to vote for the other candidate. The "lesser of two evils" system of voting. However, when you vote for a lesser evil, you are still voting for evil. And when you vote for someone, they think you are voting for them because you think they are doing something right.

But if you are allowed to vote against someone, then you aren't telling the other person they are doing something right. You are telling them they suck, just not as much as the other person.
I came up with this idea about 12 years ago

I didn't want to vote for Bush and the (D) was some moron and the 3rd party guy was so far back I didn't know his name then. So I presented the idea on Salon when it was mccain v obama

it did not go over well, it was received in a shockingly poor way.

Nice to see 1 other person gets it.
I also believe every ballot for elected office should have a None of the Above option.

If None of the Above wins, all the candidates on the ballot are trashed and not allowed to run again. Then we hold a new election.
you do understand that that would mean months of listening to more political adds?
I would like to see a change in voting.

I think if you could vote against someone, more people would go.

example; Trump vs Hillary vs 3rd party

Trump is a gasbag that's more into himself than anything else and I won't vote for him.
Hillary is an evil twunt with no place among the living, so I wouldn't vote for her.
3rd party is some milktoast libertarian

so now I have little reason to take my time and vote, but if I could vote against Hillary, I would take the time to do so. This gives a 3rd party a better shot as who is going to be interested in voting against them.

That would be interesting.

If you were still allowed only one vote, but could use it to vote for someone, or use it to vote against someone, that would be awesome.

If you voted against someone, your vote would subtract from their score.

Right now, the only way you can vote against a candidate is to vote for the other candidate. The "lesser of two evils" system of voting. However, when you vote for a lesser evil, you are still voting for evil. And when you vote for someone, they think you are voting for them because you think they are doing something right.

But if you are allowed to vote against someone, then you aren't telling the other person they are doing something right. You are telling them they suck, just not as much as the other person.


Your almost there... You are really talking about Single Transfer Voting(Alternative Voting).
In a one seat race,
1. Vote as per your preference,
2. Count votes
3. Eliminate last place
4. If your candidate gets eliminated, your vote goes to your next preference.
5. Keep doing 3 & 4 until you get two candidates OR someone gets over half the votes.
6. So all votes(assuming everyone uses all their preferences) will be used for either for the 1st or 2nd place.

Here is Example from Ireland:
View attachment 57005
For expediency and mathematically, if a candidate can't win transfer of next preference he is eliminated. So that is why a few can be eliminated in one count.

This is much in the spirit of what you wanted, I think.
lemme see if I get this;

If 5 are running

I put a 5 next to the most wanted
a 4 by the nest
then 3 2 1 on down the line?
I would like to see a change in voting.

I think if you could vote against someone, more people would go.

example; Trump vs Hillary vs 3rd party

Trump is a gasbag that's more into himself than anything else and I won't vote for him.
Hillary is an evil twunt with no place among the living, so I wouldn't vote for her.
3rd party is some milktoast libertarian

so now I have little reason to take my time and vote, but if I could vote against Hillary, I would take the time to do so. This gives a 3rd party a better shot as who is going to be interested in voting against them.

That would be interesting.

If you were still allowed only one vote, but could use it to vote for someone, or use it to vote against someone, that would be awesome.

If you voted against someone, your vote would subtract from their score.

Right now, the only way you can vote against a candidate is to vote for the other candidate. The "lesser of two evils" system of voting. However, when you vote for a lesser evil, you are still voting for evil. And when you vote for someone, they think you are voting for them because you think they are doing something right.

But if you are allowed to vote against someone, then you aren't telling the other person they are doing something right. You are telling them they suck, just not as much as the other person.

It is an intriguing idea.....and might cut down on negative advertising....cause you might not be helping yourself just hurting the other guy.

but neg ads could get more people to vote against another person.

imagine, knowing you are going to be in 3rd, you can get people riled up enough that instead of voting for their guy, they vote against the other guy, your people vote for you and your the winner.
Some folks like to narrow down the term Republic for political reasons. I think its mostly elitists who like the corrupt status quo. The founding generation equated Republics and Democracies, which is basically confirmed in a recent Supreme Court Case Arizona vs Arizona. Most of the pics in my gallery deal with this issue.

Most of the problems in politics I think come from to much influence of special interest money.

Some of that could be alleviated by a better voting system. Proportional representation for legislatures I think and preference voting such as outlined in OP for executive positions like Mayor or president.

But we also need a better representation to citizen ratio, closer to that at the time of the founding.

And a national initiative option to keep all these "representatives" in line.
It's called English. Learn to use it. A republic means the citizens elect representatives, we do not vote directly on issues, except some states have ballot measures. It is not complicated.

People are not typically very well informed, don't care or want to learn the details and operate in their own best interests. Having more uninformed people making decisions is a big step backwards.

so-called "uninformed" could hardly do worse than the corporate sell-out "representatives" we have now.

The very existence of ballot measures shows your definition of Republic to be wrong. Republics thru the ages had direct citizen lawmaking.
Wrong. Ballot measures isn't how we run the national government. We wouldn't need representatives if you were right. LOL.

you are wrong...see the Supreme Court case I referenced
Rather than pissing into the wind, back up your statement. Show us where they say we aren't a republic. This should be good!

they didnt say it wasnt a republic, and I dont say it isnt a republic.....just that the word republic doesnt mean it isnt a democracy
Last edited:
I would like to see a change in voting.

I think if you could vote against someone, more people would go.

example; Trump vs Hillary vs 3rd party

Trump is a gasbag that's more into himself than anything else and I won't vote for him.
Hillary is an evil twunt with no place among the living, so I wouldn't vote for her.
3rd party is some milktoast libertarian

so now I have little reason to take my time and vote, but if I could vote against Hillary, I would take the time to do so. This gives a 3rd party a better shot as who is going to be interested in voting against them.

That would be interesting.

If you were still allowed only one vote, but could use it to vote for someone, or use it to vote against someone, that would be awesome.

If you voted against someone, your vote would subtract from their score.

Right now, the only way you can vote against a candidate is to vote for the other candidate. The "lesser of two evils" system of voting. However, when you vote for a lesser evil, you are still voting for evil. And when you vote for someone, they think you are voting for them because you think they are doing something right.

But if you are allowed to vote against someone, then you aren't telling the other person they are doing something right. You are telling them they suck, just not as much as the other person.

It is an intriguing idea.....and might cut down on negative advertising....cause you might not be helping yourself just hurting the other guy.

but neg ads could get more people to vote against another person.

imagine, knowing you are going to be in 3rd, you can get people riled up enough that instead of voting for their guy, they vote against the other guy, your people vote for you and your the winner.

yeah, well that scenario could probably happen today too,.....perhaps have negative votes count for less than a full vote or some similar deal.

But If the reason you are voting as you are is because of fear of someone getting into are apparently not too concerned about the other candidates, thats how things would play out...see little problem with it.
It's called English. Learn to use it. A republic means the citizens elect representatives, we do not vote directly on issues, except some states have ballot measures. It is not complicated.

People are not typically very well informed, don't care or want to learn the details and operate in their own best interests. Having more uninformed people making decisions is a big step backwards.

so-called "uninformed" could hardly do worse than the corporate sell-out "representatives" we have now.

The very existence of ballot measures shows your definition of Republic to be wrong. Republics thru the ages had direct citizen lawmaking.
Wrong. Ballot measures isn't how we run the national government. We wouldn't need representatives if you were right. LOL.

you are wrong...see the Supreme Court case I referenced
Rather than pissing into the wind, back up your statement. Show us where they say we aren't a republic. This should be good!

they didnt say it wasnt a republic, and I dont say it isnt a republic.....just the the word republic doesnt mean it isnt a democracy
The word republic is specific, even Germany is a republic.

Federal Republic of Germany is established - May 23, 1949 -
Federal Republic of Germany is established
so-called "uninformed" could hardly do worse than the corporate sell-out "representatives" we have now.

The very existence of ballot measures shows your definition of Republic to be wrong. Republics thru the ages had direct citizen lawmaking.
Wrong. Ballot measures isn't how we run the national government. We wouldn't need representatives if you were right. LOL.

you are wrong...see the Supreme Court case I referenced
Rather than pissing into the wind, back up your statement. Show us where they say we aren't a republic. This should be good!

they didnt say it wasnt a republic, and I dont say it isnt a republic.....just the the word republic doesnt mean it isnt a democracy
The word republic is specific, even Germany is a republic.

Federal Republic of Germany is established - May 23, 1949 -
Federal Republic of Germany is established

well not really, most of the world uses Republic merely to mean a system that doesnt have a monarch...thus Cuba is a republic but not a democracy.....
I have little problem with that definition tho I think it is wrong..........Republic is really just the Latin term for Democracy

read through my gallery pics....most of them deal with this subject.

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