Alyssa Milano says she traded in her Elon Musk car for a Hitler car because she is against “hate and white supremacy”

Fraulein Milano! Alyssa, please stop this. Stop the hysterical Prog feminist outbursts. The Handmaids Tale and the rest needs to be subdued. The Chinese can invade some Prog cities easily. And they will stop all of the extreme feminism pretty quickly.
They will say ANYTHING to keep from having to admit that they like Hitler better than they like Musk. :abgg2q.jpg:

Is that some Nazi or is that some Nazi?

Holy shit. Nazis do drive VWs!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, Alyssa Milano voted for Joe Biden who said that he would not send his children to a desegregated school because it would be like a "racial jungle".
And she voted for Hillary Clinton who said that Black Men are "super predators" who should be "brought to heel".
Milano is the "white supremist", not Elon Musk.

Democrats are ignorant. They have no idea what they are voting for. They are sheep and vote with the herd.
And the connection to an epic faux Pas by Alyssa is........
I thought you’d run out and buy an EV from fellow troll Elon. Probably not which has me laughing at a car company alienating itself from its customers to cozy up to the right wing nuts who think EVs are evil and VW is for Nazis while they love the Proud Boys and actual Nazis. Its a crazy world.

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