Alyssa Milano says she traded in her Elon Musk car for a Hitler car because she is against “hate and white supremacy”

I thought you’d run out and buy an EV from fellow troll Elon. Probably not which has me laughing at a car company alienating itself from its customers to cozy up to the right wing nuts who think EVs are evil and VW is for Nazis while they love the Proud Boys and actual Nazis. Its a crazy world.

It is a crazy world.

That's why you fit in so well.

I thought you’d run out and buy an EV from fellow troll Elon. Probably not which has me laughing at a car company alienating itself from its customers to cozy up to the right wing nuts who think EVs are evil and VW is for Nazis while they love the Proud Boys and actual Nazis. Its a crazy world.
Anyone that would buy an EV of any kind from anyone is just a gullible rube and useful idiot like you.
Word of advice: Stop thinking about hairy man ass and your life might get better.
Does it strike you at all odd or ironic that you are absolutely convinced that free speech equals white supremacy?
Does it strike you at all odd or ironic that you are absolutely convinced white supremacy speech on a business platform is free speech?
Anyone that would buy an EV of any kind from anyone is just a gullible rube and useful idiot like you.
Word of advice: Stop thinking about hairy man ass and your life might get better.
You’re the one typing about man parts. Tesla CEO alienating his customers cracks me up. It’s like Chick Fila trolling churches. Great strategy!
I thought you’d run out and buy an EV from fellow troll Elon. Probably not which has me laughing at a car company alienating itself from its customers to cozy up to the right wing nuts who think EVs are evil and VW is for Nazis while they love the Proud Boys and actual Nazis. Its a crazy world.
From my comments in the energy and environmental threads, my stance has always been EV's are shit, Musk found the formula to get obscene amounts of cash out of fools for his junk cars (but a fool and their money are soon parted), and Musk is a dickhead.
From my comments in the energy and environmental threads, my stance has always been EV's are shit, Musk found the formula to get obscene amounts of cash out of fools for his junk cars (but a fool and their money are soon parted), and Musk is a dickhead.

The fact that he is a genius of the highest level probably helped.

Why do you label him as a dickhead?
Go on, tell us more about your fantasy land...
He’s banning the people he just let back on because they went straight to being white racists again. It’s hilarious to watch.
He’s banning the people he just let back on because they went straight to being white racists again. It’s hilarious to watch.
So that is how Musk is supporting white supremacy?

Seems like you are trying to refute your own statement...

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