am i alcoholic or .....???

sorry for bad english,
am i alcoholic?
1: i dont drink everyday .just4-5 day per week or maybe 3 day....
2:i dont drink in the morning and noon .just after dark..........
3:i drink very much when i drinking........for example 8 double glass whiskey or aragh(55%+) or maybe more ....15 double glass
but im ok.for example i dont do ....idiot . when im drunk.i can control myslef.everbody saying daniel is good ....
4: i can left it for few days or even months.for example i can . .... dont drink for next months. i havnt any physical problem .for example .when i gone to army by force ( it is rule in iran.every boy must serve in army for 18 months). i didnt drink for two months and i havnt any problem.but when i did back ....
i did drink 3 week !!!!

+ Im drunk now like last night and ............
but it is holiday( new year) in iran.

MANY OF my friends told me you are alcoholic. am i ?


I am an alcoholic.

I can't stop at one, I got up to 9 glasses of wine per day (I drank every day) and hid it from my husband it was so bad. It just kept getting progressively worse, more drinking every day in higher amounts.

If you can control it, you're not an alcoholic - but I'm no expert!
9 glasses is not that bad. That's only like 3 bottles ( the small bottles, not the mega bottles). Shit, the way you talk about it I thought you were downing a fifth of Jack every day.

Whatever it took for me to drink to not give a shit... about anything... it was an interesting time....
sorry for bad english,
am i alcoholic?
1: i dont drink everyday .just4-5 day per week or maybe 3 day....
2:i dont drink in the morning and noon .just after dark..........
3:i drink very much when i drinking........for example 8 double glass whiskey or aragh(55%+) or maybe more ....15 double glass
but im ok.for example i dont do ....idiot . when im drunk.i can control myslef.everbody saying daniel is good ....
4: i can left it for few days or even months.for example i can . .... dont drink for next months. i havnt any physical problem .for example .when i gone to army by force ( it is rule in iran.every boy must serve in army for 18 months). i didnt drink for two months and i havnt any problem.but when i did back ....
i did drink 3 week !!!!

+ Im drunk now like last night and ............
but it is holiday( new year) in iran.

MANY OF my friends told me you are alcoholic. am i ?


I am an alcoholic.

I can't stop at one, I got up to 9 glasses of wine per day (I drank every day) and hid it from my husband it was so bad. It just kept getting progressively worse, more drinking every day in higher amounts.

If you can control it, you're not an alcoholic - but I'm no expert!
9 glasses is not that bad. That's only like 3 bottles ( the small bottles, not the mega bottles). Shit, the way you talk about it I thought you were downing a fifth of Jack every day.
It is not what a person drinks or how much they drink it is what it does to them after they drink it.
What are you, an AA counselor?
sorry for bad english,
am i alcoholic?
1: i dont drink everyday .just4-5 day per week or maybe 3 day....
2:i dont drink in the morning and noon .just after dark..........
3:i drink very much when i drinking........for example 8 double glass whiskey or aragh(55%+) or maybe more ....15 double glass
but im ok.for example i dont do ....idiot . when im drunk.i can control myslef.everbody saying daniel is good ....
4: i can left it for few days or even months.for example i can . .... dont drink for next months. i havnt any physical problem .for example .when i gone to army by force ( it is rule in iran.every boy must serve in army for 18 months). i didnt drink for two months and i havnt any problem.but when i did back ....
i did drink 3 week !!!!

+ Im drunk now like last night and ............
but it is holiday( new year) in iran.

MANY OF my friends told me you are alcoholic. am i ?


I am an alcoholic.

I can't stop at one, I got up to 9 glasses of wine per day (I drank every day) and hid it from my husband it was so bad. It just kept getting progressively worse, more drinking every day in higher amounts.

If you can control it, you're not an alcoholic - but I'm no expert!
9 glasses is not that bad. That's only like 3 bottles ( the small bottles, not the mega bottles). Shit, the way you talk about it I thought you were downing a fifth of Jack every day.
It is not what a person drinks or how much they drink it is what it does to them after they drink it.
What are you, an AA counselor?
Nope but I have had to deal with these issues in another people enough to have more than a pedestrian perspective.
sorry for bad english,
am i alcoholic?
1: i dont drink everyday .just4-5 day per week or maybe 3 day....
2:i dont drink in the morning and noon .just after dark..........
3:i drink very much when i drinking........for example 8 double glass whiskey or aragh(55%+) or maybe more ....15 double glass
but im ok.for example i dont do ....idiot . when im drunk.i can control myslef.everbody saying daniel is good ....
4: i can left it for few days or even months.for example i can . .... dont drink for next months. i havnt any physical problem .for example .when i gone to army by force ( it is rule in iran.every boy must serve in army for 18 months). i didnt drink for two months and i havnt any problem.but when i did back ....
i did drink 3 week !!!!

+ Im drunk now like last night and ............
but it is holiday( new year) in iran.

MANY OF my friends told me you are alcoholic. am i ?


I am an alcoholic.

I can't stop at one, I got up to 9 glasses of wine per day (I drank every day) and hid it from my husband it was so bad. It just kept getting progressively worse, more drinking every day in higher amounts.

If you can control it, you're not an alcoholic - but I'm no expert!
9 glasses is not that bad. That's only like 3 bottles ( the small bottles, not the mega bottles). Shit, the way you talk about it I thought you were downing a fifth of Jack every day.
It is not what a person drinks or how much they drink it is what it does to them after they drink it.
What are you, an AA counselor?
Nope but I have had to deal with these issues in another people enough to have more than a pedestrian perspective.
Yeah, me too.
Suicidal drunk with a gun, big fun. Suicidal drunk using the front of my car for a successful suicide. Your a drunk, whether you are an alcoholic is beyond me.
Dani, you sound like a heavy drinker, who may possibly have hit the point of functional alcoholism.

But, if you want to REALLY find out, try this simple test that a friend of mine told me about.

Drink 2 drinks per day, no more, no less, for 30 days. You cannot build up drinks for the weekend by skipping days during the week. 2 per day for 30 days.

If you can successfully do that, you are not an alcoholic. If not, you might want to do an honest self evaluation on your drinking.
sorry for bad english

dont drink for me is better than ..
2 drink per is very hard for me.
i will be crazy if i ... 2 drink per day.i havnt problem for.. end it.for example .i can stop drink for 2 month and start it tomorrow .my problem is i like to be drunk. i dont enjoy anything very much .even sex.even listen to music.even eat food.
You sound depressed. Alcohol is deadly for depression. See a doctor. Other medications and counseling may help.
stay away from open flame


And blonde ( sandy haired RNs / Nurses that drive red Ford sedans ) women that say I am going to be a courier or a bodyguard, repeat events and conversations that took place at my last job.....even though she was not there, hangs up Christmas lights at her parents river lot in the middle of June.....just like a persons house I visited at my last place of employment, intimidates me, has her associated friends and colleagues spy on me, promises to take me to Australia, gives me...... "leads me" to financial advice, blames me for for the divorce of me and my wife, flirts with me even though she frequently speaks of her boyfriend, she tries to make me jealous of her relationship with her boyfriend.....and repeats to me events that took place at the EMS station where I was a Paramedic Student at a metropolitan EMS agency and she was not present, repeats to me events that take place at my parents farm when she was not there.

STAY AWAY FROM SANDY HAIRED ( NURSES - RNs ) BLONDE WOMEN and her associated co-workers and friends.

Trust only yourself. Not psycho women.

Connect the dots - sort out the lies - follow the leads.

"Intel - Detail" -------> Shadow 355
stay away from open flame

Stay away from Sandy Haired blonde nurses that start restaurants up in the town north of where you live - and the name of the restaurant is the same as your nieces first name.

Beware of Sandy haired blonde nurses that use voice changing phones to play mind games with you, or to make you angry.

Beware of Sandy Haired blonde nurses whom use your coworkers to play mind games with you - make your work day harder - and use events and conversation to make you mad or frustrated.

Beware of Sandy haired blonde nurses whom try to get you to quit your job, and move out of the area.

Beware of Sandy Haired Blonde nurses whom want you to look at a magazine of Jenna Jameson ( Porn Star ) ; then one of your other coworkers try to get you to watch a Pam Anderson and Tommy Lee amateur porn video ( yuck and double yuck ). And soon afterward you are watching rock&roll music awards and Pamela Anderson makes an azzz of herself, leaning forward on a stage saying ( Paraphrased ) "Rock and Roll forever" ( photoshopped video / tv presentation ).

Beware of Sandy Haired Blonde nurses who want you to go to work for TSA at Reagan National Airport.

Beware of Sandy Haired Blonde nurses whom have other blondes repeat to you conversions from your prior work location - to intimidate you and force you to leave the area by trying direly to embarrass you.

Shadow 355
There are a number of definitions of alcoholism and my wife and I probably meet them all. We each drink about 1.5 liters of white wine ( our preference is Chardonnay) per day. ( That is one large bottle each) However, it does not interfere with any aspect of our lives. We do not get drunk...just "mellow" It does not have an effect any our relationship ( other than that we just have more fun with each other) we are in our late 60's and in great health: normal weight and BMI, normal liver enzymes, we work out daily and have good energy and do not wake up hung over. If we go out for the evening, we are able to limit our drinking so that we are not dangerous on the road. Neither of us ever had a DUI.

Admittedly, we can't fathom a day when we could not look forward to that late afternoon drink. And a meal without wine? Forget about it! So what? I like to quote WC Fields who said " I feel sorry for people who don't drink...when they get up in the morning, that's as good as it gets"

It is often said that addictions are progressive. It doesn't have to be that way . We actually used to drink much more, and do "other things" as well in our major party days. At this point, I feel that we have achieved a reasonable and manageable level of inebriation and we're just fine.
There are a number of definitions of alcoholism and my wife and I probably meet them all. We each drink about 1.5 liters of white wine ( our preference is Chardonnay) per day. ( That is one large bottle each) However, it does not interfere with any aspect of our lives. We do not get drunk...just "mellow" It does not have an effect any our relationship ( other than that we just have more fun with each other) we are in our late 60's and in great health: normal weight and BMI, normal liver enzymes, we work out daily and have good energy and do not wake up hung over. If we go out for the evening, we are able to limit our drinking so that we are not dangerous on the road. Neither of us ever had a DUI.

Admittedly, we can't fathom a day when we could not look forward to that late afternoon drink. And a meal without wine? Forget about it! So what? I like to quote WC Fields who said " I feel sorry for people who don't drink...when they get up in the morning, that's as good as it gets"

It is often said that addictions are progressive. It doesn't have to be that way . We actually used to drink much more, and do "other things" as well in our major party days. At this point, I feel that we have achieved a reasonable and manageable level of inebriation and we're just fine.

Alcoholics can be functional. My father was functional for years. It became a coping mechanism and eventually killed him though.
sorry for bad english,
am i alcoholic?
1: i dont drink everyday .just4-5 day per week or maybe 3 day....
2:i dont drink in the morning and noon .just after dark..........
3:i drink very much when i drinking........for example 8 double glass whiskey or aragh(55%+) or maybe more ....15 double glass
but im ok.for example i dont do ....idiot . when im drunk.i can control myslef.everbody saying daniel is good ....
4: i can left it for few days or even months.for example i can . .... dont drink for next months. i havnt any physical problem .for example .when i gone to army by force ( it is rule in iran.every boy must serve in army for 18 months). i didnt drink for two months and i havnt any problem.but when i did back ....
i did drink 3 week !!!!

+ Im drunk now like last night and ............
but it is holiday( new year) in iran.

MANY OF my friends told me you are alcoholic. am i ?


I am an alcoholic.

I can't stop at one, I got up to 9 glasses of wine per day (I drank every day) and hid it from my husband it was so bad. It just kept getting progressively worse, more drinking every day in higher amounts.

If you can control it, you're not an alcoholic - but I'm no expert!
9 glasses is not that bad. That's only like 3 bottles ( the small bottles, not the mega bottles). Shit, the way you talk about it I thought you were downing a fifth of Jack every day.
In the long run, 9 drinks a day is enough to cause serious health problems such as cirrhosis and pancreatitis.
sorry for bad english,
am i alcoholic?
1: i dont drink everyday .just4-5 day per week or maybe 3 day....
2:i dont drink in the morning and noon .just after dark..........
3:i drink very much when i drinking........for example 8 double glass whiskey or aragh(55%+) or maybe more ....15 double glass
but im ok.for example i dont do ....idiot . when im drunk.i can control myslef.everbody saying daniel is good ....
4: i can left it for few days or even months.for example i can . .... dont drink for next months. i havnt any physical problem .for example .when i gone to army by force ( it is rule in iran.every boy must serve in army for 18 months). i didnt drink for two months and i havnt any problem.but when i did back ....
i did drink 3 week !!!!

+ Im drunk now like last night and ............
but it is holiday( new year) in iran.

MANY OF my friends told me you are alcoholic. am i ?


I am an alcoholic.

I can't stop at one, I got up to 9 glasses of wine per day (I drank every day) and hid it from my husband it was so bad. It just kept getting progressively worse, more drinking every day in higher amounts.

If you can control it, you're not an alcoholic - but I'm no expert!
9 glasses is not that bad. That's only like 3 bottles ( the small bottles, not the mega bottles). Shit, the way you talk about it I thought you were downing a fifth of Jack every day.
In the long run, 9 drinks a day is enough to cause serious health problems such as cirrhosis and pancreatitis.

Well I don't drink at all now.
Well, I did have a beer a few weeks ago but only one.
Just have to steer clear of wine..... not sure why only wine, must be psychological.....
There are a number of definitions of alcoholism and my wife and I probably meet them all. We each drink about 1.5 liters of white wine ( our preference is Chardonnay) per day. ( That is one large bottle each) However, it does not interfere with any aspect of our lives. We do not get drunk...just "mellow" It does not have an effect any our relationship ( other than that we just have more fun with each other) we are in our late 60's and in great health: normal weight and BMI, normal liver enzymes, we work out daily and have good energy and do not wake up hung over. If we go out for the evening, we are able to limit our drinking so that we are not dangerous on the road. Neither of us ever had a DUI.

Admittedly, we can't fathom a day when we could not look forward to that late afternoon drink. And a meal without wine? Forget about it! So what? I like to quote WC Fields who said " I feel sorry for people who don't drink...when they get up in the morning, that's as good as it gets"

It is often said that addictions are progressive. It doesn't have to be that way . We actually used to drink much more, and do "other things" as well in our major party days. At this point, I feel that we have achieved a reasonable and manageable level of inebriation and we're just fine.

Alcoholics can be functional. My father was functional for years. It became a coping mechanism and eventually killed him though.
I'm sorry to hear that. What exactly did he die from.?
There are a number of definitions of alcoholism and my wife and I probably meet them all. We each drink about 1.5 liters of white wine ( our preference is Chardonnay) per day. ( That is one large bottle each) However, it does not interfere with any aspect of our lives. We do not get drunk...just "mellow" It does not have an effect any our relationship ( other than that we just have more fun with each other) we are in our late 60's and in great health: normal weight and BMI, normal liver enzymes, we work out daily and have good energy and do not wake up hung over. If we go out for the evening, we are able to limit our drinking so that we are not dangerous on the road. Neither of us ever had a DUI.

Admittedly, we can't fathom a day when we could not look forward to that late afternoon drink. And a meal without wine? Forget about it! So what? I like to quote WC Fields who said " I feel sorry for people who don't drink...when they get up in the morning, that's as good as it gets"

It is often said that addictions are progressive. It doesn't have to be that way . We actually used to drink much more, and do "other things" as well in our major party days. At this point, I feel that we have achieved a reasonable and manageable level of inebriation and we're just fine.

Alcoholics can be functional. My father was functional for years. It became a coping mechanism and eventually killed him though.
I'm sorry to hear that. What exactly did he die from.?

Cirrhosis of the liver. I think he was also suffering from some alcoholic dementia. That shit eats away at your brain after a while.
sorry for bad english,
am i alcoholic?
1: i dont drink everyday .just4-5 day per week or maybe 3 day....
2:i dont drink in the morning and noon .just after dark..........
3:i drink very much when i drinking........for example 8 double glass whiskey or aragh(55%+) or maybe more ....15 double glass
but im ok.for example i dont do ....idiot . when im drunk.i can control myslef.everbody saying daniel is good ....
4: i can left it for few days or even months.for example i can . .... dont drink for next months. i havnt any physical problem .for example .when i gone to army by force ( it is rule in iran.every boy must serve in army for 18 months). i didnt drink for two months and i havnt any problem.but when i did back ....
i did drink 3 week !!!!

+ Im drunk now like last night and ............
but it is holiday( new year) in iran.

MANY OF my friends told me you are alcoholic. am i ?


I am an alcoholic.

I can't stop at one, I got up to 9 glasses of wine per day (I drank every day) and hid it from my husband it was so bad. It just kept getting progressively worse, more drinking every day in higher amounts.

If you can control it, you're not an alcoholic - but I'm no expert!
9 glasses is not that bad. That's only like 3 bottles ( the small bottles, not the mega bottles). Shit, the way you talk about it I thought you were downing a fifth of Jack every day.
In the long run, 9 drinks a day is enough to cause serious health problems such as cirrhosis and pancreatitis.
I am of the belief that good nutrition and exercise can go a long way towards protecting against the effects of drinking.
There are a number of definitions of alcoholism and my wife and I probably meet them all. We each drink about 1.5 liters of white wine ( our preference is Chardonnay) per day. ( That is one large bottle each) However, it does not interfere with any aspect of our lives. We do not get drunk...just "mellow" It does not have an effect any our relationship ( other than that we just have more fun with each other) we are in our late 60's and in great health: normal weight and BMI, normal liver enzymes, we work out daily and have good energy and do not wake up hung over. If we go out for the evening, we are able to limit our drinking so that we are not dangerous on the road. Neither of us ever had a DUI.

Admittedly, we can't fathom a day when we could not look forward to that late afternoon drink. And a meal without wine? Forget about it! So what? I like to quote WC Fields who said " I feel sorry for people who don't drink...when they get up in the morning, that's as good as it gets"

It is often said that addictions are progressive. It doesn't have to be that way . We actually used to drink much more, and do "other things" as well in our major party days. At this point, I feel that we have achieved a reasonable and manageable level of inebriation and we're just fine.

Alcoholics can be functional. My father was functional for years. It became a coping mechanism and eventually killed him though.
I'm sorry to hear that. What exactly did he die from.?

Cirrhosis of the liver. I think he was also suffering from some alcoholic dementia. That shit eats away at your brain after a while.
I guess everyone is different. My live enzymes are normal and no one has accused me of any mental lapses as yet. I suppose that I shouldn't be so smug about it though.
sorry for bad english,
am i alcoholic?
1: i dont drink everyday .just4-5 day per week or maybe 3 day....
2:i dont drink in the morning and noon .just after dark..........
3:i drink very much when i drinking........for example 8 double glass whiskey or aragh(55%+) or maybe more ....15 double glass
but im ok.for example i dont do ....idiot . when im drunk.i can control myslef.everbody saying daniel is good ....
4: i can left it for few days or even months.for example i can . .... dont drink for next months. i havnt any physical problem .for example .when i gone to army by force ( it is rule in iran.every boy must serve in army for 18 months). i didnt drink for two months and i havnt any problem.but when i did back ....
i did drink 3 week !!!!

+ Im drunk now like last night and ............
but it is holiday( new year) in iran.

MANY OF my friends told me you are alcoholic. am i ?

if you have to ask, seek help. that isn't an insult. it's just fact
sorry for bad english,
am i alcoholic?
1: i dont drink everyday .just4-5 day per week or maybe 3 day....
2:i dont drink in the morning and noon .just after dark..........
3:i drink very much when i drinking........for example 8 double glass whiskey or aragh(55%+) or maybe more ....15 double glass
but im ok.for example i dont do ....idiot . when im drunk.i can control myslef.everbody saying daniel is good ....
4: i can left it for few days or even months.for example i can . .... dont drink for next months. i havnt any physical problem .for example .when i gone to army by force ( it is rule in iran.every boy must serve in army for 18 months). i didnt drink for two months and i havnt any problem.but when i did back ....
i did drink 3 week !!!!

+ Im drunk now like last night and ............
but it is holiday( new year) in iran.

MANY OF my friends told me you are alcoholic. am i ?


I am an alcoholic.

I can't stop at one, I got up to 9 glasses of wine per day (I drank every day) and hid it from my husband it was so bad. It just kept getting progressively worse, more drinking every day in higher amounts.

If you can control it, you're not an alcoholic - but I'm no expert!
9 glasses is not that bad. That's only like 3 bottles ( the small bottles, not the mega bottles). Shit, the way you talk about it I thought you were downing a fifth of Jack every day.
In the long run, 9 drinks a day is enough to cause serious health problems such as cirrhosis and pancreatitis.
I am of the belief that good nutrition and exercise can go a long way towards protecting against the effects of drinking.

yes the body has amazing rehabilitative abilities

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