am i doomed to hell?

It isn’t what you put into your mouth that defiles you. It is what comes out of your mouth that defiles you.

Exactly, which shows that the subject of Kosher law is about what you put into your mind,.

Everything that comes out of your mouth originates in the mind.

If you accept irrational beliefs into your mind you will become confused and say and do stupid things every day.

no one knows this better than you. It is written in your memory.

You don't have to believe me, you just have to remember. The least you could do is try.

Come the Judgment Day what will your excuse be I didn't want to act stupid

Come judgment day? lol... the judgments of God have been revealed from the beginning. What will be your excuse for setting aside divine law doing what is evil?

Nobody alerted you? lol

I'm not worried. Those who have been judged worthy of the resurrection are no longer subject to judgment.

They have already passed from death to life.

worry about yourself.
No one has gone to the final judgment yet dead or alive
It isn’t what you put into your mouth that defiles you. It is what comes out of your mouth that defiles you.

Exactly, which shows that the subject of Kosher law is about what you put into your mind,.

Everything that comes out of your mouth originates in the mind.

If you accept irrational beliefs into your mind you will become confused and say and do stupid things every day.

no one knows this better than you. It is written in your memory.

You don't have to believe me, you just have to remember. The least you could do is try.

Come the Judgment Day what will your excuse be I didn't want to act stupid

Come judgment day? lol... the judgments of God have been revealed from the beginning. What will be your excuse for setting aside divine law doing what is evil?

Nobody alerted you? lol

I'm not worried. Those who have been judged worthy of the resurrection are no longer subject to judgment.

They have already passed from death to life.

worry about yourself.
No one has gone to the final judgment yet dead or alive

The whole world had been judged to be without shape or form and void a very long time ago. Then Light was spoken into existence. If you don't live in the light, if you don't master the law, you will remain in darkness, dead..

If Jesus was the first fruit of the dead then every other living person on the planet was dead, everyone he preached to was dead, all his friends and family were dead.

Jesus was judged worthy of the resurrection while he was alive. A person cannot bodily ascend into heaven above from the earth below without a body. Everyone he raised from the dead in the same way that God raised him up from the dead was judged worthy of the resurrection while they still had a body with eyes to see and ears to hear and a voice to confess the truth

No one can repent from the grave, both literally and figuratively.
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Abiding by the law was a way to get to heaven before Jesus Christ. So come Judgment Day all who lived under the law will be judged by the way they acted the good they done but after Jesus Christ died on the cross and paid our sin with the blood now we are no longer under the law we can only get to Heaven if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved
I also think that if something was so powerful and intelligent to create our reality, he wouldnt be a genocidal, vengeful tyrant
He is a god of Love. You choose to go over to the dark side. He doesn't kill you if you keep your evil to yourself, but when you contaminate the culture (like murdering 60 million babies in this country alone), the nation falls under Divine Judgement. That is an act of love.

That is YOUR doing, not His. You are dust in His eyes. Yet if you CHOOSE to become His son, your existence becomes infinitely more important.

This life you experience now is TEMPORARY. You were created to be TEMPORARY in case you reject His gift of eternal life. Time is short. Choose wisely.

Religion! The greatest fraud perpetrated against men by other men, to gain control over their actions thoughts and Wealth for the betterment/ enrichment of the Mages and Prophets. Your god is the god of mass murder and genocide in the name of Eternal salvation. Kinda like Democrats! Do As I say or else we will destroy you and your way of life.
Abiding by the law was a way to get to heaven before Jesus Christ. So come Judgment Day all who lived under the law will be judged by the way they acted the good they done but after Jesus Christ died on the cross and paid our sin with the blood now we are no longer under the law we can only get to Heaven if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved

I heard that come judgment day, the dead in Christ will be the first to rise.

If you believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you wouldn't be sleeping in the grave of idolatry, you would be on your way to meet Jesus in the midst of the clouds that have obscured him from sight for more than 2000 years and you would conform to the instruction of the law, the only way to eternal life, in light of the revelation of Jesus with full comprehension and an intimate knowledge and keen awareness of the cost.

So get on with it already. You are caught between a rock and a hard place.You have a lot of work to do but if you waste your time arguing with me all of your work will be in vain and you will forfeit the salvation that you have been deceived into believing that you have in the bag already without even lifting a finger.
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It isn’t what you put into your mouth that defiles you. It is what comes out of your mouth that defiles you.

Exactly, which shows that the subject of Kosher law is about what you put into your mind,.

Everything that comes out of your mouth originates in the mind.

If you accept irrational beliefs into your mind you will become confused and say and do stupid things every day.

no one knows this better than you. It is written in your memory.

You don't have to believe me, you just have to remember. The least you could do is try.
You really should be worrying about yourself.
Abiding by the law was a way to get to heaven before Jesus Christ. So come Judgment Day all who lived under the law will be judged by the way they acted the good they done but after Jesus Christ died on the cross and paid our sin with the blood now we are no longer under the law we can only get to Heaven if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved

I heard that come judgment day, the dead in Christ will be the first to rise.

If you believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you wouldn't be sleeping in the grave of idolatry, you would be on your way to meet Jesus in the midst of the clouds that have obscured him from sight for more than 2000 years and you would conform to the instruction of the law, the only way to eternal life, in light of the revelation of Jesus with full comprehension and an intimate knowledge and keen awareness of the cost.

So get on with it already. You are caught between a rock and a hard place.You have a lot of work to do but if you waste your time arguing with me all of your work will be in vain and you will forfeit the salvation that you have been deceived into believing that you have in the bag already without even lifting a finger.
Worry about yourself.
Abiding by the law was a way to get to heaven before Jesus Christ. So come Judgment Day all who lived under the law will be judged by the way they acted the good they done but after Jesus Christ died on the cross and paid our sin with the blood now we are no longer under the law we can only get to Heaven if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved

I heard that come judgment day, the dead in Christ will be the first to rise.

If you believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you wouldn't be sleeping in the grave of idolatry, you would be on your way to meet Jesus in the midst of the clouds that have obscured him from sight for more than 2000 years and you would conform to the instruction of the law, the only way to eternal life, in light of the revelation of Jesus with full comprehension and an intimate knowledge and keen awareness of the cost.

So get on with it already. You are caught between a rock and a hard place.You have a lot of work to do but if you waste your time arguing with me all of your work will be in vain and you will forfeit the salvation that you have been deceived into believing that you have in the bag already without even lifting a finger.
Jesus said where I go you cannot come and after the Judgment Heaven and Earth shall pass away and a new Heaven shall be created
Abiding by the law was a way to get to heaven before Jesus Christ. So come Judgment Day all who lived under the law will be judged by the way they acted the good they done but after Jesus Christ died on the cross and paid our sin with the blood now we are no longer under the law we can only get to Heaven if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved

I heard that come judgment day, the dead in Christ will be the first to rise.

If you believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you wouldn't be sleeping in the grave of idolatry, you would be on your way to meet Jesus in the midst of the clouds that have obscured him from sight for more than 2000 years and you would conform to the instruction of the law, the only way to eternal life, in light of the revelation of Jesus with full comprehension and an intimate knowledge and keen awareness of the cost.

So get on with it already. You are caught between a rock and a hard place.You have a lot of work to do but if you waste your time arguing with me all of your work will be in vain and you will forfeit the salvation that you have been deceived into believing that you have in the bag already without even lifting a finger.
Worry about yourself.
No worries here
Abiding by the law was a way to get to heaven before Jesus Christ. So come Judgment Day all who lived under the law will be judged by the way they acted the good they done but after Jesus Christ died on the cross and paid our sin with the blood now we are no longer under the law we can only get to Heaven if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved

I heard that come judgment day, the dead in Christ will be the first to rise.

If you believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you wouldn't be sleeping in the grave of idolatry, you would be on your way to meet Jesus in the midst of the clouds that have obscured him from sight for more than 2000 years and you would conform to the instruction of the law, the only way to eternal life, in light of the revelation of Jesus with full comprehension and an intimate knowledge and keen awareness of the cost.

So get on with it already. You are caught between a rock and a hard place.You have a lot of work to do but if you waste your time arguing with me all of your work will be in vain and you will forfeit the salvation that you have been deceived into believing that you have in the bag already without even lifting a finger.
Worry about yourself.
Abiding by the law was a way to get to heaven before Jesus Christ. So come Judgment Day all who lived under the law will be judged by the way they acted the good they done but after Jesus Christ died on the cross and paid our sin with the blood now we are no longer under the law we can only get to Heaven if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved

I heard that come judgment day, the dead in Christ will be the first to rise.

If you believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you wouldn't be sleeping in the grave of idolatry, you would be on your way to meet Jesus in the midst of the clouds that have obscured him from sight for more than 2000 years and you would conform to the instruction of the law, the only way to eternal life, in light of the revelation of Jesus with full comprehension and an intimate knowledge and keen awareness of the cost.

So get on with it already. You are caught between a rock and a hard place.You have a lot of work to do but if you waste your time arguing with me all of your work will be in vain and you will forfeit the salvation that you have been deceived into believing that you have in the bag already without even lifting a finger.
Worry about yourself.
You worry about Christians. Which is odd.
Some of you know, i am a fairly close descendent of an ashkenazi jew. Only jew i know of in my family, so she slept out of her bloodline. Musta been a whore.. or she got raped by god like Mary..
The ashkenazi tribe was the majority of rome when jesus died. So, i believe my ancestors killed jesus.
Since we all know the illogical mentality of the abrahamic god, am i doomed for the sins of my ancestors? We all know how god feels about that shit...
Should i be scared for my soul?

Early Christians wrote about him, Jewish historians wrote about him and secular historians wrote about him.

People wrote about Captain Kirk and Indiana Jones... did that make them real?

Actually, there are no writings about Jesus before the Third Century, and most of the attributions like Tacitus and Josephus are suspected of being later writers inserting text. (As all texts were hand copied before the invention of printing presses.)

For instance, Tacitus says Nero blamed the Christians for the Great Fire in Rome. But this is not mentioned in Suetonius and Dio Cassius. Kind of an important detail to miss, don't you think?

Further, when Pliny the Younger wrote Emperor Trajan for instructions on what to do with Christians when he caught them. (Christians not necessarily meaning followers of Jesus) Trajan recommends being lenient with them. Really? The guys who started the Great fire? This is like someone in 2040 being lenient with ISIS members.
Early Christians wrote about him, Jewish historians wrote about him and secular historians wrote about him.

People wrote about Captain Kirk and Indiana Jones... did that make them real?

Actually, there are no writings about Jesus before the Third Century, and most of the attributions like Tacitus and Josephus are suspected of being later writers inserting text. (As all texts were hand copied before the invention of printing presses.)

For instance, Tacitus says Nero blamed the Christians for the Great Fire in Rome. But this is not mentioned in Suetonius and Dio Cassius. Kind of an important detail to miss, don't you think?

Further, when Pliny the Younger wrote Emperor Trajan for instructions on what to do with Christians when he caught them. (Christians not necessarily meaning followers of Jesus) Trajan recommends being lenient with them. Really? The guys who started the Great fire? This is like someone in 2040 being lenient with ISIS members.
Did Captain Kirk serve as the foundation of Western Civilization?

No other event in the history of antiquity has been more thoroughly studied.

But if you want to believe that Jesus never existed, go for it, Joey.
Early Christians wrote about him, Jewish historians wrote about him and secular historians wrote about him.

People wrote about Captain Kirk and Indiana Jones... did that make them real?

Actually, there are no writings about Jesus before the Third Century, and most of the attributions like Tacitus and Josephus are suspected of being later writers inserting text. (As all texts were hand copied before the invention of printing presses.)

For instance, Tacitus says Nero blamed the Christians for the Great Fire in Rome. But this is not mentioned in Suetonius and Dio Cassius. Kind of an important detail to miss, don't you think?

Further, when Pliny the Younger wrote Emperor Trajan for instructions on what to do with Christians when he caught them. (Christians not necessarily meaning followers of Jesus) Trajan recommends being lenient with them. Really? The guys who started the Great fire? This is like someone in 2040 being lenient with ISIS members.
Ancient Evidence for Jesus from Non-Christian Sources
Early Christians wrote about him, Jewish historians wrote about him and secular historians wrote about him.

People wrote about Captain Kirk and Indiana Jones... did that make them real?

Actually, there are no writings about Jesus before the Third Century, and most of the attributions like Tacitus and Josephus are suspected of being later writers inserting text. (As all texts were hand copied before the invention of printing presses.)

For instance, Tacitus says Nero blamed the Christians for the Great Fire in Rome. But this is not mentioned in Suetonius and Dio Cassius. Kind of an important detail to miss, don't you think?

Further, when Pliny the Younger wrote Emperor Trajan for instructions on what to do with Christians when he caught them. (Christians not necessarily meaning followers of Jesus) Trajan recommends being lenient with them. Really? The guys who started the Great fire? This is like someone in 2040 being lenient with ISIS members.
Did He Or Didn't He? Jewish Views of the Resurrection of Jesus • Jews for Jesus

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