am i doomed to hell?

I dont doubt jesus existed, i think all that shit his whore mother shoved down his throat probably developed him a mental illness. Not his fault :dunno:
What shit his whore mother shoved down his throat, you lying skunk?
Some of you know, i am a fairly close descendent of an ashkenazi jew. Only jew i know of in my family, so she slept out of her bloodline. Musta been a whore.. or she got raped by god like Mary..
The ashkenazi tribe was the majority of rome when jesus died. So, i believe my ancestors killed jesus.
Since we all know the illogical mentality of the abrahamic god, am i doomed for the sins of my ancestors? We all know how god feels about that shit...
Should i be scared for my soul?

You're screwed, friend. :10:
You worry about Christians. Which is odd.

What's odd is you thinking that I am worried about Christians.

When you make a ridiculous claim like "The universe was created so that God can experience the material world through us", (something that I have never heard any other Christian say), and I point out how that irrational statement and your consistent use of "we" and "us" is like the mark of the beast on your forehead , it doesn't mean that I am worried about you or Christians or anything dingbat, even if you have been assimilated by the Borg.

If you were trying to steal from the candy store on the way to church and the owner said, " What did you put in your pocket you little rat bastard," would that mean that he was worried about something? lol..

You only evangelize Christians. You must really worry for their souls. It probably keeps you up at night.

You aren’t the candy store owner. No one is stealing anything from you.

So since you only evangelize Christians and since you aren’t the candy store owner what other reason can you possibly have besides worrying for their souls?

Preach on, brother. :lol:

Oy. There you go again. You think that I am trying to save your soul. Thats very cute.

What is actually going on is that you were found dead in an alley rotting under a pile of trash clutching a teddy bear with a binky in your mouth and the signs of a prolific serial killer on your sexually defiled and mutilated maggot infested corpse.

Someone dropped you off at the morgue so I picked you up, strapped you to a gurney and brought you to the institute where you are being dissected in a open arena for the benefit of medical students and officers of the Law to determine your cause of death and discover irrefutable scientific evidence that will expose the murderer and put an end to his reign of terror..

So don't you worry little fella. The investigation is under way. Evidence is being collected, a host of dedicated professionals are jotting down notes. I'm gonna make sure that sadistic psycho killer who did all that horrible and sick stuff to you when you were just a tender and supple little boy is taken off the streets for good!
Preach on, brother!

No. Not today. I found the hidden manna, the matzo hidden during the Last Seder, and so now there will be silence in heaven. No more rain shall fall while I ascend the mountain of God and disappear behind thick clouds where he dwells to bargain with him on behalf of my family and friends who are drowning in the raging waters below clinging to religious flotsam just like you.

Don' worry. Who knows? I might even get you out of jail. I can drive a really hard bargain. Remember? I am a Jew.
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Some of you know, i am a fairly close descendent of an ashkenazi jew. Only jew i know of in my family, so she slept out of her bloodline. Musta been a whore.. or she got raped by god like Mary..
The ashkenazi tribe was the majority of rome when jesus died. So, i believe my ancestors killed jesus.
Since we all know the illogical mentality of the abrahamic god, am i doomed for the sins of my ancestors? We all know how god feels about that shit...
Should i be scared for my soul?

You were just fine, until you mentioned God and the rape thingy.

So you do you like yourself? Medium or well done?

Your magical voodoo threats hold no weight here, shaman.
You worry about Christians. Which is odd.

What's odd is you thinking that I am worried about Christians.

When you make a ridiculous claim like "The universe was created so that God can experience the material world through us", (something that I have never heard any other Christian say), and I point out how that irrational statement and your consistent use of "we" and "us" is like the mark of the beast on your forehead , it doesn't mean that I am worried about you or Christians or anything dingbat, even if you have been assimilated by the Borg.

If you were trying to steal from the candy store on the way to church and the owner said, " What did you put in your pocket you little rat bastard," would that mean that he was worried about something? lol..

You only evangelize Christians. You must really worry for their souls. It probably keeps you up at night.

You aren’t the candy store owner. No one is stealing anything from you.

So since you only evangelize Christians and since you aren’t the candy store owner what other reason can you possibly have besides worrying for their souls?

Preach on, brother. :lol:

Oy. There you go again. You think that I am trying to save your soul. Thats very cute.

What is actually going on is that you were found dead in an alley rotting under a pile of trash clutching a teddy bear with a binky in your mouth and the signs of a prolific serial killer on your sexually defiled and mutilated maggot infested corpse.

Someone dropped you off at the morgue so I picked you up, strapped you to a gurney and brought you to the institute where you are being dissected in a open arena for the benefit of medical students and officers of the Law to determine your cause of death and discover irrefutable scientific evidence that will expose the murderer and put an end to his reign of terror..

So don't you worry little fella. The investigation is under way. Evidence is being collected, a host of dedicated professionals are jotting down notes. I'm gonna make sure that sadistic psycho killer who did all that horrible and sick stuff to you when you were just a tender and supple little boy is taken off the streets for good!
Preach on, brother!

No. Not today. I found the hidden manna, the matzo hidden during the Last Seder, and so now there will be silence in heaven. No more rain shall fall while I ascend the mountain of God and disappear behind thick clouds where he dwells to bargain with him on behalf of my family and friends who are drowning in the raging waters below clinging to religious flotsam just like you.

Don' worry. Who knows? I might even get you out of jail. I can drive a really hard bargain. Remember? I am a Jew.
You will be accountable for your own sins and not the sins of your forebears
You will be accountable for your own sins and not the sins of your forebears
Except the entire point of the Jesus fairy tale is that you won't.

Then you misunderstand the gospel of Jesus Christ
Clearly I understand it, and you do not. But you will live by what i say all the same.

There are two obstacles that keep us from the Father: physical death and sin.

Death came into the world because of Adams transgression. We had no choice in the matter. Because of this Christ came and rose from the grace in the resurrection making it so all mankind will also rise in immortality. We don’t have a choice in that either. This we are not accountable for Adams choice because Christ has overcome it for us.

But we all sin. So we have to deal with that. Repentance is the condition for Christ’s atonement to cleanse us. Repentance requires accountability for our sins. We need to acknowledge our mistakes and work to change because we are accountable for our actions.

Those who deny they sin or refuse to repent are the ones who are refusing to be accountable for their actions. But I’d we don’t accept responsibility for our actions and repent now we will be accountable on the day of judgement. The outcome just won’t be as rosy
You will be accountable for your own sins and not the sins of your forebears
Except the entire point of the Jesus fairy tale is that you won't.

Then you misunderstand the gospel of Jesus Christ
Clearly I understand it, and you do not. But you will live by what i say all the same.

There are two obstacles that keep us from the Father: physical death and sin.

Death came into the world because of Adams transgression. We had no choice in the matter. Because of this Christ came and rose from the grace in the resurrection making it so all mankind will also rise in immortality. We don’t have a choice in that either. This we are not accountable for Adams choice because Christ has overcome it for us.

But we all sin. So we have to deal with that. Repentance is the condition for Christ’s atonement to cleanse us. Repentance requires accountability for our sins. We need to acknowledge our mistakes and work to change because we are accountable for our actions.

Those who deny they sin or refuse to repent are the ones who are refusing to be accountable for their actions. But I’d we don’t accept responsibility for our actions and repent now we will be accountable on the day of judgement. The outcome just won’t be as rosy
Haha...sure. Go peddle that nonsense to someone else. I recommend a gullible or hungry child, for best results
But we all sin.

that's true for you each time you post a response ...

no, not everyone is a sinner after they have learned right from wrong, the original religion of Antiquity not the phony desert one's, there is no messiah.
There are two obstacles that keep us from the Father: physical death and sin.


The death consequent to sin is not physical. Every life form lives and dies. It has always been this way. Its not a punishment anymore than being born is a punishment.

If you do as God commands you will dwell in Gods love as Jesus obeyed Gods commands and dwelt in his love.

Any us 'perceived' is irrelevant..

If you do what is right, you will be accepted. If not sin is like a dope fiend with a baseball bat hiding behind your basement door. If you open it, you will either fight for your life or you will surely die.
There are two obstacles that keep us from the Father: physical death and sin.


The death consequent to sin is not physical. Every life form lives and dies. It has always been this way. Its not a punishment anymore than being born is a punishment.

If you do as God commands you will dwell in Gods love as Jesus obeyed Gods commands and dwelt in his love.

Any us 'perceived' is irrelevant..

If you do what is right, you will be accepted. If not sin is like a dope fiend with a baseball bat hiding behind your basement door. If you open it, you will either fight for your life or you will surely die.
Where does god command anything?

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