am i doomed to hell?

or she got raped by god like Mary
Mary wasn't RAPED jackass
she got raped bro
Mary gave became pregnant and gave birth to the Messiah exactly as the Old Testament prophesied. Mary was not raped. The Holy Spirit placed the Messiah within her.

According to the story some guy came to her window in the middle of the night claiming to be the angel Gabriel who told her she was chosen by God to give birth to the messiah, every young Jewish girls dream. The next thing you know she was pregnant. When asked how this happened, she replied, "I was never with a man. The angel Gabriel came to my window" , etc. Then her parents looked at each other in horror and distress that she was so dang gullible, yet what she believed came true.

Then there is the story about the Holy Spirit descending from heaven like a dove and resting upon Jesus after he was baptized by John, emerged from the waters, and "The heavens opened up to him" .

Jesus also instructed his disciples to just wait and not run their mouths or do anything until they received the holy Spirit and were armed with wisdom and power from above.

What does that tell you?

How is one born again if not by the power of the holy Spirit without any fleshy desire of a human father? Its not about reciting a few lines. Its about becoming a new creature.

If The son of God was conceived by the power of the holy Spirit without the fleshy desire of a human father, as a grown man, ( "Thou art my son; this day have I begotten thee") then the virgin birth has nothing to do with his mother or the birth of his physical body..
Ummm... no.

The Bible is full of words about transformation. In fact that is what is meant by repent.

But you are conflating the instructions to transform ourselves with the divinity of Christ. Everyone is being pruned or transformed. Some take to it faster than others, some don’t take to it at all, but the ones who believe John 3:16 have an advantage and find peace through the storm during their journey.

You clearly do not believe in the supernatural, so stop presenting yourself like you do.
No one has been instructed to "transform ourselves with the divinity of Christ." whatever the hell that means, whoever or whatever the hell ourselves is. You are supposed to obey the command of God and teaching of Jesus to conform to the instruction in divine law to become holy as God is holy and stop doing stupid things like praying to a block of wood, worshipping a nonexistent god made out of solid cheese, carved in the form, shape, and likeness of a human being, or eating a cracker for spiritual life with some sour wine, mixed with gall, to wash it all down.

No one can transform themselves into being begotten by God. Some things just can't be faked. People tend to be dumb. Look at yourself.

You have only succeeded in transforming yourself from a clueless doofus into a magnificent pot bellied schmuck.....

....and this little piggy goes we we we.

nice going.
Last edited:
Mary wasn't RAPED jackass
she got raped bro
Mary gave became pregnant and gave birth to the Messiah exactly as the Old Testament prophesied. Mary was not raped. The Holy Spirit placed the Messiah within her.

According to the story some guy came to her window in the middle of the night claiming to be the angel Gabriel who told her she was chosen by God to give birth to the messiah, every young Jewish girls dream. The next thing you know she was pregnant. When asked how this happened, she replied, "I was never with a man. The angel Gabriel came to my window" , etc. Then her parents looked at each other in horror and distress that she was so dang gullible, yet what she believed came true.

Then there is the story about the Holy Spirit descending from heaven like a dove and resting upon Jesus after he was baptized by John, emerged from the waters, and "The heavens opened up to him" .

Jesus also instructed his disciples to just wait and not run their mouths or do anything until they received the holy Spirit and were armed with wisdom and power from above.

What does that tell you?

How is one born again if not by the power of the holy Spirit without any fleshy desire of a human father? Its not about reciting a few lines. Its about becoming a new creature.

If The son of God was conceived by the power of the holy Spirit without the fleshy desire of a human father, as a grown man, ( "Thou art my son; this day have I begotten thee") then the virgin birth has nothing to do with his mother or the birth of his physical body..
Ummm... no.

The Bible is full of words about transformation. In fact that is what is meant by repent.

But you are conflating the instructions to transform ourselves with the divinity of Christ. Everyone is being pruned or transformed. Some take to it faster than others, some don’t take to it at all, but the ones who believe John 3:16 have an advantage and find peace through the storm during their journey.

You clearly do not believe in the supernatural, so stop presenting yourself like you do.
No one has been instructed to "transform ourselves with the divinity of Christ." whatever the hell that means, whoever or whatever the hell ourselves is. You are supposed to obey the command of God and teaching of Jesus to conform to the instruction in divine law to become holy as God is holy and stop doing stupid things like praying to a block of wood, worshipping a nonexistent god made out of solid cheese, carved in the form, shape, and likeness of a human being, or eating a cracker for spiritual life with some sour wine, mixed with gall, to wash it all down.

No one can transform themselves into being begotten by God. Some things just can't be faked. People tend to be dumb. Look at yourself.

You have only succeeded in transforming yourself from a clueless doofus into a magnificent pot bellied schmuck.....

....and this little piggy goes we we we.

nice going.
What do you think repent means? It means to change your ways. The Bible is full of words of transformation. It’s almost like you are trying to discourage people from changing their ways. That sounds exactly like something Satan would be arguing.
Satan was for individuality.
Thats why the religious collective hates him.
Mary wasn't RAPED jackass
she got raped bro
Mary gave became pregnant and gave birth to the Messiah exactly as the Old Testament prophesied. Mary was not raped. The Holy Spirit placed the Messiah within her.

According to the story some guy came to her window in the middle of the night claiming to be the angel Gabriel who told her she was chosen by God to give birth to the messiah, every young Jewish girls dream. The next thing you know she was pregnant. When asked how this happened, she replied, "I was never with a man. The angel Gabriel came to my window" , etc. Then her parents looked at each other in horror and distress that she was so dang gullible, yet what she believed came true.

Then there is the story about the Holy Spirit descending from heaven like a dove and resting upon Jesus after he was baptized by John, emerged from the waters, and "The heavens opened up to him" .

Jesus also instructed his disciples to just wait and not run their mouths or do anything until they received the holy Spirit and were armed with wisdom and power from above.

What does that tell you?

How is one born again if not by the power of the holy Spirit without any fleshy desire of a human father? Its not about reciting a few lines. Its about becoming a new creature.

If The son of God was conceived by the power of the holy Spirit without the fleshy desire of a human father, as a grown man, ( "Thou art my son; this day have I begotten thee") then the virgin birth has nothing to do with his mother or the birth of his physical body..
Ummm... no.

The Bible is full of words about transformation. In fact that is what is meant by repent.

But you are conflating the instructions to transform ourselves with the divinity of Christ. Everyone is being pruned or transformed. Some take to it faster than others, some don’t take to it at all, but the ones who believe John 3:16 have an advantage and find peace through the storm during their journey.

You clearly do not believe in the supernatural, so stop presenting yourself like you do.
No one has been instructed to "transform ourselves with the divinity of Christ." whatever the hell that means, whoever or whatever the hell ourselves is. You are supposed to obey the command of God and teaching of Jesus to conform to the instruction in divine law to become holy as God is holy and stop doing stupid things like praying to a block of wood, worshipping a nonexistent god made out of solid cheese, carved in the form, shape, and likeness of a human being, or eating a cracker for spiritual life with some sour wine, mixed with gall, to wash it all down.

No one can transform themselves into being begotten by God. Some things just can't be faked. People tend to be dumb. Look at yourself.

You have only succeeded in transforming yourself from a clueless doofus into a magnificent pot bellied schmuck.....

....and this little piggy goes we we we.

nice going.
Romans 12:2
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Mary wasn't RAPED jackass
she got raped bro
Mary gave became pregnant and gave birth to the Messiah exactly as the Old Testament prophesied. Mary was not raped. The Holy Spirit placed the Messiah within her.

According to the story some guy came to her window in the middle of the night claiming to be the angel Gabriel who told her she was chosen by God to give birth to the messiah, every young Jewish girls dream. The next thing you know she was pregnant. When asked how this happened, she replied, "I was never with a man. The angel Gabriel came to my window" , etc. Then her parents looked at each other in horror and distress that she was so dang gullible, yet what she believed came true.

Then there is the story about the Holy Spirit descending from heaven like a dove and resting upon Jesus after he was baptized by John, emerged from the waters, and "The heavens opened up to him" .

Jesus also instructed his disciples to just wait and not run their mouths or do anything until they received the holy Spirit and were armed with wisdom and power from above.

What does that tell you?

How is one born again if not by the power of the holy Spirit without any fleshy desire of a human father? Its not about reciting a few lines. Its about becoming a new creature.

If The son of God was conceived by the power of the holy Spirit without the fleshy desire of a human father, as a grown man, ( "Thou art my son; this day have I begotten thee") then the virgin birth has nothing to do with his mother or the birth of his physical body..
Ummm... no.

The Bible is full of words about transformation. In fact that is what is meant by repent.

But you are conflating the instructions to transform ourselves with the divinity of Christ. Everyone is being pruned or transformed. Some take to it faster than others, some don’t take to it at all, but the ones who believe John 3:16 have an advantage and find peace through the storm during their journey.

You clearly do not believe in the supernatural, so stop presenting yourself like you do.
No one has been instructed to "transform ourselves with the divinity of Christ." whatever the hell that means, whoever or whatever the hell ourselves is. You are supposed to obey the command of God and teaching of Jesus to conform to the instruction in divine law to become holy as God is holy and stop doing stupid things like praying to a block of wood, worshipping a nonexistent god made out of solid cheese, carved in the form, shape, and likeness of a human being, or eating a cracker for spiritual life with some sour wine, mixed with gall, to wash it all down.

No one can transform themselves into being begotten by God. Some things just can't be faked. People tend to be dumb. Look at yourself.

You have only succeeded in transforming yourself from a clueless doofus into a magnificent pot bellied schmuck.....

....and this little piggy goes we we we.

nice going.
2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come
Mary wasn't RAPED jackass
she got raped bro
Mary gave became pregnant and gave birth to the Messiah exactly as the Old Testament prophesied. Mary was not raped. The Holy Spirit placed the Messiah within her.

According to the story some guy came to her window in the middle of the night claiming to be the angel Gabriel who told her she was chosen by God to give birth to the messiah, every young Jewish girls dream. The next thing you know she was pregnant. When asked how this happened, she replied, "I was never with a man. The angel Gabriel came to my window" , etc. Then her parents looked at each other in horror and distress that she was so dang gullible, yet what she believed came true.

Then there is the story about the Holy Spirit descending from heaven like a dove and resting upon Jesus after he was baptized by John, emerged from the waters, and "The heavens opened up to him" .

Jesus also instructed his disciples to just wait and not run their mouths or do anything until they received the holy Spirit and were armed with wisdom and power from above.

What does that tell you?

How is one born again if not by the power of the holy Spirit without any fleshy desire of a human father? Its not about reciting a few lines. Its about becoming a new creature.

If The son of God was conceived by the power of the holy Spirit without the fleshy desire of a human father, as a grown man, ( "Thou art my son; this day have I begotten thee") then the virgin birth has nothing to do with his mother or the birth of his physical body..
Ummm... no.

The Bible is full of words about transformation. In fact that is what is meant by repent.

But you are conflating the instructions to transform ourselves with the divinity of Christ. Everyone is being pruned or transformed. Some take to it faster than others, some don’t take to it at all, but the ones who believe John 3:16 have an advantage and find peace through the storm during their journey.

You clearly do not believe in the supernatural, so stop presenting yourself like you do.
No one has been instructed to "transform ourselves with the divinity of Christ." whatever the hell that means, whoever or whatever the hell ourselves is. You are supposed to obey the command of God and teaching of Jesus to conform to the instruction in divine law to become holy as God is holy and stop doing stupid things like praying to a block of wood, worshipping a nonexistent god made out of solid cheese, carved in the form, shape, and likeness of a human being, or eating a cracker for spiritual life with some sour wine, mixed with gall, to wash it all down.

No one can transform themselves into being begotten by God. Some things just can't be faked. People tend to be dumb. Look at yourself.

You have only succeeded in transforming yourself from a clueless doofus into a magnificent pot bellied schmuck.....

....and this little piggy goes we we we.

nice going.
2 Corinthians 3:18
And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.
Mary wasn't RAPED jackass
she got raped bro
Mary gave became pregnant and gave birth to the Messiah exactly as the Old Testament prophesied. Mary was not raped. The Holy Spirit placed the Messiah within her.

According to the story some guy came to her window in the middle of the night claiming to be the angel Gabriel who told her she was chosen by God to give birth to the messiah, every young Jewish girls dream. The next thing you know she was pregnant. When asked how this happened, she replied, "I was never with a man. The angel Gabriel came to my window" , etc. Then her parents looked at each other in horror and distress that she was so dang gullible, yet what she believed came true.

Then there is the story about the Holy Spirit descending from heaven like a dove and resting upon Jesus after he was baptized by John, emerged from the waters, and "The heavens opened up to him" .

Jesus also instructed his disciples to just wait and not run their mouths or do anything until they received the holy Spirit and were armed with wisdom and power from above.

What does that tell you?

How is one born again if not by the power of the holy Spirit without any fleshy desire of a human father? Its not about reciting a few lines. Its about becoming a new creature.

If The son of God was conceived by the power of the holy Spirit without the fleshy desire of a human father, as a grown man, ( "Thou art my son; this day have I begotten thee") then the virgin birth has nothing to do with his mother or the birth of his physical body..
Ummm... no.

The Bible is full of words about transformation. In fact that is what is meant by repent.

But you are conflating the instructions to transform ourselves with the divinity of Christ. Everyone is being pruned or transformed. Some take to it faster than others, some don’t take to it at all, but the ones who believe John 3:16 have an advantage and find peace through the storm during their journey.

You clearly do not believe in the supernatural, so stop presenting yourself like you do.
No one has been instructed to "transform ourselves with the divinity of Christ." whatever the hell that means, whoever or whatever the hell ourselves is. You are supposed to obey the command of God and teaching of Jesus to conform to the instruction in divine law to become holy as God is holy and stop doing stupid things like praying to a block of wood, worshipping a nonexistent god made out of solid cheese, carved in the form, shape, and likeness of a human being, or eating a cracker for spiritual life with some sour wine, mixed with gall, to wash it all down.

No one can transform themselves into being begotten by God. Some things just can't be faked. People tend to be dumb. Look at yourself.

You have only succeeded in transforming yourself from a clueless doofus into a magnificent pot bellied schmuck.....

....and this little piggy goes we we we.

nice going.
Colossians 3:10
And have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator.
Mary wasn't RAPED jackass
she got raped bro
Mary gave became pregnant and gave birth to the Messiah exactly as the Old Testament prophesied. Mary was not raped. The Holy Spirit placed the Messiah within her.

According to the story some guy came to her window in the middle of the night claiming to be the angel Gabriel who told her she was chosen by God to give birth to the messiah, every young Jewish girls dream. The next thing you know she was pregnant. When asked how this happened, she replied, "I was never with a man. The angel Gabriel came to my window" , etc. Then her parents looked at each other in horror and distress that she was so dang gullible, yet what she believed came true.

Then there is the story about the Holy Spirit descending from heaven like a dove and resting upon Jesus after he was baptized by John, emerged from the waters, and "The heavens opened up to him" .

Jesus also instructed his disciples to just wait and not run their mouths or do anything until they received the holy Spirit and were armed with wisdom and power from above.

What does that tell you?

How is one born again if not by the power of the holy Spirit without any fleshy desire of a human father? Its not about reciting a few lines. Its about becoming a new creature.

If The son of God was conceived by the power of the holy Spirit without the fleshy desire of a human father, as a grown man, ( "Thou art my son; this day have I begotten thee") then the virgin birth has nothing to do with his mother or the birth of his physical body..
Ummm... no.

The Bible is full of words about transformation. In fact that is what is meant by repent.

But you are conflating the instructions to transform ourselves with the divinity of Christ. Everyone is being pruned or transformed. Some take to it faster than others, some don’t take to it at all, but the ones who believe John 3:16 have an advantage and find peace through the storm during their journey.

You clearly do not believe in the supernatural, so stop presenting yourself like you do.
No one has been instructed to "transform ourselves with the divinity of Christ." whatever the hell that means, whoever or whatever the hell ourselves is. You are supposed to obey the command of God and teaching of Jesus to conform to the instruction in divine law to become holy as God is holy and stop doing stupid things like praying to a block of wood, worshipping a nonexistent god made out of solid cheese, carved in the form, shape, and likeness of a human being, or eating a cracker for spiritual life with some sour wine, mixed with gall, to wash it all down.

No one can transform themselves into being begotten by God. Some things just can't be faked. People tend to be dumb. Look at yourself.

You have only succeeded in transforming yourself from a clueless doofus into a magnificent pot bellied schmuck.....

....and this little piggy goes we we we.

nice going.
Ephesians 4:22-24
To put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.
Mary wasn't RAPED jackass
she got raped bro
Mary gave became pregnant and gave birth to the Messiah exactly as the Old Testament prophesied. Mary was not raped. The Holy Spirit placed the Messiah within her.

According to the story some guy came to her window in the middle of the night claiming to be the angel Gabriel who told her she was chosen by God to give birth to the messiah, every young Jewish girls dream. The next thing you know she was pregnant. When asked how this happened, she replied, "I was never with a man. The angel Gabriel came to my window" , etc. Then her parents looked at each other in horror and distress that she was so dang gullible, yet what she believed came true.

Then there is the story about the Holy Spirit descending from heaven like a dove and resting upon Jesus after he was baptized by John, emerged from the waters, and "The heavens opened up to him" .

Jesus also instructed his disciples to just wait and not run their mouths or do anything until they received the holy Spirit and were armed with wisdom and power from above.

What does that tell you?

How is one born again if not by the power of the holy Spirit without any fleshy desire of a human father? Its not about reciting a few lines. Its about becoming a new creature.

If The son of God was conceived by the power of the holy Spirit without the fleshy desire of a human father, as a grown man, ( "Thou art my son; this day have I begotten thee") then the virgin birth has nothing to do with his mother or the birth of his physical body..
Ummm... no.

The Bible is full of words about transformation. In fact that is what is meant by repent.

But you are conflating the instructions to transform ourselves with the divinity of Christ. Everyone is being pruned or transformed. Some take to it faster than others, some don’t take to it at all, but the ones who believe John 3:16 have an advantage and find peace through the storm during their journey.

You clearly do not believe in the supernatural, so stop presenting yourself like you do.
No one has been instructed to "transform ourselves with the divinity of Christ." whatever the hell that means, whoever or whatever the hell ourselves is. You are supposed to obey the command of God and teaching of Jesus to conform to the instruction in divine law to become holy as God is holy and stop doing stupid things like praying to a block of wood, worshipping a nonexistent god made out of solid cheese, carved in the form, shape, and likeness of a human being, or eating a cracker for spiritual life with some sour wine, mixed with gall, to wash it all down.

No one can transform themselves into being begotten by God. Some things just can't be faked. People tend to be dumb. Look at yourself.

You have only succeeded in transforming yourself from a clueless doofus into a magnificent pot bellied schmuck.....

....and this little piggy goes we we we.

nice going.
2 Peter 1:3-11
His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire. For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love. ...
No one has been instructed to "transform ourselves with the divinity of Christ." whatever the hell that means, whoever or whatever the hell ourselves is
Your demonic avatar is fitting.
.if you can understand the begettal process, you can understand how humans are to BECOME literal Sons of God.

We (those who are baptized in the faith), receive the Holy Spirit. This is the BEGINNING of the BORN AGAIN process that occurs at His Return.

It is Christ's Spirit IN US that TRANSFORMS us.
or she got raped by god like Mary
Mary wasn't RAPED jackass
she got raped bro
Mary gave became pregnant and gave birth to the Messiah exactly as the Old Testament prophesied. Mary was not raped. The Holy Spirit placed the Messiah within her.

According to the story some guy came to her window in the middle of the night claiming to be the angel Gabriel who told her she was chosen by God to give birth to the messiah, every young Jewish girls dream. The next thing you know she was pregnant. When asked how this happened, she replied, "I was never with a man. The angel Gabriel came to my window" , etc. Then her parents looked at each other in horror and distress that she was so dang gullible, yet what she believed came true.

Then there is the story about the Holy Spirit descending from heaven like a dove and resting upon Jesus after he was baptized by John, emerged from the waters, and "The heavens opened up to him" .

Jesus also instructed his disciples to just wait and not run their mouths or do anything until they received the holy Spirit and were armed with wisdom and power from above.

What does that tell you?

How is one born again if not by the power of the holy Spirit without any fleshy desire of a human father? Its not about reciting a few lines. Its about becoming a new creature.

If The son of God was conceived by the power of the holy Spirit without the fleshy desire of a human father, as a grown man, ( "Thou art my son; this day have I begotten thee") then the virgin birth has nothing to do with his mother or the birth of his physical body..

My brother's girlfriend tried using that story, but nobody bought it.
No one has been instructed to "transform ourselves with the divinity of Christ." whatever the hell that means, whoever or whatever the hell ourselves is
Your demonic avatar is fitting.
.if you can understand the begettal process, you can understand how humans are to BECOME literal Sons of God.

We (those who are baptized in the faith), receive the Holy Spirit. This is the BEGINNING of the BORN AGAIN process that occurs at His Return.

It is Christ's Spirit IN US that TRANSFORMS us.

Sure, if it is a spirit of Christ within, you will be transformed from a quivering blob of mud into the image and likeness of the son of God. You will be transformed. You do not, as ding said, "Transform ourselves", except if you have lost your mind to the delusions of an unrestrained imagination.

Aside from that if you are preaching a false Jesus and a false gospel of a false salvation that openly defies the law of God and brazenly desecrates the teachings of Jesus you will be transformed from a quivering blob of mud into an insignificant stain on the butt of a foul and loathsome self negating multiplicity that is slowly disintegrating into the nothingness from which it came.
Last edited:
she got raped bro
Mary gave became pregnant and gave birth to the Messiah exactly as the Old Testament prophesied. Mary was not raped. The Holy Spirit placed the Messiah within her.

According to the story some guy came to her window in the middle of the night claiming to be the angel Gabriel who told her she was chosen by God to give birth to the messiah, every young Jewish girls dream. The next thing you know she was pregnant. When asked how this happened, she replied, "I was never with a man. The angel Gabriel came to my window" , etc. Then her parents looked at each other in horror and distress that she was so dang gullible, yet what she believed came true.

Then there is the story about the Holy Spirit descending from heaven like a dove and resting upon Jesus after he was baptized by John, emerged from the waters, and "The heavens opened up to him" .

Jesus also instructed his disciples to just wait and not run their mouths or do anything until they received the holy Spirit and were armed with wisdom and power from above.

What does that tell you?

How is one born again if not by the power of the holy Spirit without any fleshy desire of a human father? Its not about reciting a few lines. Its about becoming a new creature.

If The son of God was conceived by the power of the holy Spirit without the fleshy desire of a human father, as a grown man, ( "Thou art my son; this day have I begotten thee") then the virgin birth has nothing to do with his mother or the birth of his physical body..
Ummm... no.

The Bible is full of words about transformation. In fact that is what is meant by repent.

But you are conflating the instructions to transform ourselves with the divinity of Christ. Everyone is being pruned or transformed. Some take to it faster than others, some don’t take to it at all, but the ones who believe John 3:16 have an advantage and find peace through the storm during their journey.

You clearly do not believe in the supernatural, so stop presenting yourself like you do.
No one has been instructed to "transform ourselves with the divinity of Christ." whatever the hell that means, whoever or whatever the hell ourselves is. You are supposed to obey the command of God and teaching of Jesus to conform to the instruction in divine law to become holy as God is holy and stop doing stupid things like praying to a block of wood, worshipping a nonexistent god made out of solid cheese, carved in the form, shape, and likeness of a human being, or eating a cracker for spiritual life with some sour wine, mixed with gall, to wash it all down.

No one can transform themselves into being begotten by God. Some things just can't be faked. People tend to be dumb. Look at yourself.

You have only succeeded in transforming yourself from a clueless doofus into a magnificent pot bellied schmuck.....

....and this little piggy goes we we we.

nice going.
What do you think repent means? It means to change your ways. The Bible is full of words of transformation. It’s almost like you are trying to discourage people from changing their ways. That sounds exactly like something Satan would be arguing.

As usual you have it backwards. I am encouraging people to change their ways and conform to the image of Christ. Do you have a problem with that? I am discouraging people from doing this:

These are young minds in hell being traumatized by demons. Many will never recover.
Last edited:
Surprised by the OP.

Now, on to the question. First of all from a spiritual standpoint and eternal standpoint, to be enlightened by truth, we need to deal with and accept the fact that I crucified Christ. Not the Jews, not the Romans. Sin crucifies Christ (yes present tense.)

Every time we sin, we send Christ to the cross. So, it was not YOUR ancestors. That is the worldly way to see it and without the Holy Spirit, it is impossible to see.

I run the risk, which is why I believe I am damned, is Hebrews 6:4-6 certainly applies to me. Cannot get past that I have been enlightened. I believe Jesus is Lord. Yet, I am guilty of willful sin. Cannot make any excuses.

And no Mary was not raped. Her words, let it done according to your will. Where Adam and Eve chose their own will over that of the Lord, Mary said yes to the Lord.

God did not "become merciful." God is. Which is why HE told Moses to tell the people that I AM is here.

If your heart is hardened TN and unwilling to receive the Truth from the Holy Spirit, then yes. Eternal hell is our reward. I am thinking there is a reason you asked the question and there is a spiritual war going on inside.

Consider Christ. Not from a loser like me. Consider what it may be to be renewed by HIS grace.

Consider some testimony by Saints.

Like the Max Kolbe Story.

No one has been instructed to "transform ourselves with the divinity of Christ." whatever the hell that means, whoever or whatever the hell ourselves is
Your demonic avatar is fitting.
.if you can understand the begettal process, you can understand how humans are to BECOME literal Sons of God.

We (those who are baptized in the faith), receive the Holy Spirit. This is the BEGINNING of the BORN AGAIN process that occurs at His Return.

It is Christ's Spirit IN US that TRANSFORMS us.

Sure, if it is a spirit of Christ within, you will be transformed from a quivering blob of mud into the image and likeness of the son of God. You will be transformed. You do not, as ding said, "Transform ourselves", except if you have lost your mind to the delusions of an unrestrained imagination.

Aside from that if you are preaching a false Jesus and a false gospel of a false salvation that openly defies the law of God and brazenly desecrates the teachings of Jesus you will be transformed from a quivering blob of mud into an insignificant stain on the butt of a foul and loathsome self negating multiplicity that is slowly disintegrating into the nothingness from which it came.
You dont believe that Jesus was anything more than an ordinary man. Right?

So why should you conform to Jesus?

But putting that aside, apparently the Bible does speak about transformation. Right?
Mary gave became pregnant and gave birth to the Messiah exactly as the Old Testament prophesied. Mary was not raped. The Holy Spirit placed the Messiah within her.

According to the story some guy came to her window in the middle of the night claiming to be the angel Gabriel who told her she was chosen by God to give birth to the messiah, every young Jewish girls dream. The next thing you know she was pregnant. When asked how this happened, she replied, "I was never with a man. The angel Gabriel came to my window" , etc. Then her parents looked at each other in horror and distress that she was so dang gullible, yet what she believed came true.

Then there is the story about the Holy Spirit descending from heaven like a dove and resting upon Jesus after he was baptized by John, emerged from the waters, and "The heavens opened up to him" .

Jesus also instructed his disciples to just wait and not run their mouths or do anything until they received the holy Spirit and were armed with wisdom and power from above.

What does that tell you?

How is one born again if not by the power of the holy Spirit without any fleshy desire of a human father? Its not about reciting a few lines. Its about becoming a new creature.

If The son of God was conceived by the power of the holy Spirit without the fleshy desire of a human father, as a grown man, ( "Thou art my son; this day have I begotten thee") then the virgin birth has nothing to do with his mother or the birth of his physical body..
Ummm... no.

The Bible is full of words about transformation. In fact that is what is meant by repent.

But you are conflating the instructions to transform ourselves with the divinity of Christ. Everyone is being pruned or transformed. Some take to it faster than others, some don’t take to it at all, but the ones who believe John 3:16 have an advantage and find peace through the storm during their journey.

You clearly do not believe in the supernatural, so stop presenting yourself like you do.
No one has been instructed to "transform ourselves with the divinity of Christ." whatever the hell that means, whoever or whatever the hell ourselves is. You are supposed to obey the command of God and teaching of Jesus to conform to the instruction in divine law to become holy as God is holy and stop doing stupid things like praying to a block of wood, worshipping a nonexistent god made out of solid cheese, carved in the form, shape, and likeness of a human being, or eating a cracker for spiritual life with some sour wine, mixed with gall, to wash it all down.

No one can transform themselves into being begotten by God. Some things just can't be faked. People tend to be dumb. Look at yourself.

You have only succeeded in transforming yourself from a clueless doofus into a magnificent pot bellied schmuck.....

....and this little piggy goes we we we.

nice going.
What do you think repent means? It means to change your ways. The Bible is full of words of transformation. It’s almost like you are trying to discourage people from changing their ways. That sounds exactly like something Satan would be arguing.

As usual you have it backwards. I am encouraging people to change their ways and conform to the image of Christ. Do you have a problem with that? I am discouraging people from doing this:

These are young minds in hell being traumatized by demons. Many will never recover.

I don’t have anything backwards.

You literally denied the Bible spoke of transforming ourselves. We do that through Christ. Why don’t you just admit you don’t believe in the supernatural and are a secular humanist?
Mary gave became pregnant and gave birth to the Messiah exactly as the Old Testament prophesied. Mary was not raped. The Holy Spirit placed the Messiah within her.

According to the story some guy came to her window in the middle of the night claiming to be the angel Gabriel who told her she was chosen by God to give birth to the messiah, every young Jewish girls dream. The next thing you know she was pregnant. When asked how this happened, she replied, "I was never with a man. The angel Gabriel came to my window" , etc. Then her parents looked at each other in horror and distress that she was so dang gullible, yet what she believed came true.

Then there is the story about the Holy Spirit descending from heaven like a dove and resting upon Jesus after he was baptized by John, emerged from the waters, and "The heavens opened up to him" .

Jesus also instructed his disciples to just wait and not run their mouths or do anything until they received the holy Spirit and were armed with wisdom and power from above.

What does that tell you?

How is one born again if not by the power of the holy Spirit without any fleshy desire of a human father? Its not about reciting a few lines. Its about becoming a new creature.

If The son of God was conceived by the power of the holy Spirit without the fleshy desire of a human father, as a grown man, ( "Thou art my son; this day have I begotten thee") then the virgin birth has nothing to do with his mother or the birth of his physical body..
Ummm... no.

The Bible is full of words about transformation. In fact that is what is meant by repent.

But you are conflating the instructions to transform ourselves with the divinity of Christ. Everyone is being pruned or transformed. Some take to it faster than others, some don’t take to it at all, but the ones who believe John 3:16 have an advantage and find peace through the storm during their journey.

You clearly do not believe in the supernatural, so stop presenting yourself like you do.
No one has been instructed to "transform ourselves with the divinity of Christ." whatever the hell that means, whoever or whatever the hell ourselves is. You are supposed to obey the command of God and teaching of Jesus to conform to the instruction in divine law to become holy as God is holy and stop doing stupid things like praying to a block of wood, worshipping a nonexistent god made out of solid cheese, carved in the form, shape, and likeness of a human being, or eating a cracker for spiritual life with some sour wine, mixed with gall, to wash it all down.

No one can transform themselves into being begotten by God. Some things just can't be faked. People tend to be dumb. Look at yourself.

You have only succeeded in transforming yourself from a clueless doofus into a magnificent pot bellied schmuck.....

....and this little piggy goes we we we.

nice going.
What do you think repent means? It means to change your ways. The Bible is full of words of transformation. It’s almost like you are trying to discourage people from changing their ways. That sounds exactly like something Satan would be arguing.

As usual you have it backwards. I am encouraging people to change their ways and conform to the image of Christ. Do you have a problem with that? I am discouraging people from doing this:

These are young minds in hell being traumatized by demons. Many will never recover.

You seek to subordinate religion. Plain and simple.

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