am i doomed to hell?

Did Jesus say in Mathew 25:31-46 that He will separate the goat from the sheep and those who fed the hungry and clothe the naked etc that they would enter? Who are those true righteous that will ask Him when did we ever do that for you? Most Christians know that verse, so who will be asking that I wonder. Cause it says there will be those that don't know they are serving Christ and so therefore it does not seem to matter much whether you know you are serving Him or not. Cause they didn't.

Apparently if many who didn't know they were serving Christ will rise to life when he comes then its the ones who claim to know and serve Christ but don't who will not. So you are right, it doesn't matter if you know that you are serving Christ or not, it matters if you are.

seems like Jesus would praise an atheist who doesn't swallow anything without thinking and the we that ding mentions will be condemned

How about in all FOUR GOSPELS where he announces THIS IS MY BODY. Does it mean that it isn't? If the Spirit makes it so, is it so?

If something is spiritual does that make it symbolic or real? Does He say that MY BODY IS REAL FOOD AND MY BLOOD IS REAL DRINK? Does He say that in John chapter 6?

You are wrong. Unlike the other three gospels the only mention of flesh and blood in the gospel of John is before the last supper and the only one that Jesus gave bread to during the last supper was Judas as a way for Jesus to identify his betrayer to the others.

And as soon as Judas received the bread, Satan entered him. This is no small point

As far as MY BODY IS REAL FOOD AND MY BLOOD IS REAL DRINK, Jesus was alluding to Isaiah 55:1 where the prophet clearly establishes that food is metaphor words, REAL FOOD that satisfies.

"Come , all of you who thirst, Come to the waters; and you without money come, and eat! Come buy wine and milk with money and without cost! Why spend money on that which is not bread, and your labor on that which does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of foods.…"

In John 6:63 Jesus clearly explains that flesh was a metaphor for words that are both spirit and life and in John 6:68 the disciples who stayed with him confirmed their belief when Jesus asked if they were going to leave him too..

"Lord to whom shall we go? Your words are words of eternal life. We have faith and know that you are the Holy One of God."

Does it say we are to hold fast to the traditions?

Do you do that?

Are you...a sinner?

I would never set aside the law of God to maintain your traditions.

I always do exactly as God commands.
Other than the saints we know about and the saints we don’t know about no one knows their fate or anyone else’s fate. So I don’t know where you get the idea that I believe any specific group is condemned. I don’t.

You on the other hand believe Christians are idolaters and are condemned, right? Lord knows you have condemned me for it more times than I can count.

So I find it really odd that you would criticize others for condemning others because you are the only one doing that.

Whats the confusion?

Do this and you will live. Do something else and you will surely die. Its a choice between a blessing or a curse.

You are actually trying to convince grown adults that doing what scripture clearly teaches results in death, something that anyone who can read can check, is the way to eternal life.

I'm not criticizing or condemning you. Your own words and deeds are.
Early Christians wrote about him, Jewish historians wrote about him and secular historians wrote about him.

People wrote about Captain Kirk and Indiana Jones... did that make them real?

Actually, there are no writings about Jesus before the Third Century, and most of the attributions like Tacitus and Josephus are suspected of being later writers inserting text. (As all texts were hand copied before the invention of printing presses.)

For instance, Tacitus says Nero blamed the Christians for the Great Fire in Rome. But this is not mentioned in Suetonius and Dio Cassius. Kind of an important detail to miss, don't you think?

Further, when Pliny the Younger wrote Emperor Trajan for instructions on what to do with Christians when he caught them. (Christians not necessarily meaning followers of Jesus) Trajan recommends being lenient with them. Really? The guys who started the Great fire? This is like someone in 2040 being lenient with ISIS members.
Did He Or Didn't He? Jewish Views of the Resurrection of Jesus • Jews for Jesus
Interesting too in regards to history, that largely goes unacknowledged. It is a fact that in the year 70AD, the Emperor Vespasian ordered the destruction of the Temple. He also named the land Palestine. Yes, he was the one.

The interesting thing about that to me is this. According to the Gospel, when Pilate presented Jesus to the Jewish leaders, and He not your king? They responded, WE HAVE NO KING BUT CAESAR.
John 19:15
"Shall I crucify your king?" Pilate asked. "We have no king but Caesar," the chief priests answered.

Here is the interesting thing. The last Emperor that was a Caesar was actually Emperor Nero. He died in in 68AD. The year 69AD according to historians is referred to as the year OF THE FOUR EMPERORS.


Since there was no Caesar, there was an obvious struggle for power. I often wondered about the writing in the Gospel about the FOUR HORSEMEN. I wonder if John was writing about this, cause the last one Vespasian, the judgement of Israel came. Their sacred Temple was torn down completely. They lost their city. When it says that the last horseman came and hell came with him, I wonder. The thing that stands out to me is this. The Jews declared that we have no King but Caesar. It is almost as though God allowed them to have their land, until the last Caesar died. He then rendered judgement. That is what it sure seems like to me.

All throughout history, there are precursors for the future revelations anyway. It is difficult to see at the time, but sometimes when we look back we can see interesting details.

As far as how the Bible itself was put together and cannon was made, another key moment in history was the Council of Nicea. That took place in 325AD and it was really under the direction of Emperor Constantine, who had summoned Pope Sylvester I. There was a great schism going on and it had to do with the nature of Christ. The debate we seem to be having.

Arianism was on the rise and it stated that Christ was NOT GOD and that He was a "creature" of the Father.

One of the legends from that meeting, was Saint Nicholas was there. Yes, that same Saint Nicholas....that was replaced with a fat guy and reindeer. Anyway, the legend goes that he got up while Arius was arguing that Jesus was not equal to God, walked over to him and slapped him across his face.


Anyway, the other thing that came out after the Council of Nicea, other than the Nicene Creed, and establishment that Jesus is equal to God, and is indeed the second person of the Trinity, but that a cannon was being established.

Until then there was no Bible if you will. No dogma established. It was not until later that century under other councils did the Bible become established.

BTW, the interesting way in which Constantine came to power is another interesting story that many do not know. Cause, like I said. It seems to many that there was no Christian history from the end of Acts to the Reformation.

How much has Christianity been poisoned by such a notion I wonder. I think it is rather clear that it is been greatly poisoned. Like from that gentleman that insisted that the ONLY TRUE WORD was from the King James Bible, which would have meant to him the revised version of the King James Bible, since the original one, made in 1611, had those 7 books that many call apocryphal writings.

The Church also relied on Tradition. Right?

What did the early Christians believe?
Did Jesus say in Mathew 25:31-46 that He will separate the goat from the sheep and those who fed the hungry and clothe the naked etc that they would enter? Who are those true righteous that will ask Him when did we ever do that for you? Most Christians know that verse, so who will be asking that I wonder. Cause it says there will be those that don't know they are serving Christ and so therefore it does not seem to matter much whether you know you are serving Him or not. Cause they didn't.

Apparently if many who didn't know they were serving Christ will rise to life when he comes then its the ones who claim to know and serve Christ but don't who will not. So you are right, it doesn't matter if you know that you are serving Christ or not, it matters if you are.

seems like Jesus would praise an atheist who doesn't swallow anything without thinking and the we that ding mentions will be condemned

How about in all FOUR GOSPELS where he announces THIS IS MY BODY. Does it mean that it isn't? If the Spirit makes it so, is it so?

If something is spiritual does that make it symbolic or real? Does He say that MY BODY IS REAL FOOD AND MY BLOOD IS REAL DRINK? Does He say that in John chapter 6?

You are wrong. Unlike the other three gospels the only mention of flesh and blood in the gospel of John is before the last supper and the only one that Jesus gave bread to during the last supper was Judas as a way for Jesus to identify his betrayer to the others.

And as soon as Judas received the bread, Satan entered him. This is no small point

As far as MY BODY IS REAL FOOD AND MY BLOOD IS REAL DRINK, Jesus was alluding to Isaiah 55:1 where the prophet clearly establishes that food is metaphor words, REAL FOOD that satisfies.

"Come , all of you who thirst, Come to the waters; and you without money come, and eat! Come buy wine and milk with money and without cost! Why spend money on that which is not bread, and your labor on that which does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of foods.…"

In John 6:63 Jesus clearly explains that flesh was a metaphor for words that are both spirit and life and in John 6:68 the disciples who stayed with him confirmed their belief when Jesus asked if they were going to leave him too..

"Lord to whom shall we go? Your words are words of eternal life. We have faith and know that you are the Holy One of God."

Does it say we are to hold fast to the traditions?

Do you do that?

Are you...a sinner?

I would never set aside the law of God to maintain your traditions.

I always do exactly as God commands.
Other than the saints we know about and the saints we don’t know about no one knows their fate or anyone else’s fate. So I don’t know where you get the idea that I believe any specific group is condemned. I don’t.

You on the other hand believe Christians are idolaters and are condemned, right? Lord knows you have condemned me for it more times than I can count.

So I find it really odd that you would criticize others for condemning others because you are the only one doing that.

Whats the confusion?

Do this and you will live. Do something else and you will surely die. Its a choice between a blessing or a curse.

You are actually trying to convince grown adults that doing what scripture clearly teaches results in death, something that anyone who can read can check, is the way to eternal life.

I'm not criticizing or condemning you. Your own words and deeds are.
Now you are crawfishing away from your repeated condemnations of me. And all Christians for that matter.

First you wrongly accuse me of condemning others and then you run away from your condemning others.
What did the early Christians believe?

The nations were the enemy.

Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it.When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."
Did Jesus say in Mathew 25:31-46 that He will separate the goat from the sheep and those who fed the hungry and clothe the naked etc that they would enter? Who are those true righteous that will ask Him when did we ever do that for you? Most Christians know that verse, so who will be asking that I wonder. Cause it says there will be those that don't know they are serving Christ and so therefore it does not seem to matter much whether you know you are serving Him or not. Cause they didn't.

Apparently if many who didn't know they were serving Christ will rise to life when he comes then its the ones who claim to know and serve Christ but don't who will not. So you are right, it doesn't matter if you know that you are serving Christ or not, it matters if you are.

seems like Jesus would praise an atheist who doesn't swallow anything without thinking and the we that ding mentions will be condemned

How about in all FOUR GOSPELS where he announces THIS IS MY BODY. Does it mean that it isn't? If the Spirit makes it so, is it so?

If something is spiritual does that make it symbolic or real? Does He say that MY BODY IS REAL FOOD AND MY BLOOD IS REAL DRINK? Does He say that in John chapter 6?

You are wrong. Unlike the other three gospels the only mention of flesh and blood in the gospel of John is before the last supper and the only one that Jesus gave bread to during the last supper was Judas as a way for Jesus to identify his betrayer to the others.

And as soon as Judas received the bread, Satan entered him. This is no small point

As far as MY BODY IS REAL FOOD AND MY BLOOD IS REAL DRINK, Jesus was alluding to Isaiah 55:1 where the prophet clearly establishes that food is metaphor words, REAL FOOD that satisfies.

"Come , all of you who thirst, Come to the waters; and you without money come, and eat! Come buy wine and milk with money and without cost! Why spend money on that which is not bread, and your labor on that which does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of foods.…"

In John 6:63 Jesus clearly explains that flesh was a metaphor for words that are both spirit and life and in John 6:68 the disciples who stayed with him confirmed their belief when Jesus asked if they were going to leave him too..

"Lord to whom shall we go? Your words are words of eternal life. We have faith and know that you are the Holy One of God."

Does it say we are to hold fast to the traditions?

Do you do that?

Are you...a sinner?

I would never set aside the law of God to maintain your traditions.

I always do exactly as God commands.
Other than the saints we know about and the saints we don’t know about no one knows their fate or anyone else’s fate. So I don’t know where you get the idea that I believe any specific group is condemned. I don’t.

You on the other hand believe Christians are idolaters and are condemned, right? Lord knows you have condemned me for it more times than I can count.

So I find it really odd that you would criticize others for condemning others because you are the only one doing that.

Whats the confusion?

Do this and you will live. Do something else and you will surely die. Its a choice between a blessing or a curse.

You are actually trying to convince grown adults that doing what scripture clearly teaches results in death, something that anyone who can read can check, is the way to eternal life.

I'm not criticizing or condemning you. Your own words and deeds are.
My words and beliefs do not condemn me. I, like all Christians believe, in the three persons of the one God.

You literally are condemning over 1 billion Christians and trying to argue you aren’t because I can promise you those 1 billion Christians do not believe they are condemned or are condemning themselves for believing in the trinity.

So the only one who believes that Christians are condemned is you.

So again I will say how funny it is for you to criticize others for doing what you are doing.
Did Jesus say in Mathew 25:31-46 that He will separate the goat from the sheep and those who fed the hungry and clothe the naked etc that they would enter? Who are those true righteous that will ask Him when did we ever do that for you? Most Christians know that verse, so who will be asking that I wonder. Cause it says there will be those that don't know they are serving Christ and so therefore it does not seem to matter much whether you know you are serving Him or not. Cause they didn't.

Apparently if many who didn't know they were serving Christ will rise to life when he comes then its the ones who claim to know and serve Christ but don't who will not. So you are right, it doesn't matter if you know that you are serving Christ or not, it matters if you are.

seems like Jesus would praise an atheist who doesn't swallow anything without thinking and the we that ding mentions will be condemned

How about in all FOUR GOSPELS where he announces THIS IS MY BODY. Does it mean that it isn't? If the Spirit makes it so, is it so?

If something is spiritual does that make it symbolic or real? Does He say that MY BODY IS REAL FOOD AND MY BLOOD IS REAL DRINK? Does He say that in John chapter 6?

You are wrong. Unlike the other three gospels the only mention of flesh and blood in the gospel of John is before the last supper and the only one that Jesus gave bread to during the last supper was Judas as a way for Jesus to identify his betrayer to the others.

And as soon as Judas received the bread, Satan entered him. This is no small point

As far as MY BODY IS REAL FOOD AND MY BLOOD IS REAL DRINK, Jesus was alluding to Isaiah 55:1 where the prophet clearly establishes that food is metaphor words, REAL FOOD that satisfies.

"Come , all of you who thirst, Come to the waters; and you without money come, and eat! Come buy wine and milk with money and without cost! Why spend money on that which is not bread, and your labor on that which does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of foods.…"

In John 6:63 Jesus clearly explains that flesh was a metaphor for words that are both spirit and life and in John 6:68 the disciples who stayed with him confirmed their belief when Jesus asked if they were going to leave him too..

"Lord to whom shall we go? Your words are words of eternal life. We have faith and know that you are the Holy One of God."

Does it say we are to hold fast to the traditions?

Do you do that?

Are you...a sinner?

I would never set aside the law of God to maintain your traditions.

I always do exactly as God commands.
Other than the saints we know about and the saints we don’t know about no one knows their fate or anyone else’s fate. So I don’t know where you get the idea that I believe any specific group is condemned. I don’t.

You on the other hand believe Christians are idolaters and are condemned, right? Lord knows you have condemned me for it more times than I can count.

So I find it really odd that you would criticize others for condemning others because you are the only one doing that.

Whats the confusion?

Do this and you will live. Do something else and you will surely die. Its a choice between a blessing or a curse.

You are actually trying to convince grown adults that doing what scripture clearly teaches results in death, something that anyone who can read can check, is the way to eternal life.

I'm not criticizing or condemning you. Your own words and deeds are.
Now you are crawfishing away from your repeated condemnations of me. And all Christians for that matter.

First you wrongly accuse me of condemning others and then you run away from your condemning others.
Its actually very simple. I am not condemning you or anyone. . I am reminding you about what Jesus said. Everything I have shown you I have drawn from what Jesus taught.

I didn't write that if you practice Idolatry you fall under the condemnation of God and die, but thats what scripture says.

Thats not me condemning you when I point it out, that you being convicted by conscience.

If you do what is right you will be accepted. If not sin is like a dope fiend with a baseball bat crouching behind your door. In the very day that you open that door you will have to fight for your life or die.

Looks like you just gave up without a fight so now you and your new friends are hoping to break into someone elses house.

good luck. Only thing is, the alarm has been sounded. no one is sleeping. even Godzilla has awakened.
What did the early Christians believe?

The nations were the enemy.

Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it.When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."
No. They believed that Jesus was fully man and fully God and that Mary was born without sin, remained sinless and was assumed into heaven.
Did Jesus say in Mathew 25:31-46 that He will separate the goat from the sheep and those who fed the hungry and clothe the naked etc that they would enter? Who are those true righteous that will ask Him when did we ever do that for you? Most Christians know that verse, so who will be asking that I wonder. Cause it says there will be those that don't know they are serving Christ and so therefore it does not seem to matter much whether you know you are serving Him or not. Cause they didn't.

Apparently if many who didn't know they were serving Christ will rise to life when he comes then its the ones who claim to know and serve Christ but don't who will not. So you are right, it doesn't matter if you know that you are serving Christ or not, it matters if you are.

seems like Jesus would praise an atheist who doesn't swallow anything without thinking and the we that ding mentions will be condemned

How about in all FOUR GOSPELS where he announces THIS IS MY BODY. Does it mean that it isn't? If the Spirit makes it so, is it so?

If something is spiritual does that make it symbolic or real? Does He say that MY BODY IS REAL FOOD AND MY BLOOD IS REAL DRINK? Does He say that in John chapter 6?

You are wrong. Unlike the other three gospels the only mention of flesh and blood in the gospel of John is before the last supper and the only one that Jesus gave bread to during the last supper was Judas as a way for Jesus to identify his betrayer to the others.

And as soon as Judas received the bread, Satan entered him. This is no small point

As far as MY BODY IS REAL FOOD AND MY BLOOD IS REAL DRINK, Jesus was alluding to Isaiah 55:1 where the prophet clearly establishes that food is metaphor words, REAL FOOD that satisfies.

"Come , all of you who thirst, Come to the waters; and you without money come, and eat! Come buy wine and milk with money and without cost! Why spend money on that which is not bread, and your labor on that which does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of foods.…"

In John 6:63 Jesus clearly explains that flesh was a metaphor for words that are both spirit and life and in John 6:68 the disciples who stayed with him confirmed their belief when Jesus asked if they were going to leave him too..

"Lord to whom shall we go? Your words are words of eternal life. We have faith and know that you are the Holy One of God."

Does it say we are to hold fast to the traditions?

Do you do that?

Are you...a sinner?

I would never set aside the law of God to maintain your traditions.

I always do exactly as God commands.
Other than the saints we know about and the saints we don’t know about no one knows their fate or anyone else’s fate. So I don’t know where you get the idea that I believe any specific group is condemned. I don’t.

You on the other hand believe Christians are idolaters and are condemned, right? Lord knows you have condemned me for it more times than I can count.

So I find it really odd that you would criticize others for condemning others because you are the only one doing that.

Whats the confusion?

Do this and you will live. Do something else and you will surely die. Its a choice between a blessing or a curse.

You are actually trying to convince grown adults that doing what scripture clearly teaches results in death, something that anyone who can read can check, is the way to eternal life.

I'm not criticizing or condemning you. Your own words and deeds are.
Now you are crawfishing away from your repeated condemnations of me. And all Christians for that matter.

First you wrongly accuse me of condemning others and then you run away from your condemning others.
Its actually very simple. I am not condemning you or anyone. . I am reminding you about what Jesus said. Everything I have shown you I have drawn from what Jesus taught.

I didn't write that if you practice Idolatry you fall under the condemnation of God and die, but thats what scripture says.

Thats not me condemning you when I point it out, that you being convicted by conscience.

If you do what is right you will be accepted. If not sin is like a dope fiend with a baseball bat crouching behind your door. In the very day that you open that door you will have to fight for your life or die.

Looks like you just gave up without a fight so now you and your new friends are hoping to break into someone elses house.

good luck. Only thing is, the alarm has been sounded. no one is sleeping. even Godzilla has awakened.
You have repeated condemned Christians for being idolaters. You even said we condemned ourselves not more than 10 minutes ago. Right after you criticized for condemning others. An accusation which was false BTW.
Some of you know, i am a fairly close descendent of an ashkenazi jew. Only jew i know of in my family, so she slept out of her bloodline. Musta been a whore.. or she got raped by god like Mary..
The ashkenazi tribe was the majority of rome when jesus died. So, i believe my ancestors killed jesus.
Since we all know the illogical mentality of the abrahamic god, am i doomed for the sins of my ancestors? We all know how god feels about that shit...
Should i be scared for my soul?

Well, not for the sins of your fathers. That's bullshit. Nobody would ever get into heaven if they're to be punished for something their forebears did. But He may have some issues with the blashemy.
Some of you know, i am a fairly close descendent of an ashkenazi jew. Only jew i know of in my family, so she slept out of her bloodline. Musta been a whore.. or she got raped by god like Mary..
The ashkenazi tribe was the majority of rome when jesus died. So, i believe my ancestors killed jesus.
Since we all know the illogical mentality of the abrahamic god, am i doomed for the sins of my ancestors? We all know how god feels about that shit...
Should i be scared for my soul?

Well, not for the sins of your fathers. That's bullshit. Nobody would ever get into heaven if they're to be punished for something their forebears did. But He may have some issues with the blashemy.
I suggest you read the bible
Apparently if many who didn't know they were serving Christ will rise to life when he comes then its the ones who claim to know and serve Christ but don't who will not. So you are right, it doesn't matter if you know that you are serving Christ or not, it matters if you are.

seems like Jesus would praise an atheist who doesn't swallow anything without thinking and the we that ding mentions will be condemned

You are wrong. Unlike the other three gospels the only mention of flesh and blood in the gospel of John is before the last supper and the only one that Jesus gave bread to during the last supper was Judas as a way for Jesus to identify his betrayer to the others.

And as soon as Judas received the bread, Satan entered him. This is no small point

As far as MY BODY IS REAL FOOD AND MY BLOOD IS REAL DRINK, Jesus was alluding to Isaiah 55:1 where the prophet clearly establishes that food is metaphor words, REAL FOOD that satisfies.

"Come , all of you who thirst, Come to the waters; and you without money come, and eat! Come buy wine and milk with money and without cost! Why spend money on that which is not bread, and your labor on that which does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of foods.…"

In John 6:63 Jesus clearly explains that flesh was a metaphor for words that are both spirit and life and in John 6:68 the disciples who stayed with him confirmed their belief when Jesus asked if they were going to leave him too..

"Lord to whom shall we go? Your words are words of eternal life. We have faith and know that you are the Holy One of God."

I would never set aside the law of God to maintain your traditions.

I always do exactly as God commands.
Other than the saints we know about and the saints we don’t know about no one knows their fate or anyone else’s fate. So I don’t know where you get the idea that I believe any specific group is condemned. I don’t.

You on the other hand believe Christians are idolaters and are condemned, right? Lord knows you have condemned me for it more times than I can count.

So I find it really odd that you would criticize others for condemning others because you are the only one doing that.

Whats the confusion?

Do this and you will live. Do something else and you will surely die. Its a choice between a blessing or a curse.

You are actually trying to convince grown adults that doing what scripture clearly teaches results in death, something that anyone who can read can check, is the way to eternal life.

I'm not criticizing or condemning you. Your own words and deeds are.
Now you are crawfishing away from your repeated condemnations of me. And all Christians for that matter.

First you wrongly accuse me of condemning others and then you run away from your condemning others.
Its actually very simple. I am not condemning you or anyone. . I am reminding you about what Jesus said. Everything I have shown you I have drawn from what Jesus taught.

I didn't write that if you practice Idolatry you fall under the condemnation of God and die, but thats what scripture says.

Thats not me condemning you when I point it out, that you being convicted by conscience.

If you do what is right you will be accepted. If not sin is like a dope fiend with a baseball bat crouching behind your door. In the very day that you open that door you will have to fight for your life or die.

Looks like you just gave up without a fight so now you and your new friends are hoping to break into someone elses house.

good luck. Only thing is, the alarm has been sounded. no one is sleeping. even Godzilla has awakened.
You have repeated condemned Christians for being idolaters. You even said we condemned ourselves not more than 10 minutes ago. Right after you criticized for condemning others. An accusation which was false BTW.

again. I am not condemning you or anyone else.

You openly profess to worship a human being as if he was a three in one edible mangod. Remember? You even brag about it. That is idolatry. Don't take my word for it. Check.

Idolatry is under the eternal condemnation of God. Thats what scripture teaches. Don't take my word for it. Check .

Me pointing that out is not me condemning you. You openly practice idolatry. Thats the truth. Idolatry is a vile and degrading practice condemned by God. It does not lead to eternal life, it leads to death. Thats what is written in scripture. Don't take my word for it. Check.

I pointed it out, so kill me, as if that would miraculously erase it.

Hate me, slander me, falsely accuse me all you want, but its still right there clearly written in that Bible that you cling to for anyone to see.

Whatever they believe or don't believe about God they will all come to believe the same thing about you, if they check.
Last edited:
Some of you know, i am a fairly close descendent of an ashkenazi jew. Only jew i know of in my family, so she slept out of her bloodline. Musta been a whore.. or she got raped by god like Mary..
The ashkenazi tribe was the majority of rome when jesus died. So, i believe my ancestors killed jesus.
Since we all know the illogical mentality of the abrahamic god, am i doomed for the sins of my ancestors? We all know how god feels about that shit...
Should i be scared for my soul?

Well, not for the sins of your fathers. That's bullshit. Nobody would ever get into heaven if they're to be punished for something their forebears did. But He may have some issues with the blashemy.
I suggest you read the bible

I have. That "sins of the fathers" bullshit is in the Old Testatment. Jesus taught that ALL could enter the Kingdom of Heaven based on their own deeds and actions.
Some of you know, i am a fairly close descendent of an ashkenazi jew. Only jew i know of in my family, so she slept out of her bloodline. Musta been a whore.. or she got raped by god like Mary..
The ashkenazi tribe was the majority of rome when jesus died. So, i believe my ancestors killed jesus.
Since we all know the illogical mentality of the abrahamic god, am i doomed for the sins of my ancestors? We all know how god feels about that shit...
Should i be scared for my soul?

Well, not for the sins of your fathers. That's bullshit. Nobody would ever get into heaven if they're to be punished for something their forebears did. But He may have some issues with the blashemy.
I suggest you read the bible

I have. That "sins of the fathers" bullshit is in the Old Testatment. Jesus taught that ALL could enter the Kingdom of Heaven based on their own deeds and actions.
So you think the OT is horseshit? Lol
Sure, im down for picking and choosing too!
Who doesnt love being intellectually dishonest!?
Especially since jesus is based on being the jewish messiah that wasnt the messiah.
You win bro:lol:
Maybe god went through rehab after his rape baby was born :dunno:
What did the early Christians believe?

The nations were the enemy.

Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it.When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."
No. They believed that Jesus was fully man and fully God and that Mary was born without sin, remained sinless and was assumed into heaven.

I will force your oppressors to eat their own flesh and make them drunk on their own blood as if with new wine. Then all people shall know that I, the Lord, am your savior and your redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.

Listen or don't listen. I really don't care. My hands have been washed clean of your blood.

I offered you a well made yarmulke to cover that bald spot on the top of your blunt skull. If you don't want it, just show it to a friend and tell him that some insulting jerk gave it to you and ask if he wants it. If that doesn't work you could always give it to goodwill or toss it in a dumpster for all I care and when a homeless baldy finds it it will make their day.

so just try to be grateful that I took pity on your hairless affliction and stop arguing with everyone you miserable uncircumcised prick.

You can never win with a losing hand. You already know this, yet here we go again. I'm all in and you don't even have a pair.

And no one whose balls have been crushed may become a member of the assembly of the Lord.

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Your demonic avatar is fitting.
.if you can understand the begettal process, you can understand how humans are to BECOME literal Sons of God.

We (those who are baptized in the faith), receive the Holy Spirit. This is the BEGINNING of the BORN AGAIN process that occurs at His Return.

It is Christ's Spirit IN US that TRANSFORMS us.

Sure, if it is a spirit of Christ within, you will be transformed from a quivering blob of mud into the image and likeness of the son of God. You will be transformed. You do not, as ding said, "Transform ourselves", except if you have lost your mind to the delusions of an unrestrained imagination.

Aside from that if you are preaching a false Jesus and a false gospel of a false salvation that openly defies the law of God and brazenly desecrates the teachings of Jesus you will be transformed from a quivering blob of mud into an insignificant stain on the butt of a foul and loathsome self negating multiplicity that is slowly disintegrating into the nothingness from which it came.
You dont believe that Jesus was anything more than an ordinary man. Right?

So why should you conform to Jesus?

But putting that aside, apparently the Bible does speak about transformation. Right?
No, you are wrong. You and I have been through this before. Have you forgotten ? Again?

Jesus was not an ordinary man, he was singled out by God to convey the hidden meaning behind all of his commands, something no other man could possibly do.

If a person is interested in possessing firsthand knowledge of the exalted experience of life that Jesus died trying to teach other people to attain they should conform to the way that Jesus taught to understand the figurative language and comply with the demands of the hidden subjects of the law, the only way that fulfills the promise of eternal life in heaven, the highest realm of conscious existence, with God on earth for every single person who acts on it.

A chameleon that changes colors is still a chameleon.

You are not in the highest realm if you are simply changing from a wastrel to an idolator. That may be you transforming yourself like changing clothes but you still remain a sinful creature bound to the world below by you refusal to seek higher understanding beyond your tiny sphere of comfortability.

If you were transformed by applying the teachings of Jesus to your own life, you would be transformed by the life in his words and ascend above the world of make believe . You would not be confessing to be a sinner pretending to be saved. You were just hoodwinked by an ancient con and are too embarrassed to admit it even though its as obvious as a white boulder splattered with blood in the middle of a plowed field

You cannot transform "ourselves", into a child of God through deceit or wishful thinking which still begs the question,

How many of you are there?

There must be a gazillion conflicting voices in your head to blind you to the glaring absurdity of professing to believe that God became a human being that became a cheap snack food that solves the worlds problems forever and ever amen ,if you would only get down on your knees, close you eyes, open your mouth, strain at a gnat, swallow a camel and believe.

If you ever get tired of shadow boxing, all you have to do is stop.
You are quibbling over the word ordinary?

You believe Jesus was a man. Right?

You don’t believe he performed any miracles. Right?

You don’t believe he rose from the dead. Right?

So by elevating him to more than a man you are guilty of idolatry. I don’t have that problem.

As for me being transformed, I’m a sinner. I probably will always be a sinner. You on the other hand claim otherwise. You claim to be on the highest level. You claim to be better than everyone else. I wouldn’t dare make that claim. There’s nothing special about me.

But he is transforming me on my journey. He is transforming everyone. Even the people that don’t know it or believe it.

You're just doomed, Ding.

For the sin of equivocation.
That is very ironic coming from you.

April pegged you.
What did the early Christians believe?

The nations were the enemy.

Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it.When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."
No. They believed that Jesus was fully man and fully God and that Mary was born without sin, remained sinless and was assumed into heaven.

I will force your oppressors to eat their own flesh and make them drunk on their own blood as if with new wine. Then all people shall know that I, the Lord, am your savior and your redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.

Listen or don't listen. I really don't care. My hands have been washed clean of your blood.

I offered you a well made yarmulke to cover that bald spot on the top of your blunt skull. If you don't want it, just show it to a friend and tell him that some insulting jerk gave it to you and ask if he wants it. If that doesn't work you could always give it to goodwill or toss it in a dumpster for all I care and when a homeless baldy finds it it will make their day.

so just try to be grateful that I took pity on your hairless affliction and stop arguing with everyone you miserable uncircumcised prick.

You can never win with a losing hand. You already know this, yet here we go again. I'm all in and you don't even have a pair.

And no one whose balls have been crushed may become a member of the assembly of the Lord.

That sure sounds like you are condemning me. :lol:
Sure, if it is a spirit of Christ within, you will be transformed from a quivering blob of mud into the image and likeness of the son of God. You will be transformed. You do not, as ding said, "Transform ourselves", except if you have lost your mind to the delusions of an unrestrained imagination.

Aside from that if you are preaching a false Jesus and a false gospel of a false salvation that openly defies the law of God and brazenly desecrates the teachings of Jesus you will be transformed from a quivering blob of mud into an insignificant stain on the butt of a foul and loathsome self negating multiplicity that is slowly disintegrating into the nothingness from which it came.
You dont believe that Jesus was anything more than an ordinary man. Right?

So why should you conform to Jesus?

But putting that aside, apparently the Bible does speak about transformation. Right?
No, you are wrong. You and I have been through this before. Have you forgotten ? Again?

Jesus was not an ordinary man, he was singled out by God to convey the hidden meaning behind all of his commands, something no other man could possibly do.

If a person is interested in possessing firsthand knowledge of the exalted experience of life that Jesus died trying to teach other people to attain they should conform to the way that Jesus taught to understand the figurative language and comply with the demands of the hidden subjects of the law, the only way that fulfills the promise of eternal life in heaven, the highest realm of conscious existence, with God on earth for every single person who acts on it.

A chameleon that changes colors is still a chameleon.

You are not in the highest realm if you are simply changing from a wastrel to an idolator. That may be you transforming yourself like changing clothes but you still remain a sinful creature bound to the world below by you refusal to seek higher understanding beyond your tiny sphere of comfortability.

If you were transformed by applying the teachings of Jesus to your own life, you would be transformed by the life in his words and ascend above the world of make believe . You would not be confessing to be a sinner pretending to be saved. You were just hoodwinked by an ancient con and are too embarrassed to admit it even though its as obvious as a white boulder splattered with blood in the middle of a plowed field

You cannot transform "ourselves", into a child of God through deceit or wishful thinking which still begs the question,

How many of you are there?

There must be a gazillion conflicting voices in your head to blind you to the glaring absurdity of professing to believe that God became a human being that became a cheap snack food that solves the worlds problems forever and ever amen ,if you would only get down on your knees, close you eyes, open your mouth, strain at a gnat, swallow a camel and believe.

If you ever get tired of shadow boxing, all you have to do is stop.
You are quibbling over the word ordinary?

You believe Jesus was a man. Right?

You don’t believe he performed any miracles. Right?

You don’t believe he rose from the dead. Right?

So by elevating him to more than a man you are guilty of idolatry. I don’t have that problem.

As for me being transformed, I’m a sinner. I probably will always be a sinner. You on the other hand claim otherwise. You claim to be on the highest level. You claim to be better than everyone else. I wouldn’t dare make that claim. There’s nothing special about me.

But he is transforming me on my journey. He is transforming everyone. Even the people that don’t know it or believe it.

You're just doomed, Ding.

For the sin of equivocation.
That is very ironic coming from you.

April pegged you.

You've brought the personal into this discussion thread. Why is that, do you think? And why is it so important to you, Ding the Doomed?

Mere pixels on a screen.
You dont believe that Jesus was anything more than an ordinary man. Right?

So why should you conform to Jesus?

But putting that aside, apparently the Bible does speak about transformation. Right?
No, you are wrong. You and I have been through this before. Have you forgotten ? Again?

Jesus was not an ordinary man, he was singled out by God to convey the hidden meaning behind all of his commands, something no other man could possibly do.

If a person is interested in possessing firsthand knowledge of the exalted experience of life that Jesus died trying to teach other people to attain they should conform to the way that Jesus taught to understand the figurative language and comply with the demands of the hidden subjects of the law, the only way that fulfills the promise of eternal life in heaven, the highest realm of conscious existence, with God on earth for every single person who acts on it.

A chameleon that changes colors is still a chameleon.

You are not in the highest realm if you are simply changing from a wastrel to an idolator. That may be you transforming yourself like changing clothes but you still remain a sinful creature bound to the world below by you refusal to seek higher understanding beyond your tiny sphere of comfortability.

If you were transformed by applying the teachings of Jesus to your own life, you would be transformed by the life in his words and ascend above the world of make believe . You would not be confessing to be a sinner pretending to be saved. You were just hoodwinked by an ancient con and are too embarrassed to admit it even though its as obvious as a white boulder splattered with blood in the middle of a plowed field

You cannot transform "ourselves", into a child of God through deceit or wishful thinking which still begs the question,

How many of you are there?

There must be a gazillion conflicting voices in your head to blind you to the glaring absurdity of professing to believe that God became a human being that became a cheap snack food that solves the worlds problems forever and ever amen ,if you would only get down on your knees, close you eyes, open your mouth, strain at a gnat, swallow a camel and believe.

If you ever get tired of shadow boxing, all you have to do is stop.
You are quibbling over the word ordinary?

You believe Jesus was a man. Right?

You don’t believe he performed any miracles. Right?

You don’t believe he rose from the dead. Right?

So by elevating him to more than a man you are guilty of idolatry. I don’t have that problem.

As for me being transformed, I’m a sinner. I probably will always be a sinner. You on the other hand claim otherwise. You claim to be on the highest level. You claim to be better than everyone else. I wouldn’t dare make that claim. There’s nothing special about me.

But he is transforming me on my journey. He is transforming everyone. Even the people that don’t know it or believe it.

You're just doomed, Ding.

For the sin of equivocation.
That is very ironic coming from you.

April pegged you.

You've brought the personal into this discussion thread. Why is that, do you think? And why is it so important to you, Ding the Doomed?

Mere pixels on a screen.
Hobelim was the one who said I condemned people, so I wasn’t the one who made it personal. Apparently by my setting the record straight that my faith teaches me that no one knows their fate and pointing out the hypocrisy of Hobelim doing what he falsely criticized me of doing you have come to the erroneous conclusion that I made this personal.

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