am i doomed to hell?

Shhh! Hey Bud. I know this girl who would like to take you up on that.. She only wants $500. She said to give it to me and meet her under the streetlight on the corner around the block, through the alley, across from the butcher store..

Tell her Murry sent you. Then you can save her soul all night long...
i can't save anyone's immortal soul on a for-profit basis; better solutions at lower cost is what we need.
Don't worry! You won't make a dime.
not even in an alternate reality can i purchase any form of stairway to Heaven.

The escalator to Heaven:

It’s probably more like a roller coaster.

I watched the movie, and maybe you should watch it too.

The escalator goes slowly.
I don’t think God is dumb. Rather, there are different ways to coming to the same conclusion. If He really wants us to believe in Him, I don’t think it matters if one comes to accept Him rationally or emotionally. If one accepts God and His teachings, what difference does it make if the decision is made rationally or emotionally?
Pascal's Wager isn't accepting his teaching, it's saying you don't know if you accept it but will lie with your mouth that you do based on hedging a bet to save your ass. It's irrational, and it's been debunked as a bad-faith argument in Philosophy books for 200+ years and is only ever brought up any more by whimsical folks. More power to you, but it's not pragmatic, it's disingenuous. More-so than a literal believer.

Blaise Pascal was a religious man, and spent the last years of his life mostly writing about religion. Pascal’s Wager argues that it is rational to accept God, not to be agnostic.

Nor is it bad faith. Christianity’s big carrot is immortal eternal life in paradise. Pascal mapped out a way for rationalists to accept God. Whether one accepts God rationally or because of feels makes no difference.
Do you need to be walked through the philosophical refutations of pascal's wager, or did you do that already and find them insufficient because there's more than 3 fallacies it commits and so it doesn't fall under the guise of rationality. Rationality assumes reaching conclusions committing no formal fallacies.

It’s not philosophy, it’s theology. It offers a rational way to accept God. How one accepts God does not matter as long as one does. God is indifferent to the decision-making process. What God cares about is if you do or do not, not how you get there.

Rationality can also be used to reject God. But in this case, reason is the process, not the end result.
Rationality is philosophy, and the wager is not rational it's fallacious.

Pascal's Wager implies your disposition is un-belief, and your "choice" to believe is based on the Wager. We don't choose our beliefs because we cannot control if we find something convincing or not - we do, or we don't - which is what makes the wager disingenuous, aside from being fallacious and pretty much regarded the most inept justification for belief behind the cosmological argument, the transcendental argument, the argument from morality and arguments from scripture itself.



Blaise is my hero. To a believer, this is funny in a weird way because he's trying to be rational where faith is required and then complaining about it. What a beotch. He'll never get anywhere that way :rolleyes:. Another one bites the dust.
People are stupid. Lincoln was a tyrant that abused his powers and the checks and balances of our law.
I apply the regal part because statists like you look at him like a saint.

Are you some kind of retard. When a cop saves your life by pushing your ass out of the line of fire, do you whine he got your suit dirty?

Lincoln did what he did to save the country and correct the most evil or wrongs. MOST countries would have taken the confederates out and SHOT THEIR ASSES ON SIGHT. And frankly, looking at all the redneck assholes flying their stars and bars, I'm not entirely sold that isn't what we should have done.

Lincoln didn't go far enough, as far as I'm concerned. The Confederacy should have ended the way WWII ended for Nazi Germany... the leaders at the end of nooses and the memory disdained.
It’s our differences that make life interesting. It would be pretty boring if we were all the same.
Yeah, I agree.

This place WAS a lot more interesting before Trump was elected and most of the left took their ball and went home.

Nothing left but a few of the super tolerant good natures like old lady, and the bat shit hell. . . .
No one is all good or all bad. This should be self evident.

Which means that Trump and Obama are not all good or all bad as much as some would like to believe.

Our problem is that we see and treat people like they are all good or all bad.

Well, Virginia, some people are all good, and some people are all bad. Some people are sitting on the fence.

To do evil never enters the thoughts of some people whether they live for 30, 50 or 100 years. If they always choose what is good in life they would do so if they lived forever.

Some people would always choose what is evil whether they lived for 30, 50 or 100 years. If they would chose evil for their entire lives they would always choose evil even if they lived forever.

There really is no in between, nothing but a void.
You cannot get in Heaven by being good and no one is to bad to be saved
Right, you can't get into heaven by being good. You get into heaven by doing what is right. If you do what is right you will become good, a strange new creature on this very strange planet.

and people who do what is wrong and consequently have become evil will hate you.,

If you are perplexed and need some guidance to help you learn to differentiate between good and evil, study the divine menu, choose wisely and then eat.

Remember, avoid the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate or else you won't be able to think at all.

Wrong. You can be the best person and always do the right way but that won't get you into heaven there is only one way through Jesus Christ
how many Jews died yesterday and went to hell? all that did not accept Jesus Christ as Lord.
Christianity is effectively a sect of Judaism.

Don't tell orthodox Jews that. . . .

But yeah. . . I have a large Catholic family that a few Jews have married into.

It melds pretty well.

And I have a few Jewish friends married to Catholics.

Strange that.
It’s our differences that make life interesting. It would be pretty boring if we were all the same.
Yeah, I agree.

This place WAS a lot more interesting before Trump was elected and most of the left took their ball and went home.

Nothing left but a few of the super tolerant good natures like old lady, and the bat shit hell. . . .
No one is all good or all bad. This should be self evident.

Which means that Trump and Obama are not all good or all bad as much as some would like to believe.

Our problem is that we see and treat people like they are all good or all bad.

Well, Virginia, some people are all good, and some people are all bad. Some people are sitting on the fence.

To do evil never enters the thoughts of some people whether they live for 30, 50 or 100 years. If they always choose what is good in life they would do so if they lived forever.

Some people would always choose what is evil whether they lived for 30, 50 or 100 years. If they would chose evil for their entire lives they would always choose evil even if they lived forever.

There really is no in between, nothing but a void.
Wrong. No one is all good or all bad. But you missed the point. The point is that idiots like yourself treat people as they are.
So what? Jesus, among other things, was a Jewish reformer. Was he not?
He didn't come to reform the Jews he came to give them the truth
Actually he did because they had elevated the form of religion rather than the meaning.

He may have hoped the truth would reform them but they rejected him as he knew they would
He did not come to abolish the law or the prophets. He came to fulfill them.
To fulfill the law is to comply with its demands. The law will always remain in effect and will always be in full force. Jesus fulfilled the demands of the law, entered the kingdom of heaven and received eternal life. If you do nothing you will receive nothing.

If you do not fulfill the demands of the law you will remain under its curse.
The Law of Nature is not written in a book. It is written in the hearts of men. It cannot be codified in letters and words because it then leads to people like you only following the letter of the law and not the spirit of the law.
So what? Jesus, among other things, was a Jewish reformer. Was he not?
He didn't come to reform the Jews he came to give them the truth
Actually he did because they had elevated the form of religion rather than the meaning.

He may have hoped the truth would reform them but they rejected him as he knew they would
He did not come to abolish the law or the prophets. He came to fulfill them.
To fulfill the law is to comply with its demands. The law will always remain in effect and will always be in full force. Jesus fulfilled the demands of the law, entered the kingdom of heaven and received eternal life. If you do nothing you will receive nothing.

If you do not fulfill the demands of the law you will remain under its curse.
Jesus didn’t give you the option to believe he was just a man.
No one is all good or all bad. This should be self evident.

Which means that Trump and Obama are not all good or all bad as much as some would like to believe.

Our problem is that we see and treat people like they are all good or all bad.

Well, Virginia, some people are all good, and some people are all bad. Some people are sitting on the fence.

To do evil never enters the thoughts of some people whether they live for 30, 50 or 100 years. If they always choose what is good in life they would do so if they lived forever.

Some people would always choose what is evil whether they lived for 30, 50 or 100 years. If they would chose evil for their entire lives they would always choose evil even if they lived forever.

There really is no in between, nothing but a void.
You cannot get in Heaven by being good and no one is to bad to be saved
Right, you can't get into heaven by being good. You get into heaven by doing what is right. If you do what is right you will become good, a strange new creature on this very strange planet.

and people who do what is wrong and consequently have become evil will hate you.,

If you are perplexed and need some guidance to help you learn to differentiate between good and evil, study the divine menu, choose wisely and then eat.

Remember, avoid the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate or else you won't be able to think at all.

Yeah, right.

Folks that eat bacon can't think at all?


Every last one of them are just like Homer. . . .

If you eat the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate, think deeply, it will defile and contaminate your mind and you will degenerate into an unclean creature that cannot ruminate, think deeply.

The law is not a warning about bacon. Its a warning about swallowing the irrational teaching of dirtbags who ain't too swift...because if you don't stand guard over the purity of your own mind you will become one.

Thanks for helping me reveal the wisdom of God in giving the law and for so generously providing clear evidence of the disturbing consequences for setting aside divine instruction and filling your mind with crap.
It isn’t what you put into your mouth that defiles you. It is what comes out of your mouth that defiles you.
He didn't come to reform the Jews he came to give them the truth
Actually he did because they had elevated the form of religion rather than the meaning.

He may have hoped the truth would reform them but they rejected him as he knew they would
He did not come to abolish the law or the prophets. He came to fulfill them.
To fulfill the law is to comply with its demands. The law will always remain in effect and will always be in full force. Jesus fulfilled the demands of the law, entered the kingdom of heaven and received eternal life. If you do nothing you will receive nothing.

If you do not fulfill the demands of the law you will remain under its curse.
Jesus didn’t give you the option to believe he was just a man.
Well he did say believe in something, even if it a minuscule portion for he could save them. Some people can't get past the worldly thoughts to understand that it came with breath and is written in the hearts of men.
i can't save anyone's immortal soul on a for-profit basis; better solutions at lower cost is what we need.
Don't worry! You won't make a dime.
not even in an alternate reality can i purchase any form of stairway to Heaven.

The escalator to Heaven:

It’s probably more like a roller coaster.

I watched the movie, and maybe you should watch it too.

The escalator goes slowly.
Perhaps I should. But life and our progression is cyclical in nature and full of ups and downs. We may not like the downs but they most certainly serve a purpose.
People are stupid. Lincoln was a tyrant that abused his powers and the checks and balances of our law.
I apply the regal part because statists like you look at him like a saint.

Are you some kind of retard. When a cop saves your life by pushing your ass out of the line of fire, do you whine he got your suit dirty?

Lincoln did what he did to save the country and correct the most evil or wrongs. MOST countries would have taken the confederates out and SHOT THEIR ASSES ON SIGHT. And frankly, looking at all the redneck assholes flying their stars and bars, I'm not entirely sold that isn't what we should have done.

Lincoln didn't go far enough, as far as I'm concerned. The Confederacy should have ended the way WWII ended for Nazi Germany... the leaders at the end of nooses and the memory disdained.
He committed evil and wrongs, you statist dumbfuck.
Pascal's Wager isn't accepting his teaching, it's saying you don't know if you accept it but will lie with your mouth that you do based on hedging a bet to save your ass. It's irrational, and it's been debunked as a bad-faith argument in Philosophy books for 200+ years and is only ever brought up any more by whimsical folks. More power to you, but it's not pragmatic, it's disingenuous. More-so than a literal believer.

Blaise Pascal was a religious man, and spent the last years of his life mostly writing about religion. Pascal’s Wager argues that it is rational to accept God, not to be agnostic.

Nor is it bad faith. Christianity’s big carrot is immortal eternal life in paradise. Pascal mapped out a way for rationalists to accept God. Whether one accepts God rationally or because of feels makes no difference.
Do you need to be walked through the philosophical refutations of pascal's wager, or did you do that already and find them insufficient because there's more than 3 fallacies it commits and so it doesn't fall under the guise of rationality. Rationality assumes reaching conclusions committing no formal fallacies.

It’s not philosophy, it’s theology. It offers a rational way to accept God. How one accepts God does not matter as long as one does. God is indifferent to the decision-making process. What God cares about is if you do or do not, not how you get there.

Rationality can also be used to reject God. But in this case, reason is the process, not the end result.
Rationality is philosophy, and the wager is not rational it's fallacious.

Pascal's Wager implies your disposition is un-belief, and your "choice" to believe is based on the Wager. We don't choose our beliefs because we cannot control if we find something convincing or not - we do, or we don't - which is what makes the wager disingenuous, aside from being fallacious and pretty much regarded the most inept justification for belief behind the cosmological argument, the transcendental argument, the argument from morality and arguments from scripture itself.



Blaise is my hero. To a believer, this is funny in a weird way because he's trying to be rational where faith is required and then complaining about it. What a beotch. He'll never get anywhere that way :rolleyes:. Another one bites the dust.
He had faith and reason.
It isn’t what you put into your mouth that defiles you. It is what comes out of your mouth that defiles you.

Exactly, which shows that the subject of Kosher law is about what you put into your mind,.

Everything that comes out of your mouth originates in the mind.

If you accept irrational beliefs into your mind you will become confused and say and do stupid things every day.

no one knows this better than you. It is written in your memory.

You don't have to believe me, you just have to remember. The least you could do is try.
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Yeah, I agree.

This place WAS a lot more interesting before Trump was elected and most of the left took their ball and went home.

Nothing left but a few of the super tolerant good natures like old lady, and the bat shit hell. . . .
No one is all good or all bad. This should be self evident.

Which means that Trump and Obama are not all good or all bad as much as some would like to believe.

Our problem is that we see and treat people like they are all good or all bad.

Well, Virginia, some people are all good, and some people are all bad. Some people are sitting on the fence.

To do evil never enters the thoughts of some people whether they live for 30, 50 or 100 years. If they always choose what is good in life they would do so if they lived forever.

Some people would always choose what is evil whether they lived for 30, 50 or 100 years. If they would chose evil for their entire lives they would always choose evil even if they lived forever.

There really is no in between, nothing but a void.
You cannot get in Heaven by being good and no one is to bad to be saved
Right, you can't get into heaven by being good. You get into heaven by doing what is right. If you do what is right you will become good, a strange new creature on this very strange planet.

and people who do what is wrong and consequently have become evil will hate you.,

If you are perplexed and need some guidance to help you learn to differentiate between good and evil, study the divine menu, choose wisely and then eat.

Remember, avoid the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate or else you won't be able to think at all.

Wrong. You can be the best person and always do the right way but that won't get you into heaven there is only one way through Jesus Christ

One cannot conform to the law in the right way without following the teaching of Jesus.
He didn't come to reform the Jews he came to give them the truth
Actually he did because they had elevated the form of religion rather than the meaning.

He may have hoped the truth would reform them but they rejected him as he knew they would
He did not come to abolish the law or the prophets. He came to fulfill them.
To fulfill the law is to comply with its demands. The law will always remain in effect and will always be in full force. Jesus fulfilled the demands of the law, entered the kingdom of heaven and received eternal life. If you do nothing you will receive nothing.

If you do not fulfill the demands of the law you will remain under its curse.
Jesus didn’t give you the option to believe he was just a man.

No, back on page 1, Death Angel said God made Jesus without doing the dirty
God isn't flesh and blood. He can manipulate cells however. Why is that difficult for anti science tards?
Anti science tards :lol:
You're the ass hole that posits the mary rape theory
I'm the ass hole that posits the Mary was fuckin dudes behind her husband's back theory


im thinking we need a unified theory here -
She was fucking dudes behind Joseph’s back, got caught, and withdrew consent after the fact; thus making it rape. The two theories are just two sides of the same coin...
It isn’t what you put into your mouth that defiles you. It is what comes out of your mouth that defiles you.

Exactly, which shows that the subject of Kosher law is about what you put into your mind,.

Everything that comes out of your mouth originates in the mind.

If you accept irrational beliefs into your mind you will become confused and say and do stupid things every day.

no one knows this better than you. It is written in your memory.

You don't have to believe me, you just have to remember. The least you could do is try.

Come the Judgment Day what will your excuse be I didn't want to act stupid
It isn’t what you put into your mouth that defiles you. It is what comes out of your mouth that defiles you.

Exactly, which shows that the subject of Kosher law is about what you put into your mind,.

Everything that comes out of your mouth originates in the mind.

If you accept irrational beliefs into your mind you will become confused and say and do stupid things every day.

no one knows this better than you. It is written in your memory.

You don't have to believe me, you just have to remember. The least you could do is try.

Come the Judgment Day what will your excuse be I didn't want to act stupid

Come judgment day? lol... the judgments of God have been revealed from the beginning. What will be your excuse for setting aside divine law doing what is evil?

Nobody alerted you? lol

I'm not worried. Those who have been judged worthy of the resurrection are no longer subject to judgment.

They have already passed from death to life.

worry about yourself.
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