am i doomed to hell?

The old t says jews wont know their own messiah from a hole in the ground?

I forgot about this thread. But to answer your question, I'll post a few below. In addition to the Messianic scriptures, there are also TONS of Old Testament scriptures regarding the disobedience /hard-heartedness /straying of God's people, which ultimately led to their spiritual blindness, to this day.

"The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone." Psalms 118:22

"He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not." Isaiah 53:3

"Listen, heavens, and pay attention, earth, for the Lord has spoken: “I have raised children and brought them up, but they have rebelled against Me. The ox knows its owner, and the donkey its master’s feeding trough, but Israel does not know; My people do not understand.” Isaiah 1:2-3

Psalm 22
(the whole thing)​

etc, etc, etc.

And then there's a prophetic scripture about how in the last days, the Jews will finally have open eyes and see the truth:

“And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication; then they will look on Me whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn." Zechariah 12:10

There are lots more, also in the NT, but from the looks of this thread, I doubt most of you want it turned into a bible study.
Some of you know, i am a fairly close descendent of an ashkenazi jew. Only jew i know of in my family, so she slept out of her bloodline. Musta been a whore.. or she got raped by god like Mary..
The ashkenazi tribe was the majority of rome when jesus died. So, i believe my ancestors killed jesus.
Since we all know the illogical mentality of the abrahamic god, am i doomed for the sins of my ancestors? We all know how god feels about that shit...
Should i be scared for my soul?
You're going to hell, but not because of this.

What's the best way to get there?

Ask ding. He's doomed.
Maybe. Only time will tell. No one besides the saints we know of and the saints we don’t know of know their fate.

Time will tell? OK.. Fair enough. Lets have a look at what you have done with your time so far. If you can connect the dots and draw a straight line, you will see to the end of time. You can think of me as the ghost of Christmas future.

So you read the Bible. You were taught that God is one incorporeal being whose existence is absolute. You memorized the ten commandments, read the story of Adam and Eve and the talking serpent and learned that to defy the law is rebellion against God. You were clearly taught that idolatry is the worship of anything made by human hands, and the consequence for that practice is death, hades, and destruction, in that order.

Then you were told that the Church teaches that God is three, the holy spirit diddled a virgin to become Jesus who saved the world by putting an end to sin by teaching people to worship and eat the lifeless work of human hands to receive eternal life, even though you were just taught that the very same practice is idolatry, a sin that results in death.

So what did you do? You tossed your own mind in the trash along with everything they taught you first and then did for decades the very thing you were told results in death, hades, and that order.

What has time told you so far if not that you are already doomed, consigned to destruction unless you change course?

And if you are such a dedicated believer who is so sure he has made a wise choice, how is it that you do not know that you are already in hell and well on your way to destruction. How wise is that?

Be brave. Take a look into my crystal ball to see your future. As of now, this very minute, there is nothing but a tombstone. You have done absolutely nothing to save your soul. What you have done is insure your own destruction. Believe what I have shown you. What you can now clearly see with your own eyes.

How is it that you do not know the right course to take? How much time will you spend in the void before you see the nothingness ? The horses are now on the track. How much time do you think you have left before the ticket booth is closed, your bets are locked in, and its post time?

are you feeling lucky?
You are really hung up on the form of religion.
The old t says jews wont know their own messiah from a hole in the ground?

I forgot about this thread. But to answer your question, I'll post a few below. In addition to the Messianic scriptures, there are also TONS of Old Testament scriptures regarding the disobedience /hard-heartedness /straying of God's people, which ultimately led to their spiritual blindness, to this day.

"The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone." Psalms 118:22

"He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not." Isaiah 53:3

"Listen, heavens, and pay attention, earth, for the Lord has spoken: “I have raised children and brought them up, but they have rebelled against Me. The ox knows its owner, and the donkey its master’s feeding trough, but Israel does not know; My people do not understand.” Isaiah 1:2-3

Psalm 22
(the whole thing)​

etc, etc, etc.

And then there's a prophetic scripture about how in the last days, the Jews will finally have open eyes and see the truth:

“And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication; then they will look on Me whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn." Zechariah 12:10

There are lots more, also in the NT, but from the looks of this thread, I doubt most of you want it turned into a bible study.
I don’t think he is interested in anything which challenges his bias.
The old t says jews wont know their own messiah from a hole in the ground?

I forgot about this thread. But to answer your question, I'll post a few below. In addition to the Messianic scriptures, there are also TONS of Old Testament scriptures regarding the disobedience /hard-heartedness /straying of God's people, which ultimately led to their spiritual blindness, to this day.

"The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone." Psalms 118:22

"He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not." Isaiah 53:3

"Listen, heavens, and pay attention, earth, for the Lord has spoken: “I have raised children and brought them up, but they have rebelled against Me. The ox knows its owner, and the donkey its master’s feeding trough, but Israel does not know; My people do not understand.” Isaiah 1:2-3

Psalm 22
(the whole thing)​

etc, etc, etc.

And then there's a prophetic scripture about how in the last days, the Jews will finally have open eyes and see the truth:

“And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication; then they will look on Me whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn." Zechariah 12:10

There are lots more, also in the NT, but from the looks of this thread, I doubt most of you want it turned into a bible study.
I don’t think he is interested in anything which challenges his bias.

That's probably true, but he asked, and I answered it. It's actually a huge theme throughout the bible, so it's unfortunate that a lot of people seem to be completely unaware of that.
You're going to hell, but not because of this.

What's the best way to get there?

Ask ding. He's doomed.
Maybe. Only time will tell. No one besides the saints we know of and the saints we don’t know of know their fate.

Time will tell? OK.. Fair enough. Lets have a look at what you have done with your time so far. If you can connect the dots and draw a straight line, you will see to the end of time. You can think of me as the ghost of Christmas future.

So you read the Bible. You were taught that God is one incorporeal being whose existence is absolute. You memorized the ten commandments, read the story of Adam and Eve and the talking serpent and learned that to defy the law is rebellion against God. You were clearly taught that idolatry is the worship of anything made by human hands, and the consequence for that practice is death, hades, and destruction, in that order.

Then you were told that the Church teaches that God is three, the holy spirit diddled a virgin to become Jesus who saved the world by putting an end to sin by teaching people to worship and eat the lifeless work of human hands to receive eternal life, even though you were just taught that the very same practice is idolatry, a sin that results in death.

So what did you do? You tossed your own mind in the trash along with everything they taught you first and then did for decades the very thing you were told results in death, hades, and that order.

What has time told you so far if not that you are already doomed, consigned to destruction unless you change course?

And if you are such a dedicated believer who is so sure he has made a wise choice, how is it that you do not know that you are already in hell and well on your way to destruction. How wise is that?

Be brave. Take a look into my crystal ball to see your future. As of now, this very minute, there is nothing but a tombstone. You have done absolutely nothing to save your soul. What you have done is insure your own destruction. Believe what I have shown you. What you can now clearly see with your own eyes.

How is it that you do not know the right course to take? How much time will you spend in the void before you see the nothingness ? The horses are now on the track. How much time do you think you have left before the ticket booth is closed, your bets are locked in, and its post time?

are you feeling lucky?
You are really hung up on the form of religion.

lol...the devil is in the details. You are promoting an anything goes philosophy so your own corrupt outward form of religion can deliberately perpetuate confusion, the ideal environment for evil to take root and flourish.

Thats how Satan uses the power of death consequent to defying the law of God to lure people into captivity, even entire nations.

Thats what you are mixed up you know. You can't unknow it.

Even if its only a glimmer of an inking, it will settle above your head like a flame.
Last edited:
What's the best way to get there?

Ask ding. He's doomed.
Maybe. Only time will tell. No one besides the saints we know of and the saints we don’t know of know their fate.

Time will tell? OK.. Fair enough. Lets have a look at what you have done with your time so far. If you can connect the dots and draw a straight line, you will see to the end of time. You can think of me as the ghost of Christmas future.

So you read the Bible. You were taught that God is one incorporeal being whose existence is absolute. You memorized the ten commandments, read the story of Adam and Eve and the talking serpent and learned that to defy the law is rebellion against God. You were clearly taught that idolatry is the worship of anything made by human hands, and the consequence for that practice is death, hades, and destruction, in that order.

Then you were told that the Church teaches that God is three, the holy spirit diddled a virgin to become Jesus who saved the world by putting an end to sin by teaching people to worship and eat the lifeless work of human hands to receive eternal life, even though you were just taught that the very same practice is idolatry, a sin that results in death.

So what did you do? You tossed your own mind in the trash along with everything they taught you first and then did for decades the very thing you were told results in death, hades, and that order.

What has time told you so far if not that you are already doomed, consigned to destruction unless you change course?

And if you are such a dedicated believer who is so sure he has made a wise choice, how is it that you do not know that you are already in hell and well on your way to destruction. How wise is that?

Be brave. Take a look into my crystal ball to see your future. As of now, this very minute, there is nothing but a tombstone. You have done absolutely nothing to save your soul. What you have done is insure your own destruction. Believe what I have shown you. What you can now clearly see with your own eyes.

How is it that you do not know the right course to take? How much time will you spend in the void before you see the nothingness ? The horses are now on the track. How much time do you think you have left before the ticket booth is closed, your bets are locked in, and its post time?

are you feeling lucky?
You are really hung up on the form of religion.

lol...the devil is in the details. You are promoting an anything goes philosophy so your own corrupt religion can deliberately perpetuate confusion, the ideal environment for evil to take root and flourish.

Thats what you are mixed up you know. You can't unknow it.

Even if its only a glimmer of an inking, it will settle above your head like a flame.
No. I’m not. I am a Catholic.

Unlike you I don’t tell people the faith they practice is wrong.

Unlike you I encourage others to worship God in the way and manner that works best for them.

You want to fight over religious beliefs. I don’t.
Ask ding. He's doomed.
Maybe. Only time will tell. No one besides the saints we know of and the saints we don’t know of know their fate.

Time will tell? OK.. Fair enough. Lets have a look at what you have done with your time so far. If you can connect the dots and draw a straight line, you will see to the end of time. You can think of me as the ghost of Christmas future.

So you read the Bible. You were taught that God is one incorporeal being whose existence is absolute. You memorized the ten commandments, read the story of Adam and Eve and the talking serpent and learned that to defy the law is rebellion against God. You were clearly taught that idolatry is the worship of anything made by human hands, and the consequence for that practice is death, hades, and destruction, in that order.

Then you were told that the Church teaches that God is three, the holy spirit diddled a virgin to become Jesus who saved the world by putting an end to sin by teaching people to worship and eat the lifeless work of human hands to receive eternal life, even though you were just taught that the very same practice is idolatry, a sin that results in death.

So what did you do? You tossed your own mind in the trash along with everything they taught you first and then did for decades the very thing you were told results in death, hades, and that order.

What has time told you so far if not that you are already doomed, consigned to destruction unless you change course?

And if you are such a dedicated believer who is so sure he has made a wise choice, how is it that you do not know that you are already in hell and well on your way to destruction. How wise is that?

Be brave. Take a look into my crystal ball to see your future. As of now, this very minute, there is nothing but a tombstone. You have done absolutely nothing to save your soul. What you have done is insure your own destruction. Believe what I have shown you. What you can now clearly see with your own eyes.

How is it that you do not know the right course to take? How much time will you spend in the void before you see the nothingness ? The horses are now on the track. How much time do you think you have left before the ticket booth is closed, your bets are locked in, and its post time?

are you feeling lucky?
You are really hung up on the form of religion.

lol...the devil is in the details. You are promoting an anything goes philosophy so your own corrupt religion can deliberately perpetuate confusion, the ideal environment for evil to take root and flourish.

Thats what you are mixed up you know. You can't unknow it.

Even if its only a glimmer of an inking, it will settle above your head like a flame.
No. I’m not. I am a Catholic.

Unlike you I don’t tell people the faith they practice is wrong.

Unlike you I encourage others to worship God in the way and manner that works best for them.

You want to fight over religious beliefs. I don’t.

lol....Over 18,000 posts says otherwise.

Give it up ding. You are a bad liar. You suck even more at acting.

Consider yourself defrocked.

Any violations and the constable will be knocking on your door and you may never get another chance at freedom.

And never is a very very long time.
Maybe. Only time will tell. No one besides the saints we know of and the saints we don’t know of know their fate.

Time will tell? OK.. Fair enough. Lets have a look at what you have done with your time so far. If you can connect the dots and draw a straight line, you will see to the end of time. You can think of me as the ghost of Christmas future.

So you read the Bible. You were taught that God is one incorporeal being whose existence is absolute. You memorized the ten commandments, read the story of Adam and Eve and the talking serpent and learned that to defy the law is rebellion against God. You were clearly taught that idolatry is the worship of anything made by human hands, and the consequence for that practice is death, hades, and destruction, in that order.

Then you were told that the Church teaches that God is three, the holy spirit diddled a virgin to become Jesus who saved the world by putting an end to sin by teaching people to worship and eat the lifeless work of human hands to receive eternal life, even though you were just taught that the very same practice is idolatry, a sin that results in death.

So what did you do? You tossed your own mind in the trash along with everything they taught you first and then did for decades the very thing you were told results in death, hades, and that order.

What has time told you so far if not that you are already doomed, consigned to destruction unless you change course?

And if you are such a dedicated believer who is so sure he has made a wise choice, how is it that you do not know that you are already in hell and well on your way to destruction. How wise is that?

Be brave. Take a look into my crystal ball to see your future. As of now, this very minute, there is nothing but a tombstone. You have done absolutely nothing to save your soul. What you have done is insure your own destruction. Believe what I have shown you. What you can now clearly see with your own eyes.

How is it that you do not know the right course to take? How much time will you spend in the void before you see the nothingness ? The horses are now on the track. How much time do you think you have left before the ticket booth is closed, your bets are locked in, and its post time?

are you feeling lucky?
You are really hung up on the form of religion.

lol...the devil is in the details. You are promoting an anything goes philosophy so your own corrupt religion can deliberately perpetuate confusion, the ideal environment for evil to take root and flourish.

Thats what you are mixed up you know. You can't unknow it.

Even if its only a glimmer of an inking, it will settle above your head like a flame.
No. I’m not. I am a Catholic.

Unlike you I don’t tell people the faith they practice is wrong.

Unlike you I encourage others to worship God in the way and manner that works best for them.

You want to fight over religious beliefs. I don’t.

lol....Over 18,000 posts says otherwise.

Give it up ding. You are a bad liar. You suck even more at acting.

Consider yourself defrocked.
Everything I wrote is true.

You discourage people from having a relationship with God. I encourage it.

You want to argue about which religious beliefs people should believe. I don’t.

I can’t say it any plainer than that.
Time will tell? OK.. Fair enough. Lets have a look at what you have done with your time so far. If you can connect the dots and draw a straight line, you will see to the end of time. You can think of me as the ghost of Christmas future.

So you read the Bible. You were taught that God is one incorporeal being whose existence is absolute. You memorized the ten commandments, read the story of Adam and Eve and the talking serpent and learned that to defy the law is rebellion against God. You were clearly taught that idolatry is the worship of anything made by human hands, and the consequence for that practice is death, hades, and destruction, in that order.

Then you were told that the Church teaches that God is three, the holy spirit diddled a virgin to become Jesus who saved the world by putting an end to sin by teaching people to worship and eat the lifeless work of human hands to receive eternal life, even though you were just taught that the very same practice is idolatry, a sin that results in death.

So what did you do? You tossed your own mind in the trash along with everything they taught you first and then did for decades the very thing you were told results in death, hades, and that order.

What has time told you so far if not that you are already doomed, consigned to destruction unless you change course?

And if you are such a dedicated believer who is so sure he has made a wise choice, how is it that you do not know that you are already in hell and well on your way to destruction. How wise is that?

Be brave. Take a look into my crystal ball to see your future. As of now, this very minute, there is nothing but a tombstone. You have done absolutely nothing to save your soul. What you have done is insure your own destruction. Believe what I have shown you. What you can now clearly see with your own eyes.

How is it that you do not know the right course to take? How much time will you spend in the void before you see the nothingness ? The horses are now on the track. How much time do you think you have left before the ticket booth is closed, your bets are locked in, and its post time?

are you feeling lucky?
You are really hung up on the form of religion.

lol...the devil is in the details. You are promoting an anything goes philosophy so your own corrupt religion can deliberately perpetuate confusion, the ideal environment for evil to take root and flourish.

Thats what you are mixed up you know. You can't unknow it.

Even if its only a glimmer of an inking, it will settle above your head like a flame.
No. I’m not. I am a Catholic.

Unlike you I don’t tell people the faith they practice is wrong.

Unlike you I encourage others to worship God in the way and manner that works best for them.

You want to fight over religious beliefs. I don’t.

lol....Over 18,000 posts says otherwise.

Give it up ding. You are a bad liar. You suck even more at acting.

Consider yourself defrocked.
Everything I wrote is true.

You discourage people from having a relationship with God. I encourage it.

You want to argue about which religious beliefs people should believe. I don’t.

I can’t say it any plainer than that.

I know. You say the dumbest things with a straight face.

I am very impressed.
You are really hung up on the form of religion.

lol...the devil is in the details. You are promoting an anything goes philosophy so your own corrupt religion can deliberately perpetuate confusion, the ideal environment for evil to take root and flourish.

Thats what you are mixed up you know. You can't unknow it.

Even if its only a glimmer of an inking, it will settle above your head like a flame.
No. I’m not. I am a Catholic.

Unlike you I don’t tell people the faith they practice is wrong.

Unlike you I encourage others to worship God in the way and manner that works best for them.

You want to fight over religious beliefs. I don’t.

lol....Over 18,000 posts says otherwise.

Give it up ding. You are a bad liar. You suck even more at acting.

Consider yourself defrocked.
Everything I wrote is true.

You discourage people from having a relationship with God. I encourage it.

You want to argue about which religious beliefs people should believe. I don’t.

I can’t say it any plainer than that.

I know. You say the dumbest things with a straight face.

I am very impressed.
Not more than two posts ago you were criticizing my faith.

You do it all the time. It’s your main purpose here.

I don’t do it at all and you are calling me a liar? The only one lying is you.

You are literally bearing false witness.
lol...the devil is in the details. You are promoting an anything goes philosophy so your own corrupt religion can deliberately perpetuate confusion, the ideal environment for evil to take root and flourish.

Thats what you are mixed up you know. You can't unknow it.

Even if its only a glimmer of an inking, it will settle above your head like a flame.
No. I’m not. I am a Catholic.

Unlike you I don’t tell people the faith they practice is wrong.

Unlike you I encourage others to worship God in the way and manner that works best for them.

You want to fight over religious beliefs. I don’t.

lol....Over 18,000 posts says otherwise.

Give it up ding. You are a bad liar. You suck even more at acting.

Consider yourself defrocked.
Everything I wrote is true.

You discourage people from having a relationship with God. I encourage it.

You want to argue about which religious beliefs people should believe. I don’t.

I can’t say it any plainer than that.

I know. You say the dumbest things with a straight face.

I am very impressed.
Not more than two posts ago you were criticizing my faith.

You do it all the time. It’s your main purpose here.

I don’t do it at all and you are calling me a liar? The only one lying is you.

You are literally bearing false witness.
Not two post ago you claimed to never argue about religious beliefs .

Yet you are here day in and day out obsessively arguing with people over their religious beliefs or lack of beliefs.

You are a very stupid man, a liar. Just not a very good one.
No. I’m not. I am a Catholic.

Unlike you I don’t tell people the faith they practice is wrong.

Unlike you I encourage others to worship God in the way and manner that works best for them.

You want to fight over religious beliefs. I don’t.

lol....Over 18,000 posts says otherwise.

Give it up ding. You are a bad liar. You suck even more at acting.

Consider yourself defrocked.
Everything I wrote is true.

You discourage people from having a relationship with God. I encourage it.

You want to argue about which religious beliefs people should believe. I don’t.

I can’t say it any plainer than that.

I know. You say the dumbest things with a straight face.

I am very impressed.
Not more than two posts ago you were criticizing my faith.

You do it all the time. It’s your main purpose here.

I don’t do it at all and you are calling me a liar? The only one lying is you.

You are literally bearing false witness.
Not two post ago you claimed to never argue about religious beliefs .

Yet you are here day in and day out obsessively arguing with people over their religious beliefs or lack of beliefs.

You are a very stupid man, a liar. Just not a very good one.
I’ve never criticized or attacked the religious beliefs or practices of anyone.

I have defended my faith and practices from you though. You do it all the time. It’s all you do.

I don’t argue with people over their lack of belief either. In fact, I tell them to believe anything they want that I don’t care either way.

Thank you for proving the dunning effect by the way.
Religious nut: "Heed these words, lest you suffer unimaginably!"

Atheist: "Well that's embarrassingly stupid, aggressive, arrogant, and immoral."

Religious nut: "You're a militant!"
Religious nut: "Heed these words, lest you suffer unimaginably!"

Atheist: "Well that's embarrassingly stupid, aggressive, arrogant, and immoral."

Religious nut: "You're a militant!"
Do you believe that fundamentalist evangelicals are militant?
Because I don’t see how believing that fundamentalist evangelicals being militant is an attack on their faith. So why would the observation that militant atheists exist and that certain people fit that definition be an attack on their beliefs.
I have fun with god. We crack jokes and shit.
I hurt my ankle the other day and he started calling me limp bizkit
Are you in your present state condemned? God does not allow us to say, or know.
But we can speak boldly about sin, not judgement.
IMO, your situation looks clear and common. Your ego is off the charts. You are in love with yourself and how you can mock others because you think you are being clever. Plus you lack the humility and desire to truly want to know.

“Habitual sin causes a darkening of the intellect and a weakening of the will.” --- some saint.

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