Am I the only athiest on here, who when...

When American Christians get involved in supporting killing of gays in other countries I wake up and pay attention.

Of course you meant to say when 'some small group of American Christians', didn't you? Of course you did. :lol:

Yes I did. My sincere apologies to you for jumping to the conclusion that I in any way meant ALL American Christians.

Skin thin?

Why do you automatically assume that whenver I correct you that I have some kind of a guilt complex? I can assure you that I do not.
When American Christians get involved in supporting killing of gays in other countries I wake up and pay attention.

Of course you meant to say when 'some small group of American Christians', didn't you? Of course you did. :lol:

Yes I did. My sincere apologies to you for jumping to the conclusion that I in any way meant ALL American Christians.

Skin thin?

You alleging to someone else that they have thin skin is just fucking hilarious. :lol:

I love irony.
Of course you meant to say when 'some small group of American Christians', didn't you? Of course you did. :lol:

No. I don't think that is what she meant to say. :)

Nor will she EVER admit that Islam, which she seems to adore, would have ALL gays killed if they were allowed to do so.

I admit that Islam puts gays and lesbians to death. That's why it concerns me when a minority of American Christians say the same.

It isn't just what a minority does, it's more the pervasive demonizing of gay people that goes on in mainstream Christian media.

We get compared to Nazis. The guy who wrote the Pink Swastika was one of the American Christian instigators of the legislation in Uganda.

First you say it's a minority when questioned, and then you go right back to saying it's mainstream. Why don't you give up the ruse, Sky?? We already know how you feel, no need to try and hide it.
Of course you meant to say when 'some small group of American Christians', didn't you? Of course you did. :lol:

Yes I did. My sincere apologies to you for jumping to the conclusion that I in any way meant ALL American Christians.

Skin thin?

Why do you automattically assume that whenver I correct you that I have some kind of a guilt complex? I can assure you that I do not.

Or....more precisely....that defending Christianity is the same thing as hating gays. And anytime anybody who doesn't have a clue tells me what I think or what I believe and does so absolutely stupidly and out of ignorance, I have to shake my head and assign such remarks to the loonbat or mean spirited category or at the very least to the troll, idiots, and/or exercises in futility category. You notice she still has not commented on Islam's outright ban on homosexuality. How blind the prejudiced can sometimes be.
No. I don't think that is what she meant to say. :)

Nor will she EVER admit that Islam, which she seems to adore, would have ALL gays killed if they were allowed to do so.

I admit that Islam puts gays and lesbians to death. That's why it concerns me when a minority of American Christians say the same.

It isn't just what a minority does, it's more the pervasive demonizing of gay people that goes on in mainstream Christian media.

We get compared to Nazis. The guy who wrote the Pink Swastika was one of the American Christian instigators of the legislation in Uganda.

First you say it's a minority when questioned, and then you go right back to saying it's mainstream. Why don't you give up the ruse, Sky?? We already know how you feel, no need to try and hide it.

You misunderstand my position. Some of the anti-gay demonizing rhetoric is mainstream. American Family Association has 200 TV, radio and internet magazines alone. Some Christian with extremely negative views about gays get mainstream media converage.

It is a tiny minority who preach death for homosexuals.

The growing power of Christians to get their anti=gay message out is a concern of mine, AND the small minority who work to recriminalize homosexuality and who cite the Bible as justification for execution.

Muslims in the MIddle East cite the Qu'ran for justification for violence. I am just as concerned about them as I am this trend in America with Christians. I do not see Muslims in America organizing against gays and lesbians.

I continual reiterate my position, clarifying it, adding nuance and detail and you continue to paint me as a Christian basher and hater.

I'm not.

Most Christians are my friends.
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Yes I did. My sincere apologies to you for jumping to the conclusion that I in any way meant ALL American Christians.

Skin thin?

Why do you automattically assume that whenver I correct you that I have some kind of a guilt complex? I can assure you that I do not.

Or....more precisely....that defending Christianity is the same thing as hating gays. And anytime anybody who doesn't have a clue tells me what I think or what I believe and does so absolutely stupidly and out of ignorance, I have to shake my head and assign such remarks to the loonbat or mean spirited category or at the very least to the troll, idiots, and/or exercises in futility category. You notice she still has not commented on Islam's outright ban on homosexuality. How blind the prejudiced can sometimes be.

I have commented on Islam's ban on homosexuality. I deplore it. It would not be safe for me to travel to the Middle East openly as a lesbian. It would not be safe for me in Uganda. It would not be safe for me to walk into Pastor Anderson's church either.

Since you have no interest in discussing my views in an open hearted manner but label me a loonbat, troll, idiot, and mean spirited I have no choice but to stop trying to talk to you about this issue that is so important to me.

Defending Christianity when it's right is not the same thing as hating gays. Defending Christianity when it's wrong and hurtful to gays is the same as hating gays.

A Christian Church supporting a Ugandan missionary who promotes the killing of gays in Uganda is hate. I'm sorry that you can't see the similarity in the Islamic policies you condemn and this one.

Let me ask you this. You might consider me as a shy animal, that's been injured and is very afraid. How do you go about winning the trust of such a frightened being? Do you go in like gangbusters and tell the being how stupid they are for their fear, or do you go in gently, with an open heart, and a willingness to listen?
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No. I don't think that is what she meant to say. :)

Nor will she EVER admit that Islam, which she seems to adore, would have ALL gays killed if they were allowed to do so.

I admit that Islam puts gays and lesbians to death. That's why it concerns me when a minority of American Christians say the same.

It isn't just what a minority does, it's more the pervasive demonizing of gay people that goes on in mainstream Christian media.

We get compared to Nazis. The guy who wrote the Pink Swastika was one of the American Christian instigators of the legislation in Uganda.

First you say it's a minority when questioned, and then you go right back to saying it's mainstream. Why don't you give up the ruse, Sky?? We already know how you feel, no need to try and hide it.

If you already know how I feel than you would know that I feel close to most Christians in America and concerned about the minority of Christians who seek recriminalization of homosexuality and who call for our death citing the Bible as justifcation.

You would see that I am concerned about mainstream Christian organizations like the Family Reseach Council, the American Family Association, Coral Ridge Ministeries, the Christian Coalition to put out demonizing messages about gay people. They have a lot of money, air time and determination. I think I have every right to be afraid of them.

It's a growing movement in the US. The Christian right has considerable influence on the GOP, which is as mainstream as they get.
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Why do you automattically assume that whenver I correct you that I have some kind of a guilt complex? I can assure you that I do not.

Or....more precisely....that defending Christianity is the same thing as hating gays. And anytime anybody who doesn't have a clue tells me what I think or what I believe and does so absolutely stupidly and out of ignorance, I have to shake my head and assign such remarks to the loonbat or mean spirited category or at the very least to the troll, idiots, and/or exercises in futility category. You notice she still has not commented on Islam's outright ban on homosexuality. How blind the prejudiced can sometimes be.

I have commented on Islam's ban on homosexuality. I deplore it.

Since you have no interest in discussing my views in an open hearted manner but label me a loonbat, troll, idiot, and mean spirited I have no choice but to stop trying to talk to you about this issue that is so important to me.

Defending Christianity when it's right is not the same thing as hating gays. Defending Christianity when it's wrong and hurtful to gays is the same as hating gays.

A Christian Church supporting a Ugandan missionary who promotes the killing of gays in Uganda is hate. I'm sorry that you can't see the similarity in the Islamic policies you condemn and this one.

A Christian church supporting the killing of anyone for any reason is wrong and most people, christian or not, would agree with that, but you already knew that. And again, that is one supposed christian church out of hundreds of thousands in the US, so what's your point?

So this Ugandan bill sentences people to death simply and only for being gay? Do you think their fear stems at all from the rampant spread of aids in Africa? Your info on it is from over a year ago, what happened with it? Did it become law?
I admit that Islam puts gays and lesbians to death. That's why it concerns me when a minority of American Christians say the same.

It isn't just what a minority does, it's more the pervasive demonizing of gay people that goes on in mainstream Christian media.

We get compared to Nazis. The guy who wrote the Pink Swastika was one of the American Christian instigators of the legislation in Uganda.

First you say it's a minority when questioned, and then you go right back to saying it's mainstream. Why don't you give up the ruse, Sky?? We already know how you feel, no need to try and hide it.

If you already know how I feel than you would know that I feel close to most Christians in America and concerned about the minority of Christians who seek recriminalization of homosexuality and who call for our death citing the Bible as justifcation.

You would see that I am concerned about a mainstream Christian organizations like the Family Reseach Council, the American Family Association, Coral Ridge Ministeries, the Christian Coalition. They have a lot of money, air time and determination. I think I have every right to be afraid of them.

Again, which is it? Is it mainstream christianity that calls for your death or is it a minority?
Of course you meant to say when 'some small group of American Christians', didn't you? Of course you did. :lol:

Yes I did. My sincere apologies to you for jumping to the conclusion that I in any way meant ALL American Christians.

Skin thin?

You alleging to someone else that they have thin skin is just fucking hilarious. :lol:

I love irony.

I admit my skin is thin on this issue. Walk in my shoes in this lifetime and you may understand the context.
First you say it's a minority when questioned, and then you go right back to saying it's mainstream. Why don't you give up the ruse, Sky?? We already know how you feel, no need to try and hide it.

If you already know how I feel than you would know that I feel close to most Christians in America and concerned about the minority of Christians who seek recriminalization of homosexuality and who call for our death citing the Bible as justifcation.

You would see that I am concerned about a mainstream Christian organizations like the Family Reseach Council, the American Family Association, Coral Ridge Ministeries, the Christian Coalition. They have a lot of money, air time and determination. I think I have every right to be afraid of them.

Again, which is it? Is it mainstream christianity that calls for your death or is it a minority?
Again, it is a minority. How many times do I have to write that before you believe me?

And, if you listen to mainstream Christian radio and TV you do hear a demonizing message about homosexuals.

I'm talking about two separate phenomena, both of concern to me as a lesbian in America.
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If you already know how I feel than you would know that I feel close to most Christians in America and concerned about the minority of Christians who seek recriminalization of homosexuality and who call for our death citing the Bible as justifcation.

You would see that I am concerned about a mainstream Christian organizations like the Family Reseach Council, the American Family Association, Coral Ridge Ministeries, the Christian Coalition. They have a lot of money, air time and determination. I think I have every right to be afraid of them.

Again, which is it? Is it mainstream christianity that calls for your death or is it a minority?
Again, it is a minority. How many times do I have to write that before you believe me?

And, if you listen to mainstream Christian radio and TV you do hear a demonizing message about homosexuals.

I'm talking about two separate phenomena, both of concern to me as a lesbian in America.

I listen to 'mainstream' christian radio and I've never even heard homosexuals mentioned. Mainstream does not denote a minority, you can't say it both ways, so make up your mind.
Why do you automattically assume that whenver I correct you that I have some kind of a guilt complex? I can assure you that I do not.

Or....more precisely....that defending Christianity is the same thing as hating gays. And anytime anybody who doesn't have a clue tells me what I think or what I believe and does so absolutely stupidly and out of ignorance, I have to shake my head and assign such remarks to the loonbat or mean spirited category or at the very least to the troll, idiots, and/or exercises in futility category. You notice she still has not commented on Islam's outright ban on homosexuality. How blind the prejudiced can sometimes be.

I have commented on Islam's ban on homosexuality. I deplore it.

Since you have no interest in discussing my views in an open hearted manner but label me a loonbat, troll, idiot, and mean spirited I have no choice but to stop trying to talk to you about this issue that is so important to me.

Defending Christianity when it's right is not the same thing as hating gays. Defending Christianity when it's wrong and hurtful to gays is the same as hating gays.

A Christian Church supporting a Ugandan missionary who promotes the killing of gays in Uganda is hate. I'm sorry that you can't see the similarity in the Islamic policies you condemn and this one.

Let me ask you this. You might consider me as a shy animal, that's been injured and is very afraid. How do you go about winning the trust of such a frightened being? Do you go in like gangbusters and tell the being how stupid they are for their fear, or do you go in gently, with an open heart, and a willingness to listen?

I have labeled you as nothing at all. When you presume to tell me what I think or what I believe when there is absolutely no evidence or foundation to do so, I am not going to take that as either kind, courteous, or sensible. Stop doing that, and you probably won't need to assume you are included with those who do that.

And as long as you single out individual or small groups to criticize and can find no Christians or Christian acts to praise despite your magnanimous professed love for Christians, and can find no Muslim or Islamic groups to criticize for anything despite your deploring their rejection of homosexuality, some of us will continue to see you as Christian bashing. And as long as you consider Christians evil if they criticize anybody or defend themselves; but everybody else is okay if they criticize Christians, some of us will continue to see that as Christian bashing.

You wanted to know what bashing is? Well there you go. Yet again.
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Or....more precisely....that defending Christianity is the same thing as hating gays. And anytime anybody who doesn't have a clue tells me what I think or what I believe and does so absolutely stupidly and out of ignorance, I have to shake my head and assign such remarks to the loonbat or mean spirited category or at the very least to the troll, idiots, and/or exercises in futility category. You notice she still has not commented on Islam's outright ban on homosexuality. How blind the prejudiced can sometimes be.

I have commented on Islam's ban on homosexuality. I deplore it.

Since you have no interest in discussing my views in an open hearted manner but label me a loonbat, troll, idiot, and mean spirited I have no choice but to stop trying to talk to you about this issue that is so important to me.

Defending Christianity when it's right is not the same thing as hating gays. Defending Christianity when it's wrong and hurtful to gays is the same as hating gays.

A Christian Church supporting a Ugandan missionary who promotes the killing of gays in Uganda is hate. I'm sorry that you can't see the similarity in the Islamic policies you condemn and this one.

A Christian church supporting the killing of anyone for any reason is wrong and most people, christian or not, would agree with that, but you already knew that. And again, that is one supposed christian church out of hundreds of thousands in the US, so what's your point?

So this Ugandan bill sentences people to death simply and only for being gay? Do you think their fear stems at all from the rampant spread of aids in Africa? Your info on it is from over a year ago, what happened with it? Did it become law?

It hasn't become law yet. International community is quite concerned. Gays in Uganda have faced a year of harassment since the bill was proposed.

The law would apply to citizens or permanent residents of Uganda, and would cover behavior both in and outside that country. The measure would turn neighbor against neighbor by requiring those with knowledge of a gay person to report them to police within 24 hours or risk three years in prison. A seven-year jail term awaits the Ugandan who "aids, abets, [or] counsels" homosexuals. And anyone convicted of "aggravated homosexuality," which could mean someone who is HIV-positive and is intimate with another person of the same sex, could "suffer death."

Sentencing men and women to life imprisonment because of their sexual orientation is an atrocity. Gays and lesbians would be punished by their own government for who they are.
Uganda's bill to imprison gays for life is an outrage that should be rejected -

Do you agree that persons living with HIV should be put to death for having sex?
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Or....more precisely....that defending Christianity is the same thing as hating gays. And anytime anybody who doesn't have a clue tells me what I think or what I believe and does so absolutely stupidly and out of ignorance, I have to shake my head and assign such remarks to the loonbat or mean spirited category or at the very least to the troll, idiots, and/or exercises in futility category. You notice she still has not commented on Islam's outright ban on homosexuality. How blind the prejudiced can sometimes be.

I have commented on Islam's ban on homosexuality. I deplore it.

Since you have no interest in discussing my views in an open hearted manner but label me a loonbat, troll, idiot, and mean spirited I have no choice but to stop trying to talk to you about this issue that is so important to me.

Defending Christianity when it's right is not the same thing as hating gays. Defending Christianity when it's wrong and hurtful to gays is the same as hating gays.

A Christian Church supporting a Ugandan missionary who promotes the killing of gays in Uganda is hate. I'm sorry that you can't see the similarity in the Islamic policies you condemn and this one.

Let me ask you this. You might consider me as a shy animal, that's been injured and is very afraid. How do you go about winning the trust of such a frightened being? Do you go in like gangbusters and tell the being how stupid they are for their fear, or do you go in gently, with an open heart, and a willingness to listen?

I have labeled you as nothing at all. When you presume to tell me what I think or what I believe when there is absolutely no evidence or foundation to do so, I am not going to take that as either kind, courteous, or sensible. Stop doing that, and you probably won't need to assume you are included with those who do that.

And as long as you single out individual or small groups to criticize and can find no Christians or Christian acts to praise despite your magnanimous professed love for Christians, and can find no Muslim or Islamic groups to criticize for anything despite your deploring their rejection of homosexuality, some of us will continue to see you as Christian bashing. And as long as you consider Christians evil if they criticize anybody or defend themselves; but everybody else is okay if they criticize Christians, some of us will continue to see that as Christian bashing.

You wanted to know what bashing is? Well there you go. Yet again.

I don't consider Christians evil. I consider some acts evil. Is calling for the execution of gays and lesbian evil? I think so. So is imprisioning us, demonizing us, calling us Nazis etc.

I have many times praised the Church groups who have supported gays and lesbians. I've even posted a long list of them here and personally thanked them.

I have also criticised Muslims in the Middle East for their violence toward gays and lesbians.

I think some of you will call me a basher no matter what my actual views are even when I painstakingly take the time to lay out the specifics of the groups that concern me, and do not see them as the majority Christian view.

Take a statement I actually made and examine it and see if it meets the bar for condemning ALL Christians.

I NEVER use the term ALL.

There is an oppressive kind of evil that is very ordinary. It's the kind that seeks to squash the spirit out of another. M Scott Peck wrote about it in the book, People of the Lie, the hope for curing ordinary evil. Peck is one of my favorite Christian authors.

Now if I hate all of you so much why do I read Christian writers like Peck and Thomas Merton?
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I have commented on Islam's ban on homosexuality. I deplore it.

Since you have no interest in discussing my views in an open hearted manner but label me a loonbat, troll, idiot, and mean spirited I have no choice but to stop trying to talk to you about this issue that is so important to me.

Defending Christianity when it's right is not the same thing as hating gays. Defending Christianity when it's wrong and hurtful to gays is the same as hating gays.

A Christian Church supporting a Ugandan missionary who promotes the killing of gays in Uganda is hate. I'm sorry that you can't see the similarity in the Islamic policies you condemn and this one.

A Christian church supporting the killing of anyone for any reason is wrong and most people, christian or not, would agree with that, but you already knew that. And again, that is one supposed christian church out of hundreds of thousands in the US, so what's your point?

So this Ugandan bill sentences people to death simply and only for being gay? Do you think their fear stems at all from the rampant spread of aids in Africa? Your info on it is from over a year ago, what happened with it? Did it become law?

It hasn't become law yet. International community is quite concerned. Gays in Uganda have faced a year of harassment since the bill was proposed.

The law would apply to citizens or permanent residents of Uganda, and would cover behavior both in and outside that country. The measure would turn neighbor against neighbor by requiring those with knowledge of a gay person to report them to police within 24 hours or risk three years in prison. A seven-year jail term awaits the Ugandan who "aids, abets, [or] counsels" homosexuals. And anyone convicted of "aggravated homosexuality," which could mean someone who is HIV-positive and is intimate with another person of the same sex, could "suffer death."

Sentencing men and women to life imprisonment because of their sexual orientation is an atrocity. Gays and lesbians would be punished by their own government for who they are.
Uganda's bill to imprison gays for life is an outrage that should be rejected -

Do you agree that persons living with HIV should be put to death for having sex?

Most would obviously agree that anyone being imprisoned for homosexuality would be ridiculous and an atrocity, so I think it's fairly obvious that nothing of that nature would ever happen in our country, unless of course Sharia Law were ever established.

As for your last question, I think someone that knowingly has HIV and has unprotected sex with anyone that is not made aware of their medical condition should face criminal charges of some kind. Doing so is potentially giving their partner a death sentence, is it not? Do you think people with HIV should run around having unprotected sex without informing their partners of their condition? Don't you think they should face criminal charges for that?
A Christian church supporting the killing of anyone for any reason is wrong and most people, christian or not, would agree with that, but you already knew that. And again, that is one supposed christian church out of hundreds of thousands in the US, so what's your point?

So this Ugandan bill sentences people to death simply and only for being gay? Do you think their fear stems at all from the rampant spread of aids in Africa? Your info on it is from over a year ago, what happened with it? Did it become law?

It hasn't become law yet. International community is quite concerned. Gays in Uganda have faced a year of harassment since the bill was proposed.

The law would apply to citizens or permanent residents of Uganda, and would cover behavior both in and outside that country. The measure would turn neighbor against neighbor by requiring those with knowledge of a gay person to report them to police within 24 hours or risk three years in prison. A seven-year jail term awaits the Ugandan who "aids, abets, [or] counsels" homosexuals. And anyone convicted of "aggravated homosexuality," which could mean someone who is HIV-positive and is intimate with another person of the same sex, could "suffer death."

Sentencing men and women to life imprisonment because of their sexual orientation is an atrocity. Gays and lesbians would be punished by their own government for who they are.
Uganda's bill to imprison gays for life is an outrage that should be rejected -

Do you agree that persons living with HIV should be put to death for having sex?

Most would obviously agree that anyone being imprisoned for homosexuality would be ridiculous and an atrocity, so I think it's fairly obvious that nothing of that nature would ever happen in our country, unless of course Sharia Law were ever established.

As for your last question, I think someone that knowingly has HIV and has unprotected sex with anyone that is not made aware of their medical condition should face criminal charges of some kind. Doing so is potentially giving their partner a death sentence, is it not? Do you think people with HIV should run around having unprotected sex without informing their partners of their condition? Don't you think they should face criminal charges for that?

The bill makes no mention of unprotected sex. I don't know if you're aware of this but to be HIV positive is a chronic disease, and people who have HIV live normal lives, including having lovers.

Having unprotected sex without informing your partner that you are HIV should be a criminal offense. I'm against the death penalty. I don't think homosexuals should be put to death for it.

IMO it is more likely we will see a Christian theocracy in the US before a Muslim one.
I have commented on Islam's ban on homosexuality. I deplore it.

Since you have no interest in discussing my views in an open hearted manner but label me a loonbat, troll, idiot, and mean spirited I have no choice but to stop trying to talk to you about this issue that is so important to me.

Defending Christianity when it's right is not the same thing as hating gays. Defending Christianity when it's wrong and hurtful to gays is the same as hating gays.

A Christian Church supporting a Ugandan missionary who promotes the killing of gays in Uganda is hate. I'm sorry that you can't see the similarity in the Islamic policies you condemn and this one.

Let me ask you this. You might consider me as a shy animal, that's been injured and is very afraid. How do you go about winning the trust of such a frightened being? Do you go in like gangbusters and tell the being how stupid they are for their fear, or do you go in gently, with an open heart, and a willingness to listen?

I have labeled you as nothing at all. When you presume to tell me what I think or what I believe when there is absolutely no evidence or foundation to do so, I am not going to take that as either kind, courteous, or sensible. Stop doing that, and you probably won't need to assume you are included with those who do that.

And as long as you single out individual or small groups to criticize and can find no Christians or Christian acts to praise despite your magnanimous professed love for Christians, and can find no Muslim or Islamic groups to criticize for anything despite your deploring their rejection of homosexuality, some of us will continue to see you as Christian bashing. And as long as you consider Christians evil if they criticize anybody or defend themselves; but everybody else is okay if they criticize Christians, some of us will continue to see that as Christian bashing.

You wanted to know what bashing is? Well there you go. Yet again.

I don't consider Christians evil. I consider some acts evil. Is calling for the execution of gays and lesbian evil? I think so. So is imprisioning us, demonizing us, calling us Nazis etc.

I have many times praised the Church groups who have supported gays and lesbians. I've even posted a long list of them here and personally thanked them.

I have also criticised Muslims in the Middle East for their violence toward gays and lesbians.

I think some of you will call me a basher no matter what my actual views are even when I painstakingly take the time to lay out the specifics of the groups that concern me, and do not see them as the majority Christian view.

Take a statement I actually made and examine it and see if it meets the bar for condemning ALL Christians.

I NEVER use the term ALL.

There is an oppressive kind of evil that is very ordinary. It's the kind that seeks to squash the spirit out of another. M Scott Peck wrote about it in the book, People of the Lie, the hope for curing ordinary evil. Peck is one of my favorite Christian authors.

Now if I hate all of you so much why do I read Christian writers like Peck and Thomas Merton?

You may not use the term ALL, but you rarely distinguish your criticisms or Christian bashing by qualifying with the term SOME or A FEW or a SMALL MINORITY. When you say Christians believe this or Christians do that or Christians whatever, what is anybody to think other than you see Christians in general in that way?

Up there you made this statement:

And, if you listen to mainstream Christian radio and TV you do hear a demonizing message about homosexuals.

Like Newby I have listened to a LOT of Christian radio, mainstream and otherwise, and I don't recall homosexuality ever being discussed, much less in a demonizing message. So where is the qualification that you didn't mean ALL mainstream Christian radio and TV when you typed that statement?

Define 'demonizing message'. Show where you intended to say that you have heard a 'demonizing message' re homosexuals on a small minority of Chrsitian stations and clarify the station, what the message was, and the person giving it. I would be interested in knowing that.

I don't deny that there are people who think like that just as I don't deny there are people who believe in Bigfoot sightings or that there is a Loch Ness monster. But I would not say "People believe in Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster" without intending MOST people. And I would not say that Muslims use the Qu'ran as their holy book without meaning MOST Muslims.

So when you say Christian stations and TV without qualifying that in any way, it sounds like just more Christian bashing.
WorldNetDaily is a mainstream Christian internet news service. They support the Uganda bill.

If you would like references to specific demonizing of gays on TV and radio I will be happy to research them for you. Jerry Falwel, Ralph Reedl and Pat Robertson are well known mainstream Christians with a rigorous anti-gay message.

I refer you to the book, The Pink Swastika, by Scott Lively for one. Scott brags about his campaign in Uganda and how he delieverd an 'atomic bomb against gays and lesbians worldwide'.
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It hasn't become law yet. International community is quite concerned. Gays in Uganda have faced a year of harassment since the bill was proposed.

The law would apply to citizens or permanent residents of Uganda, and would cover behavior both in and outside that country. The measure would turn neighbor against neighbor by requiring those with knowledge of a gay person to report them to police within 24 hours or risk three years in prison. A seven-year jail term awaits the Ugandan who "aids, abets, [or] counsels" homosexuals. And anyone convicted of "aggravated homosexuality," which could mean someone who is HIV-positive and is intimate with another person of the same sex, could "suffer death."

Sentencing men and women to life imprisonment because of their sexual orientation is an atrocity. Gays and lesbians would be punished by their own government for who they are.
Uganda's bill to imprison gays for life is an outrage that should be rejected -

Do you agree that persons living with HIV should be put to death for having sex?

Most would obviously agree that anyone being imprisoned for homosexuality would be ridiculous and an atrocity, so I think it's fairly obvious that nothing of that nature would ever happen in our country, unless of course Sharia Law were ever established.

As for your last question, I think someone that knowingly has HIV and has unprotected sex with anyone that is not made aware of their medical condition should face criminal charges of some kind. Doing so is potentially giving their partner a death sentence, is it not? Do you think people with HIV should run around having unprotected sex without informing their partners of their condition? Don't you think they should face criminal charges for that?

The bill makes no mention of unprotected sex. I don't know if you're aware of this but to be HIV positive is a chronic disease, and people who have HIV live normal lives, including having lovers.

Having unprotected sex without informing your partner that you are HIV should be a criminal offense. I'm against the death penalty. I don't think homosexuals should be put to death for it.

IMO it is more likely we will see a Christian theocracy in the US before a Muslim one.

And what is that opinion based on since we've been moving away from any kind of a theocrasy and moral standards have steadily declined in this country for the last 40 years or so. Your prediction/opinion is not based in fact.

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