Am I the only athiest on here, who when...

Just for some clarity here... who started this thread?


An atheist started the thread. Your point?

The point is that you accused Christians of starting threads to attack atheists and it sure seemed that you meant this thread. That was not the case here.

Grump is generally a good person to have a discussion with. It seems he can communicate without resorting to some of the tactics of others on here. I generally enjoy reading his comments whereas there are other atheists on this board that quite frankly are not worth spending time reading let alone communicating with.

I did not accuse Christians of starting threads to attack atheists. Please show me saying that exactly. I asked, more or less, why Christians are unable to leave atheists views alone, and why they feel challenged by them. If you believe in God, and they don't, that's all there is to it.
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I suppose to you it does. When you have FoxFyre saying that the government of the US is 99.9% Christian, and people arguing that the US is a Christian not secular, not pluralistic nation it sounds less conspiracy to me.

But feel free to write me off however you wish.

How do you explain that the US is by majority Christian, yet you're sitting in your home an openly gay female and married? How did that happen to begin with?

She didn't even get the number right. I said the U.S. government was 99% Christian. They run on that knowing it will get them votes. But I didn't say 99.9%. :)

Jeesh you are so fucking picky. You say the government is 99% Christian. That's higher than the national average.

If the government is 99% Christian as you say, then we have a government controlled by Christians, a Christian theocracy.
Sounds like a bunch of conspiracy theory crap to me.

I suppose to you it does. When you have FoxFyre saying that the government of the US is 99.9% Christian, and people arguing that the US is a Christian not secular, not pluralistic nation it sounds less conspiracy to me.

But feel free to write me off however you wish.

How do you explain that the US is by majority Christian, yet you're sitting in your home an openly gay female and married? How did that happen to begin with?

If it was up to Christians in California I would not be happily married. The court in California intervened to overturn Proposition 8, legislation that was largely financed by LDS and RCC. The battle is on-going.
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WND who says the food soy is turning kids into homosexuals. Yeah, I can see where some of you get your ideas about queers.

Soy is feminizing, and commonly leads to a decrease in the size of the penis, sexual confusion and homosexuality. That's why most of the medical (not socio-spiritual) blame for today's rise in homosexuality must fall upon the rise in soy formula and other soy products. (Most babies are bottle-fed during some part of their infancy, and one-fourth of them are getting soy milk!) Homosexuals often argue that their homosexuality is inborn because "I can't remember a time when I wasn't homosexual." No, homosexuality is always deviant. But now many of them can truthfully say that they can't remember a time when excess estrogen wasn't influencing them
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I'm saying he intentionally threw out some somewhat provocative barbs in order to stir up some feelings among Christians.


A certain type of Christian...

Dr Grump. Please understand.. You cannot have a problem with a 'certain kind of Christian'.

If you have a problem with ANY Christian, you have a problem with them all.

This belief that if he has a problem with any Christian he has a problem with them all, although maybe true or maybe not in his case, is not fair. It's like saying if you have a problem with Muslims that kill you have a problem with all Muslims. This is the argument that Whoopie Goldberg and most liberals seem to use against anyone who voices their opinion on terrorism. It's a pure hyperbole and only intended to cause divisions in this country between those who defend it and those who want to appear tolerant. It's a fool's argument. Maybe you might rethink using it.

What it seems like is atheist have a serious problem with Christians. It's popular to make fun of the intelligence of those who have faith in God. Well I've never been one to go along with what's popular.
How do you explain that the US is by majority Christian, yet you're sitting in your home an openly gay female and married? How did that happen to begin with?

She didn't even get the number right. I said the U.S. government was 99% Christian. They run on that knowing it will get them votes. But I didn't say 99.9%. :)

Jeesh you are so fucking picky. You say the government is 99% Christian. That's higher than the national average.

If the government is 99% Christian as you say, then we have a government controlled by Christians, a Christian theocracy.

So because the majority of the people that work for the government are christians you jump to the illogical conclusion that it would then have to be a Christian theocrasy. I hate to break it to you Sky, but Christians founded this country and they didn't found a theocrasy. So, get over it already. You simply can't paint Christians with the brush that you'd like too and get away with it, simple as that.
I suppose to you it does. When you have FoxFyre saying that the government of the US is 99.9% Christian, and people arguing that the US is a Christian not secular, not pluralistic nation it sounds less conspiracy to me.

But feel free to write me off however you wish.

How do you explain that the US is by majority Christian, yet you're sitting in your home an openly gay female and married? How did that happen to begin with?

If it was up to Christians in California I would not be happily married. The court in California intervened to overturn Proposition 8, legislation that was largely financed by LDS and RCC. The battle is on-going.

You're openly gay and married in this society, quit bitching about how you have it so bad and how your persecuted, it's bullshit. And it's a Christian society that gave you the freedom that you have to be who you are, you just can't seem to accept that fact because you've obviously been brain washed on the issue for years. Open your eyes.

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