Am I the only one here who thinks this is just wrong?

End entitlements.

Especially entitlements such as TARP.

Food stamps are fine. Instead of receiving bonuses, bank CEOs should end up on food stamps when they crash the economy.
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Sounds like it's too expensive to live in New York. A teller's wages would be enough to live on in Wisconsin.

Moreover, here they go in at 9 and get off at 3. If they wanted to make more money, they could work different job or work another in addition to get more hours. DUH!
Aren't the rest of you just a LITTLE outraged that the bank executives are cleaning up while the TAXPAYERS are paying part of their labor costs?

What the bank executives make have nothing to do with what the bank tellers make. There's no redistribution of wealth that would take the bank executives salaries and give it to the bank tellers.

But KD, this whole thread is about redistribution of wealth. It has been redistributed upwards, leaving less for those at the bottom, even those at the bottom who are working and trying to make it.

Certain jobs have always been low paying. The people who take them know this up front. No one is forcing them to work where they do.
I care. I like being able to go places without fear of being harassed by beggars. As a taxpayer I'm willing to put in to the welfare kitty to help keep the streets free from such riff-raff; but, also as a tax payer, I believe that the better investment would be in education.

Oh come on. Maybe we could return to those days of old when poor crippled men and women, along with their children worked the streets of cities for their daily bread.

I mean, begging is work and work is good so who's all for begging in the streets?

Get rid of those entitlements and lets show the world how to treat the discouraged, the poor, the un healthy the un educated and those with other disorders.

Make em beg for that which they receive. It is the Lords way to do this.

So being discouraged entitles you to a government check. Wow! We've come a long way, baby!
Yet there aren't massive ID theft problems. Seems the screening processes of the banks are pretty reliable.

What I'm paying for is an entry level employee. If they're any good at the banking business, they'll get a better paying job. If not, they'll get a job elsewhere.


If the underpaid bank teller and the underpaid Walmart cashier are relying on food stamps and medicaid to make ends meet, you, the tax payer, are subsidizing part of the labor costs that help keep the the Walton family and the bank execs part of the upper-crust.

That doesn't gall you just a little?

The best part? We subsidize that CEO pay too.

Executive-Pay Tax Break Saved Fortune 500 Corporations $27 Billion Over the Past Three Years

So the taxpayer subsidizes the low wage worker AND the CEO that rakes in millions a year. Awesome country!

This is what the conservatives here fail to realize. Freebies for those at the top as well as the bottom, but they seem to concentrate their anger on those on the bottom.. Subsidies to big agriculture helped drive mexicans off small farms after Nafta which sent more Mexicans to the north for a better life.
One-third of bank tellers rely on public assistance - CBS News

Taxpayers spend $899 million annually in state and federal benefits to support bank tellers and their families, according to a new report from The Committee for Better Banks.

One-third of bank tellers receive some sort of public assistance, ranging from Medicaid to food stamps, the financial industry employee advocacy group found, citing research from the University of California-Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education. In New York state, almost 40 percent of bank tellers and their family members are enrolled in public assistance programs, costing the state and federal governments $112 million in benefits.

“Bank workers in New York, across the nation and around the globe are being squeezed, very much as other hourly workers in the economy are,” the report noted. “Banks’ internal employment practices, just like their external practices, increasingly drive inequality.”

It’s not as if banks can’t afford to pay their tellers more, judging from a surge in executive pay: Compensation for the top 50 financial chief executives rose by 20 percent in 2011 and 26 percent in 2010, the study notes.

Can't wait to read the justifications from conservatives.

question is why are bank tellers excepting jobs that cheap? ever asked that question? why are you always allowing a business dictate wages? you do know the people can set the price of wages? if no one will except a job at a certain wage the business has no option but to raise the wage till they are able to find some one to except the job
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I care. I like being able to go places without fear of being harassed by beggars. As a taxpayer I'm willing to put in to the welfare kitty to help keep the streets free from such riff-raff; but, also as a tax payer, I believe that the better investment would be in education.

And that's the gist of it. We give them money so they won't follow us around and come steal it from us. Well, when the government disperses everyone in the projects into middle class neighborhoods where they have more access to your stuff, and that will happen in the next 50 years, you are in for a rude awakening. The harassment and theft is already occurring in middle class neighborhoods where they have Section 8 housing. Somehow putting them there is supposed to be an incentive for them to work. And that is just stupid. If you give someone a $400,000 condo (which is what the one next to my friend whose neighbor is Section 8 is worth), they aren't going to decide to go to work. They are just going to live in their $400,000 condo for free and hassle you for the extras. DUH!
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Okay, so according to the left, if you pick up trash along side the road, you need to be making a living wage?

I don't get this. Does the term 'entry level job' not mean anything anymore. Are we supposed to get a job at McDonald's or Burger King and then that's where we stay? I thought these jobs were supposed to teach us something, we're supposed to learn about customer service, responsibility, etc. and then we're supposed to move on to something bigger and better?

Apparently, not according to the left. That is nonsense!
Okay, so according to the left, if you pick up trash along side the road, you need to be making a living wage?

I don't get this. Does the term 'entry level job' not mean anything anymore. Are we supposed to get a job at McDonald's or Burger King and then that's where we stay? I thought these jobs were supposed to teach us something, we're supposed to learn about customer service, responsibility, etc. and then we're supposed to move on to something bigger and better?

Apparently, not according to the left. That is nonsense!

Actually, I don't think those things are the intent of the jobs. But if someone wants to learn then they do learn about customer service and responsibility.
If the underpaid bank teller and the underpaid Walmart cashier are relying on food stamps and medicaid to make ends meet, you, the tax payer, are subsidizing part of the labor costs that help keep the the Walton family and the bank execs part of the upper-crust.

That doesn't gall you just a little?

The best part? We subsidize that CEO pay too.

Executive-Pay Tax Break Saved Fortune 500 Corporations $27 Billion Over the Past Three Years

So the taxpayer subsidizes the low wage worker AND the CEO that rakes in millions a year. Awesome country!

This is what the conservatives here fail to realize. Freebies for those at the top as well as the bottom, but they seem to concentrate their anger on those on the bottom.. Subsidies to big agriculture helped drive mexicans off small farms after Nafta which sent more Mexicans to the north for a better life.

and what liberals fail to realize money given to the top creates jobs. ever got a job from a pool person?
One-third of bank tellers rely on public assistance - CBS News

Taxpayers spend $899 million annually in state and federal benefits to support bank tellers and their families, according to a new report from The Committee for Better Banks.

One-third of bank tellers receive some sort of public assistance, ranging from Medicaid to food stamps, the financial industry employee advocacy group found, citing research from the University of California-Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education. In New York state, almost 40 percent of bank tellers and their family members are enrolled in public assistance programs, costing the state and federal governments $112 million in benefits.

“Bank workers in New York, across the nation and around the globe are being squeezed, very much as other hourly workers in the economy are,” the report noted. “Banks’ internal employment practices, just like their external practices, increasingly drive inequality.”

It’s not as if banks can’t afford to pay their tellers more, judging from a surge in executive pay: Compensation for the top 50 financial chief executives rose by 20 percent in 2011 and 26 percent in 2010, the study notes.

Can't wait to read the justifications from conservatives.

question is why are bank tellers excepting jobs that cheap? ever asked that question? why are you always allowing a business dictate wages? you do know the people can set the price of wages? if no one will except a job at a certain wage the business has no option but to raise the wage till they are able to find some one to except the job

Most bank tellers have no skills other than being able to count. And nowadays they don't even have to have that skill. Most have husbands who support them and are just working to buy frivolous things. Here, many of them actually frown on women getting an education and having a profession. It's OK to work in a bank your whole life to 'bring in a little something extra.' But don't even think about going to school and trying to move up in life. My husband's aunt was a bank teller for 30 years. And that was the exact number she laid on her son's wife who was in college.
One-third of bank tellers rely on public assistance - CBS News

Can't wait to read the justifications from conservatives.

question is why are bank tellers excepting jobs that cheap? ever asked that question? why are you always allowing a business dictate wages? you do know the people can set the price of wages? if no one will except a job at a certain wage the business has no option but to raise the wage till they are able to find some one to except the job

Most bank tellers have no skills other than being able to count. And nowadays they don't even have to have that skill. Most have husbands who support them and are just working to buy frivolous things. Here, many of them actually frown on women getting an education and having a profession. It's OK to work in a bank your whole life to 'bring in a little something extra.' But don't even think about going to school and trying to move up in life. My husband's aunt was a bank teller for 30 years. And that was the exact number she laid on her son's wife who was in college.

what kind of horse manure are you trying to spread? you do know the majority of college students are female. there are much more women getting college degrees these days then men
Ain't nothing like spending taxpayer money to make more taxpayers through education and training.


Didn't they try that again and again in Detroit?

YES, they did.

I have been reading for decades about how much money they were throwing at Detroit to make it the shining star on the hill. It was gong to be the crown jewel in Lyndon Johnson's Great Society and his War on Poverty.

Look at it now after 50 years of socialist's experimentation with money borrowed from Oil Rich Arabs and Communist Chinese.

It looks like Beirut during the Civil War in Lebanon. Over half of the residents are illiterate.


What happened?

A fraudulent co-conspiracy of Unions and Democrats stole all the money...all of it...and they set it up so nobody would notice for years.
But, the chickens always come home to roost on Socialists like that liar in the White House.

Detroit is just a forewarning.

That is what ALWAYS hapens in redistribution societies - and that is why they fail ALWAYS. Even if violence is involved to maintain the system ( which in case of Detroit was not).

You mention borrowing money from rich chinese commies to fund socialist experiments. Communist china was a third world peasant society till our industrialists shifted our manufacturing to that country. China's upper class made out and our corporations made out. But it hurt the former manufacturing centers, Detroit being just one of them. We're not actually borrowing from china, just recirculating money. They have no other place to spend those dollars we send them, dollars that used to go to American companies employing American workers.
The employees of a gazillionaire bank CEO are paid so poorly they need government assistance?

OUTRAGEOUS!!! Toss the leeches into the street. Preferably into the nearest snow bank.

Bah humbug, I say!

Didn't they try that again and again in Detroit?

YES, they did.

I have been reading for decades about how much money they were throwing at Detroit to make it the shining star on the hill. It was gong to be the crown jewel in Lyndon Johnson's Great Society and his War on Poverty.

Look at it now after 50 years of socialist's experimentation with money borrowed from Oil Rich Arabs and Communist Chinese.

It looks like Beirut during the Civil War in Lebanon. Over half of the residents are illiterate.


What happened?

A fraudulent co-conspiracy of Unions and Democrats stole all the money...all of it...and they set it up so nobody would notice for years.
But, the chickens always come home to roost on Socialists like that liar in the White House.

Detroit is just a forewarning.

That is what ALWAYS hapens in redistribution societies - and that is why they fail ALWAYS. Even if violence is involved to maintain the system ( which in case of Detroit was not).

You mention borrowing money from rich chinese commies to fund socialist experiments. Communist china was a third world peasant society till our industrialists shifted our manufacturing to that country. China's upper class made out and our corporations made out. But it hurt the former manufacturing centers, Detroit being just one of them. We're not actually borrowing from china, just recirculating money. They have no other place to spend those dollars we send them, dollars that used to go to American companies employing American workers.

circulating money is not a good business practice because every hand that money touches takes a little bit of that money till eventually there is none left it is always better to create wealth not circulate it
The best part? We subsidize that CEO pay too.

Executive-Pay Tax Break Saved Fortune 500 Corporations $27 Billion Over the Past Three Years

So the taxpayer subsidizes the low wage worker AND the CEO that rakes in millions a year. Awesome country!

This is what the conservatives here fail to realize. Freebies for those at the top as well as the bottom, but they seem to concentrate their anger on those on the bottom.. Subsidies to big agriculture helped drive mexicans off small farms after Nafta which sent more Mexicans to the north for a better life.

and what liberals fail to realize money given to the top creates jobs. ever got a job from a pool person?

Poor people are in the millions. When they purchase in the stores it puts millions to work. There's also a certain correlation between crime and poverty, so it employs those in the justice center also. More poverty and less opportunities, more crime, more cops, prisons. Is this the society you want to live in so a few families at the top can have more money than 150 million on the bottom?
This is what the conservatives here fail to realize. Freebies for those at the top as well as the bottom, but they seem to concentrate their anger on those on the bottom.. Subsidies to big agriculture helped drive mexicans off small farms after Nafta which sent more Mexicans to the north for a better life.

What Liberals of all flavors fail to recognize ... Is that they don't have a clue what a Conservative is.

Since a real Conservative doesn't approve of more government and excessive spending ... Then they don't approve of subsidies for the rich or the poor.
Because Democrats and Republicans fight about crap and scratch each other's backs ... People like you cannot fathom the difference between Liberalism and Conservatism.
When a Conservative says that Liberal spending is out of control ... That doesn't mean they support Corporate Welfare.

That connection is only made by Liberals who need an excuse to spend more money ... Or just want to sling mud because they don't have a better point to make.


Didn't they try that again and again in Detroit?

YES, they did.

I have been reading for decades about how much money they were throwing at Detroit to make it the shining star on the hill. It was gong to be the crown jewel in Lyndon Johnson's Great Society and his War on Poverty.

Look at it now after 50 years of socialist's experimentation with money borrowed from Oil Rich Arabs and Communist Chinese.

It looks like Beirut during the Civil War in Lebanon. Over half of the residents are illiterate.


What happened?

A fraudulent co-conspiracy of Unions and Democrats stole all the money...all of it...and they set it up so nobody would notice for years.
But, the chickens always come home to roost on Socialists like that liar in the White House.

Detroit is just a forewarning.

That is what ALWAYS hapens in redistribution societies - and that is why they fail ALWAYS. Even if violence is involved to maintain the system ( which in case of Detroit was not).

You mention borrowing money from rich chinese commies to fund socialist experiments. Communist china was a third world peasant society till our industrialists shifted our manufacturing to that country. China's upper class made out and our corporations made out. But it hurt the former manufacturing centers, Detroit being just one of them. We're not actually borrowing from china, just recirculating money. They have no other place to spend those dollars we send them, dollars that used to go to American companies employing American workers.

Have you ever been to China? if no, STFU. it is still the same poor peasant country as it has been, just with some islands of ALLOWED prosperity.

USSR was selling weat abroad when millions of Ukraininas were starved to death ON PURPOSE - and that is more potent example of the situation in China nowadays.
Learn some history, moron.
question is why are bank tellers excepting jobs that cheap? ever asked that question? why are you always allowing a business dictate wages? you do know the people can set the price of wages? if no one will except a job at a certain wage the business has no option but to raise the wage till they are able to find some one to except the job

Most bank tellers have no skills other than being able to count. And nowadays they don't even have to have that skill. Most have husbands who support them and are just working to buy frivolous things. Here, many of them actually frown on women getting an education and having a profession. It's OK to work in a bank your whole life to 'bring in a little something extra.' But don't even think about going to school and trying to move up in life. My husband's aunt was a bank teller for 30 years. And that was the exact number she laid on her son's wife who was in college.

what kind of horse manure are you trying to spread? you do know the majority of college students are female. there are much more women getting college degrees these days then men

you don't need a college education to be a bank teller. what kind of horse manure are YOU spreading here?

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