Am I the only one here who thinks this is just wrong?

The banks make very large profits, and don't pay a living wage to their employees. And the assholes on this board find that to be just all right. It is a damned shame on the banks and the people that run them. Any job that society finds neccessary should pay a living wage.

The concept of a "living Wage" is stupid in the extreme.

So, you are in favor of slave wages, then.

Define slave wage. Zero?

Why do you think that opposing living wage makes him proponent of what you call slave wage?

Wage should be whatever your skill or expertise or time is worth to the employer. If you cant live on that, find another employer.
One-third of bank tellers rely on public assistance - CBS News

Taxpayers spend $899 million annually in state and federal benefits to support bank tellers and their families, according to a new report from The Committee for Better Banks.

One-third of bank tellers receive some sort of public assistance, ranging from Medicaid to food stamps, the financial industry employee advocacy group found, citing research from the University of California-Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education. In New York state, almost 40 percent of bank tellers and their family members are enrolled in public assistance programs, costing the state and federal governments $112 million in benefits.

“Bank workers in New York, across the nation and around the globe are being squeezed, very much as other hourly workers in the economy are,” the report noted. “Banks’ internal employment practices, just like their external practices, increasingly drive inequality.”

It’s not as if banks can’t afford to pay their tellers more, judging from a surge in executive pay: Compensation for the top 50 financial chief executives rose by 20 percent in 2011 and 26 percent in 2010, the study notes.

Can't wait to read the justifications from conservatives.

Wow. Things must have really changed. I had a bank officer for a patient a few years back who told me the well dressed young women working in the banks who can't possibly afford their wardrobes 'take referrals.'
Aren't the rest of you just a LITTLE outraged that the bank executives are cleaning up while the TAXPAYERS are paying part of their labor costs?

No, they are not outraged at all. In fact, they think that the bank execs deserve more pay for finding ways for their business to socialize the costs and privatize the profits.


This thread is about tellers being on some form of welfare.

Liberals are disgusted that the banks could be so stingy.

Conservatives are disgusted that the government has made benefits so liberal...with the motive being to buy votes with money borrowed from China that the coming generation will have to pay.

Banks pay tellers more than minimum wage. And, the best point made for either side is that 2/3 of tellers do manage to live on what they are paid by this entry level position...without syphoning off the taxpayers.

You Liberals have no answer for that.

Sure we do. You assume that they are managing to "live" on what they are paid. I suspect if you ask them, they will tell you that they "get by", usually from pay check to pay check. And likely many don't know that they are eligible for benefits, and some likely are too proud to apply.
If you don't like the way a business conducts itself just don't do business with them, very simple concept. I haven't done business with a bank in years.

Same concept applies to ALL businesses who rely on the taxpayer to subsidize their workforce with food stamps, welfare and Medicaid.

Chumps, every fucking one of us.
:eusa_eh: Scratch that... only the bottom 90% or so are truly chumps.

Yep, I heard a little maobama supporter today on the radio that was protesting at a McDonalds for 15 an hour. Said he could just barely get by and has a baby on the way, don't know how a guy could have a baby on the way he didn't mention being married. But why did he knock a girl up if he had no means to support them? Not every job is intended to pay enough to raise a family on and people working them shouldn't start families. What the companies should do is just fire them for being irresponsible.

Or maybe they can offer health insurance that provides contraception. Oh wait. That's right off the table, according to the tea baggers and the Catholic Church.
It galls me a lot. We need to end entitlements.

If we don't end the NEED for entitlements, the resulting street begging will really discourage tourism.
Just sayin'...

More than likely, they will better themselves and get better jobs. Stop settling for a low wage job subsidized by the taxpayer. If not, let them beg. Who cares.

Obviously the Republicans don't care, which is why they won't be getting their feet back in the Whitehouse any time soon.
Ain't nothing like spending taxpayer money to make more taxpayers through education and training.

won't work when GDP is growing at barely 1.5% and there are no jobs being created.

50% of college graduates can't find jobs.

I understand that social sciences major won't get that many job offers as chemical engineer but when the economy is booming, even specialists in Madagascar history find jobs :)

The GDP for the third quarter was 3.6%.
Ame®icano;8254484 said:
The concept of a "living Wage" is stupid in the extreme.

So, you are in favor of slave wages, then.

Define slave wage. Zero?

Why do you think that opposing living wage makes him proponent of what you call slave wage?

Wage should be whatever your skill or expertise or time is worth to the employer. If you cant live on that, find another employer.

I'm sure many would, except, well hell, all the jobs are in China and India.
Ame®icano;8254484 said:
So, you are in favor of slave wages, then.

Define slave wage. Zero?

Why do you think that opposing living wage makes him proponent of what you call slave wage?

Wage should be whatever your skill or expertise or time is worth to the employer. If you cant live on that, find another employer.

I'm sure many would, except, well hell, all the jobs are in China and India.

I hear there are some in North Dakota too.

But hey, you can have all those with journalist, advertising, nutrition, art and other useless degrees get their hands dirty, right?
One-third of bank tellers rely on public assistance - CBS News

Taxpayers spend $899 million annually in state and federal benefits to support bank tellers and their families, according to a new report from The Committee for Better Banks.

One-third of bank tellers receive some sort of public assistance, ranging from Medicaid to food stamps, the financial industry employee advocacy group found, citing research from the University of California-Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education. In New York state, almost 40 percent of bank tellers and their family members are enrolled in public assistance programs, costing the state and federal governments $112 million in benefits.

“Bank workers in New York, across the nation and around the globe are being squeezed, very much as other hourly workers in the economy are,” the report noted. “Banks’ internal employment practices, just like their external practices, increasingly drive inequality.”

It’s not as if banks can’t afford to pay their tellers more, judging from a surge in executive pay: Compensation for the top 50 financial chief executives rose by 20 percent in 2011 and 26 percent in 2010, the study notes.

Can't wait to read the justifications from conservatives.

Banks have always paid LOW for entry level personnel. I know I worked for one. I am not certain of the reasons for that--but bank officers seem to do better than someone who files checks.
Ame®icano;8254558 said:
Ame®icano;8254484 said:
Define slave wage. Zero?

Why do you think that opposing living wage makes him proponent of what you call slave wage?

Wage should be whatever your skill or expertise or time is worth to the employer. If you cant live on that, find another employer.

I'm sure many would, except, well hell, all the jobs are in China and India.

I hear there are some in North Dakota too.

Yeah, where it's -40 F. No thanks.
Same concept applies to ALL businesses who rely on the taxpayer to subsidize their workforce with food stamps, welfare and Medicaid.

Chumps, every fucking one of us.
:eusa_eh: Scratch that... only the bottom 90% or so are truly chumps.

Yep, I heard a little maobama supporter today on the radio that was protesting at a McDonalds for 15 an hour. Said he could just barely get by and has a baby on the way, don't know how a guy could have a baby on the way he didn't mention being married. But why did he knock a girl up if he had no means to support them? Not every job is intended to pay enough to raise a family on and people working them shouldn't start families. What the companies should do is just fire them for being irresponsible.

Or maybe they can offer health insurance that provides contraception. Oh wait. That's right off the table, according to the tea baggers and the Catholic Church.

Planned parenthood already gives it away for free dip and we get to pay the tab. You just refuse to hold people personally responsible for not taking advantage of the education offered them so they would have the skills to get better employment. People are where they are because of decisions they made for themselves just like you and I.
Aren't the rest of you just a LITTLE outraged that the bank executives are cleaning up while the TAXPAYERS are paying part of their labor costs?

Most cons don't understand this. When they finally do come to the realization of what is happening, their solution is to cut all welfare. Of course, all that would do is crash the economy, but they don't truly understand economics. They think everything is black and white. Cut taxes and tax revenues will increase is what they tell us, but that only works under certain conditions when taxes are already too high. You can't cut taxes continually and realize increases in revenue. If you cut taxes to zero, there will be zero revenue, but according to the geniuses on the right, all tax cuts lead to greater tax revenue.
I would like to comment, but there is one piece of information that is missing and this creates an obstacle to any detailed and rational analysis. The unanswered question is this: Since only 1/3 of the tellers making $11.99/hour require assistance what is the difference between the 2/3 of tellers who can make it on their own and the 1/3 who cannot? If they are all making the same wage, the wage alone cannot possibly be the problem. Although I cannot say with certainty what the problems are, I would suggest two possibilities: (1) part-time employment and (2) employees with more dependent children than their wages will support.

I've always known that many tellers work part time, and there are many links that will verify this is true. Here is one such link:

“These days about 27 percent of bank tellers work part-time, according to the BLS. And their median hourly wage was $11.59 in 2010, the most recent year for which BLS has data. The average Wall Streeter earned $362,950 in 2010.”

Big Banks Don't Pay A Third Of Tellers Enough To Live On: Study

It appears there is a rather close correlation between the number of part-time employees and those who need government assistance. But there is also an issue regarding the number of dependents each teller must support. According to one site:

“Researchers say taxpayers are doling out nearly $900 million a year to supplement the wages of bank tellers, which amounts to a public subsidy for multibillion-dollar banks. The workers collect $105 million in food stamps, $250 million through the earned income tax credit and $534 million by way of Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program, according to the University of California at Berkeley’s Labor Center.”

Low bank wages costing the public millions, report says - The Washington Post

Since the total Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) paid to the tellers is $250 million we can estimate the number of tellers who have one or more children. According to the IRS EITC tables for 2010, those earning $21,400 per year are entitled to $2,255 for one child, $3,988 for 2 children, and $4,618 for 3 or more children. Thus the range is somewhere between a minimum of 54,136 tellers ($250 divided by $4,618) and a maximum of 110,865 ($250 million divided by $2,255). It is more likely that the average payout is close to $3,988 for 2 children which means the actual number of those receiving EITC is close to 62,688 ($250 million divided by $3,988). The EITC tables are at the following link: EITC Tables.pdf

According the the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 560,00 bank tellers in the USA in 2010. Since only 187,000 (1/3 of the 560,00 tellers) need assistance and part-time work accounts for 151,200 of these employees (27% of the total), the only task is to account for the remaining 6% or so (remember, I am not attempting to be precise) which would be 33,600 workers. We have already established that close to 62,000 of the employees have, on average, two dependent children and some of these are no doubt full-time employees so we have closed – if not eliminated - the gap.

Here is the link showing the number of tellers in the USA:

Tellers : Occupational Outlook Handbook : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Here is an interesting analysis: If the 187,000 people who needed public assistance were all part-timers and most part-timers work 20-30 hours a week, the total government outlay of $900 million would be unnecessary if each worker worked an extra 7.7 hours per week. Here's the math: $900 million divided by 187,00 workers equals $4,813 per year; at $11.99 an hour each worker would have to work an additional 401 hours per year or around 7.7 hours per week.

Unfortunately, There are generally two reasons for part-time work. The first has to do with government regulations and the second has to do with legitimate business needs. Many businesses cannot survive without part-time workers who can assist during periods of high demand but who are not needed at any other time. From what I've read, many bank tellers are in this very position.

My final thoughts. Many tellers don't need an hourly wage increase, but instead just need more hours. Given the nature of the banking business this may not be possible. Also a number of tellers, even those working full time, are not making enough to support 2 or 3 children. However, wages and salaries are not determined by the needs of the most needy, but rather the contribution one makes to the organization. Sometimes the only workable solution is to change jobs or get a second part-time job.

I wish things were different, but I don't know how to make them so.
How do the other two-thirds live on the same salary?

The third that needs public assistance gets it because they can or because they decided to have six kids before they made it to loan officer.

No sympathy for them. At least the majority of bank tellers are getting along just fine.

No, they are not outraged at all. In fact, they think that the bank execs deserve more pay for finding ways for their business to socialize the costs and privatize the profits.


This thread is about tellers being on some form of welfare.

Liberals are disgusted that the banks could be so stingy.

Conservatives are disgusted that the government has made benefits so liberal...with the motive being to buy votes with money borrowed from China that the coming generation will have to pay.

Banks pay tellers more than minimum wage. And, the best point made for either side is that 2/3 of tellers do manage to live on what they are paid by this entry level position...without syphoning off the taxpayers.

You Liberals have no answer for that.

Sure we do. You assume that they are managing to "live" on what they are paid. I suspect if you ask them, they will tell you that they "get by", usually from pay check to pay check. And likely many don't know that they are eligible for benefits, and some likely are too proud to apply.
And this kills a liberal knowing they are to proud to appply
One-third of bank tellers rely on public assistance - CBS News

Can't wait to read the justifications from conservatives.

I'd find a new job, that paid better and quit.

What kind of childish shit is; "Can't wait to read the justifications from conservatives"?

morons take shit jobs and still need the government teet?

There are no jobs and high unemployment.
Wages do not raise in such a climate.

But all this government is doing is KILLING the jobs through obamacare and milion other strangling regulations through EPA and other agencies.

How many jobs did obama killed by not agreeing to the Keystone pipeline?
How many more not by exploring other existing fossil fuel resources, but simultaneously flushing down the drain billions on failed solar?

here are the answers to the OP - you want higher wages? don't KILL the high paying jobs to fit the agenda and obama's donors pockets.

Actually there's plenty of jobs, only problem is that the dreamer gens don't want to work hard to pay the bills.
This isn't about entitlements. It's about unfair wage and benefit practices.

This is not the 40's anymore that profession is just the same now as burger flippers..

You do realize that you're talking about people with access to your personal information, eh?

Without the current safety net being provided by the state, how long do you think a bank teller would watch his kids go hungry before figuring out a way to make a little money selling information?

Is integrity not worth something to the banks?


So we bribe them with tax money not to sell our info.

How do the other 2/3 get by I wonder?
You mean the dreamer gen doesn't want to work for minimum wage because it won't even pay their bills? How horribly logical of them!
Why would any one get an entry level job and support 2 or 3 children?

:dunno: Because the $26 / hour manufacturing job you used to do is now being done for $10 / day in Indonesia?

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