Am I the only one here who thinks this is just wrong?

And those in banks have relatives that suck???????????????

I love this shit you lefties drive. Aye carumba!!!!

that's a new leftards propaganda lie - the wages are not raising not becasue the economy SUCKS, the unemployment is extremely HIGH for 5 straight years and there are no incentives to create new jobs since obama and his minions are killing every initiative and punish success - and to divert the attention from the REAL reasons, which is economics 101, to a failed leftards mantra of big pockets ( which they feed themselves) and the need to redistribute the wealth ( but not from big pockets, but take from middle class MORE).

Nothing new under the sun - LIE, divert attention and hide the real reasons under the heaps of more lies.

This president and his policies is such a unbelievable FAILURE that in order to hide it the failed marxis agenda is refurbished.

as you see, the ones who are mindless brainwashed parrots take a bait immediately.
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Is anyone forced to work as a bank teller? did they know what the pay was before they took the job?

same question on Walmart workers.
Is anyone forced to work as a bank teller? did they know what the pay was before they took the job?

same question on Walmart workers.

If there are NO JOBS and high unemployment the wages are stagnant and there is no incentive for the employer toraise them as there are too many unemployed and far too less of the jobs.
It does not matter what is the level of the job - wages are stagnanat on all levels.

If the unemployment is lower than 5% - that is the paradise for a worker as there is too much demand for the workers and not enough of them to fill the jobs - and then the wages, benefits and income rises.

One can not expect that if unemployment is 7.5 % and higher ( and I am talking the doctored figures here, the real one is MUCH higher) - one can not expect any raises.
End entitlements.

This isn't about entitlements. It's about unfair wage and benefit practices.

This is not the 40's anymore that profession is just the same now as burger flippers..

You do realize that you're talking about people with access to your personal information, eh?

Without the current safety net being provided by the state, how long do you think a bank teller would watch his kids go hungry before figuring out a way to make a little money selling information?

Is integrity not worth something to the banks?

One-third of bank tellers rely on public assistance - CBS News

Taxpayers spend $899 million annually in state and federal benefits to support bank tellers and their families, according to a new report from The Committee for Better Banks.

One-third of bank tellers receive some sort of public assistance, ranging from Medicaid to food stamps, the financial industry employee advocacy group found, citing research from the University of California-Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education. In New York state, almost 40 percent of bank tellers and their family members are enrolled in public assistance programs, costing the state and federal governments $112 million in benefits.

“Bank workers in New York, across the nation and around the globe are being squeezed, very much as other hourly workers in the economy are,” the report noted. “Banks’ internal employment practices, just like their external practices, increasingly drive inequality.”

It’s not as if banks can’t afford to pay their tellers more, judging from a surge in executive pay: Compensation for the top 50 financial chief executives rose by 20 percent in 2011 and 26 percent in 2010, the study notes.

Can't wait to read the justifications from conservatives.

They take them, but do they need them ?
This isn't about entitlements. It's about unfair wage and benefit practices.

This is not the 40's anymore that profession is just the same now as burger flippers..

You do realize that you're talking about people with access to your personal information, eh?

Without the current safety net being provided by the state, how long do you think a bank teller would watch his kids go hungry before figuring out a way to make a little money selling information?

Is integrity not worth something?

Or maybe they'd ask for a raise. Or maybe they'd go get a better job.

If they were so predisposed to criminal activity in the first place, why would they bother getting a job with such low wages?
One-third of bank tellers rely on public assistance - CBS News

Taxpayers spend $899 million annually in state and federal benefits to support bank tellers and their families, according to a new report from The Committee for Better Banks.

One-third of bank tellers receive some sort of public assistance, ranging from Medicaid to food stamps, the financial industry employee advocacy group found, citing research from the University of California-Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education. In New York state, almost 40 percent of bank tellers and their family members are enrolled in public assistance programs, costing the state and federal governments $112 million in benefits.

“Bank workers in New York, across the nation and around the globe are being squeezed, very much as other hourly workers in the economy are,” the report noted. “Banks’ internal employment practices, just like their external practices, increasingly drive inequality.”

It’s not as if banks can’t afford to pay their tellers more, judging from a surge in executive pay: Compensation for the top 50 financial chief executives rose by 20 percent in 2011 and 26 percent in 2010, the study notes.

Can't wait to read the justifications from conservatives.

I can remember a time when a man could raise a family on a bank tellers job, driving a cab, being a barber. That was the fifties and early sixties. And that was with mom staying home cooking, cleaning etc. Prices have gone up but wages have remained flat. Some might say automation, atm machines, true for tellers but barber and taxi practices haven't been automated. Productivity increased but it's benefits didn't go to the working class it looks like. Being constantly at war is one major reason. Can't have guns and butter both.
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Aren't the rest of you just a LITTLE outraged that the bank executives are cleaning up while the TAXPAYERS are paying part of their labor costs?
This isn't about entitlements. It's about unfair wage and benefit practices.

This is not the 40's anymore that profession is just the same now as burger flippers..

You do realize that you're talking about people with access to your personal information, eh?

Without the current safety net being provided by the state, how long do you think a bank teller would watch his kids go hungry before figuring out a way to make a little money selling information?

Is integrity not worth something to the banks?


Lol do you seriously think I use bank tellers anymore?
So, just to be clear, the consensus among the righties responding to this thread is that it's everyone's fault (but particularly the tellers themselves) except the executives running the banks who give themselves 26% increases in compensation while trashing the economy in 2007. Got it.
And by the way I get instant update texts on my accounts. Move into the 21st century.

This is not the 40's anymore that profession is just the same now as burger flippers..

You do realize that you're talking about people with access to your personal information, eh?

Without the current safety net being provided by the state, how long do you think a bank teller would watch his kids go hungry before figuring out a way to make a little money selling information?

Is integrity not worth something?

Or maybe they'd ask for a raise. Or maybe they'd go get a better job.

If they were so predisposed to criminal activity in the first place, why would they bother getting a job with such low wages?

Is integrity not worth SOMEthing? I find this discussion sadly funny.

With labor as with everything, you get what you pay for; unless of course you can get the government to cover part of the costs.

Fair and Simple, Monkeys... The stars await.
You do realize that you're talking about people with access to your personal information, eh?

Without the current safety net being provided by the state, how long do you think a bank teller would watch his kids go hungry before figuring out a way to make a little money selling information?

Is integrity not worth something?

Or maybe they'd ask for a raise. Or maybe they'd go get a better job.

If they were so predisposed to criminal activity in the first place, why would they bother getting a job with such low wages?

Is integrity not worth SOMEthing? I find this discussion sadly funny.

With labor as with everything, you get what you pay for, unless of course you can get the government to cover part of the costs.

Fair and Simple, Monkeys... The stars await.
We're talking about an entry level position here.

The only variation in this particular instance is that it's not the standard Wal Mart hater thread.

This is not the 40's anymore that profession is just the same now as burger flippers..

You do realize that you're talking about people with access to your personal information, eh?

Without the current safety net being provided by the state, how long do you think a bank teller would watch his kids go hungry before figuring out a way to make a little money selling information?

Is integrity not worth something to the banks?


Lol do you seriously think I use bank tellers anymore?

:rolleyes: Seriously?​

Dude... you don't have to speak to a bank employee for him to have access to your name, address, date of birth and Social Security number.
Or maybe they'd ask for a raise. Or maybe they'd go get a better job.

If they were so predisposed to criminal activity in the first place, why would they bother getting a job with such low wages?

Is integrity not worth SOMEthing? I find this discussion sadly funny.

With labor as with everything, you get what you pay for, unless of course you can get the government to cover part of the costs.

Fair and Simple, Monkeys... The stars await.
We're talking about an entry level position here.

The only variation in this particular instance is that it's not the standard Wal Mart hater thread.

'Cept the cashier at WallyWorld doesn't have access to databases full of personal information.

You get what you pay for... unless of course you can get the government to cover part of it.

It surprises me that there's not more anger at the top 10% for figuring out how to get the rest of you schmucks to pay 30% of their labor costs.
Is integrity not worth SOMEthing? I find this discussion sadly funny.

With labor as with everything, you get what you pay for, unless of course you can get the government to cover part of the costs.

Fair and Simple, Monkeys... The stars await.
We're talking about an entry level position here.

The only variation in this particular instance is that it's not the standard Wal Mart hater thread.

'Cept the cashier at WallyWorld doesn't have access to databases full of personal information.

You get what you pay for... unless of course you can get the government to cover part of it.

It surprises me that there's not more anger at the top 10% for figuring out how to get the rest of you schmucks to pay 30% of their labor costs.
Yet there aren't massive ID theft problems. Seems the screening processes of the banks are pretty reliable.

What I'm paying for is an entry level employee. If they're any good at the banking business, they'll get a better paying job. If not, they'll get a job elsewhere.


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