Am I the only one here who thinks this is just wrong?

Aren't the rest of you just a LITTLE outraged that the bank executives are cleaning up while the TAXPAYERS are paying part of their labor costs?

No, they are not outraged at all. In fact, they think that the bank execs deserve more pay for finding ways for their business to socialize the costs and privatize the profits.


This thread is about tellers being on some form of welfare.

Liberals are disgusted that the banks could be so stingy.

Conservatives are disgusted that the government has made benefits so liberal...with the motive being to buy votes with money borrowed from China that the coming generation will have to pay.

Banks pay tellers more than minimum wage. And, the best point made for either side is that 2/3 of tellers do manage to live on what they are paid by this entry level position...without syphoning off the taxpayers.

You Liberals have no answer for that.

So, you trot out the "Bank Executives" and the millions they make....but you are mainly talking about those blood-sucking harpies deep in the heart of Yankee land---in New York...on Wall Street....and plenty of people in the Heartland agree that it is past time for plenty of them to go to jail.

So, when are Obama and Holder going to sack up...and go after them?


They are scared shitless of them...scared shitless they are going to cut the money off.

You damn progressives need to clean up your own house before you judge others...clean up New York...that is where the abuse of capitolism is coming from.

When is that dick, Chuck Schumer, going to go after the crooks on Wall Street?


They own him.
Aren't the rest of you just a LITTLE outraged that the bank executives are cleaning up while the TAXPAYERS are paying part of their labor costs?

I am more than outraged - at the current failure in chief and his damn policies that kept US economy basically underwater, unemployment super high, inflation skyrocketing, yet his administration kept pumping OUR TAXPAYERS MONEY ( emptying the pockets of the middle class) into the pockets of Wall street and big businesses for the whole 5 years now.

Yes, I Am outraged.
Yet there aren't massive ID theft problems. Seems the screening processes of the banks are pretty reliable.

What I'm paying for is an entry level employee. If they're any good at the banking business, they'll get a better paying job. If not, they'll get a job elsewhere.


If the underpaid bank teller and the underpaid Walmart cashier are relying on food stamps and medicaid to make ends meet, you, the tax payer, are subsidizing part of the labor costs that help keep the the Walton family and the bank execs part of the upper-crust.

That doesn't gall you just a little?

It galls me a lot. We need to end entitlements.

If we don't end the NEED for entitlements, the resulting street begging will really discourage tourism.
Just sayin'...​
Aren't the rest of you just a LITTLE outraged that the bank executives are cleaning up while the TAXPAYERS are paying part of their labor costs?

I am more than outraged - at the current failure in chief and his damn policies that kept US economy basically underwater, unemployment super high, inflation skyrocketing, yet his administration kept pumping OUR TAXPAYERS MONEY ( emptying the pockets of the middle class) into the pockets of Wall street and big businesses for the whole 5 years now.

Yes, I Am outraged.

Thought you might be... it all depends on how you look at it.
With labor as with everything, you get what you pay for; unless of course you can get the government to cover part of the costs.

Perhaps the banker is just a wee bit more savvy about how to get a return on the taxes he pays.
What difference does it make if who actually gives it to the teller if the teller gets the same money either way?

Or perhaps his return on investment in campaign money is skewing the system and screwing the middle class.
Aren't the rest of you just a LITTLE outraged that the bank executives are cleaning up while the TAXPAYERS are paying part of their labor costs?

If you don't like the way a business conducts itself just don't do business with them, very simple concept. I haven't done business with a bank in years.

Same concept applies to ALL businesses who rely on the taxpayer to subsidize their workforce with food stamps, welfare and Medicaid.

Chumps, every fucking one of us.

:eusa_eh: Scratch that... only the bottom 90% or so are truly chumps.​

Yep, I heard a little maobama supporter today on the radio that was protesting at a McDonalds for 15 an hour. Said he could just barely get by and has a baby on the way, don't know how a guy could have a baby on the way he didn't mention being married. But why did he knock a girl up if he had no means to support them? Not every job is intended to pay enough to raise a family on and people working them shouldn't start families. What the companies should do is just fire them for being irresponsible.
Aren't the rest of you just a LITTLE outraged that the bank executives are cleaning up while the TAXPAYERS are paying part of their labor costs?

No, they are not outraged at all. In fact, they think that the bank execs deserve more pay for finding ways for their business to socialize the costs and privatize the profits.


This thread is about tellers being on some form of welfare.

Liberals are disgusted that the banks could be so stingy.

Conservatives are disgusted that the government has made benefits so liberal...with the motive being to buy votes with money borrowed from China that the coming generation will have to pay.

Banks pay tellers more than minimum wage. And, the best point made for either side is that 2/3 of tellers do manage to live on what they are paid by this entry level position...without syphoning off the taxpayers.

You Liberals have no answer for that.

So, you trot out the "Bank Executives" and the millions they make....but you are mainly talking about those blood-sucking harpies deep in the heart of Yankee land---in New York...on Wall Street....and plenty of people in the Heartland agree that it is past time for plenty of them to go to jail.

So, when are Obama and Holder going to sack up...and go after them?


They are scared shitless of them...scared shitless they are going to cut the money off.

You damn progressives need to clean up your own house before you judge others...clean up New York...that is where the abuse of capitolism is coming from.

When is that dick, Chuck Schumer, going to go after the crooks on Wall Street?


They own him.

Well said!
If the underpaid bank teller and the underpaid Walmart cashier are relying on food stamps and medicaid to make ends meet, you, the tax payer, are subsidizing part of the labor costs that help keep the the Walton family and the bank execs part of the upper-crust.

That doesn't gall you just a little?

It galls me a lot. We need to end entitlements.

If we don't end the NEED for entitlements, the resulting street begging will really discourage tourism.
Just sayin'...​

More than likely, they will better themselves and get better jobs. Stop settling for a low wage job subsidized by the taxpayer. If not, let them beg. Who cares.
I care. I like being able to go places without fear of being harassed by beggars. As a taxpayer I'm willing to put in to the welfare kitty to help keep the streets free from such riff-raff; but, also as a tax payer, I believe that the better investment would be in education.
Ain't nothing like spending taxpayer money to make more taxpayers through education and training.
I care. I like being able to go places without fear of being harassed by beggars. As a taxpayer I'm willing to put in to the welfare kitty to help keep the streets free from such riff-raff; but, also as a tax payer, I believe that the better investment would be in education.

it's much better to have the economic ( and financial) policies in place that support the economy growing, unemployment declining and earnings at work increasing.

welfare and temporary support is ok, but they have a very negative complication involved - they do not stimulate the recipient to grow in order to make more money by himself, and that is not a good feature for the society in general.

There is a balance between the amount of actively working and increasing their wealth by work and those who for one reason or another can't be in that group - a healthy balance. If the amount of apathetic assistance recipients is approaching 50% - the society needs acute surgical treatment ( not necessarily flat cutting off without jobs available)in order to reduce them to 1/3 - otherwise such a society is doomed.
Ain't nothing like spending taxpayer money to make more taxpayers through education and training.

won't work when GDP is growing at barely 1.5% and there are no jobs being created.

50% of college graduates can't find jobs.

I understand that social sciences major won't get that many job offers as chemical engineer but when the economy is booming, even specialists in Madagascar history find jobs :)
Sounds like it's too expensive to live in New York. A teller's wages would be enough to live on in Wisconsin.
Ain't nothing like spending taxpayer money to make more taxpayers through education and training.


Didn't they try that again and again in Detroit?

YES, they did.

I have been reading for decades about how much money they were throwing at Detroit to make it the shining star on the hill. It was gong to be the crown jewel in Lyndon Johnson's Great Society and his War on Poverty.

Look at it now after 50 years of socialist's experimentation with money borrowed from Oil Rich Arabs and Communist Chinese.

It looks like Beirut during the Civil War in Lebanon. Over half of the residents are illiterate.


What happened?

A fraudulent co-conspiracy of Unions and Democrats stole all the money...all of it...and they set it up so nobody would notice for years.

But, the chickens always come home to roost on Socialists like that liar in the White House.

Detroit is just a forewarning.
One-third of bank tellers rely on public assistance - CBS News

Taxpayers spend $899 million annually in state and federal benefits to support bank tellers and their families, according to a new report from The Committee for Better Banks.

One-third of bank tellers receive some sort of public assistance, ranging from Medicaid to food stamps, the financial industry employee advocacy group found, citing research from the University of California-Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education. In New York state, almost 40 percent of bank tellers and their family members are enrolled in public assistance programs, costing the state and federal governments $112 million in benefits.

“Bank workers in New York, across the nation and around the globe are being squeezed, very much as other hourly workers in the economy are,” the report noted. “Banks’ internal employment practices, just like their external practices, increasingly drive inequality.”

It’s not as if banks can’t afford to pay their tellers more, judging from a surge in executive pay: Compensation for the top 50 financial chief executives rose by 20 percent in 2011 and 26 percent in 2010, the study notes.

Can't wait to read the justifications from conservatives.

Internet banking will make bank tellers irrelevant

I would add that printing money is making us all less and less relevant.
The banks make very large profits, and don't pay a living wage to their employees. And the assholes on this board find that to be just all right. It is a damned shame on the banks and the people that run them. Any job that society finds neccessary should pay a living wage.

The concept of a "living Wage" is stupid in the extreme.

So, you are in favor of slave wages, then.
How much public assistance would they need if they were not working at all?

So the working poor should be grateful that the filthy rich deem to dole out scraps from their ample tables? Well, aren't the rich just the charitable ones!

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