Am I the only one here who thinks this is just wrong?

Ame®icano;8254558 said:
I'm sure many would, except, well hell, all the jobs are in China and India.

I hear there are some in North Dakota too.

Yeah, where it's -40 F. No thanks.

I understand what you're saying.

Pretty much the same thing that bankers say: "Pay entry level workers more? No thanks."

So jobs that you want are either in China or India but you don't really wanna go there. And it's too cold to work in North Dakota.

Let me ask you... is there ANY job that you would be satisfied with?
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Ame®icano;8254484 said:
So, you are in favor of slave wages, then.

Define slave wage. Zero?

Why do you think that opposing living wage makes him proponent of what you call slave wage?

Wage should be whatever your skill or expertise or time is worth to the employer. If you cant live on that, find another employer.

I'm sure many would, except, well hell, all the jobs are in China and India.

All of them, Old Rocks?

The state of bankers receiving welfare could be getting worse, for those numbers are from 2010. Due to Obamacare, there may be many more part time workers, causing an even higher percentage of tellers to be on welfare at this time.
'Cept the cashier at WallyWorld doesn't have access to databases full of personal information.

You get what you pay for... unless of course you can get the government to cover part of it.

It surprises me that there's not more anger at the top 10% for figuring out how to get the rest of you schmucks to pay 30% of their labor costs.
Yet there aren't massive ID theft problems. Seems the screening processes of the banks are pretty reliable.

What I'm paying for is an entry level employee. If they're any good at the banking business, they'll get a better paying job. If not, they'll get a job elsewhere.


If the underpaid bank teller and the underpaid Walmart cashier are relying on food stamps and medicaid to make ends meet, you, the tax payer, are subsidizing part of the labor costs that help keep the the Walton family and the bank execs part of the upper-crust.

That doesn't gall you just a little?

The best part? We subsidize that CEO pay too.

Executive-Pay Tax Break Saved Fortune 500 Corporations $27 Billion Over the Past Three Years

So the taxpayer subsidizes the low wage worker AND the CEO that rakes in millions a year. Awesome country!
IN my personal bank the teller population turns over about twice a year.

Terrible job, much responsiblity, no money.
I care. I like being able to go places without fear of being harassed by beggars. As a taxpayer I'm willing to put in to the welfare kitty to help keep the streets free from such riff-raff; but, also as a tax payer, I believe that the better investment would be in education.

Oh come on. Maybe we could return to those days of old when poor crippled men and women, along with their children worked the streets of cities for their daily bread.

I mean, begging is work and work is good so who's all for begging in the streets?

Get rid of those entitlements and lets show the world how to treat the discouraged, the poor, the un healthy the un educated and those with other disorders.

Make em beg for that which they receive. It is the Lords way to do this.
Sounds like it's too expensive to live in New York. A teller's wages would be enough to live on in Wisconsin.

It's too expensive to live in New York for those who don't get any handouts and are the ones who are actually robbed to maintain the system.
New York is PERFECT for somebody who has nothing.
Or everything.
Ain't nothing like spending taxpayer money to make more taxpayers through education and training.


Didn't they try that again and again in Detroit?

YES, they did.

I have been reading for decades about how much money they were throwing at Detroit to make it the shining star on the hill. It was gong to be the crown jewel in Lyndon Johnson's Great Society and his War on Poverty.

Look at it now after 50 years of socialist's experimentation with money borrowed from Oil Rich Arabs and Communist Chinese.

It looks like Beirut during the Civil War in Lebanon. Over half of the residents are illiterate.


What happened?

A fraudulent co-conspiracy of Unions and Democrats stole all the money...all of it...and they set it up so nobody would notice for years.
But, the chickens always come home to roost on Socialists like that liar in the White House.

Detroit is just a forewarning.

That is what ALWAYS hapens in redistribution societies - and that is why they fail ALWAYS. Even if violence is involved to maintain the system ( which in case of Detroit was not).
Aren't the rest of you just a LITTLE outraged that the bank executives are cleaning up while the TAXPAYERS are paying part of their labor costs?

What the bank executives make have nothing to do with what the bank tellers make. There's no redistribution of wealth that would take the bank executives salaries and give it to the bank tellers.
I care. I like being able to go places without fear of being harassed by beggars. As a taxpayer I'm willing to put in to the welfare kitty to help keep the streets free from such riff-raff; but, also as a tax payer, I believe that the better investment would be in education.

Oh come on. Maybe we could return to those days of old when poor crippled men and women, along with their children worked the streets of cities for their daily bread.

I mean, begging is work and work is good so who's all for begging in the streets?

Get rid of those entitlements and lets show the world how to treat the discouraged, the poor, the un healthy the un educated and those with other disorders.

Make em beg for that which they receive. It is the Lords way to do this.

And watch those crime statistics soar!
Aren't the rest of you just a LITTLE outraged that the bank executives are cleaning up while the TAXPAYERS are paying part of their labor costs?

Most cons don't understand this. When they finally do come to the realization of what is happening, their solution is to cut all welfare. Of course, all that would do is crash the economy, but they don't truly understand economics. They think everything is black and white. Cut taxes and tax revenues will increase is what they tell us, but that only works under certain conditions when taxes are already too high. You can't cut taxes continually and realize increases in revenue. If you cut taxes to zero, there will be zero revenue, but according to the geniuses on the right, all tax cuts lead to greater tax revenue.

It obviously is quite the opposite - the leftard loons which have no idea how the econy works have been strangling the economy growth and the jobs creation for the 5 years now and instead of releasing their death grip on businesses ( smal, not big) they keep printing money and throwing it at the big business and the people at the bottom of the ladder screaming around that inflated money is going to save the economy.

Only an idiot would assume that the worthless pieces of paper are going to save anything :cuckoo:

but the average leftard is not THINKING the average leftard is singing the tune which the masters brainwashed them. For noe it is - the reason for not increasing wages is NOT high unemployment and absent jobs and GDP growth, but the greedy CEO :lol:
I care. I like being able to go places without fear of being harassed by beggars. As a taxpayer I'm willing to put in to the welfare kitty to help keep the streets free from such riff-raff; but, also as a tax payer, I believe that the better investment would be in education.

Oh come on. Maybe we could return to those days of old when poor crippled men and women, along with their children worked the streets of cities for their daily bread.

I mean, begging is work and work is good so who's all for begging in the streets?

Get rid of those entitlements and lets show the world how to treat the discouraged, the poor, the un healthy the un educated and those with other disorders.

Make em beg for that which they receive. It is the Lords way to do this.

Eleven year old girl in Portland selling mistletoe to help pay for her braces ... Told by the police that she cannot work for the money ... But she should beg for it.

City Officials Tell Girl Who Wants to Work That She Should Beg Instead (VIDEO) | The Stir

Russia did away with redistribution and the average income is up at least 50% over the past 10 years
I care. I like being able to go places without fear of being harassed by beggars. As a taxpayer I'm willing to put in to the welfare kitty to help keep the streets free from such riff-raff; but, also as a tax payer, I believe that the better investment would be in education.

Oh come on. Maybe we could return to those days of old when poor crippled men and women, along with their children worked the streets of cities for their daily bread.

I mean, begging is work and work is good so who's all for begging in the streets?

Get rid of those entitlements and lets show the world how to treat the discouraged, the poor, the un healthy the un educated and those with other disorders.

Make em beg for that which they receive. It is the Lords way to do this.

As the police told the eleven year old girl, she could not sell her misteltoe but she could beg for money instead of working.

The goal of the left is to increase the number of beggars no matter where they have to draw them from.
I care. I like being able to go places without fear of being harassed by beggars. As a taxpayer I'm willing to put in to the welfare kitty to help keep the streets free from such riff-raff; but, also as a tax payer, I believe that the better investment would be in education.

Oh come on. Maybe we could return to those days of old when poor crippled men and women, along with their children worked the streets of cities for their daily bread.

I mean, begging is work and work is good so who's all for begging in the streets?

Get rid of those entitlements and lets show the world how to treat the discouraged, the poor, the un healthy the un educated and those with other disorders.

Make em beg for that which they receive. It is the Lords way to do this.

As the police told the eleven year old girl, she could not sell her misteltoe but she could beg for money instead of working.

The goal of the left is to increase the number of beggars no matter where they have to draw them from.

Not to be outdone, the conservatives have jumped on the bandwagon, demanding to axe all entitlements and refusing to pay living wages.
I'd find a new job, that paid better and quit.

What kind of childish shit is; "Can't wait to read the justifications from conservatives"?

morons take shit jobs and still need the government teet?

There are no jobs and high unemployment.
Wages do not raise in such a climate.

But all this government is doing is KILLING the jobs through obamacare and milion other strangling regulations through EPA and other agencies.

How many jobs did obama killed by not agreeing to the Keystone pipeline?
How many more not by exploring other existing fossil fuel resources, but simultaneously flushing down the drain billions on failed solar?

here are the answers to the OP - you want higher wages? don't KILL the high paying jobs to fit the agenda and obama's donors pockets.

Actually there's plenty of jobs, only problem is that the dreamer gens don't want to work hard to pay the bills.

this is just partially true. there are plenty of jobs, but not where the majority of the people which need them, live.
the answer to the OP problem is growint the economy and creating jobs - then everybody can have more than one part-time anemic ( as our GDP growth) entry-level job
Oh come on. Maybe we could return to those days of old when poor crippled men and women, along with their children worked the streets of cities for their daily bread.

I mean, begging is work and work is good so who's all for begging in the streets?

Get rid of those entitlements and lets show the world how to treat the discouraged, the poor, the un healthy the un educated and those with other disorders.

Make em beg for that which they receive. It is the Lords way to do this.

As the police told the eleven year old girl, she could not sell her misteltoe but she could beg for money instead of working.

The goal of the left is to increase the number of beggars no matter where they have to draw them from.

Not to be outdone, the conservatives have jumped on the bandwagon, demanding to axe all entitlements and refusing to pay living wages.

there is no such thing as "living wage".
it is an oxymoron created by leftards to distruct the attention from the total failures of this administration in creating jobs and rescuing the economy to a bogey man
Aren't the rest of you just a LITTLE outraged that the bank executives are cleaning up while the TAXPAYERS are paying part of their labor costs?

What the bank executives make have nothing to do with what the bank tellers make. There's no redistribution of wealth that would take the bank executives salaries and give it to the bank tellers.

But KD, this whole thread is about redistribution of wealth. It has been redistributed upwards, leaving less for those at the bottom, even those at the bottom who are working and trying to make it.

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