Zone1 Am I the only one surprised when they see a commercial with all white people?

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There is no "we". There are only individual mods, some of which are left and some are right.

Other than Mr. Beale, the more recently promoted mods have all been left of center.
Been awhile since I have been on here so I am not up to date on the mod problems.....though I would be greatly surprised to find out they have finally selected a true conservative as a mod.
Me too

A dictatorship is characterized by the fact that it violates it's own laws and constitution - independent of being a one man show, or run by a clique.

The original form of Fascism is an ideology that does not in-cooperate/behold religious or racial dogmas. It is therefore the parties organizational structure that prevents, needs to prevent the emergence of a dictatorship. Just like any other party should, who are constitutionally obliged/bound to prevent a dictatorship.

If a minority group/party such as Libs, anarchists and greens manipulate their ruling coalition in order to pass laws that only favor their convictions or only provide a further leverage towards controlling, manipulating, subjugating an opposition - then this is a clear dictatorship just as well. Since it disrespects, violates the will of the peoples (the constitution) who are in majority against certain laws and are not even asked about it - but laws simply instituted by the respective ruling coalition.

For a government to forbid segregated schools in regards to race and gender is IMO an absolute violation of peoples individual rights. It is up to the people to decide if their kids are to attend a mixed school, or a segregated school, a boy's or a girl's school or a gender mixed school. E.g. in Singapore it is entirely up to the parents to decide onto what kind of school they want their kids to attend. And Lib's&Co refer to Singapore as being a dictatorship and autocratic state because they severely punish drug abuse and drug trafficking.

It is a political parties right to forward ideas that might convince the population to opt sending their kids to mixed schools in majority. But not via instituting laws that enforce such a shift onto an entire populace. That's dictatorship at it's finest. Next they will institute laws that define which religion is to be taught at schools, how many hours and so on, and that every family needs to patronize or acquit towards homosexuality and it's children are mandated to join queer parades at minimum twice a year.

Fascism originates from Italy due to a logical reason - try to read up Garibaldi (an extremely interesting historic person) - a Republican - like the former Republics of Florence, Venice, Genoa, etc.

His revolution - guerrilla warfare, concluded into the formation of a new united nation - Italy, then run by a parliamentary monarchy after abolishing an absolute monarchy, manipulated by liberals towards chaos and anarchy from 1890 -1920's - resulted into the founding of fascism - Mussolini was a well read person, very familiar with all political ideologies and the works of famous sociopolitical philosophers. That he turned Italy into a dictatorship lies within the failure of the Fascist party to enact a respective constitution and to follow up on breaches/violations of such a constitution.
Fascism cannot be precisely a nutshell it is a very broad political theory of government and though Italy can be construed to have been fascist ....that does not mean in the slightest if America ever chooses to be fascist they would have to use the Italian form of fascism.

Our form of government....a republic that many refer to incorrectly as a democracy is failing....just too many different groups now vying for power....demonstrating that the so called value of multi-culturalism or diversity is a myth.

The only possible way to preserve America in my opinion is to institute some form of fascism....I think we could do it without a dictator.....that is why so many liberals and communists fear Trump.....they think he may be able to become the leader of a fascist movement in America.

Whether he could or not I do not know.....I think it would be a good thing if he could.....if he cannot perhaps DeSantis could....I do believe after this disaster of a weak, very weak president.....'China Joe' ------most true Americas are definitely looking for strong leadership in Washington...the time for fascism in America has come.
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I am opposed to dictatorships, especially when they enforce values and concerns I lack.
the closest we have come to have had a dictatorship was under FDR.....if he had been younger and healthier he could have easily become a dictator and in fact many will argue he was.
Before we go any further do you have any data to support that claim or is it just opinion?

I think you just dissed some of our mods. But then again…we get accused of being rightists by the left and leftists by the right :dunno:
No....I am just questioning why the policy on selecting mods is skeward towards liberals.
the closest we have come to have had a dictatorship was under FDR.....if he had been younger and healthier he could have easily become a dictator and in fact many will argue he was.
Franklin Roosevelt owed his power to his popularity and to the fact that the Democrats had overwhelming majorities in both houses of Congress. There was nothing dictatorial about him.
There ought to be a study to determine whether or not that is true. I hope it is.

Several years ago the combination of black father, white mother, and interracial child was pioneered on a Super Bowl advertisement. So many negative comments were posted on a video showing that advertisement, that the comment section was erased and closed.

Advertisers should have gotten the message, but they have not.
TV shows with pathetic ratings and sales figures collapsing.
TV shows with pathetic ratings and sales figures collapsing.
I can remember around the time of that Superbowl ad that Lexus had a TV ad that showed a white woman buying a black live-in lover a Lexus for Christmas! Anyone remember that one? Her black toy boy. I was really shocked. Decided never to buy a Lexus (well, that was easy ----- we mostly use pickup trucks around here!).
Fascism cannot be precisely defined....
Not really - unless we might have a different understanding or comprehension of Fascism.

The core principle of Fascism developed by Mussolini was to control the flow and usage of money that can/is being used by non-party members or non-party institutions to influence/control a ruling party. Its political manifesto around that core can be anything – communism, capitalism, anarchy, ultra-liberalism, you name it.

This is where the NSDAP ultimately differed from e.g. Italian and Spanish Fascism or its modern variants in e.g. Singapore and China. Aside from its obvious racial dogma.
The NSDAP was from the very beginning controlled by industrial and banking conglomerates, syndicates or so called elites and their institutions. It was never free from outside party influence
and only directed/exerted it's suppressive means towards the common population.

Singapore’s and China’s ruling parties have established an absolute control over their nation’s money-flow, exactly as to what Mussolini had done – meaning the party has founded, instituted ways
to prevent non-party organizations to take control, or influence via money, towards the respective political agenda of a ruling party. As for China, the CPC had already control of money issues and then simply replaced the socioeconomic Mao system with that of a sociopolitical capitalism.

Mussolini might have taken that German proverb, forwarded by the then richest person of the world in the 16th century; "Money rules the world" - quite literally.

The USA or any other, especially democratic country, the respective government is essentially/factually ruled/controlled by its known elites and their institutions. Not by a political party. Political parties are just the legitimate tools for the elites towards controlling/influencing society.

A Trump or a deSantis, or a Biden are known to be controlled by various elites, (they themselves are part of these elites) which makes Trump exactly as to what he is – a loudmouth populist garnering the voices of those who are discontent with the USA’s overall situation, for his own personal benefit and that of the elites controlling him.

The political manifesto decides on a parties goals. Those who favor an existing nation’s culture and historic achievements to be the guarantor for a further successful development of a nation are termed conservatives.
Those who believe that only a change towards an existing culture and its historic achievements can guarantee a further successful development are termed Liberals, or green or anarchists.

Democrats are essentially – conservatives, but have the self-determined function of a guardian angel towards a ruling party or their own party to prevent a dictatorship and a more liberal approach towards “new ideas” (at least that is what they used to be – not just in the USA).
Unfortunately Liberals & Co. have managed to corrupt and manipulate the democrats almost entirely, to become essentially their indirect tools.

Therefore in order to actually significantly change a countries existing deplorable and corrupt political landscape (including its existing parties) – Fascism is the only “alternative” seen by me.
If Fascism can last forever or e.g. a 100 years, I wouldn’t know, since it would depend entirely onto a nation’s recognizable continued progress and confirmation via its population.
I can remember around the time of that Superbowl ad that Lexus had a TV ad that showed a white woman buying a black live-in lover a Lexus for Christmas! Anyone remember that one? Her black toy boy. I was really shocked. Decided never to buy a Lexus (well, that was easy ----- we mostly use pickup trucks around here!).
You were shocked? By the TV commercial? About a woman buying a car? How absolutely fucking stupid are you?
Franklin Roosevelt owed his power to his popularity and to the fact that the Democrats had overwhelming majorities in both houses of Congress. There was nothing dictatorial about him.
You do not know the history my friend.........
Before, during and after his presidential terms and continuing today, there has been much criticism of FDR.

Critics have questioned not only his policies and positions, but also charged him with centralizing power in his own hands by controlling both the government and the Democratic Party. Many denounced his breaking of a long-standing tradition by running for a third term in 1940.

By the middle of his second term, much criticism of Roosevelt centered on fears that he was heading toward a dictatorship by attempting to seize control of the Supreme Court in the court-packing incident of 1937, attempting to eliminate dissent within the Democratic Party in the South during the 1938 mid-term elections and by breaking the tradition established by George Washington of not seeking a third term when he again ran for re-election in 1940. As two historians explain: "In 1940, with the two-term issue as a weapon, anti-New Dealers ... argued that the time had come to disarm the 'dictator' and to dismantle the machinery".
You do not know the history my friend.........
Before, during and after his presidential terms and continuing today, there has been much criticism of FDR.

Critics have questioned not only his policies and positions, but also charged him with centralizing power in his own hands by controlling both the government and the Democratic Party. Many denounced his breaking of a long-standing tradition by running for a third term in 1940.

By the middle of his second term, much criticism of Roosevelt centered on fears that he was heading toward a dictatorship by attempting to seize control of the Supreme Court in the court-packing incident of 1937, attempting to eliminate dissent within the Democratic Party in the South during the 1938 mid-term elections and by breaking the tradition established by George Washington of not seeking a third term when he again ran for re-election in 1940. As two historians explain: "In 1940, with the two-term issue as a weapon, anti-New Dealers ... argued that the time had come to disarm the 'dictator' and to dismantle the machinery".
Franklin Roosevelt won each of his four elections by comfortable majorities. Dictators stifle criticism of themselves. Roosevelt never did. Few people paid attention to the criticism, because they knew that life for them and those they knew began to improve almost as soon as he was inaugurated in 1933.
Franklin Roosevelt won each of his four elections by comfortable majorities. Dictators stifle criticism of themselves. Roosevelt never did. Few people paid attention to the criticism, because they knew that life for them and those they knew began to improve almost as soon as he was inaugurated in 1933.
Hitler was also voted into power.
Franklin Roosevelt won each of his four elections by comfortable majorities. Dictators stifle criticism of themselves. Roosevelt never did. Few people paid attention to the criticism, because they knew that life for them and those they knew began to improve almost as soon as he was inaugurated in 1933.
Any dictator has the power to help people....other than FDR I cannot think of any dictator who actually helped people....I think Castro wanted to...... but he let his hatred of America come between him and his opportunity to have actually helped the people.
I don't remember what the commercial was for but last night I saw a commercial that had several people in it and for some reason it stood out to me all the people were white. Not only were they white but they actually talked in it also, it wasn't just music and someone dancing or anything.

Then I started thinking it stood out to me because it seems like most commercials I see are mostly non whites, or if they do have them they are in the minority or are part of a inter racial couple.

But I don't know, maybe it's just me. I'll admit though, it was nice to see all white faces.
And Netflix. Every series has to have an interracial gay marriage.

1. Liberal white males naturally feel inferior to Black males, and consider a Black girlfriend or wife to be a "trophy" or "status symbol."

2. Black females are often abused and neglected by Black males, so they consider a white boyfriend or husband to be a "trophy" or "status symbol."

Racism isn't always blatant in liberals, but it exists all the same.
BLACK WOMEN definitely like white men....I got sick of the ones I worked with talking about how sexy richard gere was and they were nuts for mr big on on that show about horny, they were always grabbing my skinny white ass.....I didnt mind tho....women bitch about sexual harassment but they are the kings of it
Any dictator has the power to help people....other than FDR I cannot think of any dictator who actually helped people....I think Castro wanted to...... but he let his hatred of America come between him and his opportunity to have actually helped the people.
First the rich lost much of their wealth in the Stock Market Crash of 1929. Then Roosevelt blamed them for the Great Depression, raised their taxes, and encouraged their employees to form and join labor unions. It was great fun, and it enabled Roosevelt to be re elected three times. :D
every tv commercial has a black person....however very few make good movie stars so they get commercials instead
What about the asians and mexicans.....I am all for giving minorities recognition but it appears and without a doubt really........the entertainment industry is only interested in promoting blacks ....what they are doing is actually illegal.

We have laws barring hiring practices based on race,ethnicity, religion and national origin.

Whites, asians and mexicans are being discrimated against by the entertainment industry....favoring blacks is open discrimination.

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