Am I wrong to bet on my immune system instead of the Covid vaccine?

I have a good friend that recently died of the Covid.

He was robust 72 year old. Strong, active and had good energy. No chronic problems.

He pretty much adhered to the guidelines because he knew he was at risk because of his age. He wore a mask and really limited his trips outside the home. He was doing all the right things.

He was waiting to get the vaccine appointment but it hadn't been arranged yet.

He had severe flu symptoms. Got so bad he went to the emergency room. Was tested and had Covid. The pneumonia was pretty bad and it started to affect his other organs. He was on a ventilator for two weeks and finally everything gave out.

I went ahead and got the vaccine because of my age. However, if I was younger I wouldn't.

My 36 year old son had the Covid and only had mild symtoms for a couple of days. His wife got it at the same time and it was a little worse but nothing serious. My six year old granddaughter living with them never showed any signs of being sick.

sorry for your loss
If you ask a scientist or a doctor instead they’re likely to tell you you are wrong to bet on your immune system instead of one of the vaccines
I spoke with a doctor who, although a fan of the vaccination, understands the individual right to decision. He said the person who had Covid but never knew it will likely have a strong reaction to the first the immune system already recognizes what the virus is and wants to fight it off. The first shot to someone who hasnt had the virus is likely to be more mild as it is a small unfamiliar intruder...but then recognized on the second shot and therefore gets a more severe response. I think a logical explanation helps people decide what to do.

i’m not an advocate of taking away of people’s personal decisions in regards to this.
I have a good friend that recently died of the Covid.

He was robust 72 year old. Strong, active and had good energy. No chronic problems.

He pretty much adhered to the guidelines because he knew he was at risk because of his age. He wore a mask and really limited his trips outside the home. He was doing all the right things.

He was waiting to get the vaccine appointment but it hadn't been arranged yet.

He had severe flu symptoms. Got so bad he went to the emergency room. Was tested and had Covid. The pneumonia was pretty bad and it started to affect his other organs. He was on a ventilator for two weeks and finally everything gave out.

I went ahead and got the vaccine because of my age. However, if I was younger I wouldn't.

My 36 year old son had the Covid and only had mild symtoms for a couple of days. His wife got it at the same time and it was a little worse but nothing serious. My six year old granddaughter living with them never showed any signs of being sick.
I’m sorry about your friend. You realize that he caught it because of the massive spread which comes from everybody, especially the younger generations, right? Likely a friend or family member that he came in contact with. The purpose of the vaccine isnt only to protect the vulnerable but also to slow and stop the spread of it. I’m young and not of a health risk but I’m vaccinated out of concern of spreading it to those around me who are. Wouldn’t you encourage your kids to do the same?

His family had no idea how he got it. They live in relatively rural Arkansas. His trips outside the house was pretty much limited to only the things necessary. He always wore a mask. No eating out or going to church or socializing.

He did have contact with his family but it was nothing like it was before the Pandemic. As far as they know nobody that he was in contact with had the Covid.

He may have got it going to the grocery store or some place like that.
If you ask a scientist or a doctor instead they’re likely to tell you you are wrong to bet on your immune system instead of one of the vaccines
I spoke with a doctor who, although a fan of the vaccination, understands the individual right to decision. He said the person who had Covid but never knew it will likely have a strong reaction to the first the immune system already recognizes what the virus is and wants to fight it off. The first shot to someone who hasnt had the virus is likely to be more mild as it is a small unfamiliar intruder...but then recognized on the second shot and therefore gets a more severe response. I think a logical explanation helps people decide what to do.

i’m not an advocate of taking away of people’s personal decisions in regards to this.
Didn't mean to imply that. I think there is a lot of misinformation out there confusing a lot of people in their decision. Finding a logical source of information to listen to is important I believe.
I have a good friend that recently died of the Covid.

He was robust 72 year old. Strong, active and had good energy. No chronic problems.

He pretty much adhered to the guidelines because he knew he was at risk because of his age. He wore a mask and really limited his trips outside the home. He was doing all the right things.

He was waiting to get the vaccine appointment but it hadn't been arranged yet.

He had severe flu symptoms. Got so bad he went to the emergency room. Was tested and had Covid. The pneumonia was pretty bad and it started to affect his other organs. He was on a ventilator for two weeks and finally everything gave out.

I went ahead and got the vaccine because of my age. However, if I was younger I wouldn't.

My 36 year old son had the Covid and only had mild symtoms for a couple of days. His wife got it at the same time and it was a little worse but nothing serious. My six year old granddaughter living with them never showed any signs of being sick.
I’m sorry about your friend. You realize that he caught it because of the massive spread which comes from everybody, especially the younger generations, right? Likely a friend or family member that he came in contact with. The purpose of the vaccine isnt only to protect the vulnerable but also to slow and stop the spread of it. I’m young and not of a health risk but I’m vaccinated out of concern of spreading it to those around me who are. Wouldn’t you encourage your kids to do the same?

His family had no idea how he got it. They live in relatively rural Arkansas. His trips outside the house was pretty much limited to only the things necessary. He always wore a mask. No eating out or going to church or socializing.

He did have contact with his family but it was nothing like it was before the Pandemic. As far as they know nobody that he was in contact with had the Covid.

He may have got it going to the grocery store or some place like that.
Ugh that really sucks, especially with being so close to getting the shot. I hate hearing story’s like this. Best to you and his family
If you ask a scientist or a doctor instead they’re likely to tell you you are wrong to bet on your immune system instead of one of the vaccines
I spoke with a doctor who, although a fan of the vaccination, understands the individual right to decision. He said the person who had Covid but never knew it will likely have a strong reaction to the first the immune system already recognizes what the virus is and wants to fight it off. The first shot to someone who hasnt had the virus is likely to be more mild as it is a small unfamiliar intruder...but then recognized on the second shot and therefore gets a more severe response. I think a logical explanation helps people decide what to do.

i’m not an advocate of taking away of people’s personal decisions in regards to this.
Didn't mean to imply that. I think there is a lot of misinformation out there confusing a lot of people in their decision. Finding a logical source of information to listen to is important I believe.

Fair enough. I’m fortunate to know a few doctors including those that are family that I trust. I also have done some research, although I’m obviously not an expert, and I feel confident in taking the vaccine and encouraging other people to do the same.
I'm in my 60s, quite healthy haven't had a cold in at least 2 years. I've never had a flu shot and never had the flu. People don't believe me when I tell them that, but it's true. So why would I monkey with a proven robust immune system with (IMO) an unproven vaccine? I know there are plenty of anti-vaxxers out there but I have no problem with people opting for it, particularly if they are old and/or unhealthy. Covid numbers are coming down but no one KNOWS that it is because of the vaccines. Viruses do die out, you know. So that's my opinion, what is yours on the vaccine?
Wonder how many of those 550K + who died from COVID bet on their own immune systems??
but failed with the covid thanks to my husband bringing it into the house from one of his business trips. People with poor hygiene and poor manners are the ones getting infected mostly.
Why would you marry such a person?
And that's exactly as it should be. The "common good" is-at best-a matter of opinion. At worse it is simply a lame excuse for people in power doing exactly as they please for whatever actual reason they please.
And once again we see why the US with 4% of the world's population has 20% of COVID fatalities. It's why you can't have nice things...

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And that's exactly as it should be. The "common good" is-at best-a matter of opinion. At worse it is simply a lame excuse for people in power doing exactly as they please for whatever actual reason they please.
And once again we see why the US with 4% of the world's population has 20% of COVID fatalities. It's why you can't have nice things...


If you were actually interested you should first look at who is making such bogus claims and wonder why.
What bogus claims? That the US is too selfish to combine its efforts for the common good when evidence of the effect of such an approach is there for all to see?
The elephant in the room is Big Pharm peddling pills that are intentionally designed to lower your immune system so they can work. Do the math and ask the important questions when your doctor prescribes a freaking pill. When your immune system is artificially lowered bad things can happen. The government never warns about biological medicine because Big Pharm donates to both political parties.
I'm in my 60s, quite healthy haven't had a cold in at least 2 years. I've never had a flu shot and never had the flu. People don't believe me when I tell them that, but it's true. So why would I monkey with a proven robust immune system with (IMO) an unproven vaccine? I know there are plenty of anti-vaxxers out there but I have no problem with people opting for it, particularly if they are old and/or unhealthy. Covid numbers are coming down but no one KNOWS that it is because of the vaccines. Viruses do die out, you know. So that's my opinion, what is yours on the vaccine?

Vaccines have been very successful from cholera to Typhoid, yellow fever, polio, meningitis.... Pneumonia and shingles.
I know of several people that had, and survived Covid. It's up to the individual. And IMO we all should accept their decisions.
And if they are uninsured and become really sick and need to be hospitalized for a long time we should all accept the cost to taxpayers?

And if they get Covid and transfer it to your elderly mother and she dies from it, because they refuse to wear a mask or be responsible adults we should just accept that too?
What bogus claims? That the US is too selfish to combine its efforts for the common good when evidence of the effect of such an approach is there for all to see?
Bullshit. Feel free to show that your claims about death totals are accurate. Also that the measures you tout have any positive effect. Proo; not guesses; not estimates and how exactly it was obtained.
The elephant in the room is Big Pharm peddling pills that are intentionally designed to lower your immune system so they can work. Do the math and ask the important questions when your doctor prescribes a freaking pill. When your immune system is artificially lowered bad things can happen. The government never warns about biological medicine because Big Pharm donates to both political parties.

Oh Bull..........

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