Amanda Knox Guilt Reinstated.

America's stance on double jeopardy has no weight on crimes alleged to be committed on foreign soil.

Amanda Knox better pray the US never reverses their extradition policy with Italy.

Personally, I'm for extraditing her. We have too many people getting off easy as it is. Just make Italy pay for the air fare.

America's stance on double jeopardy has no effect on the legal processes of another country. It does offer such constitutional protection to American citizens IN America. If Knox were in Italy, it would have no effect on foreign soil. Even if America were to reverse an extradition policy and perhaps remove all double jeopardy protections from anyone anywhere, even here, unless such a change were retroactive, Amanda Knox would still not be extradited.

^ Dumbassery.

US law bears no weight on crimes committed on foreign soil. Should the US change their policy on extradition, Amanda Knox better find a new country to call home. The fact she's a fugitive in a country with an extradition treaty would be all the US bureaucrats would care about.

IF is your stock in trade. IF your grandma had balls, she'd be your grandpa.

IF we didn't have a Constitution that provides for double jeopardy protection you'd be right.
America's stance on double jeopardy has no effect on the legal processes of another country. It does offer such constitutional protection to American citizens IN America. If Knox were in Italy, it would have no effect on foreign soil. Even if America were to reverse an extradition policy and perhaps remove all double jeopardy protections from anyone anywhere, even here, unless such a change were retroactive, Amanda Knox would still not be extradited.

^ Dumbassery.

US law bears no weight on crimes committed on foreign soil. Should the US change their policy on extradition, Amanda Knox better find a new country to call home. The fact she's a fugitive in a country with an extradition treaty would be all the US bureaucrats would care about.

IF is your stock in trade. IF your grandma had balls, she'd be your grandpa.

IF we didn't have a Constitution that provides for double jeopardy protection you'd be right.

Constitutional protections only apply to crimes committed on US soil.

I'll tell you what, go to North Korea, slam their government and tell them you have 1st Amendement rights here in the US and see how far that gets you.
^ Dumbassery.

US law bears no weight on crimes committed on foreign soil. Should the US change their policy on extradition, Amanda Knox better find a new country to call home. The fact she's a fugitive in a country with an extradition treaty would be all the US bureaucrats would care about.

IF is your stock in trade. IF your grandma had balls, she'd be your grandpa.

IF we didn't have a Constitution that provides for double jeopardy protection you'd be right.

Constitutional protections only apply to crimes committed on US soil.

I'll tell you what, go to North Korea, slam their government and tell them you have 1st Amendement rights here in the US and see how far that gets you.

Constitutional protections apply to PEOPLE on US soil. Which is why if an Italian were here and found not guilty in an American court, they cannot be tried again. A North Korean on US soil can slam the government of North Korea all he or she wants to. Trial in a North Korean court has no effect here.
I'm all for providing safe haven to those who are being victimized by a corrupt foreign judicial system, but the first time that refugee breaks one of our laws, I say deport!

Um, she's already an American citizen :eusa_eh:
I'm all for providing safe haven to those who are being victimized by a corrupt foreign judicial system, but the first time that refugee breaks one of our laws, I say deport!

Um, she's already an American citizen :eusa_eh:

Welcome to 4 hours ago. :)

Welcome yourself, sparky. We aren't "granting her asylum," we're protecting one of our own from a vindictive and seriously impaired investo/prosecutor. He could just as well be conducting the Salem witch trials. Your position here tells where your opinion would have been there. :eusa_eh: I thought better of you.
Um, she's already an American citizen :eusa_eh:

Welcome to 4 hours ago. :)

Welcome yourself, sparky. We aren't "granting her asylum," we're protecting one of our own from a vindictive and seriously impaired investo/prosecutor. He could just as well be conducting the Salem witch trials. Your position here tells where your opinion would have been there. :eusa_eh: I thought better of you.

Silly. You don't even KNOW me.

I don't have a position, truth be told. I'm just stating the fact that she better pray US policy never changes or she's in for round 2 w/ Italy.
Welcome to 4 hours ago. :)

Welcome yourself, sparky. We aren't "granting her asylum," we're protecting one of our own from a vindictive and seriously impaired investo/prosecutor. He could just as well be conducting the Salem witch trials. Your position here tells where your opinion would have been there. :eusa_eh: I thought better of you.

Silly. You don't even KNOW me.

I don't have a position, truth be told. I'm just stating the fact that she better pray US policy never changes or she's in for round 2 w/ Italy.

How can you not "have a position?" :eek:

Do you "have a position" on curdled milk?
Welcome yourself, sparky. We aren't "granting her asylum," we're protecting one of our own from a vindictive and seriously impaired investo/prosecutor. He could just as well be conducting the Salem witch trials. Your position here tells where your opinion would have been there. :eusa_eh: I thought better of you.

Silly. You don't even KNOW me.

I don't have a position, truth be told. I'm just stating the fact that she better pray US policy never changes or she's in for round 2 w/ Italy.

How can you not "have a position?" :eek:

Do you "have a position" on curdled milk?

My position on curdled milk is that it is curdled.
The key here is double jeopardy. She can't be tried twice for the same murder. I am aware that Italy does not have a double jeopardy clause. However Italy also does not have Capital Punishment. Would Italy extradite an Italian Citizen to the U.S. to face the death penalty? If the answer is no, then we should not extradite Ms. Knox back to Italy as they lack a double jeopardy clause in their constitution.
The key here is double jeopardy. She can't be tried twice for the same murder. I am aware that Italy does not have a double jeopardy clause. However Italy also does not have Capital Punishment. Would Italy extradite an Italian Citizen to the U.S. to face the death penalty? If the answer is no, then we should not extradite Ms. Knox back to Italy as they lack a double jeopardy clause in their constitution.

The key here, Juggalo, is jurisdiction.

As Amanda Knox was tried in an Italian court, American administrative law does not apply.

The only thing saving her is the lack of an extradition treaty. If Italy ever gets one, she goes bye-bye.
For several reasons, the American constitutional prohibition against "double jeopardy" does not apply. The U.S. has signed a treaty with Italy that REQUIRES us to honor their extradition request as long as THEY follow THEIR rules - which it appears they are doing. If the Italian 'supreme court' or whateve they call it finally pronounces her guilty, it will be a serious matter, not just tossed aside by the President, Justice Department, or whomever.

Another thing worth noting is that "double jeopardy" applies to cases where a defendant is first adjudicated Not Guilty, then the State seeks to re-try the defendant for the same crime. Here, she was initially adjudicated GUILTY and was released on what we would consider a "technicality." I'm not sure the prohibition against double jeopardy would even apply in the U.S. under comparable circumstances.

To reference a pundit who is not appreciated in all circles, Ms. Ann Coulter has written rather emphatically and colorfully about this episode and the initial trial. Although the Italian Press covered the trial in a way that was disgraceful, and the Italian prosecutors and penal authorities did not cover themselves with glory, the FACTS OF THE CASE indicate pretty clearly that she DID IT! She lied about her whereabouts, falsely accused her boss at work, lied about the victims normal behavior, and tried to prevent the police from getting into the room where the dead girl was lying in a pool of her own blood. In fact, there is absolutely no question that Knox knew the victim was locked up in her bedroom when the police were conducting their initial search. This is not the behavior of an innocent person.

The only thing that has never been figured out is MOTIVE. But so what? All the evidence points to her.

The only thing for certain is that if she is ultimate convicted and the Italian government demands that she be extradited, it will be a long and painful process. I can't imagine it ever actually happening, but it will be interesting to see what does happen. Maybe they will let her serve her sentence in an American prison.
The key here is double jeopardy. She can't be tried twice for the same murder. I am aware that Italy does not have a double jeopardy clause. However Italy also does not have Capital Punishment. Would Italy extradite an Italian Citizen to the U.S. to face the death penalty? If the answer is no, then we should not extradite Ms. Knox back to Italy as they lack a double jeopardy clause in their constitution.

The key here, Juggalo, is jurisdiction.

As Amanda Knox was tried in an Italian court, American administrative law does not apply.

The only thing saving her is the lack of an extradition treaty. If Italy ever gets one, she goes bye-bye.
The same can be said for an Italian citizen tried in an American court and convicted of Capital murder. Italian administrative law does not apply. Same thing here, the lack of any extradition treaty would spare the person's life.
The key here is double jeopardy. She can't be tried twice for the same murder. I am aware that Italy does not have a double jeopardy clause. However Italy also does not have Capital Punishment. Would Italy extradite an Italian Citizen to the U.S. to face the death penalty? If the answer is no, then we should not extradite Ms. Knox back to Italy as they lack a double jeopardy clause in their constitution.

The key here, Juggalo, is jurisdiction.

As Amanda Knox was tried in an Italian court, American administrative law does not apply.

The only thing saving her is the lack of an extradition treaty. If Italy ever gets one, she goes bye-bye.
The same can be said for an Italian citizen tried in an American court and convicted of Capital murder. Italian administrative law does not apply.

So you get it, now? Good! :clap2:
The key here, Juggalo, is jurisdiction.

As Amanda Knox was tried in an Italian court, American administrative law does not apply.

The only thing saving her is the lack of an extradition treaty. If Italy ever gets one, she goes bye-bye.
The same can be said for an Italian citizen tried in an American court and convicted of Capital murder. Italian administrative law does not apply.

So you get it, now? Good! :clap2:
No, I got it before. Even if there were an extradition treaty between the U.S. and Italy, would Italy extradite an Italian Citizen convicted of Capital Murder? The answer is no, which is why in the absence of a double jeopardy clause, we should not extradite Ms. Knox regardless of any extradition treaty.

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