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Amateur psychiatry in today's politics. Who's really crazy?

Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung notwithstanding, the impact of their influence has been long supplanted by the emergence of psychotropic drugs in the 1950ā€™s and 60ā€™s. Recalcitrant schoolchildren are now chemically controlled like zoo animals and modern professional psychiatry has been in a credibility holding pattern for many decades.

Conversely amateur psychiatry is not only ubiquitous, it is rampant. Nowhere is this more evident than in contemporary politics and mass media. The president has come under fire in recent weeks from bush league psychiatry in the press and the political arena that has a nearly hysterical aspect to it.

Surprisingly a lot of jack leg psychiatry is being practiced by trained psychiatrists who are chiming in on the mental health of a president they have not examined or even met. This isnā€™t new. In 1964 When Barry Goldwater was running for president against Lyndon Johnson, Fact Magazine published a poll of nearly 1200 psychiatrists saying that Goldwater was psychologically unfit to lead the country. Not one of them had ever personally examined Goldwater.

Goldwater lost in a landslide and filed a winning suit against the magazine. This gave rise to section 7 of the American Psychiatric Associationā€™s (APA) Principles of Medical Ethics, better known as the ā€œGoldwater Ruleā€ stating that is unethical to make a clinical diagnosis or give a professional opinion without personally examining the patient.

Ethics, medical or otherwise, have been in short supply in our society and today they are apparently seen as optional, replaced by winning at all costs. Armchair psychoanalysis of a president is going to be on the table because the desperation of the losing side is as bottomless as it is intense.

Everything they had hoped for, all their dreams and the fundamental construct of their dearly held worldview came under threat when the president got elected. This drove them over the edge and they lost their sanity. This of course is an amateur psychiatric diagnosis but itā€™s as good as any.

They will not civilly and sanely step aside and accept reality. They will stop at nothing short of impeachment. Everything in their delusional toolbox is a weapon to dismantle the windmill of Donald Trump. Trump has gone from an object of their hatred to a suicidal fetish.

A rigid inability to face an election that was lost and let it go is stark proof of an illness that has progressed to psychosis.

'There is more to the 5-axis diagnosis than a personal interview, and it is my understanding that the "Goldwater rule" is not the be all end all of the process.

For the record, Trump is the President of the United States. However he did not win the popular vote and his behavior during the first year of his presidency is problematic.

Donald Trump's Windmill, is mostly hot air. It changes, sometimes hourly, and even if he is consistent in a message, his handlers spin the mill to make it seem to be sane. It is not by any stretch of the imagination sane.

The evidence that he is a least a bubble off center, is obvious in his tweets, in his speeches and in his denial of things obvious to most citizens.

I give the same advice to you, get a copy of DSM5. It provides definitions which give a clue as to the mental health of the President, and people you know well and only socially. It is estimated that nearly 50% of the population have or will have a diagnosed mental issue in their lifetime. However, only a very few have the power that does Trump.

..."some psychiatrists and other mental-health professionals are shedding long-held norms to argue that Trumpā€™s condition presents risks to the nation and the world. ā€œThe Dangerous Case of Donald Trumpā€ features more than two dozen essays breaking down the presidentā€™s perceived traits, which the contributors find consistent with symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder, sociopathy and other maladies."
Review | Is Trump mentally ill? Or is America? Psychiatrists weigh in.

What a load of chicken little bull shit....

There is no doubt hillary would have destroyed

our Country.

Thank God for President Donald J. Trump...
Having given this some thought it might be best to take a first-in-time-first-in-line approach. If this is such an emergency we should start mental evaluations of every member of congress right away. Trump will be out of office for about a decade by the time they get to him but noting that this is suddenly a massive threat we should get started immediately.

After we have drug-tested and evaluated all members of the House and Senate, removed the mentally unfit and maybe even had some committed to insane asylums we could put in place new rules to ensure that no crazy people are in positions of leadership.

Next we should implement a national program to test voters to make sure that no crazy citizens are allowed to vote. It's probably a lead pipe cinch that crazy people will vote for other crazy people. Call the men in white coats. This is for the children and the country!

Sarcasm needn't require three paragraphs, edit, edit and edit is always good advice.

On a forum such as this, three paragraphs is generally a limit to keep the attention of the reader.

Some people feel the need to run on and on, stringing three idiot-grams in a row is absurd.
Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung notwithstanding, the impact of their influence has been long supplanted by the emergence of psychotropic drugs in the 1950ā€™s and 60ā€™s. Recalcitrant schoolchildren are now chemically controlled like zoo animals and modern professional psychiatry has been in a credibility holding pattern for many decades.

Conversely amateur psychiatry is not only ubiquitous, it is rampant. Nowhere is this more evident than in contemporary politics and mass media. The president has come under fire in recent weeks from bush league psychiatry in the press and the political arena that has a nearly hysterical aspect to it.

Surprisingly a lot of jack leg psychiatry is being practiced by trained psychiatrists who are chiming in on the mental health of a president they have not examined or even met. This isnā€™t new. In 1964 When Barry Goldwater was running for president against Lyndon Johnson, Fact Magazine published a poll of nearly 1200 psychiatrists saying that Goldwater was psychologically unfit to lead the country. Not one of them had ever personally examined Goldwater.

Goldwater lost in a landslide and filed a winning suit against the magazine. This gave rise to section 7 of the American Psychiatric Associationā€™s (APA) Principles of Medical Ethics, better known as the ā€œGoldwater Ruleā€ stating that is unethical to make a clinical diagnosis or give a professional opinion without personally examining the patient.

Ethics, medical or otherwise, have been in short supply in our society and today they are apparently seen as optional, replaced by winning at all costs. Armchair psychoanalysis of a president is going to be on the table because the desperation of the losing side is as bottomless as it is intense.

Everything they had hoped for, all their dreams and the fundamental construct of their dearly held worldview came under threat when the president got elected. This drove them over the edge and they lost their sanity. This of course is an amateur psychiatric diagnosis but itā€™s as good as any.

They will not civilly and sanely step aside and accept reality. They will stop at nothing short of impeachment. Everything in their delusional toolbox is a weapon to dismantle the windmill of Donald Trump. Trump has gone from an object of their hatred to a suicidal fetish.

A rigid inability to face an election that was lost and let it go is stark proof of an illness that has progressed to psychosis.

'There is more to the 5-axis diagnosis than a personal interview, and it is my understanding that the "Goldwater rule" is not the be all end all of the process.

For the record, Trump is the President of the United States. However he did not win the popular vote and his behavior during the first year of his presidency is problematic.

Donald Trump's Windmill, is mostly hot air. It changes, sometimes hourly, and even if he is consistent in a message, his handlers spin the mill to make it seem to be sane. It is not by any stretch of the imagination sane.

The evidence that he is a least a bubble off center, is obvious in his tweets, in his speeches and in his denial of things obvious to most citizens.

I give the same advice to you, get a copy of DSM5. It provides definitions which give a clue as to the mental health of the President, and people you know well and only socially. It is estimated that nearly 50% of the population have or will have a diagnosed mental issue in their lifetime. However, only a very few have the power that does Trump.

..."some psychiatrists and other mental-health professionals are shedding long-held norms to argue that Trumpā€™s condition presents risks to the nation and the world. ā€œThe Dangerous Case of Donald Trumpā€ features more than two dozen essays breaking down the presidentā€™s perceived traits, which the contributors find consistent with symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder, sociopathy and other maladies."
Review | Is Trump mentally ill? Or is America? Psychiatrists weigh in.

It is your understanding that the Goldwater Rule is not the end all be all of the process? Fine. Then do tell me how you get around the fact that you're all basing your diagnosis off of the interpretation of his public political statements as seen through your political lenses. You can't even address a Trump quote without assuming that its meaning and motives were the absolute darkest examples that could possibly be attributed to it, and people are supposed to believe that you can put together an accurate analysis based on your obvious, intense biases? LO fucking L. Are there a lot of titans of the psychology or psychiatry fields who would expect accurate results from a psychoanalysis performed by someone with an intensely emotional loathing of the subject?

Your premise that I hate trump is absolutely off the mark. I explained how one might come to the conclusion that the person in question can be diagnosed by factors other than a personal interview (this is called an opinion).

During my career I approved persons detained by deputies I supervised per 5150 of the Welfare and Institutions code, based on their observations of odd behaviors in public.

Then, the Psychiatrists at the County Hospital would either detain the subject for the 48 hour judicial limit, or release the person. If held they could extend the detention up to two weeks to allow for further treatment (usually drugs) or to seek a court commitment for further treatment.
'No I don't hate Trump...I have always refused to accept election results, foamed at the mouth, defended proven criminals, repeated fake news supported by zero evidence, and thought anyone who opposes the liberal agenda is nuts'...

A rigid inability to face an election that was lost and let it go is stark proof of an illness that has progressed to psychosis.
Are you saying Tea Party/Birther crowd are psychotic?

Its funny liberals lost the House, Senate, and White House a trifecta of FAIL :eusa_dance:
and the GOP has done the same, what is the motivation for your lack of knowledge on the subject?

My motivation? To rub salt in the left's wounds, really grind it in there so it hurts. :muahaha:
A rigid inability to face an election that was lost and let it go is stark proof of an illness that has progressed to psychosis.
Are you saying Tea Party/Birther crowd are psychotic?

Its funny liberals lost the House, Senate, and White House a trifecta of FAIL :eusa_dance:
and the GOP has done the same, what is the motivation for your lack of knowledge on the subject?

My motivation? To rub salt in the left's wounds, really grind it in there so it hurts. :muahaha:
I guess....I vote for Trump yet I wish he had more self control instead of lashing out like a teen on Twitter...
A rigid inability to face an election that was lost and let it go is stark proof of an illness that has progressed to psychosis.
Are you saying Tea Party/Birther crowd are psychotic?

Its funny liberals lost the House, Senate, and White House a trifecta of FAIL :eusa_dance:
and the GOP has done the same, what is the motivation for your lack of knowledge on the subject?

My motivation? To rub salt in the left's wounds, really grind it in there so it hurts. :muahaha:
I guess....I vote for Trump yet I wish he had more self control instead of lashing out like a teen on Twitter...

This is your punishment for 8 years of that buffoon Obama, deal with it.
Are you saying Tea Party/Birther crowd are psychotic?

Its funny liberals lost the House, Senate, and White House a trifecta of FAIL :eusa_dance:
and the GOP has done the same, what is the motivation for your lack of knowledge on the subject?

My motivation? To rub salt in the left's wounds, really grind it in there so it hurts. :muahaha:
I guess....I vote for Trump yet I wish he had more self control instead of lashing out like a teen on Twitter...

This is your punishment for 8 years of that buffoon Obama, deal with it.
I didn't vote for Oblama, and the last 8 years were torture from health problems. I got payed to watch you people flail like dying fish over Oblama...
Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung notwithstanding, the impact of their influence has been long supplanted by the emergence of psychotropic drugs in the 1950ā€™s and 60ā€™s. Recalcitrant schoolchildren are now chemically controlled like zoo animals and modern professional psychiatry has been in a credibility holding pattern for many decades.

Conversely amateur psychiatry is not only ubiquitous, it is rampant. Nowhere is this more evident than in contemporary politics and mass media. The president has come under fire in recent weeks from bush league psychiatry in the press and the political arena that has a nearly hysterical aspect to it.

Surprisingly a lot of jack leg psychiatry is being practiced by trained psychiatrists who are chiming in on the mental health of a president they have not examined or even met. This isnā€™t new. In 1964 When Barry Goldwater was running for president against Lyndon Johnson, Fact Magazine published a poll of nearly 1200 psychiatrists saying that Goldwater was psychologically unfit to lead the country. Not one of them had ever personally examined Goldwater.

Goldwater lost in a landslide and filed a winning suit against the magazine. This gave rise to section 7 of the American Psychiatric Associationā€™s (APA) Principles of Medical Ethics, better known as the ā€œGoldwater Ruleā€ stating that is unethical to make a clinical diagnosis or give a professional opinion without personally examining the patient.

Ethics, medical or otherwise, have been in short supply in our society and today they are apparently seen as optional, replaced by winning at all costs. Armchair psychoanalysis of a president is going to be on the table because the desperation of the losing side is as bottomless as it is intense.

Everything they had hoped for, all their dreams and the fundamental construct of their dearly held worldview came under threat when the president got elected. This drove them over the edge and they lost their sanity. This of course is an amateur psychiatric diagnosis but itā€™s as good as any.

They will not civilly and sanely step aside and accept reality. They will stop at nothing short of impeachment. Everything in their delusional toolbox is a weapon to dismantle the windmill of Donald Trump. Trump has gone from an object of their hatred to a suicidal fetish.

A rigid inability to face an election that was lost and let it go is stark proof of an illness that has progressed to psychosis.

so..... we should ignore actual mental health professionals, and all the people who work with the orange sociopath and listen to uneducated, uninformed trumptards. :rofl:
Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung notwithstanding, the impact of their influence has been long supplanted by the emergence of psychotropic drugs in the 1950ā€™s and 60ā€™s. Recalcitrant schoolchildren are now chemically controlled like zoo animals and modern professional psychiatry has been in a credibility holding pattern for many decades.

Conversely amateur psychiatry is not only ubiquitous, it is rampant. Nowhere is this more evident than in contemporary politics and mass media. The president has come under fire in recent weeks from bush league psychiatry in the press and the political arena that has a nearly hysterical aspect to it.

Surprisingly a lot of jack leg psychiatry is being practiced by trained psychiatrists who are chiming in on the mental health of a president they have not examined or even met. This isnā€™t new. In 1964 When Barry Goldwater was running for president against Lyndon Johnson, Fact Magazine published a poll of nearly 1200 psychiatrists saying that Goldwater was psychologically unfit to lead the country. Not one of them had ever personally examined Goldwater.

Goldwater lost in a landslide and filed a winning suit against the magazine. This gave rise to section 7 of the American Psychiatric Associationā€™s (APA) Principles of Medical Ethics, better known as the ā€œGoldwater Ruleā€ stating that is unethical to make a clinical diagnosis or give a professional opinion without personally examining the patient.

Ethics, medical or otherwise, have been in short supply in our society and today they are apparently seen as optional, replaced by winning at all costs. Armchair psychoanalysis of a president is going to be on the table because the desperation of the losing side is as bottomless as it is intense.

Everything they had hoped for, all their dreams and the fundamental construct of their dearly held worldview came under threat when the president got elected. This drove them over the edge and they lost their sanity. This of course is an amateur psychiatric diagnosis but itā€™s as good as any.

They will not civilly and sanely step aside and accept reality. They will stop at nothing short of impeachment. Everything in their delusional toolbox is a weapon to dismantle the windmill of Donald Trump. Trump has gone from an object of their hatred to a suicidal fetish.

A rigid inability to face an election that was lost and let it go is stark proof of an illness that has progressed to psychosis.

so..... we should ignore actual mental health professionals, and all the people who work with the orange sociopath and listen to uneducated, uninformed trumptards. :rofl:
Trump is such a genius he outranks phd psychoanalytic doctors...
A rigid inability to face an election that was lost and let it go is stark proof of an illness that has progressed to psychosis.
Are you saying Tea Party/Birther crowd are psychotic?

Its funny liberals lost the House, Senate, and White House a trifecta of FAIL :eusa_dance:
and the GOP has done the same, what is the motivation for your lack of knowledge on the subject?

My motivation? To rub salt in the left's wounds, really grind it in there so it hurts. :muahaha:

You are a man after my own heart....

Are we having fun or what....
Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung notwithstanding, the impact of their influence has been long supplanted by the emergence of psychotropic drugs in the 1950ā€™s and 60ā€™s. Recalcitrant schoolchildren are now chemically controlled like zoo animals and modern professional psychiatry has been in a credibility holding pattern for many decades.

Conversely amateur psychiatry is not only ubiquitous, it is rampant. Nowhere is this more evident than in contemporary politics and mass media. The president has come under fire in recent weeks from bush league psychiatry in the press and the political arena that has a nearly hysterical aspect to it.

Surprisingly a lot of jack leg psychiatry is being practiced by trained psychiatrists who are chiming in on the mental health of a president they have not examined or even met. This isnā€™t new. In 1964 When Barry Goldwater was running for president against Lyndon Johnson, Fact Magazine published a poll of nearly 1200 psychiatrists saying that Goldwater was psychologically unfit to lead the country. Not one of them had ever personally examined Goldwater.

Goldwater lost in a landslide and filed a winning suit against the magazine. This gave rise to section 7 of the American Psychiatric Associationā€™s (APA) Principles of Medical Ethics, better known as the ā€œGoldwater Ruleā€ stating that is unethical to make a clinical diagnosis or give a professional opinion without personally examining the patient.

Ethics, medical or otherwise, have been in short supply in our society and today they are apparently seen as optional, replaced by winning at all costs. Armchair psychoanalysis of a president is going to be on the table because the desperation of the losing side is as bottomless as it is intense.

Everything they had hoped for, all their dreams and the fundamental construct of their dearly held worldview came under threat when the president got elected. This drove them over the edge and they lost their sanity. This of course is an amateur psychiatric diagnosis but itā€™s as good as any.

They will not civilly and sanely step aside and accept reality. They will stop at nothing short of impeachment. Everything in their delusional toolbox is a weapon to dismantle the windmill of Donald Trump. Trump has gone from an object of their hatred to a suicidal fetish.

A rigid inability to face an election that was lost and let it go is stark proof of an illness that has progressed to psychosis.

so..... we should ignore actual mental health professionals, and all the people who work with the orange sociopath and listen to uneducated, uninformed trumptards. :rofl:
Trump is such a genius he outranks phd psychoanalytic doctors...

Trump has sure put an ass whipping on you liberals..
Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung notwithstanding, the impact of their influence has been long supplanted by the emergence of psychotropic drugs in the 1950ā€™s and 60ā€™s. Recalcitrant schoolchildren are now chemically controlled like zoo animals and modern professional psychiatry has been in a credibility holding pattern for many decades.

Conversely amateur psychiatry is not only ubiquitous, it is rampant. Nowhere is this more evident than in contemporary politics and mass media. The president has come under fire in recent weeks from bush league psychiatry in the press and the political arena that has a nearly hysterical aspect to it.

Surprisingly a lot of jack leg psychiatry is being practiced by trained psychiatrists who are chiming in on the mental health of a president they have not examined or even met. This isnā€™t new. In 1964 When Barry Goldwater was running for president against Lyndon Johnson, Fact Magazine published a poll of nearly 1200 psychiatrists saying that Goldwater was psychologically unfit to lead the country. Not one of them had ever personally examined Goldwater.

Goldwater lost in a landslide and filed a winning suit against the magazine. This gave rise to section 7 of the American Psychiatric Associationā€™s (APA) Principles of Medical Ethics, better known as the ā€œGoldwater Ruleā€ stating that is unethical to make a clinical diagnosis or give a professional opinion without personally examining the patient.

Ethics, medical or otherwise, have been in short supply in our society and today they are apparently seen as optional, replaced by winning at all costs. Armchair psychoanalysis of a president is going to be on the table because the desperation of the losing side is as bottomless as it is intense.

Everything they had hoped for, all their dreams and the fundamental construct of their dearly held worldview came under threat when the president got elected. This drove them over the edge and they lost their sanity. This of course is an amateur psychiatric diagnosis but itā€™s as good as any.

They will not civilly and sanely step aside and accept reality. They will stop at nothing short of impeachment. Everything in their delusional toolbox is a weapon to dismantle the windmill of Donald Trump. Trump has gone from an object of their hatred to a suicidal fetish.

A rigid inability to face an election that was lost and let it go is stark proof of an illness that has progressed to psychosis.

so..... we should ignore actual mental health professionals, and all the people who work with the orange sociopath and listen to uneducated, uninformed trumptards. :rofl:
Trump is such a genius he outranks phd psychoanalytic doctors...

And let us not forget he's also smarter than Generals, Ph.D. Economists and high school students who passed civics\ (Sarcasm alert)
Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung notwithstanding, the impact of their influence has been long supplanted by the emergence of psychotropic drugs in the 1950ā€™s and 60ā€™s. Recalcitrant schoolchildren are now chemically controlled like zoo animals and modern professional psychiatry has been in a credibility holding pattern for many decades.

Conversely amateur psychiatry is not only ubiquitous, it is rampant. Nowhere is this more evident than in contemporary politics and mass media. The president has come under fire in recent weeks from bush league psychiatry in the press and the political arena that has a nearly hysterical aspect to it.

Surprisingly a lot of jack leg psychiatry is being practiced by trained psychiatrists who are chiming in on the mental health of a president they have not examined or even met. This isnā€™t new. In 1964 When Barry Goldwater was running for president against Lyndon Johnson, Fact Magazine published a poll of nearly 1200 psychiatrists saying that Goldwater was psychologically unfit to lead the country. Not one of them had ever personally examined Goldwater.

Goldwater lost in a landslide and filed a winning suit against the magazine. This gave rise to section 7 of the American Psychiatric Associationā€™s (APA) Principles of Medical Ethics, better known as the ā€œGoldwater Ruleā€ stating that is unethical to make a clinical diagnosis or give a professional opinion without personally examining the patient.

Ethics, medical or otherwise, have been in short supply in our society and today they are apparently seen as optional, replaced by winning at all costs. Armchair psychoanalysis of a president is going to be on the table because the desperation of the losing side is as bottomless as it is intense.

Everything they had hoped for, all their dreams and the fundamental construct of their dearly held worldview came under threat when the president got elected. This drove them over the edge and they lost their sanity. This of course is an amateur psychiatric diagnosis but itā€™s as good as any.

They will not civilly and sanely step aside and accept reality. They will stop at nothing short of impeachment. Everything in their delusional toolbox is a weapon to dismantle the windmill of Donald Trump. Trump has gone from an object of their hatred to a suicidal fetish.

A rigid inability to face an election that was lost and let it go is stark proof of an illness that has progressed to psychosis.

so..... we should ignore actual mental health professionals, and all the people who work with the orange sociopath and listen to uneducated, uninformed trumptards. :rofl:
Trump is such a genius he outranks phd psychoanalytic doctors...

Trump has sure put an ass whipping on you liberals..
Really, so the guy I voted for is kicking my ass by being an ass...Yeah that makes sense to someone with their nose buried up an old man's ass...Smells like victory huh cuck?
Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung notwithstanding, the impact of their influence has been long supplanted by the emergence of psychotropic drugs in the 1950ā€™s and 60ā€™s. Recalcitrant schoolchildren are now chemically controlled like zoo animals and modern professional psychiatry has been in a credibility holding pattern for many decades.

Conversely amateur psychiatry is not only ubiquitous, it is rampant. Nowhere is this more evident than in contemporary politics and mass media. The president has come under fire in recent weeks from bush league psychiatry in the press and the political arena that has a nearly hysterical aspect to it.

Surprisingly a lot of jack leg psychiatry is being practiced by trained psychiatrists who are chiming in on the mental health of a president they have not examined or even met. This isnā€™t new. In 1964 When Barry Goldwater was running for president against Lyndon Johnson, Fact Magazine published a poll of nearly 1200 psychiatrists saying that Goldwater was psychologically unfit to lead the country. Not one of them had ever personally examined Goldwater.

Goldwater lost in a landslide and filed a winning suit against the magazine. This gave rise to section 7 of the American Psychiatric Associationā€™s (APA) Principles of Medical Ethics, better known as the ā€œGoldwater Ruleā€ stating that is unethical to make a clinical diagnosis or give a professional opinion without personally examining the patient.

Ethics, medical or otherwise, have been in short supply in our society and today they are apparently seen as optional, replaced by winning at all costs. Armchair psychoanalysis of a president is going to be on the table because the desperation of the losing side is as bottomless as it is intense.

Everything they had hoped for, all their dreams and the fundamental construct of their dearly held worldview came under threat when the president got elected. This drove them over the edge and they lost their sanity. This of course is an amateur psychiatric diagnosis but itā€™s as good as any.

They will not civilly and sanely step aside and accept reality. They will stop at nothing short of impeachment. Everything in their delusional toolbox is a weapon to dismantle the windmill of Donald Trump. Trump has gone from an object of their hatred to a suicidal fetish.

A rigid inability to face an election that was lost and let it go is stark proof of an illness that has progressed to psychosis.

so..... we should ignore actual mental health professionals, and all the people who work with the orange sociopath and listen to uneducated, uninformed trumptards. :rofl:
Trump is such a genius he outranks phd psychoanalytic doctors...

Trump has sure put an ass whipping on you liberals..


but we do understand that trolls like you hate the country and only care that you think the orange treasonous sociopath makes liberals sad.

now be quiet, moron.
Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung notwithstanding, the impact of their influence has been long supplanted by the emergence of psychotropic drugs in the 1950ā€™s and 60ā€™s. Recalcitrant schoolchildren are now chemically controlled like zoo animals and modern professional psychiatry has been in a credibility holding pattern for many decades.

Conversely amateur psychiatry is not only ubiquitous, it is rampant. Nowhere is this more evident than in contemporary politics and mass media. The president has come under fire in recent weeks from bush league psychiatry in the press and the political arena that has a nearly hysterical aspect to it.

Surprisingly a lot of jack leg psychiatry is being practiced by trained psychiatrists who are chiming in on the mental health of a president they have not examined or even met. This isnā€™t new. In 1964 When Barry Goldwater was running for president against Lyndon Johnson, Fact Magazine published a poll of nearly 1200 psychiatrists saying that Goldwater was psychologically unfit to lead the country. Not one of them had ever personally examined Goldwater.

Goldwater lost in a landslide and filed a winning suit against the magazine. This gave rise to section 7 of the American Psychiatric Associationā€™s (APA) Principles of Medical Ethics, better known as the ā€œGoldwater Ruleā€ stating that is unethical to make a clinical diagnosis or give a professional opinion without personally examining the patient.

Ethics, medical or otherwise, have been in short supply in our society and today they are apparently seen as optional, replaced by winning at all costs. Armchair psychoanalysis of a president is going to be on the table because the desperation of the losing side is as bottomless as it is intense.

Everything they had hoped for, all their dreams and the fundamental construct of their dearly held worldview came under threat when the president got elected. This drove them over the edge and they lost their sanity. This of course is an amateur psychiatric diagnosis but itā€™s as good as any.

They will not civilly and sanely step aside and accept reality. They will stop at nothing short of impeachment. Everything in their delusional toolbox is a weapon to dismantle the windmill of Donald Trump. Trump has gone from an object of their hatred to a suicidal fetish.

A rigid inability to face an election that was lost and let it go is stark proof of an illness that has progressed to psychosis.

so..... we should ignore actual mental health professionals, and all the people who work with the orange sociopath and listen to uneducated, uninformed trumptards. :rofl:
Trump is such a genius he outranks phd psychoanalytic doctors...

And let us not forget he's also smarter than Generals, Ph.D. Economists and high school students who passed civics\ (Sarcasm alert)
He is so smart he outsmarts himself...
Did you miss the 1930's?


Calls for military coups
Running Felons as candidates
Criminal FBI protecting a criminal
Past President protecting a criminal
Calls for assassinations
Attempts to carry out assassinations
DNC candidate took bribes from Russia
Snowflakes marching / organizing for Russians
Liberal groups taking Russian money to spread racial division / hatred

Liberals have gone insane

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