Amazing new op-ed by Romney in the Washington Post

How many Romney threads can the American Communists post before some MOD condenses them?....But when Russia failed, Stormy failed, and even his NOT VISITING our troops in a war zone failed, this and 2 scoops of ice cream is all they have....Hey American Communists besides hating trump what PLATFORM are you running on....the let illegals in to sell drugs, rape and kill us.....?
Mitt Romney, writing for the WaPo: "The president shapes the public character of the nation. Trump’s character falls short"


To reassume our leadership in world politics, we must repair failings in our politics at home. That project begins, of course, with the highest office once again acting to inspire and unite us. It includes political parties promoting policies that strengthen us rather than promote tribalism by exploiting fear and resentment. Our leaders must defend our vital institutions despite their inevitable failings: a free press, the rule of law, strong churches, and responsible corporations and unions.

We must repair our fiscal foundation, setting a course to a balanced budget. We must attract the best talent to America’s service and the best innovators to America’s economy.
Opinion | Mitt Romney: The president shapes the public character of the nation. Trump’s character falls short.
Remember when you voted for president Romney?
But for losing the election Romney would have been Trump. He should not have forgotten the way he was treated. Or the way his wife was treated.
This is why politicians are distrusted. This guy was grovelling for the SOS position, he then had to leave his State to get a easy lay up in Utah. Now, instead of sitting with the president, he decides to pick at him through the WAPO.

Like McCain, he smiled when he was running, then he finds a reason to target him.

There is one fact you can be sure of, Trump now knows without question he can't trust this guy (I'm sure he knew this already). From the standpoint of putting America back on track and in a different direction, that a very good thing. At least now he knows where he stands, so Trump can now listen intently to him, nod his head, knowing full well whatever policy Romney is pushing, Trump will have no interest in supporting.
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This is why politicians are distrusted. This guy was grovelling for the SOS position, he then had to leave his State to get a easy lay up in Utah. Now, instead of sitting with the president, he decides to pick at him through the WAPO.

Like McCain, he smiled when he was running, then he finds a reason to target him.

There is one fact you can be sure of, Trump now knows without question he can't trust this guy (I' sure he knew this already). From the standpoint of putting America back on track and in a different direction, that a very good thing. At least now he knows where he stands, so Trump can now listen intently to him, nod his head, knowing full well whatever policy Romney is pushing, Trump will have no interest in supporting.

Trump tapped Mitt for..

Not a damn thing because he's a worthless politician.
Wow so the same Mitt Romney the left protrayed as basically Mister Burns from the Simpsons in 2012 will now become the token Republican they pretend to respect now that Jeff Flake is out the door.
He is arrogant, and a sore loser. It has surprised me how he has such disdain for Trump, yet his niece is a Trump fan.
Romney, as described in Army terms, is a candy ass, a pussy.
He is arrogant, and a sore loser. It has surprised me how he has such disdain for Trump, yet his niece is a Trump fan.

Mitt has a big ol' Mormon family. I highly doubt they think highly of him, McCain, or Obama.

Bias aside, even.
Mitt Romney, writing for the WaPo: "The president shapes the public character of the nation. Trump’s character falls short"


To reassume our leadership in world politics, we must repair failings in our politics at home. That project begins, of course, with the highest office once again acting to inspire and unite us. It includes political parties promoting policies that strengthen us rather than promote tribalism by exploiting fear and resentment. Our leaders must defend our vital institutions despite their inevitable failings: a free press, the rule of law, strong churches, and responsible corporations and unions.

We must repair our fiscal foundation, setting a course to a balanced budget. We must attract the best talent to America’s service and the best innovators to America’s economy.
Opinion | Mitt Romney: The president shapes the public character of the nation. Trump’s character falls short.

He’s got a point. But whatever character Mitt has was rejected by a national election.

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