Amazing new op-ed by Romney in the Washington Post

He is arrogant, and a sore loser. It has surprised me how he has such disdain for Trump, yet his niece is a Trump fan.

Mitt has a big ol' Mormon family. I highly doubt they think highly of him, McCain, or Obama.

Bias aside, even.
His niece, as her mother, I don’t believe to still be practicing Mormon’s
Belonging to a cult is something you have to practice?

Progressive Leftists are just as bad as the Alt Right.
There’s plenty of quotes and facts and video showing the hate that comes from the right.

But when the left is marching it’s for things like healthcare and human rights.

When the right marches it’s for things like burning crosses and Confederate monuments.

So it all comes down to which group do you identify with?

KKK Democrat. In the early 1940s, Byrd recruited 150 of his friends and associates to create a new chapter of the Ku Klux Klan in Sophia, West Virginia.
He is arrogant, and a sore loser. It has surprised me how he has such disdain for Trump, yet his niece is a Trump fan.

Mitt has a big ol' Mormon family. I highly doubt they think highly of him, McCain, or Obama.

Bias aside, even.
His niece, as her mother, I don’t believe to still be practicing Mormon’s
Belonging to a cult is something you have to practice?

Progressive Leftists are just as bad as the Alt Right.
There’s plenty of quotes and facts and video showing the hate that comes from the right.

But when the left is marching it’s for things like healthcare and human rights.

When the right marches it’s for things like burning crosses and Confederate monuments.

So it all comes down to which group do you identify with?
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He is arrogant, and a sore loser. It has surprised me how he has such disdain for Trump, yet his niece is a Trump fan.

Mitt has a big ol' Mormon family. I highly doubt they think highly of him, McCain, or Obama.

Bias aside, even.
His niece, as her mother, I don’t believe to still be practicing Mormon’s
Belonging to a cult is something you have to practice?

Progressive Leftists are just as bad as the Alt Right.
There’s plenty of quotes and facts and video showing the hate that comes from the right.

But when the left is marching it’s for things like healthcare and human rights.

When the right marches it’s for things like burning crosses and Confederate monuments.

So it all comes down to which group do you identify with?

What they march about is not my point. The Left suppresses free speech. For example they attack businesses who support the 2nd amendment, they call people who disagree with them.."racists, bigots, homophobes, transphobes and islamaphobes". They occupy Wall St., because they cannot pay $150k of college debt with a degree in music and its someone else's fault. I identify with logical people. Are you logical, deantard?

I had Antifa attack me for daring to go to a restaurant in Boston that hosted a 2nd amendment lobby the day before. I politely asked them to move and they would not. Well one person would not. So then I moved him and his pals got all bitter. The Left is just as violent as the Right. They are just as insane and just as delusional. The Progressive Left. Just as bad and violent as the Alt Right.
Mitt Romney, writing for the WaPo: "The president shapes the public character of the nation. Trump’s character falls short"


To reassume our leadership in world politics, we must repair failings in our politics at home. That project begins, of course, with the highest office once again acting to inspire and unite us. It includes political parties promoting policies that strengthen us rather than promote tribalism by exploiting fear and resentment. Our leaders must defend our vital institutions despite their inevitable failings: a free press, the rule of law, strong churches, and responsible corporations and unions.

We must repair our fiscal foundation, setting a course to a balanced budget. We must attract the best talent to America’s service and the best innovators to America’s economy.
Opinion | Mitt Romney: The president shapes the public character of the nation. Trump’s character falls short.

It looks like Romney is auditioning for the role of Flake/Corker. He barks like a Great Dane but acts like a poodle. He will complain about everything but will go along with everything Trump wants. He is a weak sister and nothing more.
Mitt Romney, instead of spending some time in the Senate, is already gearing up for another possible run for President. He is thinking this is the stepping stone he needs. What he forgets is it could if he actually were to spend time in the Senate, not immediately becoming an attack dog.
Republicans hate it when their own call it like it really is The world minus a few dotards, know trump is a low life pos
No, Dems love it when a GOP member makes such remarks, until said member then runs for president.
But still, you have to admit, Trump is a low life POS.
Mitt has a big ol' Mormon family. I highly doubt they think highly of him, McCain, or Obama.

Bias aside, even.
His niece, as her mother, I don’t believe to still be practicing Mormon’s
Belonging to a cult is something you have to practice?

Progressive Leftists are just as bad as the Alt Right.
There’s plenty of quotes and facts and video showing the hate that comes from the right.

But when the left is marching it’s for things like healthcare and human rights.

When the right marches it’s for things like burning crosses and Confederate monuments.

So it all comes down to which group do you identify with?

What they march about is not my point. The Left suppresses free speech. For example they attack businesses who support the 2nd amendment, they call people who disagree with them.."racists, bigots, homophobes, transphobes and islamaphobes". They occupy Wall St., because they cannot pay $150k of college debt with a degree in music and its someone else's fault. I identify with logical people. Are you logical, deantard?

I had Antifa attack me for daring to go to a restaurant in Boston that hosted a 2nd amendment lobby the day before. I politely asked them to move and they would not. Well one person would not. So then I moved him and his pals got all bitter. The Left is just as violent as the Right. They are just as insane and just as delusional. The Progressive Left. Just as bad and violent as the Alt Right.
You tell one lie after another and then you call them logical?
Mitt Romney says businesses are people my friend. Businesses are not people. They take over, they don’t reproduce. They go bankrupt, they don’t die.
It’s not a question of disagreeing with people Republicans hate. Republicans hate gays Muslims and blacks and a whole host of people. That cannot be denied.
And at least you admit the right is violent. 3/4 of all terrorist attacks in the country come from right wingers.
And anti-fa means anti-fascist. Which is why Republicans are angry they’re being pointed out as fascist. Why? Because they are. It’s not like they can deny it.
It looks like Mitt has decided to run for the GOP 2020 nomination for president through the pages of the Washington Post.

Good luck with that!

People only need remember Romney was taken down by comments of binders and riding with a dog strapped to the top of his car.

People want and elected TRUMP to be a don't fight wearing mittens.

Mitt Romney, writing for the WaPo: "The president shapes the public character of the nation. Trump’s character falls short"


To reassume our leadership in world politics, we must repair failings in our politics at home. That project begins, of course, with the highest office once again acting to inspire and unite us. It includes political parties promoting policies that strengthen us rather than promote tribalism by exploiting fear and resentment. Our leaders must defend our vital institutions despite their inevitable failings: a free press, the rule of law, strong churches, and responsible corporations and unions.

We must repair our fiscal foundation, setting a course to a balanced budget. We must attract the best talent to America’s service and the best innovators to America’s economy.
Opinion | Mitt Romney: The president shapes the public character of the nation. Trump’s character falls short.

Mitt Romney is not any kind of an "amazing" doer.

Maid Marion has a point here. There's nothing "amazing" about stating the obvious.
During the 2016 presidential campaign, Romney excoriated Trump as a "fraud" who was “playing the American public for suckers." Trump responded that Romney had “choked like a dog” in his unsuccessful 2012 campaign against Democratic President Barack Obama.

That's interesting since it's at such wide variance with what Rump was twitting at the time:

He is arrogant, and a sore loser. It has surprised me how he has such disdain for Trump, yet his niece is a Trump fan.

On what planet is a person and their neice, the same person? :wtf:

You actually think Mitt Romney is his own neice?
Makes ya wonder how the Utah Senate primary had turned out, had that craven coward written that last June, doesn't it?

Actually --------------- no. Romney was well-known to have called out Rump's fraud well before the (2016) election. This isn't new; rather it's consistent.
He is arrogant, and a sore loser. It has surprised me how he has such disdain for Trump, yet his niece is a Trump fan.

On what planet is a person and their neice, the same person? :wtf:

You actually think Mitt Romney is his own neice?
Uhhh, Mitt Romney’s niece is his niece, you know, Ronna Romney McDaniel.
Mitt Romney for all his graciousness, maturity and morality lost. He lost because Harry Reid lied about him. Then later smirked about how the lie prevented Romney's election. Romney, of course, was too much of a gentleman to call the Democrats on their lies.

We don't need a gentleman. These times need a street fighter. Thank God for Donald Trump. He is exactly what we need.
Romney lost when a hero recorded him saying it's not his job to care about 47% of Americans

That, and claiming "Jeep is moving to China" and then doubling down on it when the claim was shown to be bullshit.

That's why he lost Ohio and his own birth state of Michigan --- where the Jeep jobs were expanding.
He is arrogant, and a sore loser. It has surprised me how he has such disdain for Trump, yet his niece is a Trump fan.

On what planet is a person and their neice, the same person? :wtf:

You actually think Mitt Romney is his own neice?
Uhhh, Mitt Romney’s niece is his niece, you know, Ronna Romney McDaniel.

And that means two different people, right?

Now read your original post. I made the key word real big for ya.
His niece, as her mother, I don’t believe to still be practicing Mormon’s
Belonging to a cult is something you have to practice?

Progressive Leftists are just as bad as the Alt Right.
There’s plenty of quotes and facts and video showing the hate that comes from the right.

But when the left is marching it’s for things like healthcare and human rights.

When the right marches it’s for things like burning crosses and Confederate monuments.

So it all comes down to which group do you identify with?

What they march about is not my point. The Left suppresses free speech. For example they attack businesses who support the 2nd amendment, they call people who disagree with them.."racists, bigots, homophobes, transphobes and islamaphobes". They occupy Wall St., because they cannot pay $150k of college debt with a degree in music and its someone else's fault. I identify with logical people. Are you logical, deantard?

I had Antifa attack me for daring to go to a restaurant in Boston that hosted a 2nd amendment lobby the day before. I politely asked them to move and they would not. Well one person would not. So then I moved him and his pals got all bitter. The Left is just as violent as the Right. They are just as insane and just as delusional. The Progressive Left. Just as bad and violent as the Alt Right.
You tell one lie after another and then you call them logical?
Mitt Romney says businesses are people my friend. Businesses are not people. They take over, they don’t reproduce. They go bankrupt, they don’t die.
It’s not a question of disagreeing with people Republicans hate. Republicans hate gays Muslims and blacks and a whole host of people. That cannot be denied.
And at least you admit the right is violent. 3/4 of all terrorist attacks in the country come from right wingers.
And anti-fa means anti-fascist. Which is why Republicans are angry they’re being pointed out as fascist. Why? Because they are. It’s not like they can deny it.

If they are anti fascist why did they attack me? A Jew? You’re delusional broad brushing all Republicans like you did. What a terrible person you are. Worst person of all. A Progressive Leftist Terror tool.

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