Amazing new op-ed by Romney in the Washington Post

To quote The Dick Cheney --- "So?"

Are "Mitt Romney" and "Mitt Romney's niece" two different people, yes or no?

Did I sleep through the nuclear holocaust that destroyed the left hemispheres of everybody else's brain to the point where they can no longer discern individual entities from each other?
Who pissed in your Wheaties this morning, pogo? I wish you would take a break after lunch, for your own sanity. Lol

I accept your concession, ungraciously screaming and kicking as it is. Yes Virginia, they are two different people and as such, capable of two different actions.

If you don't wanna be called out on massive logical fuckups, then don't post 'em in the first place.
No concession from me, girl. If you want to keep at it, I will.
Though, I wouldn’t be surprised if it all eventually gets deleted for off topic. No, I will not report it.

My being surprised she speaks out so aggressively against her uncle she has previously supported, to support Trump, is an opinion, one which I have a right to have. Does it’d mean her as a woman because I show surprise? No. Only in your warped world.
Now, you may not like it. I could care less, dear.
Apologies for coming in late but why are we giving a shit about what Romney’s Niece thinks?
Since she came out in support of Trump over her uncle Mitt’s opinion piece, and is the head of the GOP, just might have something to do with it.
She is the RNC chair, it’s her job to support and defend her parties leader. I’m still not seeing the relevance in bringing up her support of Trump. Are we supposed to take her more seriously because she is related to Mit or does that somehow discredit his op ed? What’s the point here?
You are so obsessed you didn’t catch she ran Romney’s campaign.

Post #92-
The one being obtuse is you. His niece that helped run his campaign, now supports Trump.

To quote The Dick Cheney --- "So?"

Are "Mitt Romney" and "Mitt Romney's niece" two different people, yes or no?

Did I sleep through the nuclear holocaust that destroyed the left hemispheres of everybody else's brain to the point where they can no longer discern individual entities from each other?
Who pissed in your Wheaties this morning, pogo? I wish you would take a break after lunch, for your own sanity. Lol

I accept your concession, ungraciously screaming and kicking as it is. Yes Virginia, they are two different people and as such, capable of two different actions.

If you don't wanna be called out on massive logical fuckups, then don't post 'em in the first place.
No concession from me, girl. If you want to keep at it, I will.
Though, I wouldn’t be surprised if it all eventually gets deleted for off topic. No, I will not report it.

My being surprised she speaks out so aggressively against her uncle she has previously supported, to support Trump, is an opinion, one which I have a right to have. Does it’d mean her as a woman because I show surprise? No. Only in your warped world.
Now, you may not like it. I could care less, dear.
Apologies for coming in late but why are we giving a shit about what Romney’s Niece thinks?

Haven't you heard? Apparently they're Siamese twins, joined at the head. I for one never noticed. :dunno:
To quote The Dick Cheney --- "So?"

Are "Mitt Romney" and "Mitt Romney's niece" two different people, yes or no?

Did I sleep through the nuclear holocaust that destroyed the left hemispheres of everybody else's brain to the point where they can no longer discern individual entities from each other?
Who pissed in your Wheaties this morning, pogo? I wish you would take a break after lunch, for your own sanity. Lol

I accept your concession, ungraciously screaming and kicking as it is. Yes Virginia, they are two different people and as such, capable of two different actions.

If you don't wanna be called out on massive logical fuckups, then don't post 'em in the first place.
No concession from me, girl. If you want to keep at it, I will.
Though, I wouldn’t be surprised if it all eventually gets deleted for off topic. No, I will not report it.

My being surprised she speaks out so aggressively against her uncle she has previously supported, to support Trump, is an opinion, one which I have a right to have. Does it’d mean her as a woman because I show surprise? No. Only in your warped world.
Now, you may not like it. I could care less, dear.
Apologies for coming in late but why are we giving a shit about what Romney’s Niece thinks?
Since she came out in support of Trump over her uncle Mitt’s opinion piece, and is the head of the GOP, just might have something to do with it.

Gee whiz Wally I've never disagreed with my uncle about anything, ever.

Who pissed in your Wheaties this morning, pogo? I wish you would take a break after lunch, for your own sanity. Lol

I accept your concession, ungraciously screaming and kicking as it is. Yes Virginia, they are two different people and as such, capable of two different actions.

If you don't wanna be called out on massive logical fuckups, then don't post 'em in the first place.
No concession from me, girl. If you want to keep at it, I will.
Though, I wouldn’t be surprised if it all eventually gets deleted for off topic. No, I will not report it.

My being surprised she speaks out so aggressively against her uncle she has previously supported, to support Trump, is an opinion, one which I have a right to have. Does it’d mean her as a woman because I show surprise? No. Only in your warped world.
Now, you may not like it. I could care less, dear.
Apologies for coming in late but why are we giving a shit about what Romney’s Niece thinks?
Since she came out in support of Trump over her uncle Mitt’s opinion piece, and is the head of the GOP, just might have something to do with it.
She is the RNC chair, it’s her job to support and defend her parties leader. I’m still not seeing the relevance in bringing up her support of Trump. Are we supposed to take her more seriously because she is related to Mit or does that somehow discredit his op ed? What’s the point here?
Relevance has to do with the fact she actually spoke out against his opinion piece, even though she ran Mitt’s campaign for president in Michigan. She could have remained silent. She didn’t.
Now, if you have a problem with me expressing my opinion on a discussion board, then just put me on ignore, just as pogo can do as well, since you both seem to be of the party that can’t stand to have others think outside your own box and express themselves. If I am wrong about you in that, then prove it.
Who pissed in your Wheaties this morning, pogo? I wish you would take a break after lunch, for your own sanity. Lol

I accept your concession, ungraciously screaming and kicking as it is. Yes Virginia, they are two different people and as such, capable of two different actions.

If you don't wanna be called out on massive logical fuckups, then don't post 'em in the first place.
No concession from me, girl. If you want to keep at it, I will.
Though, I wouldn’t be surprised if it all eventually gets deleted for off topic. No, I will not report it.

My being surprised she speaks out so aggressively against her uncle she has previously supported, to support Trump, is an opinion, one which I have a right to have. Does it’d mean her as a woman because I show surprise? No. Only in your warped world.
Now, you may not like it. I could care less, dear.
Apologies for coming in late but why are we giving a shit about what Romney’s Niece thinks?
Since she came out in support of Trump over her uncle Mitt’s opinion piece, and is the head of the GOP, just might have something to do with it.

Gee whiz Wally I've never disagreed with my uncle about anything, ever.

See post #105. Then go get some much needed rest.
Who pissed in your Wheaties this morning, pogo? I wish you would take a break after lunch, for your own sanity. Lol

I accept your concession, ungraciously screaming and kicking as it is. Yes Virginia, they are two different people and as such, capable of two different actions.

If you don't wanna be called out on massive logical fuckups, then don't post 'em in the first place.
No concession from me, girl. If you want to keep at it, I will.
Though, I wouldn’t be surprised if it all eventually gets deleted for off topic. No, I will not report it.

My being surprised she speaks out so aggressively against her uncle she has previously supported, to support Trump, is an opinion, one which I have a right to have. Does it’d mean her as a woman because I show surprise? No. Only in your warped world.
Now, you may not like it. I could care less, dear.
Apologies for coming in late but why are we giving a shit about what Romney’s Niece thinks?
Since she came out in support of Trump over her uncle Mitt’s opinion piece, and is the head of the GOP, just might have something to do with it.

Gee whiz Wally I've never disagreed with my uncle about anything, ever.

If anything it shows how sad our current state of discourse is amoungst our nations leaders. Instead of respectfully stating disagreement with either the op ed or points made in the op ed she jumped right to the degradation tactics referring to her uncle as simply a freshman senator in a passive attempt to belittle. I know this is now par for the course, attack the person not their ideas, but it’s just pathetic. We need to do better.
I accept your concession, ungraciously screaming and kicking as it is. Yes Virginia, they are two different people and as such, capable of two different actions.

If you don't wanna be called out on massive logical fuckups, then don't post 'em in the first place.
No concession from me, girl. If you want to keep at it, I will.
Though, I wouldn’t be surprised if it all eventually gets deleted for off topic. No, I will not report it.

My being surprised she speaks out so aggressively against her uncle she has previously supported, to support Trump, is an opinion, one which I have a right to have. Does it’d mean her as a woman because I show surprise? No. Only in your warped world.
Now, you may not like it. I could care less, dear.
Apologies for coming in late but why are we giving a shit about what Romney’s Niece thinks?
Since she came out in support of Trump over her uncle Mitt’s opinion piece, and is the head of the GOP, just might have something to do with it.
She is the RNC chair, it’s her job to support and defend her parties leader. I’m still not seeing the relevance in bringing up her support of Trump. Are we supposed to take her more seriously because she is related to Mit or does that somehow discredit his op ed? What’s the point here?
Relevance has to do with the fact she actually spoke out against his opinion piece, even though she ran Mitt’s campaign for president in Michigan. She could have remained silent. She didn’t.
Now, if you have a problem with me expressing my opinion on a discussion board, then just put me on ignore, just as pogo can do as well, since you both seem to be of the party that can’t stand to have others think outside your own box and express themselves. If I am wrong about you in that, then prove it.
I don’t have a problem with you expressing your opinion I just don’t understand what it is you are trying to say. So she ran his campaign and is RNC chair and she spoke out against his op ed. Ok. What does that mean? What’s your point?
No concession from me, girl. If you want to keep at it, I will.
Though, I wouldn’t be surprised if it all eventually gets deleted for off topic. No, I will not report it.

My being surprised she speaks out so aggressively against her uncle she has previously supported, to support Trump, is an opinion, one which I have a right to have. Does it’d mean her as a woman because I show surprise? No. Only in your warped world.
Now, you may not like it. I could care less, dear.
Apologies for coming in late but why are we giving a shit about what Romney’s Niece thinks?
Since she came out in support of Trump over her uncle Mitt’s opinion piece, and is the head of the GOP, just might have something to do with it.
She is the RNC chair, it’s her job to support and defend her parties leader. I’m still not seeing the relevance in bringing up her support of Trump. Are we supposed to take her more seriously because she is related to Mit or does that somehow discredit his op ed? What’s the point here?
Relevance has to do with the fact she actually spoke out against his opinion piece, even though she ran Mitt’s campaign for president in Michigan. She could have remained silent. She didn’t.
Now, if you have a problem with me expressing my opinion on a discussion board, then just put me on ignore, just as pogo can do as well, since you both seem to be of the party that can’t stand to have others think outside your own box and express themselves. If I am wrong about you in that, then prove it.
I don’t have a problem with you expressing your opinion I just don’t understand what it is you are trying to say. So she ran his campaign and is RNC chair and she spoke out against his op ed. Ok. What does that mean? What’s your point?
Tag team is it? Lol
I expressed my surprise. In your and pogo’s world that is not allowed. Sorry, but in mine it is. This is a board designed for everyone’s thoughts and opinions, not just the ones you don’t agree with.
Is Romney running for president in 2020? Or 2024?

I suspect 2020, though if and only if the Republican Party comes to its senses and dumps Trump on the trash heap of history.

However, I suspect Trump will not run for the nomination, and will blame ill health - bone spurs - as his reason. Reality is his approval rating & within the GOP is on the road to nadir.
Is Romney running for president in 2020? Or 2024?

I suspect 2020, though if and only if the Republican Party comes to its senses and dumps Trump on the trash heap of history.

However, I suspect Trump will not run for the nomination, and will blame ill health - bone spurs - as his reason. Reality is his approval rating & within the GOP is on the road to nadir.
Sounds more like your hope. He has lost twice now, trying to run for president.
Apologies for coming in late but why are we giving a shit about what Romney’s Niece thinks?
Since she came out in support of Trump over her uncle Mitt’s opinion piece, and is the head of the GOP, just might have something to do with it.
She is the RNC chair, it’s her job to support and defend her parties leader. I’m still not seeing the relevance in bringing up her support of Trump. Are we supposed to take her more seriously because she is related to Mit or does that somehow discredit his op ed? What’s the point here?
Relevance has to do with the fact she actually spoke out against his opinion piece, even though she ran Mitt’s campaign for president in Michigan. She could have remained silent. She didn’t.
Now, if you have a problem with me expressing my opinion on a discussion board, then just put me on ignore, just as pogo can do as well, since you both seem to be of the party that can’t stand to have others think outside your own box and express themselves. If I am wrong about you in that, then prove it.
I don’t have a problem with you expressing your opinion I just don’t understand what it is you are trying to say. So she ran his campaign and is RNC chair and she spoke out against his op ed. Ok. What does that mean? What’s your point?
Tag team is it? Lol
I expressed my surprise. In your and pogo’s world that is not allowed. Sorry, but in mine it is. This is a board designed for everyone’s thoughts and opinions, not just the ones you don’t agree with.
So far you haven’t said anything in this discussion that I disagree with nor have I attacked you or expressed disagreement... I’ve only asked questions trying to understand what your point was. So don’t be so defensive. it sounds to me like it was surprising and interesting for you to see a family member go public against a family member and you just made that simple observation, is that right? Same observation with the conways when kelly Anne’s hubby goes public against trump, right?
Romney just can’t understand why Trump doesn’t cave in to the will of the democrats like he would do to keep peace and harmony on our road to socialism. Romney is the perfect example of a RINO. He never did the Republican Party any good and as President he would be a total failure, unless you’re a democrrat then you will praise him like no other.
Mr Trump, MAGA, you don’t need romney to make us great because you have the support of the majority of Americans.
Romney just can’t understand why Trump doesn’t cave in to the will of the democrats like he would do to keep peace and harmony on our road to socialism. Romney is the perfect example of a RINO. He never did the Republican Party any good and as President he would be a total failure, unless you’re a democrrat then you will praise him like no other.
Mr Trump, MAGA, you don’t need romney to make us great because you have the support of the majority of Americans.
Did you read the op ed? Your observations about Romney don’t have anything to do with the opinions he expressed.
Since she came out in support of Trump over her uncle Mitt’s opinion piece, and is the head of the GOP, just might have something to do with it.
She is the RNC chair, it’s her job to support and defend her parties leader. I’m still not seeing the relevance in bringing up her support of Trump. Are we supposed to take her more seriously because she is related to Mit or does that somehow discredit his op ed? What’s the point here?
Relevance has to do with the fact she actually spoke out against his opinion piece, even though she ran Mitt’s campaign for president in Michigan. She could have remained silent. She didn’t.
Now, if you have a problem with me expressing my opinion on a discussion board, then just put me on ignore, just as pogo can do as well, since you both seem to be of the party that can’t stand to have others think outside your own box and express themselves. If I am wrong about you in that, then prove it.
I don’t have a problem with you expressing your opinion I just don’t understand what it is you are trying to say. So she ran his campaign and is RNC chair and she spoke out against his op ed. Ok. What does that mean? What’s your point?
Tag team is it? Lol
I expressed my surprise. In your and pogo’s world that is not allowed. Sorry, but in mine it is. This is a board designed for everyone’s thoughts and opinions, not just the ones you don’t agree with.
So far you haven’t said anything in this discussion that I disagree with nor have I attacked you or expressed disagreement... I’ve only asked questions trying to understand what your point was. So don’t be so defensive. it sounds to me like it was surprising and interesting for you to see a family member go public against a family member and you just made that simple observation, is that right? Same observation with the conways when kelly Anne’s hubby goes public against trump, right?
You came in here after pogo had been ragging for quite awhile, trying to make a case that I was belittling a woman for having a different opinion than her uncle. She tried coming at me with anything she could think of, all ridiculous.
Yes, as I stated, being as she had actually spoken out immediately after having run her uncle’s campaign was a surprise. She obviously thought enough of Mitt to run his campaign in Michigan, yet she suddenly goes after him publicly when he attacked Trump. I expressed my surprise due to the previous dynamic.

Oh, and my opinion had nothing to do with the fact she is a woman. I would have said the same had it been his brother, in identical circumstances.
Last edited:
Is Romney running for president in 2020? Or 2024?

I suspect 2020, though if and only if the Republican Party comes to its senses and dumps Trump on the trash heap of history.

However, I suspect Trump will not run for the nomination, and will blame ill health - bone spurs - as his reason. Reality is his approval rating & within the GOP is on the road to nadir.
The Gop was declared dead in 1973, and Ford might have won in 76, and Reagan redrew the landscape in 80, so the gop isn't going anywhere.

but I suspect Trump wants to go down "fighting" for "the outnumbered" and more importantly his brand name. 2020 doesn't look good for the gop in any event. But a civil war doesn't really do any good unless the gop finds a new reason to exist. I find it difficult to think the "conservative party" in America is going to eschew financial globalism. But why do we defend Ukraine while Germany can't even find enough soldiers and money to field an air force and one lousy armored brigade?

Meanwhile, the Teaparty House actually wanted to cut federal spending during the 2008-9 Recession, in complete contrast to the Fed. And if anything doesn't argue for Fed independence I don't know what does, unless it's Trump wanting negative rates with no unemployment and a stock market staring at 30K with bonds at 3%.

And that's not to even mention the gop has no plan of covering pre-existing illeness folks, and they were for expanding Medicaid before Obama.

The supply side cuts of cutting rates for the 1% while their total tax bill increases ... as the deficits blow up even in good times .... is no way to govern.

In short, Trump is a symptom of the gop's disease of a lack of intellectual basis. Goldwater, Buckley and Reagan have no relevance to today's GOP. They are as irrelevant as Nixon and Eisenhower.
Romney just can’t understand why Trump doesn’t cave in to the will of the democrats like he would do to keep peace and harmony on our road to socialism. Romney is the perfect example of a RINO. He never did the Republican Party any good and as President he would be a total failure, unless you’re a democrrat then you will praise him like no other.
Mr Trump, MAGA, you don’t need romney to make us great because you have the support of the majority of Americans.

Mitt, one of the biggest two-faced swamp rats in DC reappears in predictable form. Someone said he is McCain-Flake-Corker rolled into one and nailed it.
The new darling of the Dems, predictably.
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She is the RNC chair, it’s her job to support and defend her parties leader. I’m still not seeing the relevance in bringing up her support of Trump. Are we supposed to take her more seriously because she is related to Mit or does that somehow discredit his op ed? What’s the point here?
Relevance has to do with the fact she actually spoke out against his opinion piece, even though she ran Mitt’s campaign for president in Michigan. She could have remained silent. She didn’t.
Now, if you have a problem with me expressing my opinion on a discussion board, then just put me on ignore, just as pogo can do as well, since you both seem to be of the party that can’t stand to have others think outside your own box and express themselves. If I am wrong about you in that, then prove it.
I don’t have a problem with you expressing your opinion I just don’t understand what it is you are trying to say. So she ran his campaign and is RNC chair and she spoke out against his op ed. Ok. What does that mean? What’s your point?
Tag team is it? Lol
I expressed my surprise. In your and pogo’s world that is not allowed. Sorry, but in mine it is. This is a board designed for everyone’s thoughts and opinions, not just the ones you don’t agree with.
So far you haven’t said anything in this discussion that I disagree with nor have I attacked you or expressed disagreement... I’ve only asked questions trying to understand what your point was. So don’t be so defensive. it sounds to me like it was surprising and interesting for you to see a family member go public against a family member and you just made that simple observation, is that right? Same observation with the conways when kelly Anne’s hubby goes public against trump, right?
You came in here after pogo had been ragging for quite awhile, trying to make a case that I was belittling a woman for having a different opinion than her uncle. She tried coming at me with anything she could think of, all ridiculous.
Yes, as I stated, being as she had actually spoken out immediately after having run her uncle’s campaign was a surprise. She obviously thought enough of Mitt to run his campaign in Michigan, yet she suddenly goes after him publicly when he attacked Trump. I expressed my surprise due to the previous dynamic.

Oh, and my opinion had nothing to do with the fact she is a woman. I would have said the same had it been his brother, in identical circumstances.
I never said a word about belittling women. You’re either making that up or you are confusing me with somebody else.
Relevance has to do with the fact she actually spoke out against his opinion piece, even though she ran Mitt’s campaign for president in Michigan. She could have remained silent. She didn’t.
Now, if you have a problem with me expressing my opinion on a discussion board, then just put me on ignore, just as pogo can do as well, since you both seem to be of the party that can’t stand to have others think outside your own box and express themselves. If I am wrong about you in that, then prove it.
I don’t have a problem with you expressing your opinion I just don’t understand what it is you are trying to say. So she ran his campaign and is RNC chair and she spoke out against his op ed. Ok. What does that mean? What’s your point?
Tag team is it? Lol
I expressed my surprise. In your and pogo’s world that is not allowed. Sorry, but in mine it is. This is a board designed for everyone’s thoughts and opinions, not just the ones you don’t agree with.
So far you haven’t said anything in this discussion that I disagree with nor have I attacked you or expressed disagreement... I’ve only asked questions trying to understand what your point was. So don’t be so defensive. it sounds to me like it was surprising and interesting for you to see a family member go public against a family member and you just made that simple observation, is that right? Same observation with the conways when kelly Anne’s hubby goes public against trump, right?
You came in here after pogo had been ragging for quite awhile, trying to make a case that I was belittling a woman for having a different opinion than her uncle. She tried coming at me with anything she could think of, all ridiculous.
Yes, as I stated, being as she had actually spoken out immediately after having run her uncle’s campaign was a surprise. She obviously thought enough of Mitt to run his campaign in Michigan, yet she suddenly goes after him publicly when he attacked Trump. I expressed my surprise due to the previous dynamic.

Oh, and my opinion had nothing to do with the fact she is a woman. I would have said the same had it been his brother, in identical circumstances.
I never said a word about belittling women. You’re either making that up or you are confusing me with somebody else.
That was regarding pogo’s attacks, not you. Sorry, if you misunderstood my response. I referring back to my previous post you to where I had mentioned it.
I don’t have a problem with you expressing your opinion I just don’t understand what it is you are trying to say. So she ran his campaign and is RNC chair and she spoke out against his op ed. Ok. What does that mean? What’s your point?
Tag team is it? Lol
I expressed my surprise. In your and pogo’s world that is not allowed. Sorry, but in mine it is. This is a board designed for everyone’s thoughts and opinions, not just the ones you don’t agree with.
So far you haven’t said anything in this discussion that I disagree with nor have I attacked you or expressed disagreement... I’ve only asked questions trying to understand what your point was. So don’t be so defensive. it sounds to me like it was surprising and interesting for you to see a family member go public against a family member and you just made that simple observation, is that right? Same observation with the conways when kelly Anne’s hubby goes public against trump, right?
You came in here after pogo had been ragging for quite awhile, trying to make a case that I was belittling a woman for having a different opinion than her uncle. She tried coming at me with anything she could think of, all ridiculous.
Yes, as I stated, being as she had actually spoken out immediately after having run her uncle’s campaign was a surprise. She obviously thought enough of Mitt to run his campaign in Michigan, yet she suddenly goes after him publicly when he attacked Trump. I expressed my surprise due to the previous dynamic.

Oh, and my opinion had nothing to do with the fact she is a woman. I would have said the same had it been his brother, in identical circumstances.
I never said a word about belittling women. You’re either making that up or you are confusing me with somebody else.
That was regarding pogo’s attacks, not you. Sorry, if you misunderstood my response. I referring back to my previous post you to where I had mentioned it.
I came into the conversation late and may have missed some parts. I apologized for that in my first post. Back to the topic. Do you think Mitts nieces comments help or hurt or have zero impact towards the validity of his Op Ed?
Mitt Romney, writing for the WaPo: "The president shapes the public character of the nation. Trump’s character falls short"


To reassume our leadership in world politics, we must repair failings in our politics at home. That project begins, of course, with the highest office once again acting to inspire and unite us. It includes political parties promoting policies that strengthen us rather than promote tribalism by exploiting fear and resentment. Our leaders must defend our vital institutions despite their inevitable failings: a free press, the rule of law, strong churches, and responsible corporations and unions.

We must repair our fiscal foundation, setting a course to a balanced budget. We must attract the best talent to America’s service and the best innovators to America’s economy.
Opinion | Mitt Romney: The president shapes the public character of the nation. Trump’s character falls short.

Mr. Romney says nothing about his own character here. His silence is deafening, as he failed to offer any excuses for the crimes the libs accused him of at Bain Capital or his support of Mormon discrimination against blacks back in the day, or the "fact" that he didn't serve in the Army and neither did his sons.

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