Amazing new op-ed by Romney in the Washington Post

Makes ya wonder how the Utah Senate primary had turned out, had that craven coward written that last June, doesn't it?
Nothing amazing about Mittens and his voicing his longstanding lust for government, for its legitimacy. Another egotist prince who thinks that he has a rightful claim to the crown and the power to rule.
After spending months fellating Trump and begging him for another swallow Romney's op-ed is embarrassing and cowardly.
Mitt Romney, writing for the WaPo: "The president shapes the public character of the nation. Trump’s character falls short"


To reassume our leadership in world politics, we must repair failings in our politics at home. That project begins, of course, with the highest office once again acting to inspire and unite us. It includes political parties promoting policies that strengthen us rather than promote tribalism by exploiting fear and resentment. Our leaders must defend our vital institutions despite their inevitable failings: a free press, the rule of law, strong churches, and responsible corporations and unions.

We must repair our fiscal foundation, setting a course to a balanced budget. We must attract the best talent to America’s service and the best innovators to America’s economy.
Opinion | Mitt Romney: The president shapes the public character of the nation. Trump’s character falls short.

Mitt poster boy for the Establishment reminding everyone: I'm here!

I wonder if he would be so anti-sovereignty of Muslims and Mexicans loved the ski slopes in Utah and decided to stay?
Mitt Romney for all his graciousness, maturity and morality lost. He lost because Harry Reid lied about him. Then later smirked about how the lie prevented Romney's election. Romney, of course, was too much of a gentleman to call the Democrats on their lies.

We don't need a gentleman. These times need a street fighter. Thank God for Donald Trump. He is exactly what we need.
Mitt Romney for all his graciousness, maturity and morality lost. He lost because Harry Reid lied about him. Then later smirked about how the lie prevented Romney's election. Romney, of course, was too much of a gentleman to call the Democrats on their lies.

We don't need a gentleman. These times need a street fighter. Thank God for Donald Trump. He is exactly what we need.
Romney lost when a hero recorded him saying it's not his job to care about 47% of Americans
WASHINGTON -- Mitt Romney, the former Republican presidential candidate and incoming U.S. senator from Utah, sharply criticized President Donald Trump and suggested the U.S. leader had caused dismay around the world.

In a Washington Post essay published on Tuesday evening, Romney criticized a number of Trump's actions in December.

"The appointment of senior persons of lesser experience, the abandonment of allies who fight beside us, and the president’s thoughtless claim that America has long been a 'sucker' in world affairs all defined his presidency down," he wrote.

He added that "Trump’s words and actions have caused dismay around the world."

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Romney suggested that "on balance, (Trump's) conduct over the past two years ... is evidence that the president has not risen to the mantle of the office."

Romney is staking out an independent position two days before he takes office on Thursday. It is unclear whether Trump will face a serious challenge in 2020 to securing the Republican Party's presidential nomination.

Trump last February endorsed Romney’s run for a Senate seat in Utah.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Romney excoriated Trump as a "fraud" who was “playing the American public for suckers." Trump responded that Romney had “choked like a dog” in his unsuccessful 2012 campaign against Democratic President Barack Obama.

Despite Romney’s prior criticism, after Trump won the presidency in November 2016, he briefly considered tapping Romney as secretary of state.

In his essay on Tuesday, Romney said he "will speak out against significant statements or actions that are divisive, racist, sexist, anti-immigrant, dishonest or destructive to democratic institutions."
Well, at last a Republican who hasn't quit (or dying) that is willing to speak out against the Orange Groper.
Mitt Romney is showing us why he would have been such a lousy president.

First he smashed Trump then once Trump won, Romney groveled and crawled trying to get attention from Donald Trump.

Romney, the master of predatory lending, said Trump was too greedy.

This is Rich. This is why I tell you guys I can’t make this stuff up. It writes itself.
Mitt Romney, instead of spending some time in the Senate, is already gearing up for another possible run for President. He is thinking this is the stepping stone he needs. What he forgets is it could if he actually were to spend time in the Senate, not immediately becoming an attack dog.
Mitt Romney, instead of spending some time in the Senate, is already gearing up for another possible run for President. He is thinking this is the stepping stone he needs. What he forgets is it could if he actually were to spend time in the Senate, not immediately becoming an attack dog.
Republicans hate it when their own call it like it really is The world minus a few dotards, know trump is a low life pos
Mitt Romney, instead of spending some time in the Senate, is already gearing up for another possible run for President. He is thinking this is the stepping stone he needs. What he forgets is it could if he actually were to spend time in the Senate, not immediately becoming an attack dog.
Republicans hate it when their own call it like it really is The world minus a few dotards, know trump is a low life pos
No, Dems love it when a GOP member makes such remarks, until said member then runs for president.
He is arrogant, and a sore loser. It has surprised me how he has such disdain for Trump, yet his niece is a Trump fan.

Mitt has a big ol' Mormon family. I highly doubt they think highly of him, McCain, or Obama.

Bias aside, even.
His niece, as her mother, I don’t believe to still be practicing Mormon’s
Belonging to a cult is something you have to practice?

Progressive Leftists are just as bad as the Alt Right.
Mitt Romney, instead of spending some time in the Senate, is already gearing up for another possible run for President. He is thinking this is the stepping stone he needs. What he forgets is it could if he actually were to spend time in the Senate, not immediately becoming an attack dog.
Republicans hate it when their own call it like it really is The world minus a few dotards, know trump is a low life pos
No, Dems love it when a GOP member makes such remarks, until said member then runs for president.
Dep the old saying the truth hurts applies to what Mitt said.....
Demoquacks lol. Hated Romney until he goes agsinst Trump....say the same with McCain. LOL

Transparent morons

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