AMAZING....Some R-W'ers actually like Sanders...

The fucktards such as yourself somehow believe that socialism is merely a fashion statement.

My retarded friend you will soon find out it will bring about misery and tyranny of greater proportions.

Tough to discuss an important issue with you.....Most of our allies are semi-socialists and somehow they don't see themselves miserable and under tyrannical rule..

Tell you what....Hug your guns and try not to vote.

You miserable piece of shit.

You don't mind tyranny so long as you are fed and made feel secured by the socialist state.

Producers and taxpayers can go fuck themselves.

Sweden and the Myth of Benevolent Socialism

Here's a nitwit who cites OTHER morons....The author of the "article" actually compares Sweden to Cuba and North Korea....what an IDIOT !!!! LOL (stay put in your trailer park and don't travel and shame other Americans.)

This would only make Sweden the exception which proves the rule. In other words, even if Sweden were heaven on earth, this fails to answer the question of why Cuba, China, North Korea, the USSR...
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They're also really, really scared of words they don't understand, words like "socialist." The attach one meaning to it and they freak out every time they read or hear it, :lalala: any attempt at reasoned conversation.

Most understand it just fine, and all attempts at reasoned conversation with socialists is impossible.

They won't support Sanders because they know if their like-minded friends found out they'd laugh at them.

They don't support Sanders because he's a blithering idiot.

But does he know how to fix his tags so he's not quoting himself?
they may like him. even my father says he could be friends with him.

but they'll never vote for him.

and trump's first ad will be the red army marching with hammers and sickles

Unfortunately you may be correct on the negative (and untruthful) ads against him......The U.S. voter will NEVER be "accused" of voting with their heads....instead they vote emotionally...which explains Trump's popularity.

i'm not talking about truth or falsity in the ads. i'm talking about electability. 70% of the country says outright that it would never elect a socialist president. and, frankly, much as i'd love to have Bernie at my Passover sedar, I don't think he could win. ...not to mention the fact that he's never been a democrat. he's always been an independent.
'm not talking about truth or falsity in the ads. i'm talking about electability. 70% of the country says outright that it would never elect a socialist president. and, frankly, much as i'd love to have Bernie at my Passover sedar, I don't think he could win. ...not to mention the fact that he's never been a democrat. he's always been an independent.

You're probably right.....and you bring out the overlooked fact that Sanders is Jewish and....given all the new-found love by conservatives toward'd think that...........(never mind)
'm not talking about truth or falsity in the ads. i'm talking about electability. 70% of the country says outright that it would never elect a socialist president. and, frankly, much as i'd love to have Bernie at my Passover sedar, I don't think he could win. ...not to mention the fact that he's never been a democrat. he's always been an independent.

You're probably right.....and you bring out the overlooked fact that Sanders is Jewish and....given all the new-found love by conservatives toward'd think that...........(never mind)

Bernie is a jewish liberal. we aren't neo-cons.

and they haven't started smearing him for being a jew yet....but they would if he were nominated, imo.

of course, I didn't think Obama would be president in go figure.
Bernie is a jewish liberal. we aren't neo-cons.

and they haven't started smearing him for being a jew yet....but they would if he were nominated, imo.

of course, I didn't think Obama would be president in go figure.

Fully agree.....From the right, the anti-Semitic rants would start subtly, and increase in pitch and shrill if Sanders were ever to be nominated.
In chatting with some of my right wing-leaning friends, some actually like or even admire Bernie Sanders.

So, what is it that keeps some republicans from translating that admiration into votes?

First and foremost, I've been told, is this somewhat misleading notion that the label of "democratic socialist" is an anathema in our culture....that we've been conditioned to presume that socialism equal communism and that capitalism would be wrecked by any social-leaning policies.....Yet, our military is a perfect example of a "socialist structure" and both social security and Medicare are the very definition of socialism. After all, many of our closest and well-governed allies function in a socialistic system.

The second, "problem" for backing Sanders is his age....Yet, he has a very good report on his health status, and seems as spry as virtually all other candidates. Our life span has considerably gotten longer, and even if Sanders were to serve only one term, his policies would set a standard that under a social democrat administration, many good factors....both social and economic.....could be improved.

So, what is the problem?

"Like" is a little too strong a word. "Respect" is probably a little closer. It takes courage to be an unrepentant socialist in the United States...democratic or otherwise. He stands up for what he believes because he believes it is the right direction for America, and has for as long as he has been in politics.

You have to have a grudging respect for that...even if you don't agree with him.

On the other hand, I have zero respect for Hillary. Her core beliefs are feather light, and align themselves whichever direction the political winds happen to blow. She has the "courage" to be in favor of whatever she believes she needs to be in favor of to get her into the oval office...where her situationally determined belief system will shift in whatever direction she triangulates necessary to position herself best in her new circumstance.
Most understand it just fine, and all attempts at reasoned conversation with socialists is impossible. /quote]

so spaketh a rightwingnut with whom no reasoned conversation is possible.

They won't support Sanders because they know if their like-minded friends found out they'd laugh at them.

not in my world. in my world if you said you were going to vote for trump, you'd make people vomit.

They don't support Sanders because he's a blithering idiot.

no. he isn't. you simply disagree with him.

No. It's all been tried before.
They're also really, really scared of words they don't understand, words like "socialist." The attach one meaning to it and they freak out every time they read or hear it, :lalala: any attempt at reasoned conversation.

Most understand it just fine, and all attempts at reasoned conversation with socialists is impossible.

They won't support Sanders because they know if their like-minded friends found out they'd laugh at them.

They don't support Sanders because he's a blithering idiot.

But does he know how to fix his tags so he's not quoting himself?

Those who check the original posts will see that it is YOU who either screwed up, or are playing a children's game.

In fact one you quote leads to another completely different post.
They're also really, really scared of words they don't understand, words like "socialist." The attach one meaning to it and they freak out every time they read or hear it, :lalala: any attempt at reasoned conversation.

Most understand it just fine, and all attempts at reasoned conversation with socialists is impossible.

They won't support Sanders because they know if their like-minded friends found out they'd laugh at them.

They don't support Sanders because he's a blithering idiot.

But does he know how to fix his tags so he's not quoting himself?

Those who check the original posts will see that it is YOU who either screwed up.

Look at the posts you just quoted. You're quoting my posts and attributing them to yourself. :cuckoo:
They're also really, really scared of words they don't understand, words like "socialist." The attach one meaning to it and they freak out every time they read or hear it, :lalala: any attempt at reasoned conversation.

Most understand it just fine, and all attempts at reasoned conversation with socialists is impossible.

They won't support Sanders because they know if their like-minded friends found out they'd laugh at them.

They don't support Sanders because he's a blithering idiot.

But does he know how to fix his tags so he's not quoting himself?

Those who check the original posts will see that it is YOU who either screwed up.

Look at the posts you just quoted. You're quoting my posts and attributing them to yourself. :cuckoo:

Go take your pills.
They're also really, really scared of words they don't understand, words like "socialist." The attach one meaning to it and they freak out every time they read or hear it, :lalala: any attempt at reasoned conversation.

Most understand it just fine, and all attempts at reasoned conversation with socialists is impossible.

They won't support Sanders because they know if their like-minded friends found out they'd laugh at them.

They don't support Sanders because he's a blithering idiot.

But does he know how to fix his tags so he's not quoting himself?

Those who check the original posts will see that it is YOU who either screwed up.

Look at the posts you just quoted. You're quoting my posts and attributing them to yourself. :cuckoo:

Go take your pills.

I should take pills because you're confused? How does that work exactly?
Socialist as understood everywhere but Pub hater dupe/cold war dinosaur country is ALWAYS democratic, and NEVER communism. The dupes are ridiculously confused on the meaning,
The dupes like Sanders because he is ACTUALLY honest- too bad they can't spot the hypocrisy of their GOP liars...ALL of them.
I love being registered as an independent. My tendency to vote Rpub still haunts me at times but not nearly as it did. I like "The Bern" and even feel I could support him in his drive to equalize treatment. I first voted when I turned 21 which was the law at that time. I was in Berlin, Germany watching the East Germans build a wall. Uncle Sam had asked me to go. At the time, if something was labeled "socialist" I was supposed to kill it when told to do so. Little did I realize that I was a member of one of the larger socialist organizations of the time, The United States Army. After retirement from that socialist life, I went to work for the largest provider of concrete, blocks and steel in the State of Florida. After witnessing first hand how upper management treated junior plant managers who had the guts to do something helpful for the workers, I decided civilian life was not what it was cracked up to be. So I went to work for another socialist organization, the USPS or United States Postal Service. They have unions and stuff to help the workers deal with management. Not a whole lot of blood letting as I witnessed in private industry. So when I listen to Bernie and his wish list for all citizens, it gets my attention. Will I vote for him, I cannot say at this point as "The Donald's" bluster also has my attention. But vote I will and my decision will be on what I consider the best option. What to do, what to do? We will just have to wait and see. But I do consider "The Bernie" genuine, honest and worth listening to. I intentionally left Hillary, Rubio, Cruz, Bush and a host of others out of this post.
OK, but imagine Nutty Old Uncle Bernie at the top of the Democrat Party ticket......

For VP......who would step up to play Martin to Bernie's Rowan?

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