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Amazon bans Holocaust denial books

irosie91 still waiting for you or ANYONE who believes in the holohoax to explain to me why the 6 million myth was being pushed as far back as the 1900's

demographic projections are VERY OFTEN fairly accurate. The CDC publishes such estimations for all kinds of plagues and disasters. The basis
for the demographic projections include numbers of persons at risk and virulence of the CAUSATIVE AGENT. -----whether it is flood, famine, disease or shit like you
irosie91 still waiting for you or ANYONE who believes in the holohoax to explain to me why the 6 million myth was being pushed as far back as the 1900's

demographic projections are VERY OFTEN fairly accurate. The CDC publishes such estimations for all kinds of plagues and disasters. The basis
for the demographic projections include numbers of persons at risk and virulence of the CAUSATIVE AGENT. -----whether it is flood, famine, disease or shit like you
Did you see all the photos I posted? It was pushed as LEGIT news....
“Should any member of the public find further offending works, please get in contact with us and we will report them using the appropriate channels.”

Just the start! They start with holohoax denial books I can only imagine what's next. Biographies of Hitler? Books critical of Israel or Jews? Books supportive of Palestine? I can only imagine.

In a 100 years, no one will see the word Palestinian, and if they do, they were horrible killers who tried to take over Israel.
A hundred years ago no one ever heard of a Palestinian either. So what's your point?

Yes there was a Palestine 2100 years ago, and before that the land of Canaan.
No, there was not. There were Philistines who lived in that region around that time, but there was no Palestine. And by the way, Canaan was around well more than 3000 years ago.

I personally find Holocaust deniers to be both offensive and obscene, but that of course is a subjective opinion.
I believe the majority of books included in the "Holocaust Denial" category do not actually attempt to deny the extermination effort ever in fact took place but rather they focus attention on a number of exaggerations and distortions associated with this historical event, some of which are sufficiently well documented as to arouse the spectre of denial.

In spite of all the impressive "evidence" the charge that the Germans manufactured soap from human beings is a falsehood, as Holocaust historians are now belatedly acknowledging. The RIF soap bar initials that supposedly stood for Pure Jewish Fat actually indicated nothing more sinister than Reich Center for Industrial Fat Provisioning (Reichsstelle fr Industrielle Fettversorgung), a German agency responsible for wartime production and distribution of soap and washing products. RIF soap was a poor quality substitute that contained no fat at all, human or otherwise.

Shortly after the war the public prosecutor's office of Flensburg, Germany, began legal proceedings against Dr. Rudolf Spanner for his alleged role in producing human soap at the Danzig Institute. But after an investigation the charge was quietly dropped. In a January 1968 letter, the office stated that its inquiry had determined that no soap from human corpses was made at the Danzig Institute during the war.

More recently, Jewish historian Walter Laqueur, "denied established history," by acknowledging in his 1980 book, The Terrible Secret, that the human soap story has no basis in reality. Gitta Sereny, another Jewish historian, noted in her book, Into That Darkness, "The universally accepted story that the corpses were used to make soap and fertilizer is finally refuted by the generally reliable Ludwigsburg Central Authority for Investigation into Nazi Crimes."

Deborah Lipstadt, a professor of modern Jewish history, similarly rewrote history when she confirmed in 1981, "The fact is that the Nazis never used the bodies of Jews, or for that matter anyone else, for the production of soap."

In April 1990, professor Yehuda Bauer of Israel's Hebrew University, regarded as a leading Holocaust historian, as well as Shmuel Krakowski, archives director of Israel's Yad Vashem Holocaust center, confirmed that the human soap story is not true. "Camp inmates were prepared to believe any horror stories about their persecutors," Bauer said. At the same time, though, he had the chutzpah to blame the legend on the Nazis.

In fact, blame for the soap story lies rather with individuals such as Simon Wiesenthal and Stephen Wise, organizations like the World Jewish Congress, and the victorious Allied powers, none of whom has ever apologized for promoting this vile falsehood.

Why did Bauer and Krakowski decide that this was the appropriate time to officially abandon the soap story? Krakowski himself hints that a large part of the motivation for this tactical retreat has been to save what's left of the sinking Holocaust ship by throwing overboard the most obvious falsehoods. In the face of the growing Revisionist challenge, easily demonstrable falsehoods like the soap story have become dangerous embarrassments because they raise doubts about the entire Holocaust legend. As Krakowski put it, "Historians have concluded that soap was not made from human fat. When so many people deny the Holocaust ever happened, why give them something to use against the truth?"

The bad faith of those making this calculated and belated concession to truth is shown by their failure to note that the soap myth was authoritatively confirmed at Nuremberg, and by their unwillingness to deal with the implications of that confirmation for the credibility of the Tribunal and other supposedly trustworthy authorities in establishing other, more fundamental aspects of the Holocaust story.

The striking contrast between the prompt postwar disavowal by the British government of the infamous human soap lie of the First World War, and the way in which a similarly baseless propaganda story from the Second World War was officially endorsed by the victorious Allied powers and then authoritatively maintained for so many years not only points up the dispiriting lack of integrity on the part of so many Western historians, but underscores the general decline in Western ethical standards during this

The human soap story demonstrates anew the tremendous impact that a wartime rumor, no matter how fantastic, can have once it has taken hold, particularly when it is disseminated as a propaganda lie by influential individuals and powerful organizations. That so many intelligent and otherwise thoughtful people could ever have seriously believed that the Germans distributed bars of soap brazenly labeled with letters indicating that they were manufactured from Jewish corpses shows how readily even the most absurd Holocaust fables can be -- and are -- accepted as fact.
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I think private business should be able to sell whatever they want or don't want. It was just my opinion that they should still sell the books (short of porn and x-rated) that some people might find offensive. I was coming from the line of thought that anyone can find offense in anything. The Holocaust DID happen. If people deny they are not only obscene, they are just not very intelligent. But as offensive as I find that it would not offend me if Amazon sold the book. Its OK that they don't though. It's their business.
Are you not at all concerned about why Amazon has chosen to remove this category of books from its inventory?
You saw movies of bodies!!!! So where does the 6 million number come from? THINK
That is one of several questions which give rise to the atmosphere of "denial." Arthur Butz, author of The Hoax of The Twentieth Century, which is one of the most prominent "Holocaust Denial" books, makes proficient use of such apparent flaws in what may be called the crime of the century.

I read this book because I wanted to see what the author had to say. Overall the book didn't influence my thinking at all but it was enlightening in some ways, which is why I resent Amazon's decision to yield to pressure from Israel.
Why was the holocaust myth even invented? The allies needed to distract people from discussing the MILLIONS OF CIVILIANS they killed by their policy of urban bombing. It's an ancient tactic. Absolve your crimes by making your victims look even worse.
Why was the holocaust myth even invented? The allies needed to distract people from discussing the MILLIONS OF CIVILIANS they killed by their policy of urban bombing. It's an ancient tactic. Absolve your crimes by making your victims look even worse.
Interesting perspective.

While I don't think what you've said was the singular source of impetus to sensationalize the Third Reich's extermination efforts and to transform the atrocity into something worthy of "Holocaust" museums in every nation and state and perpetuation via constant media-borne reminders, I do believe it had something to do with the initially vigorous publicity.

It is a reasonable suspicion and definitely something to think about.
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Again anyone that supports the idea that the holocaust did not happen is a retard a fool and an evil asshole.
In view of the mass of evidence that extermination was the objective of the Nazi's "Final Solution" effort it is rather foolish to suggest it didn't happen. But much of the so-called "holocaust denial" is in fact rejection of some aspects of the reported cruelties, such as the debunked myth of making soap from fat rendered from corpses, the popular practice of making lampshades from tattoos and other exotic barbarisms.

When exaggerations and outright fallacies start popping up they tend to cast a shadow of doubt on any and all accusations, thus the inevitable emergence of "holocaust denial" literature.
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You have to be a real simpleton to buy into the Holocaust never happened.

Not the issue. Why is amazon practicing book-burning.?
Maybe, just maybe.....they know trash when they see it....and just for the record, don't try and pull a Norstrom cue.......boycotting and shit....too many of us Love Us some Amazon......and I just became a gold member, just because they're burning shit...keep up the good work A
I think private business should be able to sell whatever they want or don't want. It was just my opinion that they should still sell the books (short of porn and x-rated) that some people might find offensive. I was coming from the line of thought that anyone can find offense in anything. The Holocaust DID happen. If people deny they are not only obscene, they are just not very intelligent. But as offensive as I find that it would not offend me if Amazon sold the book. Its OK that they don't though. It's their business.
Are you not at all concerned about why Amazon has chosen to remove this category of books from its inventory?

Feel free to explain.
If course it is. It's their business, their right to decide if they're going to carry or in any way promote a product.

No one disputes that. And we have a right to criticize amazon when they ban books for political reasons. THINK
You have to be a real simpleton to buy into the Holocaust never happened.
Do you believe in freedom of speech or freedom of research? About 100 Holocaust books have been banned by Amazon. If you had doubts about six million being gassed by the Germans in WW2 and you wanted to research it by buying a book from Amazon, then you won't be allowed to do that. That is the nature of Jewish power when they can pressure someone like Bezos to get the truth banned. Truth is not afraid of any analysis but a lie is.
The Jews claimed for 45 years on a plaque outside of Auschwitz that 4 million jews died there, this was accepted as fact by historians, governments for 45 years but it was a lie. They then put another plaque up in 1990 saying only 1 million died, but the six million figure still remains. The jews were claiming that 6 million jews are being persecuted 20 years before Hitler came to power. There is to many lies for it to be true but then again people in the U.S are brainwashed in your schools about the Holocaust so that is why you believe it.

Books advocating Satanism and sodomy, and denying the Allied holocaust against German civilians, and the Israeli holocaust against the Palestinians, continue to be sold by Amazon. The censorship is conducted under the rubric of "fighting hatred" and "combatting anti-Semitism." But this is just special pleading. Books evincing hatred for Germans, Arabs, Iranians and white southern "deplorables" are all on offer at Amazon, as are books denying that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. So it all depends on whose ox is being gored. It seems the Jewish ox is more special.
You have to be a real simpleton to buy into the Holocaust never happened.
Do you believe in freedom of speech or freedom of research? About 100 Holocaust books have been banned by Amazon. If you had doubts about six million being gassed by the Germans in WW2 and you wanted to research it by buying a book from Amazon, then you won't be allowed to do that. That is the nature of Jewish power when they can pressure someone like Bezos to get the truth banned. Truth is not afraid of any analysis but a lie is.
The Jews claimed for 45 years on a plaque outside of Auschwitz that 4 million jews died there, this was accepted as fact by historians, governments for 45 years but it was a lie. They then put another plaque up in 1990 saying only 1 million died, but the six million figure still remains. The jews were claiming that 6 million jews are being persecuted 20 years before Hitler came to power. There is to many lies for it to be true but then again people in the U.S are brainwashed in your schools about the Holocaust so that is why you believe it.

Books advocating Satanism and sodomy, and denying the Allied holocaust against German civilians, and the Israeli holocaust against the Palestinians, continue to be sold by Amazon. The censorship is conducted under the rubric of "fighting hatred" and "combatting anti-Semitism." But this is just special pleading. Books evincing hatred for Germans, Arabs, Iranians and white southern "deplorables" are all on offer at Amazon, as are books denying that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. So it all depends on whose ox is being gored. It seems the Jewish ox is more special.

Amazon can do what they please, stop whining.

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