Amazon+jobs=Shows truth that Democrats really know about taxes


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
And so, we have multiple examples from several different states, counties, and cities on the offer to Amazon to build their new 50,000 sq ft facility within their jurisdiction.

For this example of how lefties KNOW the truth, but lie to their constituents, I am going to use the offer from that den of liberalism, CHICAGO!

So what is Chicago's offer?Sources Say Amazon Incentives in the Ballpark of $2 Billion Well, why would Democrats offer a tax break to a very large, filthy rich, corporation? But wait, there is more-)

How in the world would the broke city of Chicago, and the broke state of Illinois.........both that do NOT have 2 nickels to rub together, come up with the money to hand over 2 BILLION to Amazon?

LOLOLOL, I am glad you asked, hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe! Well, they are very creative these leftists, along with the Republican governor, oh yes, yes. The WORKERS are going to finance it! How? Well, all the state and local tax that they get from the workers, will NOT go to schools, bridges, and roads, it will be diverted into the pockets of Amazon.Chicago offers to give Amazon the taxes that Amazon's workers pay

So, the NEXT time a leftist tells you that only THEIR tax policy makes sense, ask them why they are going to take TAX MONEY DIRECTLY from workers, and give it to a big corporation! The corporation the workers actually are employed at, lololol!

What this also shows you is------------>when push comes to shove, even the furthest FAR LEFTIST knows what to offer to get businesses near them. They can't say it out loud to often, because they end up proving the conservatives point that------->lower taxes, not only CREATE jobs, they get business to move to, or STAY in your jurisdiction! OMG, say it isn't so!

In other words folks, as always on everything, including taxes, LEFTISTS are phony-baloney, and are just doing a dog and pony show for their uneducated supporters.

But hey, if you don't like the Chicago example, Google the New Jersey offer! Maybe you would like the California offer! Or any other offer from a blue state. Guess what they ALL have in common-) TAX BREAKS, and lots of them!

As Red Fox used to say as he held his chest---------->"here comes the big one, I am coming Lisabeth!" That is correct, the left is a bunch of LIARS!

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