Amazon Moving HQ Out of Leftist Seattle

I'm telling you guys, call Amazon and the FBI and make sure this is on the up and up. My prediction is that this HQ goes to Canada. They've been talking about it off and on on CBC already, as if it's in the bag. If they do move North, you can thank the Canadian security apparatus for this one.

They recently added 200 warehouse jobs here, but this is entirely different. Maybe this will influence Trump and his economic advisers to understand the threat of tariff-less trade with socialist countries. Capitalist countries, based on Rule of Law, Due Process and liberty are a different story, socialist countries do not play by free market rules.

If you think Seattle is left wing, what do you think, Canada and Ontario are? LOL. Someone will get their palms greased. Say bye bye to 50,000 U.S jobs. This will not bode well even for the Democrats if it happens.

Amazon wants a second North American HQ and Toronto is applying for it

The company is asking local and state governments, including ones in Canada, to submit proposals for a development that will likely cost more than US$5 billion over the next 15 to 17 years and give the winning city or town an enormous economic boost. Amazon is already one of the biggest employers in Seattle and expects the new headquarters to house as many as 50,000 workers, many of them new hires.

Cities have until next month to apply through a special website, and the company said it will make a final decision next year.

Toronto Mayor John Tory said in a statement Thursday that city staff plan to put together a bid.

“I firmly believe that Toronto is a prime candidate to host Amazon’s second headquarters in North America,” Mayor John Tory told CBC News in a statement, citing the “bold, innovative” city’s technology talent.
They'll move to whoever cuts them the sweetest deals. Already everyone is tripping over themselves offering tax free havens and free land.
Seattle and Washington have long neglected the giant, and capitalism always wins in the end.

That's not capitalism, that's crony capitalism.

America needs a border tax, it's the only way to recover from $21T in debt, and the destruction of the middle class. You are subjecting American companies to socialist premises and they are looking out for their own investors rather than the long term safety and security of America.

For me to suggest a border tax is about as alien as can be, but I cannot see another way for America to remain solvent long term. There is a limit to globalization, when American businesses are pitted against foreign governments.
I'm telling you guys, call Amazon and the FBI and make sure this is on the up and up. My prediction is that this HQ goes to Canada. They've been talking about it off and on on CBC already, as if it's in the bag. If they do move North, you can thank the Canadian security apparatus for this one.

They recently added 200 warehouse jobs here, but this is entirely different. Maybe this will influence Trump and his economic advisers to understand the threat of tariff-less trade with socialist countries. Capitalist countries, based on Rule of Law, Due Process and liberty are a different story, socialist countries do not play by free market rules.

If you think Seattle is left wing, what do you think, Canada and Ontario are? LOL. Someone will get their palms greased. Say bye bye to 50,000 U.S jobs. This will not bode well even for the Democrats if it happens.

Amazon wants a second North American HQ and Toronto is applying for it

The company is asking local and state governments, including ones in Canada, to submit proposals for a development that will likely cost more than US$5 billion over the next 15 to 17 years and give the winning city or town an enormous economic boost. Amazon is already one of the biggest employers in Seattle and expects the new headquarters to house as many as 50,000 workers, many of them new hires.

Cities have until next month to apply through a special website, and the company said it will make a final decision next year.

Toronto Mayor John Tory said in a statement Thursday that city staff plan to put together a bid.

“I firmly believe that Toronto is a prime candidate to host Amazon’s second headquarters in North America,” Mayor John Tory told CBC News in a statement, citing the “bold, innovative” city’s technology talent.
They'll move to whoever cuts them the sweetest deals. Already everyone is tripping over themselves offering tax free havens and free land.
Seattle and Washington have long neglected the giant, and capitalism always wins in the end.

That's not capitalism, that's crony capitalism.

America needs a border tax, it's the only way to recover from $21T in debt, and the destruction of the middle class. You are subjecting American companies to socialist premises and they are looking out for their own investors rather than the long term safety and security of America.

For me to suggest a border tax is about as alien as can be, but I cannot see another way for America to remain solvent long term. There is a limit to globalization, when American businesses are pitted against foreign governments.
If I am selling you a car, lowering the price and offering you free service for three years is not crony capitalism.

I don't know what the head of Amazon likes, but I bet its palm trees and not snow drifts. You'd have to really cut a sweet deal for them.
I'm telling you guys, call Amazon and the FBI and make sure this is on the up and up. My prediction is that this HQ goes to Canada. They've been talking about it off and on on CBC already, as if it's in the bag. If they do move North, you can thank the Canadian security apparatus for this one.

They recently added 200 warehouse jobs here, but this is entirely different. Maybe this will influence Trump and his economic advisers to understand the threat of tariff-less trade with socialist countries. Capitalist countries, based on Rule of Law, Due Process and liberty are a different story, socialist countries do not play by free market rules.

If you think Seattle is left wing, what do you think, Canada and Ontario are? LOL. Someone will get their palms greased. Say bye bye to 50,000 U.S jobs. This will not bode well even for the Democrats if it happens.

Amazon wants a second North American HQ and Toronto is applying for it

The company is asking local and state governments, including ones in Canada, to submit proposals for a development that will likely cost more than US$5 billion over the next 15 to 17 years and give the winning city or town an enormous economic boost. Amazon is already one of the biggest employers in Seattle and expects the new headquarters to house as many as 50,000 workers, many of them new hires.

Cities have until next month to apply through a special website, and the company said it will make a final decision next year.

Toronto Mayor John Tory said in a statement Thursday that city staff plan to put together a bid.

“I firmly believe that Toronto is a prime candidate to host Amazon’s second headquarters in North America,” Mayor John Tory told CBC News in a statement, citing the “bold, innovative” city’s technology talent.
They'll move to whoever cuts them the sweetest deals. Already everyone is tripping over themselves offering tax free havens and free land.
Seattle and Washington have long neglected the giant, and capitalism always wins in the end.

That's not capitalism, that's crony capitalism.

America needs a border tax, it's the only way to recover from $21T in debt, and the destruction of the middle class. You are subjecting American companies to socialist premises and they are looking out for their own investors rather than the long term safety and security of America.

For me to suggest a border tax is about as alien as can be, but I cannot see another way for America to remain solvent long term. There is a limit to globalization, when American businesses are pitted against foreign governments.
If I am selling you a car, lowering the price and offering you free service for three years is not crony capitalism.

I don't know what the head of Amazon likes, but I bet its palm trees and not snow drifts. You'd have to really cut a sweet deal for them.

Here's the deal he should get. A border tax. Then let him know, "hey, Toronto seems like a great place for your headquarters".

This guy is already not in Trumps good books, Trump has stated that Amazon is impacting retail businesses to a great deal. Now, their business model is fine, its been bombarded with many fake Chinese accounts who steal and lie, but outside of that they can do what they want, but the government has to look at the long term National Security risks with empowering enemy states and risking an insolvency of which the void will be filled by BRICS.

America in the meantime needs to realize that again, it is global nation states targeting American businesses and desiring the destruction of America and individual liberty.
Retailers are to blame for their demise....they cut experienced positions, and reduced their inventories so bad you cant find jack shit anymore. I could not find watch batteries since the dept stores cut had them. I needed a photo holder to match my wallet....nada at the had them. Wanted a old fashioned rubber change holder for in my pocket....could not find them in any store but amazon had them.
I'm telling you guys, call Amazon and the FBI and make sure this is on the up and up. My prediction is that this HQ goes to Canada. They've been talking about it off and on on CBC already, as if it's in the bag. If they do move North, you can thank the Canadian security apparatus for this one.

They recently added 200 warehouse jobs here, but this is entirely different. Maybe this will influence Trump and his economic advisers to understand the threat of tariff-less trade with socialist countries. Capitalist countries, based on Rule of Law, Due Process and liberty are a different story, socialist countries do not play by free market rules.

If you think Seattle is left wing, what do you think, Canada and Ontario are? LOL. Someone will get their palms greased. Say bye bye to 50,000 U.S jobs. This will not bode well even for the Democrats if it happens.

Amazon wants a second North American HQ and Toronto is applying for it

The company is asking local and state governments, including ones in Canada, to submit proposals for a development that will likely cost more than US$5 billion over the next 15 to 17 years and give the winning city or town an enormous economic boost. Amazon is already one of the biggest employers in Seattle and expects the new headquarters to house as many as 50,000 workers, many of them new hires.

Cities have until next month to apply through a special website, and the company said it will make a final decision next year.

Toronto Mayor John Tory said in a statement Thursday that city staff plan to put together a bid.

“I firmly believe that Toronto is a prime candidate to host Amazon’s second headquarters in North America,” Mayor John Tory told CBC News in a statement, citing the “bold, innovative” city’s technology talent.
They'll move to whoever cuts them the sweetest deals..

Except of course they aren't moving- they are thinking of opening up a second HQ.

The HQ will be wherever Bezos wants to live and work.
I'm telling you guys, call Amazon and the FBI and make sure this is on the up and up. My prediction is that this HQ goes to Canada. They've been talking about it off and on on CBC already, as if it's in the bag. If they do move North, you can thank the Canadian security apparatus for this one.

They recently added 200 warehouse jobs here, but this is entirely different. Maybe this will influence Trump and his economic advisers to understand the threat of tariff-less trade with socialist countries. Capitalist countries, based on Rule of Law, Due Process and liberty are a different story, socialist countries do not play by free market rules.

If you think Seattle is left wing, what do you think, Canada and Ontario are? LOL. Someone will get their palms greased. Say bye bye to 50,000 U.S jobs. This will not bode well even for the Democrats if it happens.

Amazon wants a second North American HQ and Toronto is applying for it

The company is asking local and state governments, including ones in Canada, to submit proposals for a development that will likely cost more than US$5 billion over the next 15 to 17 years and give the winning city or town an enormous economic boost. Amazon is already one of the biggest employers in Seattle and expects the new headquarters to house as many as 50,000 workers, many of them new hires.

Cities have until next month to apply through a special website, and the company said it will make a final decision next year.

Toronto Mayor John Tory said in a statement Thursday that city staff plan to put together a bid.

“I firmly believe that Toronto is a prime candidate to host Amazon’s second headquarters in North America,” Mayor John Tory told CBC News in a statement, citing the “bold, innovative” city’s technology talent.
They'll move to whoever cuts them the sweetest deals..

Except of course they aren't moving- they are thinking of opening up a second HQ.

The HQ will be wherever Bezos wants to live and work.
Yeah, two equal headquarters they say.

I'm telling you guys, call Amazon and the FBI and make sure this is on the up and up. My prediction is that this HQ goes to Canada. They've been talking about it off and on on CBC already, as if it's in the bag. If they do move North, you can thank the Canadian security apparatus for this one.

They recently added 200 warehouse jobs here, but this is entirely different. Maybe this will influence Trump and his economic advisers to understand the threat of tariff-less trade with socialist countries. Capitalist countries, based on Rule of Law, Due Process and liberty are a different story, socialist countries do not play by free market rules.

If you think Seattle is left wing, what do you think, Canada and Ontario are? LOL. Someone will get their palms greased. Say bye bye to 50,000 U.S jobs. This will not bode well even for the Democrats if it happens.

Amazon wants a second North American HQ and Toronto is applying for it

The company is asking local and state governments, including ones in Canada, to submit proposals for a development that will likely cost more than US$5 billion over the next 15 to 17 years and give the winning city or town an enormous economic boost. Amazon is already one of the biggest employers in Seattle and expects the new headquarters to house as many as 50,000 workers, many of them new hires.

Cities have until next month to apply through a special website, and the company said it will make a final decision next year.

Toronto Mayor John Tory said in a statement Thursday that city staff plan to put together a bid.

“I firmly believe that Toronto is a prime candidate to host Amazon’s second headquarters in North America,” Mayor John Tory told CBC News in a statement, citing the “bold, innovative” city’s technology talent.
They'll move to whoever cuts them the sweetest deals..

Except of course they aren't moving- they are thinking of opening up a second HQ.

The HQ will be wherever Bezos wants to live and work.
Yeah, two equal headquarters they say.]

I worked for a company once that had- and still has- three headquarters across the United States- all serving different functions for the company.

The real headquarters is wherever the CEO resides at- again it will be wherever Bezos wants to live.
I'm telling you guys, call Amazon and the FBI and make sure this is on the up and up. My prediction is that this HQ goes to Canada. They've been talking about it off and on on CBC already, as if it's in the bag. If they do move North, you can thank the Canadian security apparatus for this one.

They recently added 200 warehouse jobs here, but this is entirely different. Maybe this will influence Trump and his economic advisers to understand the threat of tariff-less trade with socialist countries. Capitalist countries, based on Rule of Law, Due Process and liberty are a different story, socialist countries do not play by free market rules.

If you think Seattle is left wing, what do you think, Canada and Ontario are? LOL. Someone will get their palms greased. Say bye bye to 50,000 U.S jobs. This will not bode well even for the Democrats if it happens.

Amazon wants a second North American HQ and Toronto is applying for it

The company is asking local and state governments, including ones in Canada, to submit proposals for a development that will likely cost more than US$5 billion over the next 15 to 17 years and give the winning city or town an enormous economic boost. Amazon is already one of the biggest employers in Seattle and expects the new headquarters to house as many as 50,000 workers, many of them new hires.

Cities have until next month to apply through a special website, and the company said it will make a final decision next year.

Toronto Mayor John Tory said in a statement Thursday that city staff plan to put together a bid.

“I firmly believe that Toronto is a prime candidate to host Amazon’s second headquarters in North America,” Mayor John Tory told CBC News in a statement, citing the “bold, innovative” city’s technology talent.
They'll move to whoever cuts them the sweetest deals..

Except of course they aren't moving- they are thinking of opening up a second HQ.

The HQ will be wherever Bezos wants to live and work.
Yeah, two equal headquarters they say.]

I worked for a company once that had- and still has- three headquarters across the United States- all serving different functions for the company.

The real headquarters is wherever the CEO resides at- again it will be wherever Bezos wants to live.
Someone has to be subservient. Amazon claims they will be equal. That is impossible and would be a disaster.
But it will not be a disaster because as soon as the second facility is up and running they announce closure of Seattle.
I'm telling you guys, call Amazon and the FBI and make sure this is on the up and up. My prediction is that this HQ goes to Canada. They've been talking about it off and on on CBC already, as if it's in the bag. If they do move North, you can thank the Canadian security apparatus for this one.

They recently added 200 warehouse jobs here, but this is entirely different. Maybe this will influence Trump and his economic advisers to understand the threat of tariff-less trade with socialist countries. Capitalist countries, based on Rule of Law, Due Process and liberty are a different story, socialist countries do not play by free market rules.

If you think Seattle is left wing, what do you think, Canada and Ontario are? LOL. Someone will get their palms greased. Say bye bye to 50,000 U.S jobs. This will not bode well even for the Democrats if it happens.

Amazon wants a second North American HQ and Toronto is applying for it

The company is asking local and state governments, including ones in Canada, to submit proposals for a development that will likely cost more than US$5 billion over the next 15 to 17 years and give the winning city or town an enormous economic boost. Amazon is already one of the biggest employers in Seattle and expects the new headquarters to house as many as 50,000 workers, many of them new hires.

Cities have until next month to apply through a special website, and the company said it will make a final decision next year.

Toronto Mayor John Tory said in a statement Thursday that city staff plan to put together a bid.

“I firmly believe that Toronto is a prime candidate to host Amazon’s second headquarters in North America,” Mayor John Tory told CBC News in a statement, citing the “bold, innovative” city’s technology talent.
They'll move to whoever cuts them the sweetest deals..

Except of course they aren't moving- they are thinking of opening up a second HQ.

The HQ will be wherever Bezos wants to live and work.
Yeah, two equal headquarters they say.]

I worked for a company once that had- and still has- three headquarters across the United States- all serving different functions for the company.

The real headquarters is wherever the CEO resides at- again it will be wherever Bezos wants to live.
Someone has to be subservient. Amazon claims they will be equal. That is impossible and would be a disaster.
But it will not be a disaster because as soon as the second facility is up and running they announce closure of Seattle.

Because "everybody knows", right?

I'm telling you guys, call Amazon and the FBI and make sure this is on the up and up. My prediction is that this HQ goes to Canada. They've been talking about it off and on on CBC already, as if it's in the bag. If they do move North, you can thank the Canadian security apparatus for this one.

They recently added 200 warehouse jobs here, but this is entirely different. Maybe this will influence Trump and his economic advisers to understand the threat of tariff-less trade with socialist countries. Capitalist countries, based on Rule of Law, Due Process and liberty are a different story, socialist countries do not play by free market rules.

If you think Seattle is left wing, what do you think, Canada and Ontario are? LOL. Someone will get their palms greased. Say bye bye to 50,000 U.S jobs. This will not bode well even for the Democrats if it happens.

Amazon wants a second North American HQ and Toronto is applying for it

The company is asking local and state governments, including ones in Canada, to submit proposals for a development that will likely cost more than US$5 billion over the next 15 to 17 years and give the winning city or town an enormous economic boost. Amazon is already one of the biggest employers in Seattle and expects the new headquarters to house as many as 50,000 workers, many of them new hires.

Cities have until next month to apply through a special website, and the company said it will make a final decision next year.

Toronto Mayor John Tory said in a statement Thursday that city staff plan to put together a bid.

“I firmly believe that Toronto is a prime candidate to host Amazon’s second headquarters in North America,” Mayor John Tory told CBC News in a statement, citing the “bold, innovative” city’s technology talent.
They'll move to whoever cuts them the sweetest deals..

Except of course they aren't moving- they are thinking of opening up a second HQ.

The HQ will be wherever Bezos wants to live and work.
Yeah, two equal headquarters they say.]

I worked for a company once that had- and still has- three headquarters across the United States- all serving different functions for the company.

The real headquarters is wherever the CEO resides at- again it will be wherever Bezos wants to live.

But it will not be a disaster because as soon as the second facility is up and running they announce closure of Seattle.

Is that what the voices in your head keep telling you?


The Headquarters will be where Jeff Bezos wants to live.

He is a tech guy- and Amazon is a tech company- so Amazon will be where Bezos wants to be- and he will be where the talent is.

Seattle- Silicon Valley- Raleigh/Durham

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