Amazons a piece of shit company

Not that I'm a Walmart fan ...but I'm glad they're kicking Amazon in the nuts

They offered the homeowner a 75dollar gift card until the homeowners filed a police report

Dei needs to stop

I watched the video.
she didn't know any better.
IM2 do you agree?
I wish this lady worked for my company! She is working her ass off, and knows that there is nothing in the parcel that can be broken.

Amazon is a fantastic company, wildly successful, and be best example EVER of a company "turning on a dime" to be successful. It was founded for one purpose: to be an alternative to Barnes & Noble and Borders, by selling BOOKS by mail, thus saving themselves the cost of brick and mortar stores. When that proved unprofitable, they expanded (over a period of years) in to selling anything portable, and providing a level of service that had never been seen before out side of exorbitant overnight delivery services.

A great American success story.
I wish this lady worked for my company! She is working her ass off, and knows that there is nothing in the parcel that can be broken.

Amazon is a fantastic company, wildly successful, and be best example EVER of a company "turning on a dime" to be successful. It was founded for one purpose: to be an alternative to Barnes & Noble and Borders, by selling BOOKS by mail, thus saving themselves the cost of brick and mortar stores. When that proved unprofitable, they expanded (over a period of years) in to selling anything portable, and providing a level of service that had never been seen before out side of exorbitant overnight delivery services.

A great American success story.
^^^ He's right.
I dont have a problem with amazon. I order from them all the time. And if im not satisfied, they will fix it.
I also thought pre-fab houses was a relatively new thing. Wow.
^^^ He's right.
no he is not marc.....she was probably pretty new.....and was already acquiring bad habits like pulling into a driveway and hitting the lawn,getting out of the truck with the engine running,not having control of the truck when backing,backing up is usually frowned upon,and most of all....leaving the scene of damage you caused...yea im sure she is gone.....even a union would hard pressed to save her job....
I wish this lady worked for my company! She is working her ass off, and knows that there is nothing in the parcel that can be broken.

Amazon is a fantastic company, wildly successful, and be best example EVER of a company "turning on a dime" to be successful. It was founded for one purpose: to be an alternative to Barnes & Noble and Borders, by selling BOOKS by mail, thus saving themselves the cost of brick and mortar stores. When that proved unprofitable, they expanded (over a period of years) in to selling anything portable, and providing a level of service that had never been seen before out side of exorbitant overnight delivery services.

A great American success story.
its Technofeudalism. Both employees and customers are serfs.

Jeff (Bezos, the owner of Amazon) doesn’t produce capital, he argues. He charges rent. Which isn’t capitalism, it’s feudalism. And us? We’re the serfs. “Cloud serfs”
no he is not marc.....she was probably pretty new.....and was already acquiring bad habits like pulling into a driveway and hitting the lawn,getting out of the truck with the engine running,not having control of the truck when backing,backing up is usually frowned upon,and most of all....leaving the scene of damage you caused...yea im sure she is gone.....even a union would hard pressed to save her job....
Right, you CHOOSE to view it in the worst light possible, perhaps due to your feelings about Black Americans in general, who knows, but that position is a CHOICE you're making.

I and DGS49 have chosen not to view her in such a negative light. Not excusing her actions, but understanding what must have been going on in her mind. She panicked and fled, that's a human response.

Proceed in demonizing her.
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Right, you choose to view it in the worse light possible, possibly due to your feelings about Black Americans in general, who knows, but that position is a CHOICE you're making.

I and DGS49 have chosen not to view her in such a negative light. Not excusing her actions, but understanding what must have been going on in her mind. She panicked and fled, that's a human response.

Proceed in demonizing her.
lol....give me a break marc why is it racial?....i did what she is doing for 33 years marc....she did everything wrong including delivering the package...feelings about blacks?....i went to school with blacks...i played sports with blacks....i worked with blacks....2 of them me and my wife used to see outside of feelings towards blacks is the same about whites and brown people....each color has lots of assholes but the good people in them outweigh the bad ones.....
lol....give me a break marc why is it racial?....i did what she is doing for 33 years marc....she did everything wrong including delivering the package...feelings about blacks?....i went to school with blacks...i played sports with blacks....i worked with blacks....2 of them me and my wife used to see outside of feelings towards blacks is the same about whites and brown people....each color has lots of assholes but the good people in them outweigh the bad ones.....
Sounds nice.

That said, I'm not going to demonize her, I'm sure she lost her, much-needed, job over it.
One bad driver doesn’t mean the whole company sucks.

It does when they hire incompetent people on a consistent basis.

I'd had just leave stuff in my driveway and seen them driving around like it was the first time they were behind the wheel, leave packages for me at the neighbors house several doors down, left stuff in my driveway or sidewalk instead of at the door under the porch.

Never seen ups do any of that in my life. I'm sure they have their fair share of bad drivers but their ratio is way below that of Amazon.

Ups drivers always dress professionally as well, I've seen Amazon drivers in pajama pants and crocs before.

Main difference is ups tends to prefer military personnel for their drivers and a lot of them become drivers after loading trucks for a while. So they tend to get better candidates than just hiring anyone that walks in off the street and give them van keys.
I thought that maybe they were delivering an another crackerbox McMansion.....You know, like Sears sold houses back in the day. :laughing0301:
There is a section of Columbus, Ohio called Clintonville with a bunch of them. The locals seem to really like them. It is considered a desirable area to live.
It does when they hire incompetent people on a consistent basis.

I'd had just leave stuff in my driveway and seen them driving around like it was the first time they were behind the wheel, leave packages for me at the neighbors house several doors down, left stuff in my driveway or sidewalk instead of at the door under the porch.

Never seen ups do any of that in my life. I'm sure they have their fair share of bad drivers but their ratio is way below that of Amazon.

Ups drivers always dress professionally as well, I've seen Amazon drivers in pajama pants and crocs before.

Main difference is ups tends to prefer military personnel for their drivers and a lot of them become drivers after loading trucks for a while. So they tend to get better candidates than just hiring anyone that walks in off the street and give them van keys.

Most Amazon drivers are not Amazon employees.

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