Ambassador: UK to provide twice the promised Challenger 2 tanks to Ukraine


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
The UK will give 28 Challenger 2 main battle tanks instead of the earlier promised 14, Ukrainian Ambassador to the U.K. Vadym Prystaiko told Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty in an interview.

"If we were promised 14 tanks, then as a result of President (Volodymyr) Zelensky's visit, that number will double," Prystaiko was quoted as saying.

Prystaiko said that the U.K. is talking to Ukraine, not in terms of what specific platforms it needs, but what battlefield challenges it intends to solve.

The UK pledged the Challenger 2s as part of the Western allies’ assistance package. Multiple countries promised to send dozens of German-made Leopard 2 tanks, and the U.S. promised to send 31 Abrams tanks later this year.

While Russia is losing 150 tanks a month and can only build 20 news a month, Ukraine's allies are helping to grow Ukraine's armored force with tanks that are superior to anything Russia has. No wonder Putin is in such a bad mood.
Funny how they keep telling us how Russia is beaten and falling apart yet every week they decide they need to keep sending more, and yet more and more stuff to Ukraine!

All stuff not being SOLD to Ukraine, just given away with no tracking or accounting, all stuff which then the parent country must then REPLACE for itself digging deep out of its OWN pockets to replace thus costing us TWICE the money!

Sure seems rather ODD, doesn't it?
Ukraine is all but defeated, everyone but the fascist democrat youth seems to know this, tanks will be doing them no good whatsoever, they no longer have the bodies necessary to staff them! We figure, and its conservatively at that, a minimum of 200,000 - 300,000 Ukrainian dead, perhaps as much as double those figures, and at least three times that number permanently disable and no longer able to fight for Joe & Hunter Biden, Mitch Mcconnell, Lindsey Grahm, Mitt Romney and all of their other US senate psychopaths.....Ukraine, it no longer really even exists, its been absolutely flattened, and they are currently yet again running out of our ammunition, which Joe & Hunter loot & pillage directly from the USA's own war stocks!

You have no idea how Biden is killing you, setting USA up for annihilation.....
Funny how they keep telling us how Russia is beaten and falling apart yet every week they decide they need to keep sending more, and yet more and more stuff to Ukraine!

All stuff not being SOLD to Ukraine, just given away with no tracking or accounting, all stuff which then the parent country must then REPLACE for itself digging deep out of its OWN pockets to replace thus costing us TWICE the money!

Sure seems rather ODD, doesn't it?
The only thing that seems odd is that you think it seems odd. Isn't that what the US dd in WWII? That turned out ok.
The only thing that seems odd is that you think it seems odd. Isn't that what the US dd in WWII? That turned out ok.

Ah, excuse me, slight difference, we had been attacked by the Japanese and the entire western hemisphere was up against fighting Germany attempting global domination!
View attachment 762536 Ah, excuse me, slight difference, we had been attacked by the Japanese and the entire western hemisphere was up against fighting Germany attempting global domination!
September 1940

During World War II, the United States began to provide significant military supplies and other assistance to the Allies in September 1940, even though the United States did not enter the war until December 1941.

The only difference is that this time the US will not have to send troops to stop Russia from again enslaving its neighbors.
The UK will give 28 Challenger 2 main battle tanks instead of the earlier promised 14, Ukrainian Ambassador to the U.K. Vadym Prystaiko told Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty in an interview.

"If we were promised 14 tanks, then as a result of President (Volodymyr) Zelensky's visit, that number will double," Prystaiko was quoted as saying.

Prystaiko said that the U.K. is talking to Ukraine, not in terms of what specific platforms it needs, but what battlefield challenges it intends to solve.

The UK pledged the Challenger 2s as part of the Western allies’ assistance package. Multiple countries promised to send dozens of German-made Leopard 2 tanks, and the U.S. promised to send 31 Abrams tanks later this year.

While Russia is losing 150 tanks a month and can only build 20 news a month, Ukraine's allies are helping to grow Ukraine's armored force with tanks that are superior to anything Russia has. No wonder Putin is in such a bad mood.

It’s like these assclown ”leaders” in western countries have to one up each other. “Oh I’m giving them TWO dozen tanks“. All just virtue signaling to each other and prolonging this stupid war of theirs.
The only difference is that this time the US will not have to send troops to stop Russia from again enslaving its neighbors
No, not “the only difference”. We also didn’t meddle in other countries affairs at that time and help overthrow governments like we did in Ukraine 2014, which was the real start of this war in Ukraine.
It’s like these assclown ”leaders” in western countries have to one up each other. “Oh I’m giving them TWO dozen tanks“. All just virtue signaling to each other and prolonging this stupid war of theirs.
Not prolonging but seeking to end Putin's war against Ukraine.
No, not “the only difference”. We also didn’t meddle in other countries affairs at that time and help overthrow governments like we did in Ukraine 2014, which was the real start of this war in Ukraine.
Of course, even you know by now that didn't happen. Putin invaded Ukraine in 2014 to try to stop Ukraine from joining the EU.
The war could end tomorrow if the Western powers wanted it to.

You seem to actually believe they want this war to end.
Everyone wants the war to end, and it will clearly end with Russia withdrawing from Ukraine.
The only thing that seems odd is that you think it seems odd. Isn't that what the US dd in WWII? That turned out ok.
This is not anywhere near WWII, it was provoked by the United States, specifically Obama and the amoral psychopath in there now, its the totally corrupted US senate acting in defense of its illicit income stream, most importantly you literally have not a single interest at stake in their scam, other than that is, your future survival...

The problem ain't Russia, its the United States federal government, currently it has a president who conducted a completely unprovoked act of war against Russia by blowing its lawful pipeline, and it was equally an act of war against Germany and Europe in that it forced them to buy NG at marked up rates from the United States!

You are not profiting one jot from this, no American taxpayer is, it is utterly the action of a totally out of control rogue federal government seeing to its own interests, and that federal government is not constitutionally allowed to possess its own interests!
This is not anywhere near WWII, it was provoked by the United States, specifically Obama and the amoral psychopath in there now, its the totally corrupted US senate acting in defense of its illicit income stream, most importantly you literally have not a single interest at stake in their scam, other than that is, your future survival...

The problem ain't Russia, its the United States federal government, currently it has a president who conducted a completely unprovoked act of war against Russia by blowing its lawful pipeline, and it was equally an act of war against Germany and Europe in that it forced them to buy NG at marked up rates from the United States!

You are not profiting one jot from this, no American taxpayer is, it is utterly the action of a totally out of control rogue federal government seeing to its own interests, and that federal government is not constitutionally allowed to possess its own interests!
So what you're trying to say is that you don't like Biden.
So what you're trying to say is that you don't like Biden.
No, what I am saying is the truth, as opposed to the unending stream of lies you folks have absorbed, and it is all lies, not one word from western fascist media is true or accurate, its all propaganda. Russia did not start the war, two fascist democrats did in 2014 by ordering CIA to provoke a coup in Ukraine against lawfully elected Ukrainian president because he was pro-Russian, which he should have been as they are inextricably linked one to the other by more than just a border.

They lied to Putin and Russia for two decades, repeatedly and brazenly about expanding Nato, and Nato contrary to everything you likely believe is not defensive, its "expansionist," proven over and over again by its active recruitment, and absorption of the Baltic nations that once helped make up former Soviet Union. This is not opinion, its demonstrable historical fact easily proven by all with motivation to learn and a PC! Expansionist by very definition is aggression, and Nato setting up shop, and ballistic missiles right along Russian border was the last straw!

Ukraine is losing the war, badly, its not what you are being told it is, the problem is not Russia & Putin, its the United States and its war mongering senate! :wink:
No, what I am saying is the truth, as opposed to the unending stream of lies you folks have absorbed, and it is all lies, not one word from western fascist media is true or accurate, its all propaganda. Russia did not start the war, two fascist democrats did in 2014 by ordering CIA to provoke a coup in Ukraine against lawfully elected Ukrainian president because he was pro-Russian, which he should have been as they are inextricably linked one to the other by more than just a border.

They lied to Putin and Russia for two decades, repeatedly and brazenly about expanding Nato, and Nato contrary to everything you likely believe is not defensive, its "expansionist," proven over and over again by its active recruitment, and absorption of the Baltic nations that once helped make up former Soviet Union. This is not opinion, its demonstrable historical fact easily proven by all with motivation to learn and a PC! Expansionist by very definition is aggression, and Nato setting up shop, and ballistic missiles right along Russian border was the last straw!

Ukraine is losing the war, badly, its not what you are being told it is, the problem is not Russia & Putin, its the United States and its war mongering senate! :wink:
No, what you are saying is that you are more interested in US domestic politics than in what is going on in Ukraine, and you are only posting nonsense about Ukraine and Russia so you can attack Biden and the Democrats.
Putin didn’t invade Ukraine in 2014, dolt.
In April 2014, armed pro-Russian separatists seized government buildings in Ukraine's eastern Donbas region and proclaimed the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) and Luhansk People's Republic (LPR) as independent states, sparking the Donbas War. The separatists received considerable but covert support from Russia, and Ukrainian attempts to fully retake separatist-held areas were unsuccessful. Although Russia denied involvement, Russian troops took part in the fighting.

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