America again does dismally on world wide intelligence test


Someone who thinks nobody in Honduras (80% literacy rate) can read can't be very well educated.

HAHAHA. You ignorant jackass. literacy rates are a joke. Literacy should mean being able to read a newspaper at the same speed people speak. But it doesn't. The idea of literacy has been watered down to where anyone who can simply sign their name and recognize a handful or words is called literate.
Mention teaching 2nd and 3rd languages in school and you'll get screeching about English Only yadda yadda. Meanwhile, other countries teach several languages starting with very young kids. Reason? They want their kids to be able to compete on the world stage. We just want people who can supersize the order for fries.

English is the universal language, you idiot. No reason for americans to learn another. Our schools should be teaching math and science but you dummy liberals say "No - that's too hard. Teach french and sociology". HAHA
8 years of Bush.

what do you expect?

Ha ha ha !!
5 years of the messiah!

40 years of liberal unionized schoolteachers !
Intellect don't matter !!
So long as an 8 year old knows how to use a condom everything is good!!

That's what happened. America decided to forgo reading and arithmetic in favor of social skills and sex ed. Colleges and Universities have courses in orgasm. That's why we graduate college students who don't know any more than high school counterparts. In years to come, the United States might be the world producer of both male and female whores. It's all we're becoming useful for.

Is there an educational value in this?

It?s Nudity Week (Again) at Brown University - The Daily Beast

How about these college courses.

LGBT Studies Program - University of Maryland

The wonder is, why we aren't at the bottom of intellectual ability.
I know exactly what century this is. Do YOU have any clue how ridiculous it is to hold people in different sections of this country to the same standards? We don't live like those on the coasts (thank the dear Lord for that), although the left does love to group people together so they can be easily classified. And don't make fun of ranchers and farmers with your mouth full and your belly hanging over your belt.

My son went to college and he did HORRIBLE. He was in danger of being kicked out and absolutely hated it. It created such a rift between us because of course like any parent, I thought that he had to go to make something of himself. Then I met a man who was a counselor at one of the Vocational Schools we have. My son came home and went to Vo Tech. He took welding just to see if he liked it and BAM! He was not only incredible at it, but he loved it. He graduated and could have started working then as a welder, but he wanted more. So I sent him to an advanced welding school here in Tulsa for a year. There were a dozen companies lined up to sign him when he graduated.

He now welds in places that I really don't want to know about it's so dangerous and he has every certification that he can have. He easily makes several hundred thousand a year and can write his own ticket. Every pipeline and oil company from around the world has tried to lure him away from his current employer. Even when he takes vacation, companies contact him for short jobs for an obscene amount of money. He took three weeks vacation and jetted off to Alaska (at their expense) where he made more in one single week than I make in 6 months. He then went moose hunting while he was up there and it was paid for as part of his trip.

He belongs to the only union in this country that specializes in pipeline welders and it's here in Tulsa. He's a registered Democrat, but he's the bluest of the blue dogs. We agree more than we disagree and I am VERY proud of him. He wouldn't have the first clue about mileage compensation and could care less. BUT, you want to know how many amps and what rod to use to weld a pressure vessel together that is going to contain 100 psi, he is your man. He also KNOWs why you don't shower before a deer hunt, because I taught him why. AND he knows the gear ratio of our John Deere.

It's men like my son who literally build this nation. Your test doesn't mean squat...

Good for your kid. I'll certainly grant that practical skills are more important than studying liberal arts or humanities in college. Being able to work on cars is another job that is highly skilled and very important and yet put down by the intellectuals. "he's stupid - he works with his hands". Bunch of crap.
As the last paragraph implies (but hasn't the guts to boldly state), america's problem is all the blacks and hispanics that drag us down. Diversity destroys.

US adults score below average on worldwide test -


WASHINGTON (AP) -- It's long been known that America's school kids haven't measured well compared with international peers. Now, there's a new twist: Adults don't either.

In math, reading and problem-solving using technology -- all skills considered critical for global competitiveness and economic strength -- American adults scored below the international average on a global test, according to results released Tuesday.

Adults in Japan, Canada, Australia, Finland and multiple other countries scored significantly higher than the United States in all three areas on the test. Beyond basic reading and math, respondents were tested on activities such as calculating mileage reimbursement due to a salesman, sorting email and comparing food expiration dates on grocery store tags

America's school kids have historically scored low on international assessment tests compared to other countries, which is often blamed on the diversity of the population and the high number of immigrants. Also, achievement tests have long shown that a large chunk of the U.S. student population lacks basic reading and math skills -- most pronounced among low-income and minority students.

If only we could ship fox and other low info sources to our enemies. We would soar to the top in a flash.

Until then, we need to at least encourage the rw's to keep a supply of tin foil on hand at all times.

Note to OP - Did you even LOOK at your own source?

We've see our "enemies" and it is you.
We continually see stories like this, and you would think we would look for ways to change the educational system.

Who is it however, that anytime there is talk about vouchers, or some sort of school choice, that get's in the way ?
Who is it that works tirelessly to protect the school status quo ?
Who is it that's more concerned about teacher unions, than the kids who are getting screwed by a worn out system ?

D-I-M-O-C-R-A-T-S !!!!!
I notice that Shitshispeedos STILL won't say a peep about his own educational achievements. By now everyone knows why.

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