America Before the Entitlement State


Why does your graph end before Obama took office?

Oh, yeah...because that would wreck the scale.
and repeating what you read in Right wing echo chambers is Critical thinking? You have no clue what critical thinking is. We KNOW there's corruption and cronyism in government. You refuse to see what's going on with Corporate America and the super wealthy elite that run it.

How can you call it "critical thinking" when you only "critically" look at one side of the coin?

Face it... you are a dittohead, a parrot... and quite sadly... a sheep that blindly supports the people that would minimize your worth to an unlivable wage so they can hoard more for themselves.
Thanks for proving my point. You repeat your programming on cue. :clap2:
Isn't it refreshing how they think we Conservatives parrot Limbaugh and others, when it is quite the opposite? They parrot US...

It's how Limbaugh and others stay on the air and Liberal Talk Radio fails. Jealousy buys them frustration...and deservedly so.
No, no, they're all intelligent, independent thinkers who just coincidentally arrive at the same conclusions at the same time.
No I am not a liar...

What you are is a demagogue.

In your demagoguery you are quite willing to lie.

Republicans and the right in America today believe the only way to solve our problems is through punishment.

Of course this is a lie, but since your goal is to smear your hated opponents, you feel justified in lying.

And if that doesn't work, the punishment is just not severe enough.

More lies, but since you have nothing constructive to offer, anything that smears the opposition is applauded by your shameful party.

I suggest you research the 1994 Crimes Bill and how Republicans and the right demonized the most constructive part of that bill.

Midnight basketball?

It was fucking retarded and was designed to put triple time into the pockets of Union workers, as a bribe for their continued support of your shameful party.

In the early to mid 90's Congress crafted a crimes bill. The original funding framework called for equal thirds of the money to go to 1) police enforcement 2) prisons 3) crime prevention

100% went into the pockets of public employee unions.

The crime prevention part of the bill would go toward education, job training, community engagement by law enforcement, child-centered activities (money for arts and crafts, dance programs, recreational activities, nutrition training, and so forth), assorted inner city youth activity programs, urban parks and recreation, schools (money is to be used "to improve the academic and social development of youths by instituting a collaborative structure that trains and coordinates efforts of social workers, teachers, and principles."), youth development for such activities as "providing youth with life skills" , drug treatment programs in prisons. and facilities like community centers.

Statistics showed that the majority of youth crimes are committed after school lets out and before dinner time. It is not difficult to see what is missing during that time period, adult supervision. So the idea was to provide a safe and supervised facility where these kids could go.

It was during this period that Newt Gingrich and the 'Contract with America' Republicans took over Congress.

The 'Contract with America' Republicans attacked and demonized this part of the bill. They even labeled it and added a racial slur, They called the prevention part of the bill paying for 'midnight basketball'

Rightly so, it was an idiotic proposal that was nothing more than pork.

The real irony of that debate; Police Chiefs from around the country ascended on Washington to lobby Congress FOR the prevention provisions, because they knew that the best way to help law enforcement was not more police or more punishment, it was through education, training and community activism.

And the beat goes on. They accuse others of demonizing by demonizing those they accuse. And they can't see that they're doing it. :)

Demagoguery is the ONLY message of the left. Show one leftist in this forum who offers anything other than smears of their opposition? You can't, there aren't any.

Slander and libel are the ONLY thing the left has to offer.
You are a sick excuse for a human being. People don't need to be punished for something they didn't do. Medicare is the very best of what this nation has done for We, the People.

I find it ironic that you right wing turds LOVE government when it bombs, invades, tortures, arrests, incarcerates and executes human beings. Cost is NEVER considered. But when government actually helps people it is evil.

I suggest you consider the way you were wolves.

You didn't send me a check for $10,000

Why are you punishing me?
You are a sick excuse for a human being. People don't need to be punished for something they didn't do. Medicare is the very best of what this nation has done for We, the People.

I find it ironic that you right wing turds LOVE government when it bombs, invades, tortures, arrests, incarcerates and executes human beings. Cost is NEVER considered. But when government actually helps people it is evil.

I suggest you consider the way you were wolves.

You didn't send me a check for $10,000

Why are you punishing me?

After giving it some thought, I think what we have here is a failure to communicate. Bfgrn and several others buy into the noble sounding title and the glowing rhetoric to push a piece of legislation. Responsible legislators, however, actually read the bill, follow the money, and consider the long term ramifications, consequences, and costs of a piece of legislation. It really doesn't take a rocket scientist to see which group most benefits from the legislation and how little of the money will actually be used for the purpose the title implies.

But of course if you have been brainwashed into believing that Republicans are this evil entity that truly hates kids and old people and the environment and really wants dirty soil, air, and water and all beauty stripped from the face of the Earth, you buy into the leftist rhetoric that it is ALL the Republican's fault that we don't have Utopia on Earth. And the Republican, being human, too often cave under that kind of dishonest but effective criticism and sometimes don't act when they should. (The Tea Party has been slowly but surely having a positive effect to correct that particular syndrome, however.)

But it is that particular phenomenon that I believe has brought us to the brink of national bankruptcy and threatens to crush us under ever more debt that accomplishes very little more than enhancing the power, prestige, influence, personal wealth, and longegivity of the politicians who are promoting it.
After giving it some thought, I think what we have here is a failure to communicate. Bfgrn and several others buy into the noble sounding title and the glowing rhetoric to push a piece of legislation. Responsible legislators, however, actually read the bill, follow the money, and consider the long term ramifications, consequences, and costs of a piece of legislation. It really doesn't take a rocket scientist to see which group most benefits from the legislation and how little of the money will actually be used for the purpose the title implies.

But of course if you have been brainwashed into believing that Republicans are this evil entity that truly hates kids and old people and the environment and really wants dirty soil, air, and water and all beauty stripped from the face of the Earth, you buy into the leftist rhetoric that it is ALL the Republican's fault that we don't have Utopia on Earth. And the Republican, being human, too often cave under that kind of dishonest but effective criticism and sometimes don't act when they should. (The Tea Party has been slowly but surely having a positive effect to correct that particular syndrome, however.)

But it is that particular phenomenon that I believe has brought us to the brink of national bankruptcy and threatens to crush us under ever more debt that accomplishes very little more than enhancing the power, prestige, influence, personal wealth, and longegivity of the politicians who are promoting it.

The concept that not giving someone something is "punishing them" is the natural degradation of thought that is going to occur in the entitlement generation. Not only does Bfgrn demand that society owes him, now we have devolved to the point that failure to give the handouts he feels entitled to is "punishment."
No I am not a liar...

What you are is a demagogue.

In your demagoguery you are quite willing to lie.

Republicans and the right in America today believe the only way to solve our problems is through punishment.

Of course this is a lie, but since your goal is to smear your hated opponents, you feel justified in lying.

More lies, but since you have nothing constructive to offer, anything that smears the opposition is applauded by your shameful party.

Midnight basketball?

It was fucking retarded and was designed to put triple time into the pockets of Union workers, as a bribe for their continued support of your shameful party.

100% went into the pockets of public employee unions.

The crime prevention part of the bill would go toward education, job training, community engagement by law enforcement, child-centered activities (money for arts and crafts, dance programs, recreational activities, nutrition training, and so forth), assorted inner city youth activity programs, urban parks and recreation, schools (money is to be used "to improve the academic and social development of youths by instituting a collaborative structure that trains and coordinates efforts of social workers, teachers, and principles."), youth development for such activities as "providing youth with life skills" , drug treatment programs in prisons. and facilities like community centers.

Statistics showed that the majority of youth crimes are committed after school lets out and before dinner time. It is not difficult to see what is missing during that time period, adult supervision. So the idea was to provide a safe and supervised facility where these kids could go.

It was during this period that Newt Gingrich and the 'Contract with America' Republicans took over Congress.

The 'Contract with America' Republicans attacked and demonized this part of the bill. They even labeled it and added a racial slur, They called the prevention part of the bill paying for 'midnight basketball'

Rightly so, it was an idiotic proposal that was nothing more than pork.

The real irony of that debate; Police Chiefs from around the country ascended on Washington to lobby Congress FOR the prevention provisions, because they knew that the best way to help law enforcement was not more police or more punishment, it was through education, training and community activism.


And, the 'Contract with America' Republicans attacked and demonized the prevention part of the bill by calling it 'pork'...but the insidious core of conservatism views human beings as 'pork'.

Thanks for the Pavlov dog reaction.

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone
After giving it some thought, I think what we have here is a failure to communicate. Bfgrn and several others buy into the noble sounding title and the glowing rhetoric to push a piece of legislation. Responsible legislators, however, actually read the bill, follow the money, and consider the long term ramifications, consequences, and costs of a piece of legislation. It really doesn't take a rocket scientist to see which group most benefits from the legislation and how little of the money will actually be used for the purpose the title implies.

But of course if you have been brainwashed into believing that Republicans are this evil entity that truly hates kids and old people and the environment and really wants dirty soil, air, and water and all beauty stripped from the face of the Earth, you buy into the leftist rhetoric that it is ALL the Republican's fault that we don't have Utopia on Earth. And the Republican, being human, too often cave under that kind of dishonest but effective criticism and sometimes don't act when they should. (The Tea Party has been slowly but surely having a positive effect to correct that particular syndrome, however.)

But it is that particular phenomenon that I believe has brought us to the brink of national bankruptcy and threatens to crush us under ever more debt that accomplishes very little more than enhancing the power, prestige, influence, personal wealth, and longegivity of the politicians who are promoting it.

The concept that not giving someone something is "punishing them" is the natural degradation of thought that is going to occur in the entitlement generation. Not only does Bfgrn demand that society owes him, now we have devolved to the point that failure to give the handouts he feels entitled to is "punishment."

No, there is no hidden meaning here. Conservatives believe only in punishment...literally.

I mean physical punishment, incarceration and execution.
And, the 'Contract with America' Republicans attacked and demonized the prevention part of the bill by calling it 'pork'...but the insidious core of conservatism views human beings as 'pork'.

No, we view keeping parks open and staffed from midnight to 5 AM as pork. Only a leftist could think that a place for children to be out on the streets from midnight to 5 AM was a brilliant idea to prevent crime.

Thanks for the Pavlov dog reaction.

You use phrases with no grasp of what they mean.

Liberalism is trust of the people,

You are no liberal, you are a leftist. You don't seek liberty, you seek the supremacy of the state over the individual.

tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone

"As Chancellor Gladstone became committed to low public spending and to electoral reform, "

William Ewart Gladstone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hardly your idea of a "Liberal."

Gladstone would view me as a liberal, but not you.
No, there is no hidden meaning here.


You claimed straight out that failure to give handouts is "punishment."

Conservatives believe only in punishment...literally.

You suffer from severe brain damage.

I mean physical punishment, incarceration and execution.

Is it the result of drug abuse, or did you suffer a head injury?
If you read these threads long enough, you become convinced that leftists think anybody who is less than rich or prosperous or successful should be given a pass on any consequences resulting from their choices.

It is true that Conservatives are very big on people learning to be accountable and responsible for the choices they make and that there are consequences for bad choices. And they believe the more humane way to help people is to teach them to make better choices rather than reward them for making bad ones.

But to Bfgn, that is punishment?
If you read these threads long enough, you become convinced that leftists think anybody who is less than rich or prosperous or successful should be given a pass on any consequences resulting from their choices.

It is true that Conservatives are very big on people learning to be accountable and responsible for the choices they make and that there are consequences for bad choices. And they believe the more humane way to help people is to teach them to make better choices rather than reward them for making bad ones.

But to Bfgn, that is punishment?

No, you and Uncensored2008 can continue to pontificate and continue the lies, but I am talking specifically about the 1994 Crime bill.

Conservatives had no problem spending taxpayer's money on more prisons and more police.

But, when it came to the prevention third of the bill; money that would go toward education, job training, community engagement by law enforcement, child-centered activities, inner city youth activity programs, urban parks and recreation, schools (money is to be used "to improve the academic and social development of youths by instituting a collaborative structure that trains and coordinates efforts of social workers, teachers, and principles."), youth development for such activities as "providing youth with life skills" , drug treatment programs in prisons and facilities like community centers conservatives saw NO value in those programs.

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