America Before the Entitlement State

No, you and Uncensored2008 can continue to pontificate and continue the lies, but I am talking specifically about the 1994 Crime bill.

It was pork laden idiocy 10 years ago, and still is,

Conservatives had no problem spending taxpayer's money on more prisons and more police.


I live in California. We throw people in prison for no reason other than keeping our fat and lazy prison guards collecting their 6 figure salaries.

But, when it came to the prevention third of the bill; money that would go toward education, job training, community engagement by law enforcement, child-centered activities, inner city youth activity programs, urban parks and recreation, schools (money is to be used "to improve the academic and social development of youths by instituting a collaborative structure that trains and coordinates efforts of social workers, teachers, and principles."), youth development for such activities as "providing youth with life skills" , drug treatment programs in prisons and facilities like community centers conservatives saw NO value in those programs.

There was nothing other than pork for well connected looters. Not one dime was going to things that actual people would ever see.
No, you and Uncensored2008 can continue to pontificate and continue the lies, but I am talking specifically about the 1994 Crime bill.

It was pork laden idiocy 10 years ago, and still is,

Conservatives had no problem spending taxpayer's money on more prisons and more police.


I live in California. We throw people in prison for no reason other than keeping our fat and lazy prison guards collecting their 6 figure salaries.

But, when it came to the prevention third of the bill; money that would go toward education, job training, community engagement by law enforcement, child-centered activities, inner city youth activity programs, urban parks and recreation, schools (money is to be used "to improve the academic and social development of youths by instituting a collaborative structure that trains and coordinates efforts of social workers, teachers, and principles."), youth development for such activities as "providing youth with life skills" , drug treatment programs in prisons and facilities like community centers conservatives saw NO value in those programs.

There was nothing other than pork for well connected looters. Not one dime was going to things that actual people would ever see.


Community Policing Initiative is Improving America’s Neighborhoods

"By working in the same neighborhoods day-in, day-out, we developed real ties to the community. We took real steps to fix problems in neighborhoods. We formed partnerships. We problem solved. We prevented crime... COPS money makes this possible... Thank you, Mr. President, for making it possible to fulfill my dream. Thank you for making it possible to return our police to their communities. Thank you for being the first president to take the police truly seriously, to listen to us, and to give us the tools we need to keep our people safe."
— Corporal Irma Rivera, Arlington County Police Department, Arlington, Virginia. Corporal Rivera has been with the Arlington County Police Department since April 1992. Due to a COPS grant, she was able to join the Community Based/Problem-Oriented Policing Section, which worked to rid Arlington neighborhoods of gang and drug-related crime.

Community Policing Initiative is Improving America’s Neighborhoods

"By working in the same neighborhoods day-in, day-out, we developed real ties to the community. We took real steps to fix problems in neighborhoods. We formed partnerships. We problem solved. We prevented crime... COPS money makes this possible... Thank you, Mr. President, for making it possible to fulfill my dream. Thank you for making it possible to return our police to their communities. Thank you for being the first president to take the police truly seriously, to listen to us, and to give us the tools we need to keep our people safe."
— Corporal Irma Rivera, Arlington County Police Department, Arlington, Virginia. Corporal Rivera has been with the Arlington County Police Department since April 1992. Due to a COPS grant, she was able to join the Community Based/Problem-Oriented Policing Section, which worked to rid Arlington neighborhoods of gang and drug-related crime.

What a steaming pile.

The short term funding of police sharply contributed to the current budget problems that communities face.

Pub.L. 103-322 funded new hires of police for 2 years, after which the localities were on the hook for the cost of employment, and more importantly, for the lavish pensions of the police that were hired. This was nothing more than another massive increase in the number of government workers.
If you read these threads long enough, you become convinced that leftists think anybody who is less than rich or prosperous or successful should be given a pass on any consequences resulting from their choices.

It is true that Conservatives are very big on people learning to be accountable and responsible for the choices they make and that there are consequences for bad choices. And they believe the more humane way to help people is to teach them to make better choices rather than reward them for making bad ones.

But to Bfgn, that is punishment?

No, you and Uncensored2008 can continue to pontificate and continue the lies, but I am talking specifically about the 1994 Crime bill.

Conservatives had no problem spending taxpayer's money on more prisons and more police.

But, when it came to the prevention third of the bill; money that would go toward education, job training, community engagement by law enforcement, child-centered activities, inner city youth activity programs, urban parks and recreation, schools (money is to be used "to improve the academic and social development of youths by instituting a collaborative structure that trains and coordinates efforts of social workers, teachers, and principles."), youth development for such activities as "providing youth with life skills" , drug treatment programs in prisons and facilities like community centers conservatives saw NO value in those programs.

And again I say for the fourth or fifth time today, just because a bill is written with a noble sounding title and sells itself with noble sounding motives is NOT a reason to pass the bill. If it is mostly going to swell the bureaucracy and line the pockets of friends of the administration or whomever, it will not produce what the noble sounding advertising fools some people into believing. Not everything that calls itself a duck actually quacks and waddles. It is important to actually read the bill and see how the money will be used before shouting condemnations against those who vote against it.

And some of it will definitely be a judgment call. Do you want kids in tough neighborhoods going home at a reasonable curfew to be enforced by the police? Or do you want to encourage them to have a reason to be out at midnight? No way in hell would I think it good stewardship of the taxpayers money to be encouraging kids to be out at all hours.

Good intentions that produce bad consequences should not be what we promote or pay for.

Also, in 1994 you had a Democratically controlled Congress AND a Democrat as President. If it didn't pass, it wasn't because Republicans would not pass it. Even the Democrats get it right sometimes.
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No, you and Uncensored2008 can continue to pontificate and continue the lies, but I am talking specifically about the 1994 Crime bill.

Conservatives had no problem spending taxpayer's money on more prisons and more police.

But, when it came to the prevention third of the bill; money that would go toward education, job training, community engagement by law enforcement, child-centered activities, inner city youth activity programs, urban parks and recreation, schools (money is to be used "to improve the academic and social development of youths by instituting a collaborative structure that trains and coordinates efforts of social workers, teachers, and principles."), youth development for such activities as "providing youth with life skills" , drug treatment programs in prisons and facilities like community centers conservatives saw NO value in those programs.[/QUOTE]

Thank you Bfrn

Your point is the key to understanding the reason conservative policy for this issue doesn't work. Prevention isn't a conservative concept. Conservatives are:

•Resistant to change
•Opposed to liberal reforms
•Unimaginatively conventional
•Conforming to the standards and conventions of the middle class

It's easy to see they oppose health programs, in general, that are preventative and effective contraception which prevents abortion. The same is true for their law and order policies.They are very big on getting the poor to obey the law but give the white collar criminals a BIG pass.

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Community Policing Initiative is Improving America’s Neighborhoods

"By working in the same neighborhoods day-in, day-out, we developed real ties to the community. We took real steps to fix problems in neighborhoods. We formed partnerships. We problem solved. We prevented crime... COPS money makes this possible... Thank you, Mr. President, for making it possible to fulfill my dream. Thank you for making it possible to return our police to their communities. Thank you for being the first president to take the police truly seriously, to listen to us, and to give us the tools we need to keep our people safe."
— Corporal Irma Rivera, Arlington County Police Department, Arlington, Virginia. Corporal Rivera has been with the Arlington County Police Department since April 1992. Due to a COPS grant, she was able to join the Community Based/Problem-Oriented Policing Section, which worked to rid Arlington neighborhoods of gang and drug-related crime.

What a steaming pile.

The short term funding of police sharply contributed to the current budget problems that communities face.

Pub.L. 103-322 funded new hires of police for 2 years, after which the localities were on the hook for the cost of employment, and more importantly, for the lavish pensions of the police that were hired. This was nothing more than another massive increase in the number of government workers.

A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing.
Oscar Wilde

No, you and Uncensored2008 can continue to pontificate and continue the lies, but I am talking specifically about the 1994 Crime bill.

Conservatives had no problem spending taxpayer's money on more prisons and more police.

But, when it came to the prevention third of the bill; money that would go toward education, job training, community engagement by law enforcement, child-centered activities, inner city youth activity programs, urban parks and recreation, schools (money is to be used "to improve the academic and social development of youths by instituting a collaborative structure that trains and coordinates efforts of social workers, teachers, and principles."), youth development for such activities as "providing youth with life skills" , drug treatment programs in prisons and facilities like community centers conservatives saw NO value in those programs.[/QUOTE]

Thank you Bfrn

Your point is the key to understanding the reason conservative policy for this issue doesn't work. Prevention isn't a conservative concept. Conservatives are:

•Resistant to change
•Opposed to liberal reforms
•Unimaginatively conventional
•Conforming to the standards and conventions of the middle class

It's easy to see they oppose health programs, in general, that are preventative and effective contraception which prevents abortion. The same is true for their law and order policies.They are very big on getting the poor to obey the law but give the white collar criminals a BIG pass.


You're right sky, but the current breed of conservatives have devolved into pure authoritarianism.
You're right sky, but the current breed of conservatives have devolved into pure authoritarianism.

Yup. Right alongside their 'liberal' brethren.

Here is what 88 different psychological studies conducted between 1958 and 2002 that involved 22,818 people from 12 different countries found:

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
I am in favor of equal treatment under the law, not special treatment for some. Justice can't be served otherwise.

There is no way you can have equal treatment. The government is tasked to do what is best for the nation as a whole, not ensure that each individual equally benefits from each program.

People with children benefit from schools more than those who are childless. Does that violate "social justice"?

Ah, but all DO benefit from educating the children because even those with no children still need somebody to employ them or, if in business for themselves, need educated people to work for them.

Elizabeth Warren applauds you, Comrade.

Evenso, if education is maintained at the local and not federal level, those who wish not to support the schools can move to an area with no school district and be free of school taxes. That is what freedom looks like, i.e. personal choice to engage in the social contract or not.

Those who wish not to support the schools/engage in the social contract yet still want to reap the benefits of them....

THAT is the freedom the Founders intended for us all to have.

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.

So, would you call Democrats 'political conservatives'? Cause ordering people to buy health insurance seems pretty authoritarian to me.
While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.

So, would you call Democrats 'political conservatives'? Cause ordering people to buy health insurance seems pretty authoritarian to me.

Did you have to go out and buy insurance because of the mandate?

Or are you just concerned about other people?
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Here is what 88 different psychological studies conducted between 1958 and 2002 that involved 22,818 people from 12 different countries found:

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.

The fucking shit you post...

Simply amazing.

Great Authoritarians from the 20th century:

Vlad Lenin - Bolshevik
Josef Stalin - Bolshevik
Benito Mussolini - Bolshevik then Fascist
Adolf Hitler - German Socialist Workers Party
Mao Tse Tung - Maoist
Ho Chi Minh - Maoist
Pol Pot - Maoist
Kim Sung Il - Maoist
Fidel Castro - Bolshevik
Daniel Ortega - Bolshevik

What is the common thread here? Oh that's right, they're all fucking socialists....
A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing.
Oscar Wilde


It's public law.

Bill Text - 103rd Congress (1993-1994) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

Bill Text - 103rd Congress (1993-1994) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

TERMINATION OF GRANTS FOR HIRING OFFICERS- The authority under subsection (a) of this section to make grants for the hiring and rehiring of additional career law enforcement officers shall lapse at the conclusion of 6 years from the date of enactment of this part. Prior to the expiration of this grant authority, the Attorney General shall submit a report to Congress concerning the experience with and effects of such grants. The report may include any recommendations the Attorney General may have for amendments to this part and related provisions of law in light of the termination of the authority to make grants for the hiring and rehiring of additional career law enforcement officers.


Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994.

U.S. Department of Justice
Fact Sheet

Community Policing
Competitive grant program (COPS Program) to put 100,000 police officers
on the streets in community policing programs. $1.3 billion available in
1995. $7.5 billion authorized in 1996-2000.
Here is what 88 different psychological studies conducted between 1958 and 2002 that involved 22,818 people from 12 different countries found:

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.

The fucking shit you post...

Simply amazing.

Great Authoritarians from the 20th century:

Vlad Lenin - Bolshevik
Josef Stalin - Bolshevik
Benito Mussolini - Bolshevik then Fascist
Adolf Hitler - German Socialist Workers Party
Mao Tse Tung - Maoist
Ho Chi Minh - Maoist
Pol Pot - Maoist
Kim Sung Il - Maoist
Fidel Castro - Bolshevik
Daniel Ortega - Bolshevik

What is the common thread here? Oh that's right, they're all fucking socialists....

What they have in common is they were dictators. There was nothing liberals about the Nazi's regardless of their party's title.

Shall I get a right wing list for you?

Franco, Hitler, Ghenghis Khan, Idi Amin, Vlad the Impaler, Caesar, Pinochet, Clive of India, King George, Mussolini, Victor Emanuel III, King Louis, Marie Antonteette, KAISER bill, Salazaar, Greek millitary dictators, Turkish dictators, National Party of South Africa, King Leopold, Hirohito, Caligula, Tamerlane, Kings of Saudi Arabia, Kings of Nepal, Sueharto, Kaing Kai Chek, Argentna;s millitary dictators, Pakistan army regimes, Atilla the Hun, Kings of Bulgaria, Brazlian army regime, Marcos, Charles I, James VI, Petain, Diaz, Mobutu, Horthy, Ottoman Sultans, King Herod, Ivan the terrible, Tsar Nicholas, Manchu emperors. Chin Emperors, Shoguns, Austrian Emperors, Karl Von Hapsburg, Phillip of Spain, Elizabeth I, Henry VIII, Bloody Mary, Napoleon III, The Bourbons, The Yuogoslav kings, Romanian kings, Nero, Somoza, Ashante kings, Iranian shahs, The King of Thailand, Dutch royal family, Elizabeth Bathory
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