America Bombs Yemen...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Who we bombing this week? Looks like it's Yemen.

Drone strikes kill militants in Yemen; Americans urged to leave

A pair of suspected U.S. drone strikes killed four al Qaeda militants in Yemen as the United States maintained a heightened security alert in the country and urged all Americans to leave immediately.

Security sources told CNN about the strikes but didn't offer additional details. A Yemeni official said four drone strikes have been carried out in the past 10 days.

None of those killed on Tuesday were among the 25 names on the country's most-wanted list, security officials said.

It is unclear whether the strikes were related to the added security alert in the country after U.S. officials intercepted a message from al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri to operatives in Yemen telling them to "do something." The message was sent to Nasir al-Wuhayshi, the leader of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, the terror group's Yemeni affiliate. U.S. intelligence believes al-Wuhayshi has recently been appointed the overall terror organization's No. 2 leader.

Also Tuesday, the State Department urged Americans in Yemen to leave immediately, citing terrorist activities and civil unrest. All non-emergency U.S. government personnel were also told to leave.

Two U.S. military transport aircraft landed in Yemen on Tuesday to evacuate American citizens...

Drone strikes kill militants in Yemen, Americans urged to leave -
The Earth is the battlefield in the war on terror. Don't be shocked when St. Louis is evaced after some drone strikes citing "terrorist" activity.
Amazing how much closer we're getting to Orwell's 1984. Will the bombings ever end? What is it, like 75 straight yrs. we've been bombing and killing? Is there an end in sight? Doesn't look like it.
Amazing how much closer we're getting to Orwell's 1984. Will the bombings ever end? What is it, like 75 straight yrs. we've been bombing and killing? Is there an end in sight? Doesn't look like it.

Still don't understand the difference between bombing and selective missile strikes. Only shows how little you really know about the subject.
Amazing how much closer we're getting to Orwell's 1984. Will the bombings ever end? What is it, like 75 straight yrs. we've been bombing and killing? Is there an end in sight? Doesn't look like it.

Still don't understand the difference between bombing and selective missile strikes. Only shows how little you really know about the subject.
These numbers are by no means accurate but you will get the idea.

Bombing: 15 innocents being killed
Drone strike: 3 innocents being killed

Drone strikes are considered accurate, but tell that to people who have lost their kids, wives, grandmothers, grandfathers, husbands to these things. The numbers of children killed in drone strikes is staggering. We freak out over 20 kids being killed in CT. That's nothing compared to what we do over there
Amazing how much closer we're getting to Orwell's 1984. Will the bombings ever end? What is it, like 75 straight yrs. we've been bombing and killing? Is there an end in sight? Doesn't look like it.

Still don't understand the difference between bombing and selective missile strikes. Only shows how little you really know about the subject.

Oh, so if Yemen bombs us here in the U.S. with drones, you won't be calling it a bombing? Hmm? Interesting.
and we wonder why people want to kill us.....

This "Blame America First" 1970s flashback brought to you by Jimmy Carter and the Democratic Party.
I'd be willing to bet if another nation were hitting us with Drones strikes killing HUNDREDS of innocents you'd be one of the first in line to seek revenge and you know what? I'd be right next to you.
Brain dead Americans can't see why drone strikes create so much animosity towards the U.S.

So I have to ask; "What if Russia or China conducted drone strikes against U.S. citizens they didn't like on American soil"?

Should we be OK with that?

What should be our response? .. :cool:
Amazing how much closer we're getting to Orwell's 1984. Will the bombings ever end? What is it, like 75 straight yrs. we've been bombing and killing? Is there an end in sight? Doesn't look like it.

Still don't understand the difference between bombing and selective missile strikes. Only shows how little you really know about the subject.

Oh, so if Yemen bombs us here in the U.S. with drones, you won't be calling it a bombing? Hmm? Interesting.

Fallacious reasoning. We have the permission of the Yemeni government.
Brain dead Americans can't see why drone strikes create so much animosity towards the U.S.

So I have to ask; "What if Russia or China conducted drone strikes against U.S. citizens they didn't like on American soil"?

Should we be OK with that?

What should be our response? .. :cool:

You are demonstrating the same fallacious reasoning as paulitician. We have the permission of the Yemeni government to conduct these strikes.
Brain dead Americans can't see why drone strikes create so much animosity towards the U.S.

So I have to ask; "What if Russia or China conducted drone strikes against U.S. citizens they didn't like on American soil"?

Should we be OK with that?

What should be our response? .. :cool:

You are demonstrating the same fallacious reasoning as paulitician. We have the permission of the Yemeni government to conduct these strikes.
You mean the U.S. backed puppet dictator that we installed and support with millions in money and weapons?? .. :cool:

"The Obama administration will provide $337 million in assistance in the 2012 fiscal year, up from $147 million provided in the previous fiscal year, the State Department said in a news release".

Feds more than double aid to Yemen ? CNN Security Clearance - Blogs
75 straight years bombing & killing, along with a rapidly expanding Police State. 1984 here we come. Very very sad.
Brain dead Americans can't see why drone strikes create so much animosity towards the U.S.

So I have to ask; "What if Russia or China conducted drone strikes against U.S. citizens they didn't like on American soil"?

Should we be OK with that?

What should be our response? .. :cool:


Unlike Muslims, Americans don't carry around grudges for 1500 years. Muslim hatred...Muslim animosity...came before the Drones.

Drones are just one of the answers to the "Kill the Infidel" bunch of loons.
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Drone Strikes kill AQ militants in Yemen seeking to kill Americans! Yeah! Better keep those civilian casualties to a minimum or we'll just create more future terrorist.

"Separately, American special forces units overseas have been on alert for the past several days awaiting a mission to attack potential al Qaeda targets if those behind the most recent terror threats against U.S. interests can be identified, a senior Obama administration official told CNN."

Looks like they're just waiting for the next mole to pop it's ugly little head up.........
Brain dead Americans can't see why drone strikes create so much animosity towards the U.S.

So I have to ask; "What if Russia or China conducted drone strikes against U.S. citizens they didn't like on American soil"?

Should we be OK with that?

What should be our response? .. :cool:

You are demonstrating the same fallacious reasoning as paulitician. We have the permission of the Yemeni government to conduct these strikes.
You mean the U.S. backed puppet dictator that we installed and support with millions in money and weapons?? .. :cool:

"The Obama administration will provide $337 million in assistance in the 2012 fiscal year, up from $147 million provided in the previous fiscal year, the State Department said in a news release".

Feds more than double aid to Yemen ? CNN Security Clearance - Blogs

Evidence we installed Hadi, please.

It is a simple fact the government of Yemen allows these strikes. So the analogy to China and Russia fails.
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