America can make ANYTHING work; Even universal healthcare!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Heard this today in a discussion with a friend, and it was a great point. There are a lot of issues the people are pointing to as being capable of ruining America, and they often use examples of other places in the world where it has failed. Like universal healthcare. Where it has seen awful results in some places, like Cuba. So-so results in others like Canada.

But the point was...sure, it failed THERE. But it wouldnt here. Why? Because we're America. We can do anything right. ANYTHING we try we'll succeed at.

Lets look at just the healthcare example. Could we do it and succeed wildly with it? I think so. Sure, Cuba failed. But Cuba has failed at a lot of stuff. Lots of nations have tried to compete with America in other fields- music, entertainment, military, business. All failed. So....should we give up on making movies, music, military, business moves since others have failed? No, of course not.

There are a lot of new ideas and foreign ideas that some are proposing for America. And some are crying that it will fail and ruin America....because they point to somewhere else it has failed. But by that logic, we shouldnt try to do anything that anyone else failed at, as their failure is evidence enough to guarantee our failure.

I dont buy that. If anyone, anywhere can balance the glory and opportunity of capitalism with the stability and security of some light socialism...then America can. We can do it. We can do everything better than everyone, and though many failed at these ideas, we would not. Just like we have proven that we can succeed in many things that others have failed at.
America can make ANYTHING work; Even universal healthcare!

Republicans! I rest my case.
I don't think you understand the immensity of the problem when ONE interest group Lawyers have a lawyer for President and 40+% of congress are lawyers!

There is first a simple recognition that the entire vote on Obamacare that passed by 6 votes was a LIE!
There are 10 million non-citizens per Census that are not insured.. yet they are part of the 50 million that was used to pass Obamacare!
There are 14 million that said they are uninsured BUT ARE totally eligible under Medicaid!
Finally 18 million people who pay their OWN health costs because it is cheaper then employer insurance, are under 34 and make over $50,000..
These people should NEVER been included in the 50 million figure.

SO that leaves truly 8 million that need and want coverage and when need services generally go to Emergency room because
"In 1986, Congress enacted the Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) that if a hospital takes Medicare,they have to regardless of an individual's ability to pay provide stabilizing treatment for patients..."

So hospitals pad and pass these uninsured costs on to Medicare and the proof is in a database you could check and see some hospitals bill Medicare 6,000% over their costs for services! This is how the hospitals recover the uninsured. Now this was ok in 1986 BUT now with the NEXT biggest elephant ove $850 billion a year in what is called "Defensive Medicine" that 90% of doctors identify they do so as NOT to be sued, we have this huge unnecessary lawyer driven Industry that pays these lawyers $200 billion a year!

SO why not do as Obamacare did when they taxed tanning salons cause they cause cancer!
TAX Lawyers 10% of the $200 billion.
Take that $20 billion and buy health insurance premiums for the truly 8 million that need it at cost of $2,500 per insured.

As a result hospitals CAN'T pad and pass on 6,000% markups to Medicare!
As a result doctors won't be duplicate testing, specialists referrals REDUCING the $850 billion in Defensive Medicine!

If this works for Tanning Salons why not Lawyers and cut down defensive medicine and padding and passing on of uninsured!
I hate to tell the GOP this, but we'd BETTER make it work because it's not going away.

It would be easier to make it work if they'd get off the notion that they can kill it and get to work making it better.
Well were going to find out aren't we? It's law and going into full effect soon we will all have the answer instead of theory and speculation.
it is not the end all be all, but it is the necessary impetus toward change.
After the next election the Republicans will have the power in Congress to repeal Obamacare and have enough votes to over ride his veto. The democrats have hung themselves with their entitlements to the welfare leeches and the hard working Americans are sick of it.
After the next election the Republicans will have the power in Congress to repeal Obamacare and have enough votes to over ride his veto.

Obamacare won't survive the town halls of the summer of '09.

Obamacare won't be able to scrape together sixty votes to break the filibuster in the Senate.

Scott Brown's election to the Senate in January 2010 is going to kill Obamacare by making a conference bill impossible.

The 2010 elections are going to choke Obamacare by defunding implementation.

The Supreme Court is going to strike down the individual mandate and with it all the rest of Obamacare in 2012.

Mitt Romney is going to repeal Obamacare after he beats Obama in 2012.

After the 2014 election the Republicans will have the power in Congress to repeal Obamacare and have enough votes to over ride his veto.

To be continued...!
I hate to tell the GOP this, but we'd BETTER make it work because it's not going away.

It would be easier to make it work if they'd get off the notion that they can kill it and get to work making it better.

It sure the hell may be going away, just like EVERYTHING ELSE WILL, once our UNSUSTAINABLE SPENDING hits critical mass and we can no longer pay the interest on our DEBT. The day is coming, period, the debt clock is still going up faster than the fed can print fiat money. obamacare will die, along with a great many other things. Mark my words.
All Pub BS on this is wrong, including that HC in Canada and Cuba is a failure. In 2007, before the brainwashing began, Canada HC had 86% approval, US 34%, and Cuba's rated ahead of the US. This isn't communism, dupes, it's the GOP plan, and Romneycare proves it works.
Fucking a-hole GOP- a disaster forever...get it straight, we're not going anywhere, you are: old douchebags dying off and brainwashed idiots slowly getting the picture- you're tools of the greedy lying idiot rich.
Notice: other countries shouldn't try to be more like us, oh no, we have to try to be more like them!
Fucking a-hole GOP- a disaster forever...get it straight, we're not going anywhere, you are: old douchebags dying off and brainwashed idiots slowly getting the picture- you're tools of the greedy lying idiot rich.

Heard this today in a discussion with a friend, and it was a great point. There are a lot of issues the people are pointing to as being capable of ruining America, and they often use examples of other places in the world where it has failed. Like universal healthcare. Where it has seen awful results in some places, like Cuba. So-so results in others like Canada.

But the point was...sure, it failed THERE. But it wouldnt here. Why? Because we're America. We can do anything right. ANYTHING we try we'll succeed at.

Lets look at just the healthcare example. Could we do it and succeed wildly with it? I think so. Sure, Cuba failed. But Cuba has failed at a lot of stuff. Lots of nations have tried to compete with America in other fields- music, entertainment, military, business. All failed. So....should we give up on making movies, music, military, business moves since others have failed? No, of course not.

There are a lot of new ideas and foreign ideas that some are proposing for America. And some are crying that it will fail and ruin America....because they point to somewhere else it has failed. But by that logic, we shouldnt try to do anything that anyone else failed at, as their failure is evidence enough to guarantee our failure.

I dont buy that. If anyone, anywhere can balance the glory and opportunity of capitalism with the stability and security of some light socialism...then America can. We can do it. We can do everything better than everyone, and though many failed at these ideas, we would not. Just like we have proven that we can succeed in many things that others have failed at.

Look, one last time. There is NO WAY a government can insure 315 million people and do it efficiently, with the identical access to all care available now and without creating a gigantic bureaucracy of hundreds of thousands of new federal employees.
Obama insisted his plan will reduce costs. We have already seen this as untrue. That $900 billion is now 2 times that. The program is not funded. Obamacare has gutted Medicare. It creates thousands of new taxes and intrusive heavy handed regulations. And that does not include the inevitable new laws that will be required to regulate behavior.
Oh, if you want Universal Healthcare, YOU pay for it. Let all who decline to participate opt out with no financial obligation whatsoever.
Let's see how government healthcare can operate without the crutch of the captive market.
After 30 years of Voodoo and Reaganism, you're right, we blew our lead and more. IT'S A GOP PLAN, numb nuts! LOL
The entire industrialized world has adopted some form of universal health care, or another. We have a BETTER idea! Whe saddle our employers with the cost of providing it for our citizens who work, making them totally non-competitive with businesses based in other countries, and then we give it away to the poor, and pay for that through federal and state grants, raised by taxes.

Oddly enough, not one single country in the entire world has ever said, "Gee! Why don't we adopt the American health care system?"

The rest of the world is, of course, wrong, and our stystem is right. (choke!) Sorry. I just barely was able to get that last sentence out....

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