America can make ANYTHING work; Even universal healthcare!

I think it important to see the responses from liberals to the following question.
What makes you think you are entitled to free medical insurance from the pockets of others?
I hate to tell the GOP this, but we'd BETTER make it work because it's not going away.

It would be easier to make it work if they'd get off the notion that they can kill it and get to work making it better.

^^^^ This. ^^^^

We have to make it work because, if we don't, we will never be able to compete in a global economy. Every single one of our global competitors has some form of single payer healthcare system. We have to figure out how to make it work for America.

If I had my druthers, it would be in the form of a sales tax that would provide basic healthcare to all Americans. Don't worry, insurance companies would still survive in my socialist utopia! Like most liberals, I know that it takes a healthy dose of capitalism and socialism for a happy, healthy and secure society.

If you don't like the universal, basic care provided, you can bump it up with your own cash and purchase a Cadillac supplement...hence the survival of the insurance companies we all love being beholden to.

Oh I get it.. Free shit from the rule of government supplied by confiscatory taxation creates economic expansion.
Shit...I had no idea.
Anyway..To address your idea.
A federal VAT to pay for health insurance...Not good enough. You'll have to give up something. There will be cuts in discretionary spending before a DIME of new taxes becomes acceptable. Anything else would be further taxation with the majority of wage earners getting nothing in return.
Additional funding by individuals to receive better coverage. Fine. Everyone must be subject to this. No more union sponsored cadillac policies. And that includes both private and public sector unions. All federal workers and elected office holders MUST participate. There are no advantages permitted for public workers. People will not tolerate those who serve the public to get a better deal than those who those workers serve.
You figurre out a way to bring the cost down to a maximum of 5% of a person's or a household gross income.
Lastly. An opt out provision MUST be included. If individuals wish to enter into a health savings account or a physician's association, they would be permitted to do this and avoid the tax.
I hate to tell the GOP this, but we'd BETTER make it work because it's not going away.

It would be easier to make it work if they'd get off the notion that they can kill it and get to work making it better.

^^^^ This. ^^^^

We have to make it work because, if we don't, we will never be able to compete in a global economy. Every single one of our global competitors has some form of single payer healthcare system. We have to figure out how to make it work for America.

If I had my druthers, it would be in the form of a sales tax that would provide basic healthcare to all Americans. Don't worry, insurance companies would still survive in my socialist utopia! Like most liberals, I know that it takes a healthy dose of capitalism and socialism for a happy, healthy and secure society.

If you don't like the universal, basic care provided, you can bump it up with your own cash and purchase a Cadillac supplement...hence the survival of the insurance companies we all love being beholden to.

Did it ever occur to you that the reason we have been so successfully dominating the world economy is that we haven't been hobbled by the system that you are touting?
I hate to tell the GOP this, but we'd BETTER make it work because it's not going away.

It would be easier to make it work if they'd get off the notion that they can kill it and get to work making it better.

^^^^ This. ^^^^

We have to make it work because, if we don't, we will never be able to compete in a global economy. Every single one of our global competitors has some form of single payer healthcare system. We have to figure out how to make it work for America.

If I had my druthers, it would be in the form of a sales tax that would provide basic healthcare to all Americans. Don't worry, insurance companies would still survive in my socialist utopia! Like most liberals, I know that it takes a healthy dose of capitalism and socialism for a happy, healthy and secure society.

If you don't like the universal, basic care provided, you can bump it up with your own cash and purchase a Cadillac supplement...hence the survival of the insurance companies we all love being beholden to.

Did it ever occur to you that the reason we have been so successfully dominating the world economy is that we haven't been hobbled by the system that you are touting?

You're trying to convince people who believe government is the answer to everything that the opposite is true.
And now we will get the "roads, bridges and other infrastructure" argument.

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