America dumbs down

the answer lies in the statement and the correct one goes like this " there is no evidence supporting the existence of god conversely there is no evidence disproving the existence of god.
most believers will interpret that as meaning since there is no proof proving god does not exist then he must.
that is an assumption. with no basis in fact.
what the statement means is there is no evidence for either....
HINT: There is no evidence that says otherwise either. People have been trying to disprove the existence of GOD for centuries, some are considered to be the sharpest brightest minds ever known. Their results, NO PROOF !!! So, you can throw slurs at those that do believe there is a GOD all day long, but can you disprove there is NO GOD? Waiting to hear your proof, thanks.
you really must learn to read "
the answer lies in the statement and the correct one goes like this " there is no evidence supporting the existence of god conversely there is no evidence disproving the existence of god.
most believers will interpret that as meaning since there is no proof proving god does not exist then he must.
that is an assumption. with no basis in fact.
what the statement means is there is no evidence for either...

It's nothing more than common sense. Before there was anything, there had to be something.

There did?


If there was "something" before there was "anything" --- then by definition there was not "not-anything".

Ergo: false premise. Or we could say, premise commits suicide before reaching its own period.
Is there something now, at this very minute? Is there anything that you can see, touch, or smell? If so, where did its makeup begin? Remember, there has to be something before there can be anything. Something can NOT come from nothing. So, using basic logic, there had to be something to start with. Now, going by that very simple logic, where did it all begin?

If there was "something to start with" --- then by the same definition there was not "nothing". You can't have it both ways.

I just said this, and I'm not going to be drawn into an endless circle in a thread that's supposed to be about South Freaking Carolina -- not something deep.

That can't be done; it would be proving a negative. But theism isn't science anyway; it's a matter of faith. And faith in that sort of thing starts with what "feels" right. And the idea of the planet being 4400 years old yet carrying fossils and minerals many times older explained on the basis that "well, God's a practical joker" -- just doesn't pass the smell test.
I didn't ask for an opinion, your opinion, I asked for proof. We all have opinions on the subject, all of us. But, opinion is NOT FACT !!! Please give the proof that you have there is NO GOD, and not just slurs directed towards those of us that do believe there is a GOD, and that GOD exist. Poking fun at us is not proof. Please, other than just an opinion and slurs, give proof that GOD is not the creator, and that he doesn't exist. Thanks. I'm looking forward to something beside an opinion.

I agree with that argument, as far as it goes. So far, science can't even begin to address the question of creation.
that's false assumption..
How is it false? Please explain. Thanks.
goggle false premise than get back to me..
Google " Proof " and get back to me. Thanks.
Ah, settle down.

It's not "off topic", it's just "not well thought through" to imply that a band of nomadic primitives wandering the desert umpteen thousand years ago actually got it right when they came up with the childlike concept of a God-thing creating everything in a week. No doubt it sufficed to entertain the primitive undeveloped intellects of the time. But the idea that there are people in a state government in 2015 that have failed to develop past that point, that's alarming indeed, which I think is your point in posting this story.

Just curious, can you prove without any doubt that GOD didn't create everything? Do you know that for a fact, and can prove it? HINT: No one has ever been able to prove that there is no GOD, or that GOD doesn't exist. No one has ever proven that GOD did not do it all. Serious question, where did everything come from? What was there in the beginning? Remember, you can't get something from nothing. So, there had to be something first before there could've been anything. Go ahead, give it your best shot. Not just your opinion, but proof beyond any doubt. Thanks. Looking forward to your answer on that subject.

That can't be done; it would be proving a negative. But theism isn't science anyway; it's a matter of faith. And faith in that sort of thing starts with what "feels" right. And the idea of the planet being 4400 years old yet carrying fossils and minerals many times older explained on the basis that "well, God's a practical joker" -- just doesn't pass the smell test.
I didn't ask for an opinion, your opinion, I asked for proof. We all have opinions on the subject, all of us. But, opinion is NOT FACT !!! Please give the proof that you have there is NO GOD, and not just slurs directed towards those of us that do believe there is a GOD, and that GOD exist. Poking fun at us is not proof. Please, other than just an opinion and slurs, give proof that GOD is not the creator, and that he doesn't exist. Thanks. I'm looking forward to something beside an opinion.

Slow down dood. You've been a reasonable intelligent poster on this site so read slowly here....

I didn't make any such claim. Ergo I don't need to "prove" it.
Then please state "there is no GOD" as an opinion. Thanks.

We can't prove or disprove the existence of God, that would be virtually impossible. But I think you are correct in thinking that science is constantly evolving, a process of constantly disproving the previous theory. When people wed themselves to a particular scientific truth, they can be pretty sure they'll be wrong in the future. It is arrogant and foolish of people to assume they even have the capability of perceiving what makes a universe, let alone understanding it. Humanity has a bad habit of giving too much credit for understanding everything to it's barely evolved chimp brains.
The true anti-science crowd is the ones who are shrieking "MANMADE GLOBAL WARMING!!!!! CONSENSUS!!! SETTLED SCIENCE!!! DIE YOU FUCKING DENIER!!!" without even one lab experiment

That's truly anti-Science

Apparently the tactic for the SC Sycophancy Pants Club (SCSPC) is to change the topic. Evolution, theism, climate change... anything but South Carolina.

Sorry, it's not going away. More's the pity.

Hey Frank!

Are there Cherokees in South Carolina?? :eusa_think:
The true anti-science crowd is the ones who are shrieking "MANMADE GLOBAL WARMING!!!!! CONSENSUS!!! SETTLED SCIENCE!!! DIE YOU FUCKING DENIER!!!" without even one lab experiment

That's truly anti-Science
die! you fucking denier !!!!!1
Cute, very cute. Anything else intelligent that you'd like to add while you're at it? Just curious. Oh, also curious, your age? I was under the impression that this was a civil and adult conversation. Was I wrong? I was mistaken, right?
That can't be done; it would be proving a negative. But theism isn't science anyway; it's a matter of faith. And faith in that sort of thing starts with what "feels" right. And the idea of the planet being 4400 years old yet carrying fossils and minerals many times older explained on the basis that "well, God's a practical joker" -- just doesn't pass the smell test.
I didn't ask for an opinion, your opinion, I asked for proof. We all have opinions on the subject, all of us. But, opinion is NOT FACT !!! Please give the proof that you have there is NO GOD, and not just slurs directed towards those of us that do believe there is a GOD, and that GOD exist. Poking fun at us is not proof. Please, other than just an opinion and slurs, give proof that GOD is not the creator, and that he doesn't exist. Thanks. I'm looking forward to something beside an opinion.
are you really this dense?
you cannot prove a negative..
it has been explained clearly that there is no evidence for or against the existence of god.
that is not a slur, it a fact ....
What negative? GOD is not a negative, anymore than the alternative is. So, if you, nor anyone else can disprove GOD, then what you're saying is nothing more than opinion.
if there is no proof that a thing in this case god it's a negative..
try it this way, "you cannot disprove god because there is nothing to disprove" the reverse is also true you cannot prove god because there is nothing to prove it .
belief is not proof of god's or anything else's existence as it only proves itself..
Fair enough. Lets go with that for a minute here. Where did it all begin? By that I mean, before there was anything, what started everything into motion? What is the source from which all originated? Any idea? Care to take a stab at it? Please, go ahead and give your theory on exactly where everything originated and how it all was set into motion. Thanks.
you are under the misleading assumption that there was reason or intelligence behind "creation"
it al began where it began..
Just curious, can you prove without any doubt that GOD didn't create everything? Do you know that for a fact, and can prove it? HINT: No one has ever been able to prove that there is no GOD, or that GOD doesn't exist. No one has ever proven that GOD did not do it all. Serious question, where did everything come from? What was there in the beginning? Remember, you can't get something from nothing. So, there had to be something first before there could've been anything. Go ahead, give it your best shot. Not just your opinion, but proof beyond any doubt. Thanks. Looking forward to your answer on that subject.

That can't be done; it would be proving a negative. But theism isn't science anyway; it's a matter of faith. And faith in that sort of thing starts with what "feels" right. And the idea of the planet being 4400 years old yet carrying fossils and minerals many times older explained on the basis that "well, God's a practical joker" -- just doesn't pass the smell test.
I didn't ask for an opinion, your opinion, I asked for proof. We all have opinions on the subject, all of us. But, opinion is NOT FACT !!! Please give the proof that you have there is NO GOD, and not just slurs directed towards those of us that do believe there is a GOD, and that GOD exist. Poking fun at us is not proof. Please, other than just an opinion and slurs, give proof that GOD is not the creator, and that he doesn't exist. Thanks. I'm looking forward to something beside an opinion.

Slow down dood. You've been a reasonable intelligent poster on this site so read slowly here....

I didn't make any such claim. Ergo I don't need to "prove" it.
Then please state "there is no GOD" as an opinion. Thanks.

We can't prove or disprove the existence of God, that would be virtually impossible. But I think you are correct in thinking that science is constantly evolving, a process of constantly disproving the previous theory. When people wed themselves to a particular scientific truth, they can be pretty sure they'll be wrong in the future. It is arrogant and foolish of people to assume they even have the capability of perceiving what makes a universe, let alone understanding it. Humanity has a bad habit of giving too much credit for understanding everything to it's barely evolved chimp brains.
Thank you. Exactly my point. We know very little, and learn more each day. But, to hear some tell it, we have solved every known mystery known to mankind.
I didn't ask for an opinion, your opinion, I asked for proof. We all have opinions on the subject, all of us. But, opinion is NOT FACT !!! Please give the proof that you have there is NO GOD, and not just slurs directed towards those of us that do believe there is a GOD, and that GOD exist. Poking fun at us is not proof. Please, other than just an opinion and slurs, give proof that GOD is not the creator, and that he doesn't exist. Thanks. I'm looking forward to something beside an opinion.

I agree with that argument, as far as it goes. So far, science can't even begin to address the question of creation.
that's false assumption..
How is it false? Please explain. Thanks.
goggle false premise than get back to me..
Google " Proof " and get back to me. Thanks.
how'd I know that you'd not have the guts ...
The true anti-science crowd is the ones who are shrieking "MANMADE GLOBAL WARMING!!!!! CONSENSUS!!! SETTLED SCIENCE!!! DIE YOU FUCKING DENIER!!!" without even one lab experiment

That's truly anti-Science
die! you fucking denier !!!!!1
Cute, very cute. Anything else intelligent that you'd like to add while you're at it? Just curious. Oh, also curious, your age? I was under the impression that this was a civil and adult conversation. Was I wrong? I was mistaken, right?
ahh ..sonny can't tell a joke from a serious comment?
even worse it was not directed at you....maybe minding your own business would help.
That can't be done; it would be proving a negative. But theism isn't science anyway; it's a matter of faith. And faith in that sort of thing starts with what "feels" right. And the idea of the planet being 4400 years old yet carrying fossils and minerals many times older explained on the basis that "well, God's a practical joker" -- just doesn't pass the smell test.
I didn't ask for an opinion, your opinion, I asked for proof. We all have opinions on the subject, all of us. But, opinion is NOT FACT !!! Please give the proof that you have there is NO GOD, and not just slurs directed towards those of us that do believe there is a GOD, and that GOD exist. Poking fun at us is not proof. Please, other than just an opinion and slurs, give proof that GOD is not the creator, and that he doesn't exist. Thanks. I'm looking forward to something beside an opinion.

Slow down dood. You've been a reasonable intelligent poster on this site so read slowly here....

I didn't make any such claim. Ergo I don't need to "prove" it.
Then please state "there is no GOD" as an opinion. Thanks.

We can't prove or disprove the existence of God, that would be virtually impossible. But I think you are correct in thinking that science is constantly evolving, a process of constantly disproving the previous theory. When people wed themselves to a particular scientific truth, they can be pretty sure they'll be wrong in the future. It is arrogant and foolish of people to assume they even have the capability of perceiving what makes a universe, let alone understanding it. Humanity has a bad habit of giving too much credit for understanding everything to it's barely evolved chimp brains.
Thank you. Exactly my point. We know very little, and learn more each day. But, to hear some tell it, we have solved every known mystery known to mankind.

You'll get an honest argument from me every time.
I didn't ask for an opinion, your opinion, I asked for proof. We all have opinions on the subject, all of us. But, opinion is NOT FACT !!! Please give the proof that you have there is NO GOD, and not just slurs directed towards those of us that do believe there is a GOD, and that GOD exist. Poking fun at us is not proof. Please, other than just an opinion and slurs, give proof that GOD is not the creator, and that he doesn't exist. Thanks. I'm looking forward to something beside an opinion.
are you really this dense?
you cannot prove a negative..
it has been explained clearly that there is no evidence for or against the existence of god.
that is not a slur, it a fact ....
What negative? GOD is not a negative, anymore than the alternative is. So, if you, nor anyone else can disprove GOD, then what you're saying is nothing more than opinion.
if there is no proof that a thing in this case god it's a negative..
try it this way, "you cannot disprove god because there is nothing to disprove" the reverse is also true you cannot prove god because there is nothing to prove it .
belief is not proof of god's or anything else's existence as it only proves itself..
Fair enough. Lets go with that for a minute here. Where did it all begin? By that I mean, before there was anything, what started everything into motion? What is the source from which all originated? Any idea? Care to take a stab at it? Please, go ahead and give your theory on exactly where everything originated and how it all was set into motion. Thanks.
you are under the misleading assumption that there was reason or intelligence behind "creation"
it al began where it began..
I'm not assuming anything, and I haven't been mislead nor misinformed. In my opinion, and until someone proves me wrong, yes, intelligence created the beginning of everything. That is my opinion, and nothing will ever change my mind until absolute proof is presented that counters that. Simple logic tells me that such complex matter as there is that makes up everything known to mankind, didn't come about merely by accident or chance. We have millions of things in this universe that are complex and beyond anyone's understanding. Even the human body is still a mystery to science. So, again, using simple logic, intelligence had to have been the original source of the very beginning of everything. Again, my opinion, and until I'm proven wrong, it'll remain my opinion.
The true anti-science crowd is the ones who are shrieking "MANMADE GLOBAL WARMING!!!!! CONSENSUS!!! SETTLED SCIENCE!!! DIE YOU FUCKING DENIER!!!" without even one lab experiment

That's truly anti-Science
die! you fucking denier !!!!!1
Cute, very cute. Anything else intelligent that you'd like to add while you're at it? Just curious. Oh, also curious, your age? I was under the impression that this was a civil and adult conversation. Was I wrong? I was mistaken, right?
ahh ..sonny can't tell a joke from a serious comment?
even worse it was not directed at you....maybe minding your own business would help.
I didn't ask for an opinion, your opinion, I asked for proof. We all have opinions on the subject, all of us. But, opinion is NOT FACT !!! Please give the proof that you have there is NO GOD, and not just slurs directed towards those of us that do believe there is a GOD, and that GOD exist. Poking fun at us is not proof. Please, other than just an opinion and slurs, give proof that GOD is not the creator, and that he doesn't exist. Thanks. I'm looking forward to something beside an opinion.

Slow down dood. You've been a reasonable intelligent poster on this site so read slowly here....

I didn't make any such claim. Ergo I don't need to "prove" it.
Then please state "there is no GOD" as an opinion. Thanks.

We can't prove or disprove the existence of God, that would be virtually impossible. But I think you are correct in thinking that science is constantly evolving, a process of constantly disproving the previous theory. When people wed themselves to a particular scientific truth, they can be pretty sure they'll be wrong in the future. It is arrogant and foolish of people to assume they even have the capability of perceiving what makes a universe, let alone understanding it. Humanity has a bad habit of giving too much credit for understanding everything to it's barely evolved chimp brains.
Thank you. Exactly my point. We know very little, and learn more each day. But, to hear some tell it, we have solved every known mystery known to mankind.

You'll get an honest argument from me every time.
Much appreciated. I wish more had that mindset.
are you really this dense?
you cannot prove a negative..
it has been explained clearly that there is no evidence for or against the existence of god.
that is not a slur, it a fact ....
What negative? GOD is not a negative, anymore than the alternative is. So, if you, nor anyone else can disprove GOD, then what you're saying is nothing more than opinion.
if there is no proof that a thing in this case god it's a negative..
try it this way, "you cannot disprove god because there is nothing to disprove" the reverse is also true you cannot prove god because there is nothing to prove it .
belief is not proof of god's or anything else's existence as it only proves itself..
Fair enough. Lets go with that for a minute here. Where did it all begin? By that I mean, before there was anything, what started everything into motion? What is the source from which all originated? Any idea? Care to take a stab at it? Please, go ahead and give your theory on exactly where everything originated and how it all was set into motion. Thanks.
you are under the misleading assumption that there was reason or intelligence behind "creation"
it al began where it began..
I'm not assuming anything, and I haven't been mislead nor misinformed. In my opinion, and until someone proves me wrong, yes, intelligence created the beginning of everything. That is my opinion, and nothing will ever change my mind until absolute proof is presented that counters that. Simple logic tells me that such complex matter as there is that makes up everything known to mankind, didn't come about merely by accident or chance. We have millions of things in this universe that are complex and beyond anyone's understanding. Even the human body is still a mystery to science. So, again, using simple logic, intelligence had to have been the original source of the very beginning of everything. Again, my opinion, and until I'm proven wrong, it'll remain my opinion.
your opinion is based on a false premise making any conclusions, speculations, etc. false...
yes you have been mislead and misinformed......your posts prove that.
are you really this dense?
you cannot prove a negative..
it has been explained clearly that there is no evidence for or against the existence of god.
that is not a slur, it a fact ....
What negative? GOD is not a negative, anymore than the alternative is. So, if you, nor anyone else can disprove GOD, then what you're saying is nothing more than opinion.
if there is no proof that a thing in this case god it's a negative..
try it this way, "you cannot disprove god because there is nothing to disprove" the reverse is also true you cannot prove god because there is nothing to prove it .
belief is not proof of god's or anything else's existence as it only proves itself..
Fair enough. Lets go with that for a minute here. Where did it all begin? By that I mean, before there was anything, what started everything into motion? What is the source from which all originated? Any idea? Care to take a stab at it? Please, go ahead and give your theory on exactly where everything originated and how it all was set into motion. Thanks.
you are under the misleading assumption that there was reason or intelligence behind "creation"
it al began where it began..
I'm not assuming anything, and I haven't been mislead nor misinformed. In my opinion, and until someone proves me wrong, yes, intelligence created the beginning of everything. That is my opinion, and nothing will ever change my mind until absolute proof is presented that counters that. Simple logic tells me that such complex matter as there is that makes up everything known to mankind, didn't come about merely by accident or chance. We have millions of things in this universe that are complex and beyond anyone's understanding. Even the human body is still a mystery to science. So, again, using simple logic, intelligence had to have been the original source of the very beginning of everything. Again, my opinion, and until I'm proven wrong, it'll remain my opinion.

Opinions can't be "right" or "wrong". That's where you went off course in this thread. An opinion simply is.
What negative? GOD is not a negative, anymore than the alternative is. So, if you, nor anyone else can disprove GOD, then what you're saying is nothing more than opinion.
if there is no proof that a thing in this case god it's a negative..
try it this way, "you cannot disprove god because there is nothing to disprove" the reverse is also true you cannot prove god because there is nothing to prove it .
belief is not proof of god's or anything else's existence as it only proves itself..
Fair enough. Lets go with that for a minute here. Where did it all begin? By that I mean, before there was anything, what started everything into motion? What is the source from which all originated? Any idea? Care to take a stab at it? Please, go ahead and give your theory on exactly where everything originated and how it all was set into motion. Thanks.
you are under the misleading assumption that there was reason or intelligence behind "creation"
it al began where it began..
I'm not assuming anything, and I haven't been mislead nor misinformed. In my opinion, and until someone proves me wrong, yes, intelligence created the beginning of everything. That is my opinion, and nothing will ever change my mind until absolute proof is presented that counters that. Simple logic tells me that such complex matter as there is that makes up everything known to mankind, didn't come about merely by accident or chance. We have millions of things in this universe that are complex and beyond anyone's understanding. Even the human body is still a mystery to science. So, again, using simple logic, intelligence had to have been the original source of the very beginning of everything. Again, my opinion, and until I'm proven wrong, it'll remain my opinion.

Opinions can't be "right" or "wrong". That's where you went off course in this thread. An opinion simply is.
Opinions are just that, opinions, nothing more. I have stated my opinion, and never once stated that my opinion was fact absolute, and without question. I'm not dumb enough to think that an opinion if fact certainty. I can be wrong, and usual am, and so can others. When in a discussion as the one in this thread takes place, opinions are all anyone can offer. No one can present proof where there is none. And, just curious, where did I go off course here? Thanks.
What negative? GOD is not a negative, anymore than the alternative is. So, if you, nor anyone else can disprove GOD, then what you're saying is nothing more than opinion.
if there is no proof that a thing in this case god it's a negative..
try it this way, "you cannot disprove god because there is nothing to disprove" the reverse is also true you cannot prove god because there is nothing to prove it .
belief is not proof of god's or anything else's existence as it only proves itself..
Fair enough. Lets go with that for a minute here. Where did it all begin? By that I mean, before there was anything, what started everything into motion? What is the source from which all originated? Any idea? Care to take a stab at it? Please, go ahead and give your theory on exactly where everything originated and how it all was set into motion. Thanks.
you are under the misleading assumption that there was reason or intelligence behind "creation"
it al began where it began..
I'm not assuming anything, and I haven't been mislead nor misinformed. In my opinion, and until someone proves me wrong, yes, intelligence created the beginning of everything. That is my opinion, and nothing will ever change my mind until absolute proof is presented that counters that. Simple logic tells me that such complex matter as there is that makes up everything known to mankind, didn't come about merely by accident or chance. We have millions of things in this universe that are complex and beyond anyone's understanding. Even the human body is still a mystery to science. So, again, using simple logic, intelligence had to have been the original source of the very beginning of everything. Again, my opinion, and until I'm proven wrong, it'll remain my opinion.
your opinion is based on a false premise making any conclusions, speculations, etc. false...
yes you have been mislead and misinformed......your posts prove that.
Nope, sorry. I have not been misinformed nor mislead. Please tell me exactly where I've been misinformed or mislead. Thanks.
I agree with that argument, as far as it goes. So far, science can't even begin to address the question of creation.
that's false assumption..
How is it false? Please explain. Thanks.
goggle false premise than get back to me..
Google " Proof " and get back to me. Thanks.
how'd I know that you'd not have the guts ...
Hey, I never mentioned anything about "false premise". Where did that come from? Don't have the "guts" for what? Please explain. Thanks.

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