America First = America Alone

The founders never foresaw a President who would try to win support by absolutely trashing the constitution and our system of government.
All's fair in love, war, and politics.
That's what people say before governments and countries are brought down.

Right. I believe the colonists in 1776 subscribed to that sentiment.
Probably. Now you want to burn their creation to the ground.
Having the builders rush through billions of dollars' worth of construction contracts, blow past environmental regulations and to "take the land" necessary by eminent domain, is hardly "breaking the law, except for the environmental regulations part. And if those stand in the way of getting the wall done, they should be disregarded.

"eminent domain"

Ever had that happen to you? I have and it can be painful. Certainly not at the magnitude proposed.
The folks that live along the border will give a damn good fight and it will be tied up in court for a long, long time.
Good luck.
Pffft... The American's on the border will welcome the wall or fences with open arms.
Having the builders rush through billions of dollars' worth of construction contracts, blow past environmental regulations and to "take the land" necessary by eminent domain, is hardly "breaking the law, except for the environmental regulations part. And if those stand in the way of getting the wall done, they should be disregarded.

"eminent domain"

Ever had that happen to you? I have and it can be painful. Certainly not at the magnitude proposed.
The folks that live along the border will give a damn good fight and it will be tied up in court for a long, long time.
Good luck.
Pffft... The American's on the border will welcome the wall or fences with open arms.
Thats what you hope. I'm sure they will thank you for your well meaning American support.
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Lol.... America is the World’s patrol car and ambulance.
Hilarity. It is the world's Capo.
The fear from people like you, or nations like yours, is soooooo great.
Go on, make us an offer we can't refuse.

We don't that, and you know it, thus you are NOT afraid to openly disrespect US.

And that is my point.
Hilarious. Tell it to Grenada and Iraq and Afghanistan and Vietnam.

YOu consider what Afghanistan did, as "disrespect"?


I consider it far worse.
So the president is now encouraging people to BREAK the law? The president of the United States?

Washington Post: Trump tells officials he will pardon them if they break the law building the wall - CNNPolitics

He did the same thing reportedly with his top DHS officials awhile ago. Kind of makes you think with this coming up twice there is more to it.
And look how that turned out. Added to the award winning list of people getting the boot or quitting the well oiled machine.
Having the builders rush through billions of dollars' worth of construction contracts, blow past environmental regulations and to "take the land" necessary by eminent domain, is hardly "breaking the law, except for the environmental regulations part. And if those stand in the way of getting the wall done, they should be disregarded.

"eminent domain"

Ever had that happen to you? I have and it can be painful. Certainly not at the magnitude proposed.
The folks that live along the border will give a damn good fight and it will be tied up in court for a long, long time.
Good luck.

Right. But when Alexandria Kelly Bundy stated we should replace airplanes with train tracks all over the country, how do you suppose Democrats would obtain land for all those trains, by asking people real nicely if they could put train tracks across their backyard?

You have no problem with government taking over land because some rare tit mouse lives on it, but to secure the border, reduce the drug flow, keep illegals out that are taking our jobs and killing people, NOW you have a problem with government taking land.
Having the builders rush through billions of dollars' worth of construction contracts, blow past environmental regulations and to "take the land" necessary by eminent domain, is hardly "breaking the law, except for the environmental regulations part. And if those stand in the way of getting the wall done, they should be disregarded.

"eminent domain"

Ever had that happen to you? I have and it can be painful. Certainly not at the magnitude proposed.
The folks that live along the border will give a damn good fight and it will be tied up in court for a long, long time.
Good luck.
That case is already lost.
So the president is now encouraging people to BREAK the law? The president of the United States?

Washington Post: Trump tells officials he will pardon them if they break the law building the wall - CNNPolitics

He did the same thing reportedly with his top DHS officials awhile ago. Kind of makes you think with this coming up twice there is more to it.
And look how that turned out. Added to the award winning list of people getting the boot or quitting the well oiled machine.

I think you are confused, people who quit the Trump administration aren't losing because of it, they are doing it so that they are not totally unemployable the rest of their career.
Having the builders rush through billions of dollars' worth of construction contracts, blow past environmental regulations and to "take the land" necessary by eminent domain, is hardly "breaking the law, except for the environmental regulations part. And if those stand in the way of getting the wall done, they should be disregarded.

"eminent domain"

Ever had that happen to you? I have and it can be painful. Certainly not at the magnitude proposed.
The folks that live along the border will give a damn good fight and it will be tied up in court for a long, long time.
Good luck.

Right. But when Alexandria Kelly Bundy stated we should replace airplanes with train tracks all over the country, how do you suppose Democrats would obtain land for all those trains, by asking people real nicely if they could put train tracks across their backyard?

You have no problem with government taking over land because some rare tit mouse lives on it, but to secure the border, reduce the drug flow, keep illegals out that are taking our jobs and killing people, NOW you have a problem with government taking land.
Eminent domain is only a problem for Republican Presidents. Dims never think twice about wiping out entire neighborhoods. Anything goes if it's for the good of the people!
YOu consider what Afghanistan did, as "disrespect"?
Afghanistan didn't bomb the US, bin Laden did that because the US was full of hubris and based US troops in Saudi. The Capo was offended the Taliban hadn't shown enough respect. Rubble had to bounce.

Taliban 'offered bin Laden trial before 9/11'
Taliban 'offered bin Laden trial before 9/11'

The Taliban government in Afghanistan offered to present Osama bin Laden for a trial long before the attacks of September 11, 2001, but the US government showed no interest, according to a senior aide to the Taliban leader, Mullah Omar.

Wakil Ahmad Muttawakil, Taliban’s last foreign minister, told Al Jazeera in an exclusive interview that his government had made several proposals to the United States to present the al-Qaeda leader, considered the mastermind of the 2001 attacks, for trial for his involvement in plots targeting US facilities during the 1990s.

"Even before the [9/11] attacks, our Islamic Emirate had tried through various proposals to resolve the Osama issue. One such proposal was to set up a three-nation court, or something under the supervision of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference [OIC]," Muttawakil said.

"But the US showed no interest in it. They kept demanding we hand him over, but we had no relations with the US, no agreement of any sort. They did not recognise our government."

The US did not recognise the Taliban government and had no direct diplomatic relations with the group which controlled most of Afghanistan between 1996 and 2001.

But proposals by the Taliban were relayed to the US through indirect channels such as the US embassy in Pakistan or the informal Taliban office for the UN in New York, Muttawakil said.

Robert Grenier, the CIA station chief in Pakistan at the time of 9/11, confirmed that such proposals had been made to US officials.

Grenier said the US considered the offers to bring in Bin Laden to trial a "ploy".

"Another idea was that [bin Laden] would be brought to trial before a group of Ulema [religious scholars] in Afghanistan.

"No one in the US government took these [offers] seriously because they did not trust the Taliban and their ability to conduct a proper trial."

Subsequent to the 1998 US embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, as US pressure grew, the Taliban insisted on a procedure under the supervision of OIC because it considered it a "neutral international organisation".

The OIC is a Saudi Arabia-based organisation representing 56 Muslim nations. Al Jazeera contacted the OIC, but nobody was available for comment.
So the president is now encouraging people to BREAK the law? The president of the United States?

Washington Post: Trump tells officials he will pardon them if they break the law building the wall - CNNPolitics

I have a question: why is it when leftist sources claim to have dirt on Trump, it's always nameless faceless people?

The Post, citing current and former officials involved with the project, also reported that Trump has signaled that he would pardon aides accused of breaking the law to hasten the wall's progress.

Trump denies report he offered pardons to aides who break law to fast-track border wall
Having the builders rush through billions of dollars' worth of construction contracts, blow past environmental regulations and to "take the land" necessary by eminent domain, is hardly "breaking the law, except for the environmental regulations part. And if those stand in the way of getting the wall done, they should be disregarded.

"eminent domain"

Ever had that happen to you? I have and it can be painful. Certainly not at the magnitude proposed.
The folks that live along the border will give a damn good fight and it will be tied up in court for a long, long time.
Good luck.

Right. But when Alexandria Kelly Bundy stated we should replace airplanes with train tracks all over the country, how do you suppose Democrats would obtain land for all those trains, by asking people real nicely if they could put train tracks across their backyard?

You have no problem with government taking over land because some rare tit mouse lives on it, but to secure the border, reduce the drug flow, keep illegals out that are taking our jobs and killing people, NOW you have a problem with government taking land.
I do have a problem with Govt taking land. Re-read. I gave in due to costs. But a way to garner votes no matter who gets screwed?
So the president is now encouraging people to BREAK the law? The president of the United States?

Washington Post: Trump tells officials he will pardon them if they break the law building the wall - CNNPolitics

That's nothing, fiver years ago today this happened.

Actually, that suit fits him pretty good.
So the president is now encouraging people to BREAK the law? The president of the United States?

Washington Post: Trump tells officials he will pardon them if they break the law building the wall - CNNPolitics

That's nothing, fiver years ago today this happened.

Actually, that suit fits him pretty good.

That? No. Only Trump knows how to wear a suit.

He’s fat
YOu consider what Afghanistan did, as "disrespect"?
Afghanistan didn't bomb the US, bin Laden did that because the US was full of hubris and based US troops in Saudi. The Capo was offended the Taliban hadn't shown enough respect. Rubble had to bounce.....

They protected an organization that had committed an Act of War against US.

That is not "disrespect".

My point stand. Countries and people know they can be disrespectful to US, in the extreme with complete safety, because we are nice, maybe too nice.

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