America First = America Alone

Having the builders rush through billions of dollars' worth of construction contracts, blow past environmental regulations and to "take the land" necessary by eminent domain, is hardly "breaking the law, except for the environmental regulations part. And if those stand in the way of getting the wall done, they should be disregarded.

"eminent domain"

Ever had that happen to you? I have and it can be painful. Certainly not at the magnitude proposed.
The folks that live along the border will give a damn good fight and it will be tied up in court for a long, long time.
Good luck.

Right. But when Alexandria Kelly Bundy stated we should replace airplanes with train tracks all over the country, how do you suppose Democrats would obtain land for all those trains, by asking people real nicely if they could put train tracks across their backyard?

You have no problem with government taking over land because some rare tit mouse lives on it, but to secure the border, reduce the drug flow, keep illegals out that are taking our jobs and killing people, NOW you have a problem with government taking land.
I do have a problem with Govt taking land. Re-read. I gave in due to costs. But a way to garner votes no matter who gets screwed?

I can't speak for you personally, but it seems your side supports the taking of land for Democrat causes.

Some of these farmers and ranchers have had their land destroyed by illegals. They find dead bodies on their land from time to time. I remember one account where illegals used a water vat to take a bath in, and polluted the water supply needed for the livestock on the guys farm.

I have an apartment complex behind my property. We had problems with kids and God knows who else coming here breaking and stealing things because of an eight foot wide gap leading to my property. One time they stole over half my firewood.

Finally the owners of the apartment complex built a six foot high picket fence between their property and mine. Haven't had a problem since, and I was thrilled when I found out about it. So why would anybody who has had so much trouble with illegals object to the government stopping the problem? I would think it should give those people a piece of mind.
So the president is now encouraging people to BREAK the law? The president of the United States?

Washington Post: Trump tells officials he will pardon them if they break the law building the wall - CNNPolitics

He did the same thing reportedly with his top DHS officials awhile ago. Kind of makes you think with this coming up twice there is more to it.
And look how that turned out. Added to the award winning list of people getting the boot or quitting the well oiled machine.

I think you are confused, people who quit the Trump administration aren't losing because of it, they are doing it so that they are not totally unemployable the rest of their career.
Not confused. They made the mistake for working for the admin in the first place. Otherwise they would still be there.
Having the builders rush through billions of dollars' worth of construction contracts, blow past environmental regulations and to "take the land" necessary by eminent domain, is hardly "breaking the law, except for the environmental regulations part. And if those stand in the way of getting the wall done, they should be disregarded.

"eminent domain"

Ever had that happen to you? I have and it can be painful. Certainly not at the magnitude proposed.
The folks that live along the border will give a damn good fight and it will be tied up in court for a long, long time.
Good luck.

Right. But when Alexandria Kelly Bundy stated we should replace airplanes with train tracks all over the country, how do you suppose Democrats would obtain land for all those trains, by asking people real nicely if they could put train tracks across their backyard?

You have no problem with government taking over land because some rare tit mouse lives on it, but to secure the border, reduce the drug flow, keep illegals out that are taking our jobs and killing people, NOW you have a problem with government taking land.
I do have a problem with Govt taking land. Re-read. I gave in due to costs. But a way to garner votes no matter who gets screwed?

I can't speak for you personally, but it seems your side supports the taking of land for Democrat causes.

Some of these farmers and ranchers have had their land destroyed by illegals. They find dead bodies on their land from time to time. I remember one account where illegals used a water vat to take a bath in, and polluted the water supply needed for the livestock on the guys farm.

I have an apartment complex behind my property. We had problems with kids and God knows who else coming here breaking and stealing things because of an eight foot wide gap leading to my property. One time they stole over half my firewood.

Finally the owners of the apartment complex built a six foot high picket fence between their property and mine. Haven't had a problem since, and I was thrilled when I found out about it. So why would anybody who has had so much trouble with illegals object to the government stopping the problem? I would think it should give those people a piece of mind.
"seems" my ASS
Thank you Mr President! :thup:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account

The Amazon Washington Post and @CNN just did a Fake Interview on Pardons for Aids on the Wall, and that I didn’t think the Wall on the Southern Border was that important to stop Illegals wanting to come into our Country. WRONG, vitally important. Will make a BIG impact. So bad!

5:21 PM - 28 Aug 2019
Good gawd..
From whom is the US defending Europe?
Your a piss ass country..
Oh the altruism...

Strategy of the United States promises that America will act to prevent any other state from building up military capabilities in the hope of "surpassing, or even equaling, the power of the United States." Ideologically, us grand strategy amounts to "real-politik-plus," to borrow Brandeis University professor Robert Art's phrase.

You dont even have the money .
The founders never foresaw a President who would try to win support by absolutely trashing the constitution and our system of government.
All's fair in love, war, and politics.
That's what people say before governments and countries are brought down.

Right. I believe the colonists in 1776 subscribed to that sentiment.
Probably. Now you want to burn their creation to the ground.

No, I want to run its enemies from all political power.
So the president is now encouraging people to BREAK the law? The president of the United States?

Washington Post: Trump tells officials he will pardon them if they break the law building the wall - CNNPolitics

What a fucking badass!
This dude is hell-bent on getting shit done for good, legitimate, real Americans.

LefTard Logic:
“Encourage wetbacks to BREAK THE LAW and fuck Americans over....Do not encourage America to stop wetbacks from fucking Americans over.”
Haha..You disgusting fucks are fascinating.

Rightward logic. It is ok to break the law if you are Trump.

Sanctuary cities?
Suppose you are on a Basketball team and decide to take a “Me First” attitude. Your goal is to score as many points as you can. When your teammates complain, you are welcome to score as many points as you can too.

Sounds like a way to score more points

But what happens is you end up shooting every time you get the ball whether you have a shot or not. Your point total may go up at first, but eventually your teammates will stop passing you the ball.

Overall, your scoring will drop

And then the team loses because the rest are weak players.

In any case, the world is not a baseball team, and of course we will place our interests above all others, as they also place theirs in the front.

This is where modern-day Democrats fail.
Bullshit, American conservatives may be the most inept diplomats the world has ever seen.
Liberal "diplomacy" consists of having American bend over and take it up the ass.
Suppose you are on a Basketball team and decide to take a “Me First” attitude. Your goal is to score as many points as you can. When your teammates complain, you are welcome to score as many points as you can too.

Sounds like a way to score more points

But what happens is you end up shooting every time you get the ball whether you have a shot or not. Your point total may go up at first, but eventually your teammates will stop passing you the ball.

Overall, your scoring will drop

Why did you prefer the "America LAST" approach by Trump's predecessor? Because it made us more popular with the Europeans?
You would because you lack a proper understand the the true meaning of "general welfare."


No, you are wrong. I am aware of "general welfare". I'm asking how a voter can be for big government in one instance and not in another. That is what confuses me. It appears hypocritical at a minimum.
Because one is promoting the general welfare of the nation. The other is NOT.


I know you don't know the difference. You just proved it.


Again, you are wrong. Healthcare can absolutely have devastating impacts on the welfare of the nation. Outbreaks do and are happening.

your turn........
Outbreaks are covered under general welfare.

And, go.

I think we are talking apples and oranges or it's possible I misunderstood your initial point.

The government is responsible for the general welfare of the nation. Outbreaks and epidemics would fall under this directive. So......why shouldn't the government provide healthcare for all if they are responsible for the general welfare of the nation?
Because, that is not providing healthcare. That is paying for healthcare with tax dollars, which amounts to taking from one who earned it by threat of force, to that individual's detriment, and giving to one who did not earn, to that individual's benefit. We normally call that stealing.

General welfare is providing a mutual benefit to all. Taking care of an emergency that has a substantial probability in affecting all the people, presenting a threat to all (a disease epidemic) IS general welfare.

"Take the land"?

It's called "The Takings Clause" of the constitution. I don't get the controversy here.


There is this thing called "due process"...perhaps you might have heard of it?
Due process is determining just compensation AFTER a taking has occurred. There's no "IF" about taking.

These assholes want to STOP the taking, which is only possible in limited situations.

Big difference.

Suppose you are on a Basketball team and decide to take a “Me First” attitude. Your goal is to score as many points as you can. When your teammates complain, you are welcome to score as many points as you can too.

Sounds like a way to score more points

But what happens is you end up shooting every time you get the ball whether you have a shot or not. Your point total may go up at first, but eventually your teammates will stop passing you the ball.

Overall, your scoring will drop

So the president is now encouraging people to BREAK the law? The president of the United States?

Washington Post: Trump tells officials he will pardon them if they break the law building the wall - CNNPolitics

What a fucking badass!
This dude is hell-bent on getting shit done for good, legitimate, real Americans.

LefTard Logic:
“Encourage wetbacks to BREAK THE LAW and fuck Americans over....Do not encourage America to stop wetbacks from fucking Americans over.”
Haha..You disgusting fucks are fascinating.

Rightward logic. It is ok to break the law if you are Trump.

Sanctuary cities?
What president encouraged them or promised pardons?
So the president is now encouraging people to BREAK the law? The president of the United States?

Washington Post: Trump tells officials he will pardon them if they break the law building the wall - CNNPolitics

What a fucking badass!
This dude is hell-bent on getting shit done for good, legitimate, real Americans.

LefTard Logic:
“Encourage wetbacks to BREAK THE LAW and fuck Americans over....Do not encourage America to stop wetbacks from fucking Americans over.”
Haha..You disgusting fucks are fascinating.

Rightward logic. It is ok to break the law if you are Trump.

Sanctuary cities?
What president encouraged them or promised pardons?

Law suits?

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