America First = America Alone

Another disturbing proclamation from the President. This is another precedence setting situation if it comes to pass. Beware what you wish for, it could come true when you least want it to.

I'm struggling to figure out how some voters can support the government coming in to take private land from landowners while railing against the government for trying to ensure everyone has healthcare........

I find this very confusing
You would because you lack a proper understand the the true meaning of "general welfare."


No, you are wrong. I am aware of "general welfare". I'm asking how a voter can be for big government in one instance and not in another. That is what confuses me. It appears hypocritical at a minimum.

Because in one instance the use of government power is legitimate, and in the other, not.

I'm not so sure. I think it depends on the individual as to whether they will think it is legitimate. I do not think all landowners are going to feel that the government coming in to take their land is more important than their rights as a landowner.

We were talking about conservative "voter" being against "big government" in one instance and not another.

I gave you the answer.

Then you switched over to talking about local land owners.

Why did you do that?
Another disturbing proclamation from the President. This is another precedence setting situation if it comes to pass. Beware what you wish for, it could come true when you least want it to.

I'm struggling to figure out how some voters can support the government coming in to take private land from landowners while railing against the government for trying to ensure everyone has healthcare........

I find this very confusing
You would because you lack a proper understand the the true meaning of "general welfare."


No, you are wrong. I am aware of "general welfare". I'm asking how a voter can be for big government in one instance and not in another. That is what confuses me. It appears hypocritical at a minimum.

Because in one instance the use of government power is legitimate, and in the other, not.

I'm not so sure. I think it depends on the individual as to whether they will think it is legitimate. I do not think all landowners are going to feel that the government coming in to take their land is more important than their rights as a landowner.

We were talking about conservative "voter" being against "big government" in one instance and not another.

I gave you the answer.

Then you switched over to talking about local land owners.

Why did you do that?

I'm not intentionally trying to move the bar. I think they are relevant points to the discussion.
Another disturbing proclamation from the President. This is another precedence setting situation if it comes to pass. Beware what you wish for, it could come true when you least want it to.

I'm struggling to figure out how some voters can support the government coming in to take private land from landowners while railing against the government for trying to ensure everyone has healthcare........

I find this very confusing
You would because you lack a proper understand the the true meaning of "general welfare."


No, you are wrong. I am aware of "general welfare". I'm asking how a voter can be for big government in one instance and not in another. That is what confuses me. It appears hypocritical at a minimum.
Because one is promoting the general welfare of the nation. The other is NOT.


I know you don't know the difference. You just proved it.

But given Trump’s contempt for the rule of law and our democratic institutions, concern is perfectly justified and warranted.
And given Barr's utter devotion to keeping Trump from paying for crimes along with Republican tacit approval, the contempt for rule of law and democratic institutions is this admin's most consistent theme.

Have you read about the birthright scapegoat whine Trump is now using? Evidently he is planning on an XO repeal of the 14th amendment.
But given Trump’s contempt for the rule of law and our democratic institutions, concern is perfectly justified and warranted.
And given Barr's utter devotion to keeping Trump from paying for crimes along with Republican tacit approval, the contempt for rule of law and democratic institutions is this admin's most consistent theme.

Have you read about the birthright scapegoat whine Trump is now using? Evidently he is planning on an XO repeal of the 14th amendment.
Oh, jeez.


‘Take the land’: President Trump wants a border wall. He wants it black. And he wants it by Election Day
President Trump is so eager to complete hundreds of miles of border fence ahead of the 2020 presidential election that he has directed aides to fast-track billions of dollars’ worth of construction contracts, aggressively seize private land and disregard environmental rules, according to current and former officials involved with the project.

He also has told worried subordinates that he will pardon them of any potential wrongdoing should they have to break laws to get the barriers built quickly, those officials said.

The president has told senior aides that a failure to deliver on the signature promise of his 2016 campaign would be a letdown to his supporters and an embarrassing defeat.
Donald Trump wants private land seized for border wall, report says: A.M. News Links

Telling them to break the law. How do you feel about that?

What is private land doing on the border? When are you going to get it through that two inch thick skull bone of yours that Trump is building the wall?

You have a problem wh land ownership ? Commie!

also a sad obsession over trump,its butthurt from not having her hero,a mass murderer and constitution burner,not elected.LOL:abgg2q.jpg:

one more thing about this post,i get it that the OP doesnt like trump,i dont like him either,but i dont have this sad obsession that i go around talking about him all the time and ignore the corruption of previous presidents though,i talk about the corruption of ALL of them,something the OP might consider trying as well instead of all this butthurt over ONE PRESIDENT.:rolleyes:
You would because you lack a proper understand the the true meaning of "general welfare."


No, you are wrong. I am aware of "general welfare". I'm asking how a voter can be for big government in one instance and not in another. That is what confuses me. It appears hypocritical at a minimum.

Because in one instance the use of government power is legitimate, and in the other, not.

I'm not so sure. I think it depends on the individual as to whether they will think it is legitimate. I do not think all landowners are going to feel that the government coming in to take their land is more important than their rights as a landowner.

We were talking about conservative "voter" being against "big government" in one instance and not another.

I gave you the answer.

Then you switched over to talking about local land owners.

Why did you do that?

I'm not intentionally trying to move the bar. I think they are relevant points to the discussion.

You asked how a conservative voter can support the use of government power in one instance, and not another.

I pointed out the obvious answer that the conservative voter considered one use of power legitimate and the other not.

You did not address that. You moved on to discussing how a local land owner might feel.

Are you now completely comfortable with your understanding of why different uses of power are seen differently by conservative voters now?

I cleared that all up for you?
Another disturbing proclamation from the President. This is another precedence setting situation if it comes to pass. Beware what you wish for, it could come true when you least want it to.

I'm struggling to figure out how some voters can support the government coming in to take private land from landowners while railing against the government for trying to ensure everyone has healthcare........

I find this very confusing
You would because you lack a proper understand the the true meaning of "general welfare."


No, you are wrong. I am aware of "general welfare". I'm asking how a voter can be for big government in one instance and not in another. That is what confuses me. It appears hypocritical at a minimum.
Because one is promoting the general welfare of the nation. The other is NOT.


I know you don't know the difference. You just proved it.


Again, you are wrong. Healthcare can absolutely have devastating impacts on the welfare of the nation. Outbreaks do and are happening.

your turn........
But given Trump’s contempt for the rule of law and our democratic institutions, concern is perfectly justified and warranted.
And given Barr's utter devotion to keeping Trump from paying for crimes along with Republican tacit approval, the contempt for rule of law and democratic institutions is this admin's most consistent theme.

Have you read about the birthright scapegoat whine Trump is now using? Evidently he is planning on an XO repeal of the 14th amendment.
Sorry C_Clayton, this birthright thingy already has a MAGA no less.
‘Take the land’: President Trump wants a border wall. He wants it black. And he wants it by Election Day
President Trump is so eager to complete hundreds of miles of border fence ahead of the 2020 presidential election that he has directed aides to fast-track billions of dollars’ worth of construction contracts, aggressively seize private land and disregard environmental rules, according to current and former officials involved with the project.

He also has told worried subordinates that he will pardon them of any potential wrongdoing should they have to break laws to get the barriers built quickly, those officials said.

The president has told senior aides that a failure to deliver on the signature promise of his 2016 campaign would be a letdown to his supporters and an embarrassing defeat.
Donald Trump wants private land seized for border wall, report says: A.M. News Links

Telling them to break the law. How do you feel about that?
This may be the only "winner" I give you.

This is why we elected him.

All of you who think there is NO DIFFERENCE between the two parties, do you think Hillary would do this? She would fight AGAINST security for America!

She wouldn't of invited so many to begin with, we are not for open boarders, and also she would of handled it a lot better than him.

Not for open borders? Really??

Chris Hayes asked Beto O'Rourke: "If you could, would you take the wall down here -- knock it down?"

"Yes, absolutely," answered O'Rourke. "I'd take the wall down."
How many times have the tards here threatened "we'll just tear it down" when they get a Democrat in office!

More times than I can count on ten fingers I've heard that here.
They're all open borders. Theyll lie to your face and tell you they're not.
Another disturbing proclamation from the President. This is another precedence setting situation if it comes to pass. Beware what you wish for, it could come true when you least want it to.

I'm struggling to figure out how some voters can support the government coming in to take private land from landowners while railing against the government for trying to ensure everyone has healthcare........

I find this very confusing
You would because you lack a proper understand the the true meaning of "general welfare."


No, you are wrong. I am aware of "general welfare". I'm asking how a voter can be for big government in one instance and not in another. That is what confuses me. It appears hypocritical at a minimum.
Because one is promoting the general welfare of the nation. The other is NOT.


I know you don't know the difference. You just proved it.


Again, you are wrong. Healthcare can absolutely have devastating impacts on the welfare of the nation. Outbreaks do and are happening.

your turn........
Outbreaks are covered under general welfare.

And, go.

No, you are wrong. I am aware of "general welfare". I'm asking how a voter can be for big government in one instance and not in another. That is what confuses me. It appears hypocritical at a minimum.

Because in one instance the use of government power is legitimate, and in the other, not.

I'm not so sure. I think it depends on the individual as to whether they will think it is legitimate. I do not think all landowners are going to feel that the government coming in to take their land is more important than their rights as a landowner.

We were talking about conservative "voter" being against "big government" in one instance and not another.

I gave you the answer.

Then you switched over to talking about local land owners.

Why did you do that?

I'm not intentionally trying to move the bar. I think they are relevant points to the discussion.

You asked how a conservative voter can support the use of government power in one instance, and not another.

I pointed out the obvious answer that the conservative voter considered one use of power legitimate and the other not.

You did not address that. You moved on to discussing how a local land owner might feel.

Are you now completely comfortable with your understanding of why different uses of power are seen differently by conservative voters now?

I cleared that all up for you?

No, I did NOT ask how a conservative voter could support one thing and not another. I asked how a "voter" could. I did not specify what kind of voter - you did.

No, I am not clear how one is different from the other but I can be pretty black and white sometimes. I'm trying to work on that flaw.
Another disturbing proclamation from the President. This is another precedence setting situation if it comes to pass. Beware what you wish for, it could come true when you least want it to.

I'm struggling to figure out how some voters can support the government coming in to take private land from landowners while railing against the government for trying to ensure everyone has healthcare........

I find this very confusing
You would because you lack a proper understand the the true meaning of "general welfare."


No, you are wrong. I am aware of "general welfare". I'm asking how a voter can be for big government in one instance and not in another. That is what confuses me. It appears hypocritical at a minimum.
Because one is promoting the general welfare of the nation. The other is NOT.


I know you don't know the difference. You just proved it.


Again, you are wrong. Healthcare can absolutely have devastating impacts on the welfare of the nation. Outbreaks do and are happening.

your turn........
Outbreaks are covered under general welfare.

And, go.

I think we are talking apples and oranges or it's possible I misunderstood your initial point.

The government is responsible for the general welfare of the nation. Outbreaks and epidemics would fall under this directive. So......why shouldn't the government provide healthcare for all if they are responsible for the general welfare of the nation?
Man, the fake conservatives are really exposing what are,,,,fakes.
Expounding breaking laws.
Eminent Domain
Big Government
Skyrocketing deficits
Socialism appeasement for Farmers/corporate farms.
Against parts of the Constitution that you don’t like.
Nothing like having no convictions.
No, it’s easier to goose-step to a con man, it’s easy and you don’t even have to think!
Lol.... America is the World’s patrol car and ambulance.
Hilarity. It is the world's Capo.
The fear from people like you, or nations like yours, is soooooo great.
Go on, make us an offer we can't refuse.

We don't that, and you know it, thus you are NOT afraid to openly disrespect US.

And that is my point.
Hilarious. Tell it to Grenada and Iraq and Afghanistan and Vietnam.
So the president is now encouraging people to BREAK the law? The president of the United States?

Washington Post: Trump tells officials he will pardon them if they break the law building the wall - CNNPolitics

That's nothing, fiver years ago today this happened.

Good gawd..
From whom is the US defending Europe?
Your a piss ass country..
Oh the altruism...

Strategy of the United States promises that America will act to prevent any other state from building up military capabilities in the hope of "surpassing, or even equaling, the power of the United States." Ideologically, us grand strategy amounts to "real-politik-plus," to borrow Brandeis University professor Robert Art's phrase.

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