America has lost its mind

Ya know it's notable...when the IRA was blowing shit up all over the place we weren't attacking Christians...or even Ireland writ large.

When anti-abortion zealots were bombing clinics (one was burned the other day) and even the Atlanta Olympics, we didn't blame all Christians

What's different here?
Because it was our own people doing it, not an alien religion from an alien culture that does not mix well with our own.

And we have 1,400 years of history, including three or four decades worth of sporadic jihads against The West, to prove the point. admit that "our own people" do it. Thanks for that admission, as well as the admission that you are totally willing to accept or at least overlook when "our own people" do it.

I admit it.

Our own people do it.

Directed against our own.

Why are you giving 'aid and comfort to the enemy' by attempting (and failing) to generate a smokescreen for them?

Wake me up, when a Christian drives a couple of airliners filled with Arabs, into the skyscrapers of Riyadh, eh?

The trouble with you mush-heads is, you have no idea just how vicious this death cult is, in its everyday teaching and manifestations.

Fortunately, you don't control foreign and immigration policy at this juncture.
Yes, but only if they swear an oath of loyalty to the USA above all others. The muslims have not done that, their primary loyalty is to the Koran and sharia law. Why else would they insist on head coverings? Why else would they scream about jews and hate Israel? Those two muslim women are plants in the US congress as part of the long range muslim jihad to destroy the USA.

Damn, some of you are as ignorant as a chunk of road kill. Why TF cant you see what is happening?
You know that members of Congress swear an oath to the Constitution, right?
You know that Muslims are allowed by their religion to lie to advance the cause RIGHT?
Yep......but everyone lies.....CRCs more than most.
So why did you post the statement that she swore an oath like it meant anything?
So you think her sworn oath means any less than any other sworn oath by people who lie just as much if not more than she does?
You seem too YOU used it as a defense of her, NOT me.
...Perhaps you forgot how many military bases the US had in saudi arabia? Imagine your reaction if Saudis had military base in US.
Another LibTard, kissing Muslim ass, helping them to propagate their rationale for inflicting 9-11 on the United States.

Your kind is truly disgusting when operating in this mode.

Unless, of course, you have an even keener, personal and deeply religious (Islamic) motive for such a defense of such scum.
I'm explaining the motive behind al qaeda. A small minority of radicals who are offended by what they perceive as a foreign invasion of their territory. I'm not defending it, i'm just giving an explanation of reality.

I do not recall any recent holy wars undertaken against The West at-large by Christians.

You don't? How about World War I, World War II, the Thirty Years War, the Napoleonic Wars. ..
These were not wars having religion as the primary casus belli or major undercurrent.

...We are at war with the Islamic World because the West has been invading it and trying to dominate it since the Crusades.
Yeah, it's all the White Western Civilization's fault, right, Achmed? Not.
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget
the islamist are exploiting the dumb dem voters
What, now you WANT us to be wary of religious extremists? I see little difference between Muslims and the GOP's evangelicals. 2 groups that need to be toned the fuck down, but only one has any real influence in trying to impose their version of sharia on America. Hint: not the Muslims.

Whata Maroon, those evil Christians are coming for you..
Trying to, anyways

No, they aren't.
the islamist are exploiting the dumb dem voters
What, now you WANT us to be wary of religious extremists? I see little difference between Muslims and the GOP's evangelicals. 2 groups that need to be toned the fuck down, but only one has any real influence in trying to impose their version of sharia on America. Hint: not the Muslims.

Whata Maroon, those evil Christians are coming for you..
Trying to, anyways

Christians more often than not defend Israel.
Let’s make sure everyone’s on the same page with the ignorance, stupidity, bigotry, and hate you’re trying to propagate:

It’s your wrongheaded notion that ‘all Muslims’ are somehow ‘responsible’ for 9/11; that American Muslims are ‘suspect’ and ‘untrustworthy’ and should be prohibited from participating in the political process, where Democrats are supposedly ‘to blame’ for electing ‘potentially disloyal’ Muslim Americans to Congress.

Again, neither has America nor Democrats ‘gone insane’ – the insanity belongs solely to you and others on the hateful right who believe such nonsense.

Let me help you, ALL RADICAL MUSLIMS are responsible and would do it again if they could.

I do not recall any recent holy wars undertaken against The West at-large by Christians.

You don't? How about World War I, World War II, the Thirty Years War, the Napoleonic Wars.

We are at war with the Islamic World because the West has been invading it and trying to dominate it since the Crusades.
Actually the crusades were all about recovery what the Muslims TOOK from the Christians and the Muslims waged 800 years of war fare against the west invading as far as France and Hungary.
the islamist are exploiting the dumb dem voters
What, now you WANT us to be wary of religious extremists? I see little difference between Muslims and the GOP's evangelicals. 2 groups that need to be toned the fuck down, but only one has any real influence in trying to impose their version of sharia on America. Hint: not the Muslims.

Whata Maroon, those evil Christians are coming for you..
Trying to, anyways

Christians more often than not defend Israel.
Let’s make sure everyone’s on the same page with the ignorance, stupidity, bigotry, and hate you’re trying to propagate:

It’s your wrongheaded notion that ‘all Muslims’ are somehow ‘responsible’ for 9/11; that American Muslims are ‘suspect’ and ‘untrustworthy’ and should be prohibited from participating in the political process, where Democrats are supposedly ‘to blame’ for electing ‘potentially disloyal’ Muslim Americans to Congress.

Again, neither has America nor Democrats ‘gone insane’ – the insanity belongs solely to you and others on the hateful right who believe such nonsense.

all muslims are not terrorists, but all terrorists who want to destroy America are muslims. Its not complicated. Why are the "good" muslims so silent when their brothers and sisters practice jihad against America? Why do they not condemn the radical elements or Islam?

do you know? do you care?

The reason is that islam teaches that islam must take over the world and that any methods are acceptable, including lying about being "good" muslims.
What, now you WANT us to be wary of religious extremists? I see little difference between Muslims and the GOP's evangelicals. 2 groups that need to be toned the fuck down, but only one has any real influence in trying to impose their version of sharia on America. Hint: not the Muslims.

Whata Maroon, those evil Christians are coming for you..
Trying to, anyways

Christians more often than not defend Israel.
Let’s make sure everyone’s on the same page with the ignorance, stupidity, bigotry, and hate you’re trying to propagate:

It’s your wrongheaded notion that ‘all Muslims’ are somehow ‘responsible’ for 9/11; that American Muslims are ‘suspect’ and ‘untrustworthy’ and should be prohibited from participating in the political process, where Democrats are supposedly ‘to blame’ for electing ‘potentially disloyal’ Muslim Americans to Congress.

Again, neither has America nor Democrats ‘gone insane’ – the insanity belongs solely to you and others on the hateful right who believe such nonsense.

all muslims are not terrorists, but all terrorists who want to destroy America are muslims. Its not complicated. Why are the "good" muslims so silent when their brothers and sisters practice jihad against America? Why do they not condemn the radical elements or Islam?

do you know? do you care?

The reason is that islam teaches that islam must take over the world and that any methods are acceptable, including lying about being "good" muslims.
Tens of thousands of Muslims have died fighting extremists. What have you done, pussy?
Whata Maroon, those evil Christians are coming for you..
Trying to, anyways

Christians more often than not defend Israel.
Let’s make sure everyone’s on the same page with the ignorance, stupidity, bigotry, and hate you’re trying to propagate:

It’s your wrongheaded notion that ‘all Muslims’ are somehow ‘responsible’ for 9/11; that American Muslims are ‘suspect’ and ‘untrustworthy’ and should be prohibited from participating in the political process, where Democrats are supposedly ‘to blame’ for electing ‘potentially disloyal’ Muslim Americans to Congress.

Again, neither has America nor Democrats ‘gone insane’ – the insanity belongs solely to you and others on the hateful right who believe such nonsense.

all muslims are not terrorists, but all terrorists who want to destroy America are muslims. Its not complicated. Why are the "good" muslims so silent when their brothers and sisters practice jihad against America? Why do they not condemn the radical elements or Islam?

do you know? do you care?

The reason is that islam teaches that islam must take over the world and that any methods are acceptable, including lying about being "good" muslims.
Tens of thousands of Muslims have died fighting extremists. What have you done, pussy?

tribal conflicts within islam are not fighting extremists. Its merely trying to determine which sect is in control. sunny vs, shite, kurd vs isis, etc. None of them are trying to eliminate extremism, only trying to be the one on top.

you libs don't ever know what you are talking about. I lived and worked in muslim countries, I speak from experience, whereas you speak from your asshole.
Trying to, anyways

Christians more often than not defend Israel.
Let’s make sure everyone’s on the same page with the ignorance, stupidity, bigotry, and hate you’re trying to propagate:

It’s your wrongheaded notion that ‘all Muslims’ are somehow ‘responsible’ for 9/11; that American Muslims are ‘suspect’ and ‘untrustworthy’ and should be prohibited from participating in the political process, where Democrats are supposedly ‘to blame’ for electing ‘potentially disloyal’ Muslim Americans to Congress.

Again, neither has America nor Democrats ‘gone insane’ – the insanity belongs solely to you and others on the hateful right who believe such nonsense.

all muslims are not terrorists, but all terrorists who want to destroy America are muslims. Its not complicated. Why are the "good" muslims so silent when their brothers and sisters practice jihad against America? Why do they not condemn the radical elements or Islam?

do you know? do you care?

The reason is that islam teaches that islam must take over the world and that any methods are acceptable, including lying about being "good" muslims.
Tens of thousands of Muslims have died fighting extremists. What have you done, pussy?

tribal conflicts within islam are not fighting extremists. Its merely trying to determine which sect is in control. sunny vs, shite, kurd vs isis, etc. None of them are trying to eliminate extremism, only trying to be the one on top.

you libs don't ever know what you are talking about. I lived and worked in muslim countries, I speak from experience, whereas you speak from your asshole.
They’re fighting and dying to defeat ISIS, the Taliban, Al Qaeda, etc., and you’re sitting on your fatass snowflaking your brains out. Go do something about it, pussy.
Christians more often than not defend Israel.
Let’s make sure everyone’s on the same page with the ignorance, stupidity, bigotry, and hate you’re trying to propagate:

It’s your wrongheaded notion that ‘all Muslims’ are somehow ‘responsible’ for 9/11; that American Muslims are ‘suspect’ and ‘untrustworthy’ and should be prohibited from participating in the political process, where Democrats are supposedly ‘to blame’ for electing ‘potentially disloyal’ Muslim Americans to Congress.

Again, neither has America nor Democrats ‘gone insane’ – the insanity belongs solely to you and others on the hateful right who believe such nonsense.

all muslims are not terrorists, but all terrorists who want to destroy America are muslims. Its not complicated. Why are the "good" muslims so silent when their brothers and sisters practice jihad against America? Why do they not condemn the radical elements or Islam?

do you know? do you care?

The reason is that islam teaches that islam must take over the world and that any methods are acceptable, including lying about being "good" muslims.
Tens of thousands of Muslims have died fighting extremists. What have you done, pussy?

tribal conflicts within islam are not fighting extremists. Its merely trying to determine which sect is in control. sunny vs, shite, kurd vs isis, etc. None of them are trying to eliminate extremism, only trying to be the one on top.

you libs don't ever know what you are talking about. I lived and worked in muslim countries, I speak from experience, whereas you speak from your asshole.
They’re fighting and dying to defeat ISIS, the Taliban, Al Qaeda, etc., and you’re sitting on your fatass snowflaking your brains out. Go do something about it, pussy.

LOL, fighting to defeat ISIS??? Horseshit. You think Assad is fighting ISIS because he wants peace with Israel and the west? Geez dude, are you that fricken dumb?
Whata Maroon, those evil Christians are coming for you..
Trying to, anyways

Christians more often than not defend Israel.
Let’s make sure everyone’s on the same page with the ignorance, stupidity, bigotry, and hate you’re trying to propagate:

It’s your wrongheaded notion that ‘all Muslims’ are somehow ‘responsible’ for 9/11; that American Muslims are ‘suspect’ and ‘untrustworthy’ and should be prohibited from participating in the political process, where Democrats are supposedly ‘to blame’ for electing ‘potentially disloyal’ Muslim Americans to Congress.

Again, neither has America nor Democrats ‘gone insane’ – the insanity belongs solely to you and others on the hateful right who believe such nonsense.

all muslims are not terrorists, but all terrorists who want to destroy America are muslims. Its not complicated. Why are the "good" muslims so silent when their brothers and sisters practice jihad against America? Why do they not condemn the radical elements or Islam?

do you know? do you care?

The reason is that islam teaches that islam must take over the world and that any methods are acceptable, including lying about being "good" muslims.
Tens of thousands of Muslims have died fighting extremists. What have you done, pussy?

What have you done, Black Flag? LMAO. Called some dude you don't know a derogatory term? You're such a tough guy.
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget

It's easy to say shit like this anonymously on a message board. There are no repercussions. It must make you feel like such a manly man.
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget
And yet you’re fine with Republicans electing a misogynist racist criminal who answers to Russia? Ironic wouldn’t you say?
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget

It's easy to say shit like this anonymously on a message board. There are no repercussions. It must make you feel like such a manly man.

Come to Boston and I'll say it to your face. No repercussions then either.
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget
And yet you’re fine with Republicans electing a misogynist racist criminal who answers to Russia? Ironic wouldn’t you say?

LMAO. I am still waiting for proof that he answers to Russia. I have disproven that statement of yours on multiple fronts. I am also not a Republican and I am NOT fine with idiots like Steve King.

So deantard, STFU or bring something new to the conversation.
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget

It's easy to say shit like this anonymously on a message board. There are no repercussions. It must make you feel like such a manly man.

Come to Boston and I'll say it to your face. No repercussions then either.

:blahblah:Yeah, you're terrifying. LOL. So tough.
What, now you WANT us to be wary of religious extremists? I see little difference between Muslims and the GOP's evangelicals. 2 groups that need to be toned the fuck down, but only one has any real influence in trying to impose their version of sharia on America. Hint: not the Muslims.

Whata Maroon, those evil Christians are coming for you..
Trying to, anyways

Christians more often than not defend Israel.
Let’s make sure everyone’s on the same page with the ignorance, stupidity, bigotry, and hate you’re trying to propagate:

It’s your wrongheaded notion that ‘all Muslims’ are somehow ‘responsible’ for 9/11; that American Muslims are ‘suspect’ and ‘untrustworthy’ and should be prohibited from participating in the political process, where Democrats are supposedly ‘to blame’ for electing ‘potentially disloyal’ Muslim Americans to Congress.

Again, neither has America nor Democrats ‘gone insane’ – the insanity belongs solely to you and others on the hateful right who believe such nonsense.

all muslims are not terrorists, but all terrorists who want to destroy America are muslims. Its not complicated. Why are the "good" muslims so silent when their brothers and sisters practice jihad against America? Why do they not condemn the radical elements or Islam?

do you know? do you care?

The reason is that islam teaches that islam must take over the world and that any methods are acceptable, including lying about being "good" muslims.
Why are the "good" muslims so silent when their brothers and sisters practice jihad against America? Why do they not condemn the radical elements or Islam?
You keep asking that, but you refuse to listen when others show you that Muslims DO speak up and condemn the radical elements of Islam. They refute it. They work to uproot it from their own communities.

Your excuse is a fabrication.

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